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8913457 No.8913457 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Your Mom's favorite book

>> No.8913464
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this is very mom-tier but also god-tier desu

>> No.8913469
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>> No.8913472

My diary, desu

>> No.8913474

My mom never read a book in her life.

>> No.8913475


>> No.8913486

yo how is that shit. will it make me cry?

>> No.8913489

lmao I hope my kids have a diary. I'm gonna read that shit for sure.

>> No.8913510

I think it's Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

>> No.8913531

it made me cry so yeah, maybe

>> No.8913543
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She's pretty lit as far as classics for women go. Also a really big fan of the Canterbury Tales

>> No.8913562
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She's actually fairly /lit/ (enjoyed Finnegan's Wake, loves obscure Shakespeare plays)

>> No.8913579

Murakami is the ultimate this

>> No.8913982

Franny and Zoey

>> No.8914011
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pic related
haven't read it

>> No.8914018

Some garbage like Danielle Steel

>> No.8914063

Good mums

>> No.8914070

My mom's favorite as well. She's read the Greeks and Shakespeare but never made it to any quality contemporary works(also she thinks Finnegan's Wake is rubbish)

>> No.8914080

I guess Hesse or Grass

>> No.8914341
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>> No.8914803
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can anyone tell me if its good? I don't like to talk to my mother

>> No.8914812

My mother is reading that right now. I don't think she'll like it because she mainly reads crime novels.

>> No.8914819

Oh my god, my mom too.
That makes 3 of us: wtf?

>> No.8914824

Oh! I did!
There's like 4 volumes, and it's super weird, and also pretty good.

>> No.8914827

some shitty napoleon hill book

>> No.8914846


>> No.8914863

I don't think my mom has read a book since like high school.

Who else /unintellectual working class family that you feel increasingly detached from (communicatively) in a way that simultaneously makes you feel pity and like a huge dickbag for feeling the pity and regretting the limitations caused by a plebian ubringing/ ?

>> No.8914883
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>> No.8914911

Ride the Tiger
My mom is weird

>> No.8914917

My mom died when I was nine. I don't know if she enjoyed reading.

>> No.8914922

your parents worked to get you can education at least remember that

>> No.8914932
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>> No.8914967
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I know she likes Rilke and Agee.

>> No.8915076

something by Woolf. she named my sister Virginia

>> No.8915085

I understand this feel. Just have to get over it though. Accept the difference, but be present.

>> No.8915170

Anything by Dickens.

>> No.8915358

Start easy? never to late to read.
For example me and my mother we started reading some books together, like two person book club. She's been reading more and better, also I enjoy sharing something and we have more to talk about on sundays when I call them.

And m8, they are your parents. Unless they straight up abuse you or or neglected you completely or something terrible, the fact that you're able to read, attended school, and enjoy lit right now is thanks to their work (very likely, might not be the case).
They are probably proud of you for being smarter than them.

>> No.8916209
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>> No.8916323
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>> No.8916361
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My mom's a writer and got me into reading and writing, for which I am eternally indebted to her. She's v middlebrow which is comfy, I think I would be intimidated by highbrow parents.

>> No.8916389
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She mostly reads crime novels now, I believe she read mostly classics growing up.

>> No.8916394

If a girl likes Ride the Tiger she wants you to hit her

>> No.8916515
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Her two favorite authors are pic related and Dostoyevsky, but I think this is her very favorite.

tfw ur dad found a russian lit gf, but u cant

>> No.8917021


Came here to post this word for word. Are you my brother?

>> No.8917027

I'm from a working class family and my mother reads. It's all trash, though.

>> No.8918128

The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

>> No.8918220 [DELETED] 

Did your mom tell you to read Breakfast of Champions because there is a drawing of a butthole in it?

>> No.8918229

Did your mom tell you to read Breakfast of Champions because there is a drawing of a butthole in it?

>> No.8918282

The Bible

>> No.8919797

t. Stoner

>> No.8919835

>TFW you will have a russian /lit wife
>tfw you will never raise a child with her
>tfw you will never have the kind of sincere love that lives on your entire life due to their general virtue as a human being
a-at least i assume humans love eachother like that

>> No.8919992


All you have, my friend, is another good reason not to talk to your mother.

>> No.8920171
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>> No.8920184
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I think she liked this one the best, she's from Louisiana and told me to read it when I was a teen.

>> No.8920210

you're both rubbish

>> No.8920492
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My mum hates reading. I'm convinced it's because she's intimidated and has no incentive to read besides intimidating browbeating, which will convince no one.

More worrying is what my dad likes, because he's a massive bohemian pseud but he likes similar stuff to me. My uncle at least is better, because he is the committed kind of pseud who makes short indie films.


>> No.8920617
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I don't know which book but her favourite author is Hemmingway.

Other than that she has recently been going on a lot about 'Seven Years in Tibet'.

>> No.8920781

I have no idea, the only books my mom reads are these post-WW1-pre-WW2-set-in-England novels about God knows what.

>> No.8920812


>> No.8920831
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>> No.8920837

Almost certain it's the Bible, which I guess is quite good on the literary scale

>> No.8921546
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>> No.8922195

That's an intense favorite

>> No.8922201

My mom loves Dune and pulp sci-fi, it's pretty endearing desu

>> No.8922211
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>> No.8922218

Danielle Steel or Nora Roberts were all I remember her reading.

>> No.8922810

It is possessive in the context of the story. Not my fault Joyce didn't use punctuation in the title

>> No.8923001

It's one of the Hercule Poirot books. She has them all

>> No.8923018


I'm not entirely sure my mother can read. It would explain a lot.

>> No.8923036

my mom would probably say something by king, like something accessible like stand by me or something. the furthest she has gone is slaughterhouse five. i love her but she is only decent at analyzing movies, not literature. which is fine by me, books more often than not suck ass

but i must say im reading portnoys complaint right now and am very intrigued, despite the lack of momentum

>> No.8923089

The story Stand By Me is based on is called The Body, just in case it ever comes up in a life or death trivia game.