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File: 205 KB, 1024x683, War and Peace Reading Group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8913053 No.8913053 [Reply] [Original]

It's The Current Year + 1 Edition

The reading for day 11 is B2 Part 4 Chapter 4 through (and including) Part 5 Chapter 2, pp. 529-581.

>New poll for day 11

>Ebooks and audiobook

Previous threads >>8899565 >>8894553 >>8891147 >>8887705 >>8877795

>> No.8913071

wooo, let's get back in the groove

>natasha loves going hunting

Damn, no hymen skewering for Andrei.

I have to say I can't stand Natasha. I heard she was prime waifu material, but she's just a silly little girl and we have to read again and again how almost every single character just fucking adores her. Andrei getting swept off his feet makes me think less of him too. I can't see why this marriage would end up any differently than his first. It said he loved Lize once, and after the honeymoon period he couldn't tolerate her obsessing over trivial things like dances and dinner engagements. That's Natasha all over. It's especially worrying that Natasha's youth seems to play a big part in Andrei's infatuation with her. The whole thing seems doomed to me.

As for Nikolai, I'd be disappointed if I still expected anything from him. If he really wanted to make up for the Dolokhov incident he'd be doing all he could to get his father's affairs in order. He makes a half-assed effort, washes his hands of it and devotes himself to the hunt. Good for him if he wants to marry for love but he should be working himself into the ground managing their estates to smooth the blow. The Rostovs need Petya to grow up quick and bag himself a rich bachelorette.

Pierre has relapsed into his old ways. This Pierre is more interesting than freemason Pierre desu. Why do you think Andrei and Natasha's engagement hit him so hard?

I'm slightly ahead now and I have to say I'm looking forward to tomorrow's thread.

Stand by for some memes

>> No.8913078
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>'And do you remember,’ Natasha asked with a pensive smile, ‘how once, long long ago, when we were quite little, Uncle called us into the study—that was in the old house—and it was dark—we went in and suddenly there stood …’
>‘A negro,’ chimed in Nikolai with a smile of delight. ‘Of course I remember. Even now I don’t know whether there really was a negro, or if we only dreamt it or were told about him.’
>‘He was grey, you remember, and had white teeth, and stood and looked at us …’
>‘Sonya, do you remember?’ asked Nikolai.
>‘Yes, yes, I do remember something too,’ Sonya answered timidly.
>‘You know I have asked Papa and Mama about that negro,’ said Natasha, ‘and they say there was no negro at all. But you see, you remember!'

>> No.8913082
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>‘Ulyulyulyulyu!’ shouted Nikolai.

>> No.8913086
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Hmm, been reading about these Borzois for 25 pages, should probably google what they look like.

>> No.8913091

I really hope the upcoming chapters don't make you kill yourself.

>> No.8913107
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>A third person rode up circumspectly through the wood (it was plain that he had had a lesson) and stopped behind the count. This person was a grey-bearded old man in a woman’s cloak with a tall peaked cap on his head. He was the buffoon, who went by a woman’s name, Nastasya Ivanovna.

>> No.8913232
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Reading Schedule

>> No.8913349

This isn't to do with the reading for today, but something I've just been wondering about.

What, at the point of writing War and Peace, were Tolstoy's political beliefs? How close were they to the system he espoused later in his life? I read that the title of War and Peace might come from a work by Proudhon, so was Tolstoy already familiar and sympathetic to systems of thought like anarchism, at this point in his life?

>> No.8913393
File: 298 KB, 1200x761, Tikhmenev_(1904)_Wolf_hunt_with_borzois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolf hunt with borzois

>> No.8913435

Just chiming in to say you made me laugh anon, keep it up

>> No.8913726

ah kek

>> No.8915424
File: 170 KB, 570x786, 6ab0bfb0e51fe90601927185826860e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“Well, I am like any other dog as long as it’s not a question of coursing. But when it is, then look out!” his appearance seemed to Nicholas to be saying.

>tfw the dogs are talking to me

>> No.8915479

Wtf this book...

>> No.8915487

Is it so terrible to love dances and parties? Maybe it's exactly because she isn't driven by ambition or a desire for wealth and can just enjoy her social life and unabashedly gush over how beautiful the moonlight is that makes her such prime waifu material.