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/lit/ - Literature

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8912418 No.8912418 [Reply] [Original]

He can read only English and Yiddish.

He reads translations.

>> No.8912433


I'm pretty sure he knows most of the romance languages, including ancient Greek and Latin. I remember he said he can't read Russian though.

>> No.8912443

>listening to Harold Bluhm

>> No.8912454

Listening to any anon, 2017?

>> No.8912518

>reading the canon

>> No.8912526

Who takes this guy seriously in the first place?

>> No.8912534

>Hmm, yes. There's something in Whitman that I can't pin down. Something that keeps me coming back.
>Hmm yes, Macbeth, yes. Pure phantasmagoric bliss. Hmm yes. The very best of Shakespeare's plays
>Emerson? Why he simply invented us. Hmm, yes. Shakespeare too. Wonderful writers.

I have never once heard or read anything this man has said or written that contains any substance. Nothing you could note down other than he enjoyed it. The reasons he eschews theory is because he is a professional fart-smeller.

>> No.8912610


Actually, Bloom can read quite a few languages as I recall. As >>8912433 said, Greek and Latin for one.


>I have never once heard or read anything this man has said or written that contains any substance.

You're thinking about things too Socratically. Bloom talks about poetry/drama first and foremost - you aren't going to get arguments built solely, or even chiefly, upon reason.

>> No.8912621

don't forget: he hates hard bop and john coltrane

>> No.8912658

is harold bloom the donald trump of literary criticism?

"shakespeare is the best writer. incredible writer. his characters - let me tell you - these characters are so real its like theyre real people. people all over the world love shakespeare. hes universal. this is what people are saying. hamlet, nobody ever wrote a play like that before. its phenomenal. and again, his characters, they're so real its like they're more real than me and you. the best writer."

>> No.8912663


He loves John Coltrane, but only his early stuff. He said he "could do without the spiritual stuff," or something like that.

>> No.8912683

bloom has good taste and can read really fast.

he has zero talent as a literary critic.

>> No.8912703

Reminder that aesthetics is the only worthwhile way of seeing the world.

>> No.8912708

pretty much

>> No.8912739


t. poster with no discernible talent

>> No.8912743

Yeah, you're right OP.

Bloom has so little merit that Yale went out of their way to give him his own department, rather than see him leave.

Yeah right.


>> No.8912749

@haroldbloom writes: Yale loves Bloom so much they gave him his own department. Haters continue to hate. Sad!

>> No.8912754


>> No.8912760

His voice is mellow.

>> No.8912815


However much I dislike Bloom, I will forgive him anything for taking a principled stand against the politicisation of literature. By that I mean subjecting great works to the lens of a particularly ideology, examining them for a particular cause/narrative/etc.

A Feminist interpretation of Shakespeare? A Marxist interpretation of Jonson? And so on. Can you imagine?

>> No.8912827

There is no "pure" intepretation of literature free of ideology.

>> No.8912834


>> No.8912836
File: 57 KB, 576x436, is this pleb serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There is no l'art pour l'art

Fucking Zizek posters.

>> No.8912885

he basically does a freudian interpretation of shakespeare but claims that freud originates in shakespeare, therefore its not "freudian" and part of the school of resentment

probably they want to quarantine him because he refuses to do stuff like use a computer to look up books in the library catalogue and still uses a fountain pen and refuses to teach anyone except undergrads

>> No.8912886

>l'art pour l'art

ugh, what a bourgie concept.

>> No.8912896

All educated people read translations and not doing so is a retarded /lit/ meme

>> No.8912931
File: 9 KB, 250x242, plz no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you will never have Bloom's memory or reading speed

>> No.8912937

>not listening to Harold Bloom

>> No.8912962


>I'm wholly convinced that Human memory in general has declined with the advent of TV/internet/etc

People like Bloom, who can recite whole poems/etc off by heart, are a dying breed.

>> No.8913002

Is this uncommon? I can recite all my favorite poems by heart, just because I read them so often

>> No.8913015


>Is this uncommon?

Very, apparently. I haven't met anyone who can.

Maybe I just live in an illiterate hellhole.

>> No.8913093

Is Bloom still teaching?

>> No.8913243

There isn't, never has been, and never will be.

>> No.8913664

>Is this uncommon?
Well, most people aren't autistic, anon. They don't feel that sense of safety you do, when you do the same thing over and over again.

>> No.8913670
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kys ideologue

>> No.8913678

Are Bloom's books good?

>> No.8913682

>could do without the spiritual stuff

thats the definition of pleb lol

>> No.8913697

Ascension and Giant Steps are pretty much the best albums ever.

>> No.8913721

I mean, is that statement wrong?

>> No.8913898

No, he's right. You're a pleb.

>> No.8913915

So what?

>> No.8914001

a class of undergraduates and one of post-graduates once every week in his home

>> No.8914307

poor post to start the year desu m80

>> No.8915849

He doesn't have some genetic fluke, he just reads a lot and has read a lot since childhood. If you can't see yourself reading as often as him you don't really want it anyways.

>> No.8917448

At the height of his reading he could read about half of what I read in a year in just under a week and I read between 50-80 books a year. There is more than just training going on. He is well known for his exceptional memory. It's the only possible way for him to actually comprehend and retain anything he reads at his ridiculous speeds.