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8911068 No.8911068 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best translation of The World as Will and Representation by Schopenhauer?

>> No.8911119


Bump for interest. Also how essential is it to be familiar with Kant before getting into this one? Can one with a minimal philosophy background just pick it up and do fine or are other works to set the stage necessary?

>> No.8911347

I'd say kant is quite important if you want to completely appreciate his work, there are sections which are direct critiques of kant. On the other hand, if you wanna just get a gist of his work, you don't really need kant.

I'd say it's really not worth slugging through both the fucking volumes to not fully understand everything he's saying so definitely at least go through Kent's groundworks before attempting world as will and representation.

>> No.8911351

Forgot to mention, I read the Payne translation, not sure if it's the best, but it definitely didn't seem like there was stuff missing