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/lit/ - Literature

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8910263 No.8910263 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, what do you think of Jordan Peterson's new video? Is he right?

He isn't looking so good.


>> No.8910271


This is why leftists want to bury him.

>> No.8910280

/lit/ is a board for literature, not random youtubers

>> No.8910283

Come on, this is the third thread now. Stop posting this.

>> No.8910289

sorry, I didn't see his face anywhere in the catalog but now I see the 2 other threads, I wasn't looking

this is a board for philosophy and literature you oaf

>> No.8910293

/his/ is the board for "philosophy" you retarded faggot

>> No.8910298
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>> No.8910592
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He's worried that his mish mash christfag ideology is going to be CRUSHED by Sam Harris' THICK JUICY athiest brain.

>> No.8910606

not really, seeing as they can both agree on darwinism

>> No.8910651

>starts crying
Pfffthahahah what a beta cuck

>> No.8910653

this desu, he's an r9kcore philospher.

I remember he used to posted regularly on wizchan

>> No.8910654

He's an entry level pleb.

Spent 40 years studying the exact same works over and over again just to gain enough of a proficiency in them that he can apply them everything he does.

The guy brings up the Gulag Archipelago every damn video despite it being a non-authoritative work in history, it's exaggerated a great deal.

>> No.8910656

So I tried so hard watched, and this for the first second and third and fourth and fifth time but no matter how many time but in the end it doesn't even matter: I cannot find an answer for my question? Is she does (Lain) Anischeral?

I mean, really. can somebody PLEASE help me out for answers..? instead of pushing me away and ansculting every time I try to discover.

This a a show doesn't help me for discifering the story, like a baby crawling in nets of ropes, instead confusing, especially at the end, where in confusing me. All the episodes left me confusing what is real in the show and what is just meraphorical. Does she an actual anischerality, simply or meraphorical for anternal state?

For anstanc elain shows to the equals and to the ones who have lost it a dissconnect? For years I have a belief that such an exozation characterizes her Anischerality, but perhaps after all the dedthes and envents of the show, she instead has become so numb to the nature of such envents that she dodn't connect? Many people say it has does without impact, but I can't feel you there.

Penchance anstead of Lain, of Anischeral, penchance SEL's Lain simply was a symbol to Us that even an society run on Technologues is will be subjective to all the humanity, and the same vices rutines that society has become routine and penchance her development is about breaking the habits?

I feel close as one step closer to solving this mystery. I'm about to break through, any help??

>> No.8910662

there are no answers dude
its just "write that down because it sounds deep"

>> No.8910673
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Wow, what a hack.

Speaks about himself in third person and even calls himself "life-changing".

>> No.8910677

>DR Harris is a smart guy

>> No.8910690

Well, because it counters marxist ideas so well, why wouldn't he.

>> No.8910691
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good copy pasta, I nearly fell for it

>> No.8910699

Because an intellectual would recognise its falsity and fabrications and omit them from his speech, instead, Peterson reiterates the figures and ideas without question.

He's a hack.

>> No.8910712

intellectuals are commie faggots, peterson is right to disregard intellectuaism

>> No.8910715

>he actually fucking begins to cry

lmao, what a fag

>> No.8910723

I think Peterson is a pseudo who has been rocketed to fame because he has stood up to the endemic thought regulation of western university systems.

His philosophy is a jumbled mess of Jungian psychology and idealism. I look forward to watching sam Harris destroy him.

>> No.8910728

>intellectuals are commie faggots

Hm, really makes me think

>> No.8910905

>he thinks he manages his own youtube channel
He has a patreon setup exactly so he can pay students to organize his shit for him.

>> No.8911168

>falsity and fabrications
how so? you cannot deny that many died under the soviet regime for horrible reasons. the camps are still there as a reminder.

the book argues for why and how a system like the soviet union occured. if you have better alternatives let me know.

>> No.8911179

the koran is true because it offers very effective directions for conquest and warfare, so you'd better convert to islam

>> No.8911184
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>> No.8911214

>I think Peterson is a pseudo
I think you're a pseudo

> I look forward to watching sam Harris destroy him.
Speaking of pseudos...

>> No.8911218

I haven't seen lefties get triggered this hard by an intellectual since Hitchens. He must be doing God's work.

>> No.8911225

His ideas are tepid even compared to segments of the alt-right.

He's a meme for middle-ground losers who follow Neil deGrasse Tyson because they think he's actually smart.

>> No.8911234

>A man whose core ideas are against ideologies and extremism isn't extreme or ideological enough for me
Was /lit/ always this retarded?

>> No.8911255
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is your argument really "the gulags actually weren't that bad!"

Come on dude, you can do better than that. Even if The Gulag Archipelago is exaggerated, still, millions of soviets were worked to death in these camps. The point remains unchanged.

>> No.8911266
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>millions of soviets were worked to death in these camps.
Not to downplay how horrible the gulags were, but this isn't true. Most deaths were due to illness (possibly due to malnutrition), inmate violence, failed escape attempts, and food shortages during the war.

>> No.8911291


oh ok then

>> No.8911296

what's teh most redpilled minecraft youtuber

>> No.8911300


spot the female

>> No.8911303

faggot cucklord i just want 2 know the most redpilled minecraft youtuber

>> No.8911366

>forcibly put people in living conditions where this would be inevitable
>lol technically they died of malnutrition
are you retarded?

>> No.8911386
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You are not wrong about Harris, but he will still wipe the floor with the blubbering Peterson.

>> No.8911390

>he hasn't seen all 150+ hours of Peterson lectures on Youtube
He has the richest understanding of existentialism of any public intellectual that I've come across

>> No.8911398

so he knows that it's gay and retarded? lots of people know that.

>> No.8911400

Man he sounds as if he could cry out loud any moment.

>> No.8911458

he's an outspoken, religious christian. you're fucking retarded if you think black science man fans like him.

>> No.8911480

So he's basically your typical /pol/ster screeching about degeneracy and western values, only intelligent enough to express this rubbish in eloquent terms?

>> No.8911483

i fucked your mom kike

>> No.8911495

Hitler wasn't that bad either while we're at it.

>> No.8911512

hitler was a faggot kike who raped kids

>> No.8911522

Nice try, shlomo.

>> No.8911540

for the life of me I don't understand why /lit/ gets THIS triggered by him... maybe he's on to something?

>> No.8911543


>He has the richest understanding of existentialism of any public intellectual that I've come across

I really hope you mean living public intellectual. And even then this is only true if you limit "public intellectual" to the small group of high-functioning autists popular among the reddit crowd. Which is trite since he's the only such public intellectual with any understanding of existentialism at all.

I mean he is basically just a dumbed down Heidegger, but expressed in the language of pragmatism and psychoanalysis, with incoherent and generally arbitrary references to Darwinism when it suits his mood. That might be compelling if he had an argument for why and how all those different paradigms -- each with their own metaphysics and epistemological norms -- might be brought together. But he has no discernible concern for methodological rigor or conceptual coherence. It is kind of hard to do meaningful phenomenology when your metaphysics is a messed up as Peterson's is.

>> No.8911544


It's pretty interesting, they have absolutely nothing to actually say so they stick to shaming and insults.

>> No.8911547

it's because this is a literature board, not an e-celeb board

>> No.8911558


>The guy brings up the Gulag Archipelago every damn video despite it being a non-authoritative work in history

That's not true though, is it?

Go be a teenage Marxist somewhere else.

>> No.8911564
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>This entire post

You're right. Hitler's concentration camps weren't responsible for millions of deaths. Rather, they were down to Zyklon-B and Typhus.

>> No.8911572

fuck off kike
everybody hear is to intelligent to believe in death

>> No.8911584

because /lit/ is full of depressive, anxiety-ridden wrecks who resent existence and peterson challenges their resentment in a non-sappy, religiously-inspired yet darwinian and ontologically-sound way.

>> No.8911603
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>Burying people alive isn't that bad, most deaths are due to lack of food, water, or oxygen.

Honestly anon this is one of the stupidest comments I've ever seen on /lit/ if not 4chan in general, and I've seen quite a lot of stupid comments over the years. If you haven't considered suicide yet now might be a good time to start.

>> No.8911606

he was replying to a specific claim in your post you retarded faggot
do frogniggers genuinely all have downs syndrome

>> No.8911610


>He doesn't get it

The retard is trying to imply that illness/inmate violence/failed escape attempts/food shortages had nothing to do with the gulags themselves.

Anyone with 46 chromosomes can tell you that all of these causes are connected TO, and derived FROM, the gulags themselves.

He's being hyper-technical/pedantic: "How could a 'camp' possibly kill someone? It's just a place", for example.

>> No.8911615


>> No.8911616

Yes it is, retard.

The book is full of absurd estimations based on no actual official documentation evidence.

I'm also not a Marxist, I'm a free marketeer.

>> No.8911617


>expend massive amount of calories working in Siberian gold fields
>succumb to malnutrition

Gee I wonder if there could be a connection here. This could explain why so many slave laborers die tragically and unexpectedly after being confined to a camp. Anon, I think we have a Nobel worthy breakthrough on our hands.

>> No.8911619


>I'm also not a Marxist, I'm a free marketeer.


>> No.8911622

there is nothing wrong with baseless conjecture if it sounds good to me and my friends

>> No.8911631

Doubt all you want, it's the truth. I have no reason to lie in an anonymous image forum.

>> No.8911633

literally all he said was that inmates were not specifically worked to death, and he prefaced it by saying he wasn't downplaying how horrible the gulags were. there is nothing there to suggest that he was making the claim that the gulags weren't responsible for the other forms of death he listed as more common.

which of course you know since you take issue with him being pedantic. he can't be both pedantic and making the massive claim that the gulags didn't themselves cause any deaths. that is not a minor, pedantic distinction by any means.

I don't know why you nerds have to be so moralistic and sanctimonious all the time. it is possible that someone is just insisting on nuance or even being pedantic without condoning state sanctioned mass murder. not everyone who disagrees with you over minor details is some sort of covert tankie. grow up.

>> No.8911636

You're an idiot

HM, sounds goods to me and my friends :^)

>> No.8911643

fuck you bitch

>> No.8911658


>> No.8911661

it's a false nuance. there isn't a real difference between being worked to death and dying of malnutrition in a forced labor camp. in reality, practically nobody actually dies of being literally worked to death, they die from their conditions while continually undertaking hard labor -malnutrition being one of those conditions. in any historical event where people have been said to have been "worked to death" the proportion of people actually keeling over while engaged in labor due to their heart or lungs ceasing to function would be exceedingly small. they fall ill and die because of excess labor in combination with lack of food, rest, shelter etc. you can't disentangle the labor from the conditions when assigning a cause of death in that environment.

>> No.8911675

I agree but all that means is that that poster was being pedantic. It doesn't mean that he was implying "that illness/inmate violence/failed escape attempts/food shortages had nothing to do with the gulags themselves."

>> No.8911688

reread the post, he literally states that it is untrue that millions were worked to death, instead suggesting they died due to illness possibly caused by malnutrition. he's proposing that "worked to death" does not functionally include illness and malnutrition, which it does. i am being pedantic because his pedantry is flawed.

>> No.8911720

>laughs at chronic depression

>> No.8911731

> muh mental health awareness

the only consolation here is that sooner or later all you humorless fucks are going to find suicide mighty enticing. that is if you're not faking your mental "illness" for attention.

>> No.8912803
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>> No.8912825

Hitler's concentration camps weren't so bad as long as you weren't a Jew or Slav. Their POW camps on the Eastern Front had a 55% mortality rate, which is what a real death camp looks like.

>> No.8912846

The claim that "millions" died in the gulags is false, regardless of the cause, and the vast majority of the total deaths were due to unavoidable famine during the war. It's funny how people's brains shut off when it comes to actually trying to quantify the evil of Hitler and Stalin. Just blurt out some random high sounding number and if anyone argues with you he's a nazi/communist apologist.

>> No.8912849

>His philosophy is a jumbled mess of Jungian psychology and idealism. I look forward to watching sam Harris destroy him.
It essentially comes down to science cannot adequately explain consciousness, the cultivation and tending of which replaces god. It's hardly novel but I don't think it's all that easy to dismiss.

>> No.8912851


>> No.8912854
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He's just heidegger with training wheels and some pop-science and Jung mixed in. Everytime he starts talking about evolution I can't help but roll my eyes, he fundamentally misunderstands causality itself for the sake of his non-ideolog ideology.

>> No.8912857

It's pretty hard to avoid famine when half of your country's agricultural production has been destroyed or seized by an enemy force, and prisoners are obviously going to be the lowest priority.

>> No.8912862

Can you link to the video/section you're referring to specifically?

>> No.8912863

>The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Гoлoдoмóp),[a] was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 that killed an estimated 2.5–7.5 million Ukrainians, with millions more counted in demographic estimates. It was part of the wider Soviet famine of 1932–33, which affected the major grain-producing areas of the country.
>man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine
>man-made famine
If commies weren't so stupid you'd have an argument, but they literally ARE that dumb they can't even manage feeding themselves.

>> No.8912866

>During the war
Are you illiterate?

>> No.8912870

/pol/tards laugh and jerk off to pictures of dead Turks I don't think he'd find much common fround with them. Also from what I know he's not a fan of Trump

>> No.8912871

The fact that it wasn't during the war is exactly my point, it preempts this retarded argument here

The Soviets were LITERALLY so STUPID they couldn't feed themselves, even before the war started. It's perfectly within the scope of reason to say the famines were avoidable if they just weren't so damn dumb.

>> No.8912872
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>> No.8912876

>the ruskies weren't mass murderers, all the people they starved to death during the war weren't on purpose
>why the fuck are you talking about all the people they mass murdered before the war, we're talking about WW2 here

>> No.8912878

Bruh I think you might be mentally ill

>> No.8912889

Gulags weren't affected by Holodomor which makes it a moot point. You'd know that if you actually did just 5 seconds of googling.

> It's perfectly within the scope of reason to say the famines were avoidable if they just weren't so damn dumb.
They had two completely different causes...are you really this stupid anon?

>> No.8912907

This thread has made me lose faith in /lit/. Most of you are low IQ pseuds who have never picked up a history book and couldn't think your way out of a paper bag. Even /pol/ has higher quality discussion, and they're pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.8912922

You're utterly retarded, the point is the Ruskies were obviously willing to murder millions via the Gulags or any other method if they already did it in the Ukraine in the 30s. Have you no sense of context or reason? It's pretty fucking obvious.

>> No.8912927

What a well reasoned refutation, you even invoked the /pok/ boogeyman. Truly, a rhetorical master stroke.

>> No.8912929

>shilling this hard

>> No.8912944
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He starts around 55 mins, and then for the next 10 mins he goes on to completely misunderstand/misrepresent determinism, and then Darwin. It's almost comical.

>> No.8912961

Is this some kind of priest

>> No.8912977

Not an argument

>> No.8912978

>They had two completely different causes.
Malice and...malice?

>> No.8912983

Basically, he's selling a new-new age religion. And people defend him because they want to hate trannies from an intellectual vantage point, which he sort of offers.

>> No.8913178

>Rather, they were down to Zyklon-B
Bayer corporation has some explaining to do.

>> No.8913187
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Nobody cares about trannies as much as you think they do.

>> No.8913203

jfc this guy looks like he's been on a week long bender. maybe his new wider fame is destroying him.

>> No.8913793

why is this grown ass man recording himself crying

>> No.8913862

>he's an outspoken, religious christian.

Is he actually a Christian, or just someone who sees Christian anthropology as a desideratum, although he himself is not a believer?

>> No.8913920

Pretty sure he's at least a deist. I'm sure this'll be clarified in his debate with Sam Harris since Harris always goes with the "how can you believe stories that contradict all the natural laws known to man" line

>> No.8914029

I'm not sure exactly how I feel about this guy. I watched a few of his Maps of Meaning lectures and I found them to be underwhelming, nothing at all profound as /pol/ would lead you to believe. I did enjoy his take on the paragraph of Nietzsche from BGE. I guess I'm ambivalently indifferent. He definitely has some pseud tendencies.

>> No.8914266

He is an orthodox Christian

>> No.8914310

>[citation needed]

>> No.8914340
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He's not a deist, he just thinks those self same stories have value as being informative on the nature of humanity -- particularly because all cultures evolved similar stories. It is extremely suggestive of something fundamental in man.

Sadly the crux of his argument with Harris will be one neither of them is very suited to discuss, the crux of Peterson's viewpoint is that science does not adequately explain consciousness in a way that is useful to us. Harris doesn't know anything useful to contribute there, but he will certainly meme at various tried and true atheist strawmen.

>> No.8914354

>we don't understand causality
>we're wrongly taught a Newtonian model in school
>evolution has an agenda where right/wrong exists
People take this guy seriously?

>> No.8914513

>He's not a deist

>> No.8914537

He is quite obviously a Christian and the Russian influence is apparent. But I would bet he's more of a Christian anarchist like Tolstoy, though he is heavily influenced by Dostoevsky who was Orthodox

>> No.8914626


I've watched many of his videos, he never says anything to suggest he believes in a creator. Just the reverse, he seems to think life is a slipshod thing that is mostly bad and does little to improve itself of its own natural processes.

>> No.8914793

I don't think he believes in things like demonic possession or miraculous healing, which an orthodox would.

>> No.8915183

Retarded and pseud. Nice.

>> No.8915187

Why do you think this is a valid statement?

>> No.8915249

desu this

>> No.8915346


>A mosquito laying a million eggs is a like million bets on how the future will causally unfold

Really makes you think.

>> No.8915349

spat out my tea reading the last sentence of this comment, hilarious

>> No.8915548
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Still waiting for a refutation of any of Jordan's ideas. All I see is retarded attempts at defamation of character and name calling.

Stop lying.

>> No.8915564


This is what /lit/ does best.

>> No.8915575

He doesn't HAVE any ideas, at least not in this video. Pseudo-Jungian sentimental trash, trying to refute it brings you down to his level. If you're playing a game that's rigged, you don't beat them by their own rules, you flip the board over and pull out your gun ... except we're not actors in a 1950s gangster movie, so instead we insult Peterson like the fag he is.

>the man ... he must be the ideal man... but he has the shadow part behind him of mother and child (bursts into tears)

like, dude, just shut up

>> No.8915583

>[{(refuting)}] sophists

>> No.8915619


>> No.8915728

We're the middle children of history man. No purpose or place. We have no great war, no great depression. Our great depression is our lives.

>> No.8915751

I'm unironically going to disagree with this by pointing out the 2016 Meme War and the rise of Trump. Historically, it may turn out as significant as Luther's 95 Theses.

>> No.8915760

>He has the richest understanding of existentialism of any public intellectual that I've come across
Are you really saying that he understands existentialism more than Chomsky, Zizek, Peter Singer, Daniel Kahneman, and Thomas Nagel?

>> No.8915771

Whether the ideas are Jordans are not, if you don't refute what he's saying then you are useless and you can fuck off. At least make your insults funny, use memes, do something for fuck sake. I almost fell asleep just looking at your gay ass post. like, dude, just present an argument instead of being a simple minded reductionist faggot.

>> No.8915892

hell be fine

>> No.8916365

From what I get. After watching his map of meaning and personality lecture courses is that he is trying to make an ideology that doesn't need faith, but is founded on psychological tendency. He is making a symbol of man and his struggle for purpose as the fundamental problem and trying to solve it with other symbols. For example if you have seen his lectures you will know about the hero/dragon Horus/isis order/chaos struggle he uses frequently. Saying that the condition of man is inherently suffering and only through purpose (fighting chaos/dragon for order/meaning) can we have contentment.

What I assume you find nonsensical is his idea that religion is a subconscious dynamic of symbols to determine what is moral and meaningful. The problem I guess is that he has already explained what is meaningful without religion and the need for symbols, so why does he insist we still need them? If religion is the evolution of morals, then now that we have observed them without the symbolic attachment, why do we still need religion? Just do what you said and find meaning in actual things instead of some metaphysical complex.

He says himself that you can predict when someone has fallen for ideaology when you can predict what they will say. After watching dozens of hours of his videos, I can tell when he is going to pull out the dragon and the hero archetype ,talk about Dostoyevsky, or some jungian symbol of the repressed subconscious.

I find his ideas fascinating, but he falls for the slippery slope fallacy a lot and projects his ideas on to literally everything. Is it really that wrong to try to make that comprehensive of a model though?

>> No.8917276

>Are you really saying that he understands existentialism more than Chomsky, Zizek, Peter Singer, Daniel Kahneman, and Thomas Nagel?
Easily. Half of your list are meme intellectuals anyway.

>> No.8917284

What if he used a human being as an example? His entire argument falls apart.

>> No.8917299

>His philosophy is a jumbled mess of Jungian psychology and idealism
Glad I didn't play the video, then. Into the trash compactor it goes.

>> No.8917411

What do you mean?

>> No.8917435

>He says himself that you can predict when someone has fallen for ideaology when you can predict what they will say. After watching dozens of hours of his videos, I can tell when he is going to pull out the dragon and the hero archetype ,talk about Dostoyevsky, or some jungian symbol of the repressed subconscious.
I don't think he's really right about that. You can predict what someone will say when you're familiar with their opinions and thoughts, which you would be to an extent if you've watched dozens of his videos. Maybe he means you can predict what they will say in a novel situation.

>> No.8917587

Is this the same guy who claims to have created an OS that allows him to communicate with God?

>> No.8917588

I need sauce on that image.

>> No.8917843

At first I was like, huh, I wonder what this guy's deal is. Then I saw a video called "why jordan peterson still believes in god", and I realized his opinion is worthless.

>> No.8917896
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>because /lit/ is full of depressive, anxiety-ridden wrecks who resent existence and peterson challenges their resentment in a non-sappy, religiously-inspired yet darwinian and ontologically-sound way.

This. Peterson presents a positive and life affirming something, that still manages to be rooted in intellectualism. This scares people here, who use literature and philosophy to justify their depressive failed lives rather than to improve them. Simply put they equate being sad pathetic pariahs as being intellectual, you could say they have their causality reversed, famous people are miserable because they're smart, so maybe if you embrace misery that means you can also be considered smart? Some perverse reverse application of ignorance is bliss, without having the ability or the awareness to truly appreciate the material they posture behind, which is meant to be applied and curative rather than prophylactic.

>> No.8917924

Both sides are spooked as fuck, don't kid yourself.

Not to be reductionist, but the moment someone makes wild claims about God(s), while at the same time having little interest in rigorous scientific study of the phenomena which may be connected to the existence of said God(s), choosing instead psychoanalysis and incredibly vague points of reference like "collective unconscious" for their intellectual framework, I lose all interest and sage.

And I also just had a deja vu moment, so either my fragmented long-term memory recognized this discussion from way back, or the amount of cringe ITT caused my brain to bleed.

>> No.8917956

I like your takedown of pessimists on /lit/ (I mean, you still sound like an asshole, but it's a nice takedown), but I'm a happy guy and Peterson is still a retard to me. All you're doing is arguing based on the apparent character of the people you think dislike Peterson, a kind of strawman ad hominem: "You're wrong because you're an exaggerated caricature I've made up!"

In conclusion, shut the fuck up and get off of my board.

>> No.8918099

>but the moment someone makes wild claims about God(s), while at the same time having little interest in rigorous scientific study of the phenomena which may be connected to the existence of said God(s), choosing instead psychoanalysis and incredibly vague points of reference like "collective unconscious" for their intellectual framework, I lose all interest and sage.
Peterson does none of this things.

Who wants to slander him? Are you a tranny or just a redditor?

>> No.8918111

t. brainlet

>> No.8918304

100% agree, just watch some of his lectures the guy knows his shit

>> No.8918320

most of the insults im seeing are just misinformed, you guys should do yourself a favour and watch some of his videos

>> No.8918419

He say Nihilism is worthless and said without the state this is fragmentation. Why do you like him again /lit/? He sounds like a virtue signaling cuck to me.

>> No.8918630

>guys says so and so
>no he doesn't, the video proof is right there

>> No.8918631

Lit is the most cuckest board it seems

>> No.8918659


Chaturbate model Lana Rain, my dude. You can find her videos around. Can't find the link for that specific one though. Hope that helps.

>> No.8919225
File: 36 KB, 480x480, soviet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only people who disagree with him are pseudointellectual retards that only exist on the internet

>> No.8919287

This guy is a saint desu.

>> No.8919673
File: 78 KB, 620x465, hitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this is disheartening. I've been watching his Maps of Meaning lectures for several hours but skipped ahead to this video...he actually thinks the Stanford Prison Experiment was valuable? Informative?

I now know what it feels like to have been memed. You got me, /lit/.

>> No.8919703

>he has one opinion that I dont like

>> No.8919757
File: 95 KB, 499x372, Emil Cioran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's extremely significant, it suggests he collects facts to suit theories rather than the reverse.

>> No.8919829

Mfw i sat through hours of his lectures on youtube and realised i learned pretty much nothing

>> No.8919844

you actually watch the youtube videos that get virally marketed on 4chan? lol pseud

>> No.8919845

I'm not a pseud i'm the smartest man on 4chan!!

>> No.8919857
File: 35 KB, 400x400, 1380592293715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What then is the purpose of 4chan if everything is viral marketing?

>> No.8919862

to get kids to look at pictures of the shit ur selling over and over again until they finally buy it, what else

>> No.8919881

Why are you then here?

Are...are you selling something to me right now?

>> No.8920154
File: 61 KB, 692x960, 15823548_10211415892253518_4701279584250116224_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8920164

DESU I'm not convinced anyone in this thread understands what J Peterson is talking about anyway.

>> No.8920399

peterson is a divine light in this shitty world.

I've read maps of meaning and seen all his youtube lectures maybe twice.

>> No.8921416


>I mean he is basically just a dumbed down Heidegger, but expressed in the language of pragmatism and psychoanalysis

I think you're right in your reading of this. I think he is trying to do exactly what you say and it is something hard he might be failing at until he either gets somewhere or give up.

I think that people underestimate his interest in praxis. In real life the dark secret is that virtually nothing works but the clinical psychology and psychoanalysis industry carries on largely because there is a lot of suffering around and it has to go somewhere (its easy to be cynical about 'making money' and so on but outside North America this isn't an area where anyone is going to get rich). They are, for the most part, surprisingly well aware they are little more than witchdoctors scrabbling around for something that brings relief. Its extremely catholic (small 'c'), purity is for the boutique New York shrinks which amount to hardly anyone in real life even if they are pervasive in Woody Allen films. Orthodox literary Freudians have fuck all to say to schizophrenics who've alienated their entire families for obvious reasons.

Again, that is something easy to criticise at distance but, well, you go and deal with these people then. And nobody wants to.

Question is whether anyone else had attempted this sort of thing and done a better job of it.