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8909557 No.8909557 [Reply] [Original]

>literally cries over his own shit house rhetoric performance vlog


Has he replaced meme harris, whose podcast he'll soon be on in possibly the biggest collide of unearned, smug pseudishness as the biggest hack faggot of our day?

>> No.8909567

He seems like a nice enough guy and very genuine.

Maps of meaning has a good amount of decent analysis

He isn't a part of the alt-right, and it's kind of weird he hasn't made any attempt to distance himself from them, but apart from that I can't see any reason to dislike him other than the fact that he subscribes to some fairly radically non-nihilistic ideas, which puts him against the majority of intellectuals

>> No.8909590

I love him. Thanks for sharing his podcast !

>> No.8909612

Perhaps the person most desperate to be a martyr on earth

>> No.8909616

I feel better about the new year after watching that.

He may not be part of the alt-right, but he is definitely somewhere on the right. I've watched a few of his videos, he takes small jabs at leftist thought while being a lot more lenient on the right wing.

>> No.8909625

watch more of his videos
his positions are closer to the center. Peterson is staunchly anti-ideology.

>> No.8909626

He's worked with the NDP in the past.

>> No.8909651

He's a great teacher and thinker. I see no good reason to dislike him except pure ideology

>> No.8909675

What a boring, overblown asshole. I've seen just a few of his videos and they all converge into him whining that nazis are coming back and the world's ending because muh free speech is a bedrock of humanity hurr durr

>> No.8909685

I like what this man has to say but he has to quit the constant crying. This is like the third video where he starts tearing up.

>> No.8909687


Probably because the alt-right is the most viable movement currently opposed to the left at the moment.


From what I've gathered he's definitely left-leaning. Probably doesn't spend much time criticizing the radical right because: 1) It's obvious what's wrong with them, 2) He works in academia, which is overwhelmingly left-leaning, 3) Liberalism is the dominate cultural force in the west at the moment and it needs to be challenged.

>> No.8909697

>He may not be part of the alt-right, but he is definitely somewhere on the right
What? Say it aint so! How dare someone lean the other way politically! I bet he secretly donates to the KKK and beats up gay men in alleys

>> No.8909706

>whining that nazis are coming back
Not even close to what he argues. Hes more afraid of radical leftist curriculums in academia and passing laws based on the radical leftist ideas validates said ideas

>> No.8909709

>all these alt right cuck apologists coming out of the woodwork to defend their one 'intellectual'

>> No.8909712

You'd be surprised how many young people of the university-attending classes are turning to weird throwback extremisms bro

I was kind of waiting for someone like him to eventually point out that 40 years of institutional left wing sentiment is breeding neo-Nazi LARPers with PhDs, I'm actually just surprised it took this long

He's 100% right about the free speech thing too, because it's not that the institution is left wing that's the problem, it's that the institution is overbearing and constantly moralising to stifle dissent, so whatever leaning it has is going to become "The Enemy" of people who are tired of being stifled by default

The LARPers are galvanising around some really scary shit t b h, almost entirely because they're centrists and mildly conservative people tired of being taunted by trannies, and centrism/mild conservatism aren't really culturally available to turn to

>> No.8909755

Watched until he started spewing some MRA shit about women realising themselves through men

>> No.8909766

I don't think he's a right winger but if true then it would undermine his claim not to be an ideologue and to be entirely centrist (which he does in fact claim, very often, and I do actually believe him)

No need to move the goal posts man

>> No.8909777


Name one left-wing intellectual.

I'll wait.

>> No.8909781

i've watched some of his maps of meaning lectures. he definitely seems to make the effort to remain non-ideological but to me it's rather clear that he is idealistically conservative but i think he'd be disgusted by most neocons and alt-righters. he's interesting because he might be one of the few people still living in the cold war mentality.

where's this video?

>> No.8909789

Emma Watson.

>> No.8909793


>> No.8909796

Jaden Smith

>> No.8909798
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>> No.8909799

Nowadays theres only Zizek that I follow

But in the past pretty much all of them lets be honest

>> No.8909803

Laci Green
Cenk Uygur
Franchesca Ramsey
Anita Sarkeesian
Karl Marx

Check mate shitlords ;)

>> No.8909804 [DELETED] 
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https://youtu.be/YnEFt20qe0o?t=965 [Embed] 16:05

O-oh. Women will not like this.

>> No.8909813
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O-oh. Women will not like this.

>> No.8909870

>But in the past pretty much all of them lets be honest
Youre joking right? Just because youve only read leftist intellectuals doesnt mean there isnt just as many right leaning ones

>> No.8909890 [DELETED] 

As someone who can't suppress his tears over little things even though it's really fucking embarrassing, people who cry publicly without shame really weird me out.

>> No.8909916

I like the guy but I got to say, not a fan of the crying

>> No.8909935

You guys are all faggots.

The west is falling and Jordan's among the first to say so so explicitly, shit's real -- and this man sees how bad things have gotten so SORT YOURSELF OUT IT'S NO JOKE

>> No.8909936

He mentioned his "declining health" at the begginning of the video. Is he dying?

>> No.8909954

He said shaky health, not declining

>> No.8909963

What does shaky health mean?

>> No.8909978

he caught a cold or something desu

>> No.8909999

He has days to live

>> No.8910081

>waaah the west is falling
Typical alt-right idiocy

>> No.8910083

quads of prophecy

>> No.8910092

yeah, the verb is incorrect
he should have said "the west has fallen"

>> No.8910099

dubs to counter your quads

>> No.8910108
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it's not enough... the quads are too strong.....

>> No.8910139

his distaste for leftists is only more pronounced because being a communist/marxist is fashionable in academia. I guarantee he hates right wing authoritarians just as much as the left.

>> No.8910275

Why is it that whenever anyone approaches actual intellectual profundity, /lit/ accuses them of pseudishness? Give me a single person who is an intellectual and NOT a pseud, you retarded OP

>> No.8910296

If the west is in the process of collapse it's falling, so it would be wrong to use the past tense. Anyways he wasn't commenting on my grammar, and his non-sequiteur wasn't even an argument

>> No.8910297
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>muh genetic archetypes

>> No.8910300

you're an idiot

>> No.8910304

He says in an old, old interview with TVO (where he talks about struggling with depression that runs in his family) that as a kid and "even now", he is very easily moved to tears.

>> No.8910305

I get the feeling what he's seeing has greater personal significance than what his audience has been allowed to see.

>> No.8910311


That's pretty interesting

I take back this (>>8910305) post then

>> No.8910316

t b h, Chomsky's the biggest fucking pseud that comes to mind

the disordered way in which he haphazardly builds up arguments to make a point seem purposefully obfuscated to hide the fact that he's blowing hot air and it's disgusting. same with zizek too honestly

>> No.8910318

>Peterson is staunchly anti-ideology
How very ideological

>> No.8910321

I really don't think there are. I'm not even a staunch leftists. In fact, I consider myself a traditionalist, albeit an unorthodox one. But intellectual conversation has always been slightly on the side of progressives until now.

Mind you I'm drunk and I might not actually think this, so excuse me if I'm being retarded.

>> No.8910329

Chomsky is brilliant when it comes to linguistics, its just his political stuff that leaves much to be desired.

>> No.8910337

His background in linguistics is what informs his political beliefs.

>> No.8910342
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Give me five good reasons to listen to this weakling.

>> No.8910366

I am sure he would claim that, but none of his political values follow from his idea of universal grammar say, at least as far as I can see.

Peterson just has a lot of pseud fan boys. He boils down to a classical idealist, matter is subsumed by the mind. It is all unfalsifiable rubbish.

>> No.8910367

All he does is ramble about politics now, the guy needs to just shut the fuck up and stick to playing scrabble or whatever

>> No.8910384
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That's what I figured, I saw the thumbnail of him being histrionic at a university protest and figured it was just shit that was the same tier as Alex Jones vs. Hillary Supporters videos. Am I right?

>> No.8910388

1. you have nothing better to do
2. you might learn a thing or two, even if you disagree with him
3. if you actually agree with him, its a very powerful and important message, one that could change your life if you have enough will
4. its a video, so you can play vidya and listen or play guitar and listen, etc etc
5. its fun to watch

>> No.8910390
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I enjoy his works very much, especially maps of meaning. Anyone know other works that are similar to how he interprets religion?

>> No.8910392

is he a catholic, orthodox or what?

>> No.8910394

Number four told me all I need to know about him, thanks

>> No.8910415

Well, I'm to some people it might seem that way.

Don't pay attention to this recent stuff

If you want to learn about the guy, actually watch his lectures

>judging an intellectual system by a thumbnail
New kind of laziness desu

>> No.8910416

>I am sure he would claim that, but none of his political values follow from his idea of universal grammar say, at least as far as I can see.
It's more about how vocabulary influences opinion or put another way: linguistics influences psychology. He has been involved with the military-industrial complex for a large portion of his academic career and has seen how institutions have changed over time to erode opposition to authoritarian rule.

His early work at MIT was actually instrumental for the development of modern computing technology which has had the largest impact on the military as complex weapons systems can be operated by a dumb grunt with a sub-par high school degree (the military was the largest proponent of introducing computing to the plebs in a form they could understand and Chomsky was able to give them that).

>> No.8910417

Why are you so angry OP? Did he call you by the wrong pronoun or something?

Anyways, thanks for posting the video.

>> No.8910422


Why are you so scared of interpreting ideas for yourself rather than having people tell you whether they're worthwhile or not?

>> No.8910424

He was raised Christian (not sure catholic or not) but had a fall out because he saw religion superficially.

Depends on your definition orthodox. Basically, he says religion can be arcahic (egyptian osirus) and needs updating (horus). However, it needs to be done carefully. You can't just destroy 1000 years of Christianity like the Russians and replace it entirely with a new system. Updates need to be cautious and organic in some sense. Which is why he disagrees with the compelled gender pronouns.

>> No.8910435

My guess is he's orthodox, dude is disproportionately interested in Soviet/Russian history and literature.

>> No.8910436

>he subscribes to some fairly radically non-nihilistic ideas, which puts him against the majority of intellectuals
Is that a euphemism for "christfag"?

>> No.8910438
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I'm not scared, that's why I hate him and I'm not taking any of your advice. I took quite a lot about him and you from your post it that makes you feel a little better.

>> No.8910444

thats basically a totalitarian ideology

>> No.8910445


at 21min in he explains the metahpor of sacrifice which I thought to be pretty profound.

>> No.8910449

You don't have a clue what you're talking about.

>> No.8910462

>we need to "fix" the religion to suit it to the new men

>> No.8910463

not at all

t b h yeah

>> No.8910468

what? I'm not talking about regulating the rights of people. I'm saying that if you want to make social change, do it carefully and allow free speech to take place.

nice trips btw

>> No.8910476

The word "organic" implies the complete opposite of totalitarian.

>> No.8910477

I'm not the anon you originally replied to. I just wanted to drop in and say that you have a really shitty attitude to intellectual systems and it would literally take an hour of your time to watch the first video in his maps of meaning series and see if that interests you. But you've decided not to do that. So why should anyone have any interest in what you think about the ideas of someone you aren't willing to learn about

>> No.8910483
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>trying to reason with a liberal
>thinking a liberal would ever give a fair chance to the views of a non-liberal intellectual

>> No.8910490

how about the gramsci idea of organic intellectual
for me its pretty totalitarian, except that it doesn't use violence

>> No.8910499

>dropping obscure references so that you don't have to actually make your own argument

>> No.8910504

I am admittedly pretty bad at sarcasm but lit generally does exactly that.
Liberals and conservatives both do that.

>> No.8910516

>feigning sarcasm

>> No.8910767
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>being this much of a pseud
>not understanding how ideology is constructed and how it differs from generic viewpoints constructed from reason

>> No.8910782

>Claims to believe in Christian principles
>Creates one of the most egotistical and vain videos I've ever seen

Don't believe this guy's shtick. He has an agenda, I think his principle agenda is to be remembered throughout history as a philosopher or something akin to this, this explains his constant shilling of his artwork "The Meaning of Music" as he calls it and his constant fake facial expressions during his speeches.

This is the 'sacrifice' video that he intends to be watched in decades to come. A true pseud and gross egoist.

>> No.8910794

>It is all unfalsifiable rubbish.

le popper

Kill yourself, retard.

>> No.8910795
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>> No.8910834
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>post yfw if /lit/ found his channel to be a small one, with only a few thousand views per vid, they would claim him to be the greatest philosopher of our time

>> No.8910847

Your sad devotion to the conty religion does not help you solve real world problems.
How did you come to that conclusion?

>> No.8910852
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>> No.8910857

>unearned, smug pseudishness

Just to remind you OP, Peterson actually has earned his fucking right to rant.
He's a clinical psychologist, was a professor at goddamn Harvard University for 5 years, and has been teaching at Toronto University for over 18 years.

>> No.8910863


all this fame is gonna get him addicted to groupie pussy

>> No.8910869
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i really don't understand /lit/. was it even a month ago that you couldn't get away from Peterson Is God threads? how he would fuck everyone from Sam Harris to Zizek in a debate? and now he's a hack and a pseud?

give the man a break. he's obviously stressed out, his health is bad, and does he even still know what kind of career he has going forward?

i honestly can't even tell who /lit/ actually likes. sometimes it's nietzsche; sometimes it's sam harris; then it's thomas aquinas; then it's the positivists; then it's some random fuck nobody's heard of before. peterson had his moment, but now he's on the outs - what the fuck.

what the fuck, /lit/?

>also happy new year to all you unsatisfiable trogs i fucking love you guys, never change

>> No.8910888

Peterson is genuine and you're a faggot.

>> No.8910890

Does anybody remember that thread where an anon posted a statistic that read something like 5% of posters on /lit/ make up like 90% or more of the posts?

Well how the fuck is that even possible when every month /lit/ seems to change their mind on everything? I swear, /lit/ has the most bait posts out of any board.

>> No.8910900


As long as he keeps fighting far-left ideology I'm totally fine with that. I'm the guy looks like he could use a vacation from all this moronic bureaucracy

>> No.8910914


Your problem is that you seem to have the idea that it's the same people making all these threads. We've got wanna-be marxists, nazi's, literary lifestyle tryhards, trolls, a smidgen of actual conversation, subtle smut, shitposters, genreshit lovers, did I mention trolls

>> No.8910915
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And I'm not liberal. It's that becoming interested and invested and prostrated to somebody else's thoughts and ideas is the biggest and most brutal sign of be a pseud.

>> No.8910930

Believing that you're smarter than every single great thinker that has ever existed is the sign of a complete retard with delusions of grandeur.

>> No.8910935

>5% of posters on /lit/ make up like 90% or more of the posts

that explains it. it must be the chaos gods, nick land, a 400 lb fat guy in new jersey and like three or four other people tending the meme hearth fires. they just own the whole place. it's their world and we're just passing through it

everything makes sense now

>> No.8910962
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Seeing is believing.

>> No.8910968

Mircea Eliade.
Maps of Meaning is an amazing book but it essentially is just a summary of Eliade's work. Read the Sacred and the Profane. Eliade was influenced by Evola and Guenon but is more anthropological in his approach than mystical. I would also recommend Joseph Campbell and Rudolf Otto.

>> No.8911162


>> No.8911625

Yeah that's why he planned a 20 minute video and letter, very 'genuine'.

I have no doubt the crying was planned too.

>> No.8911632

Youtube videos can't be genuine?
Imagine being such a cynic. sad!

>> No.8911650 [DELETED] 


>I have no doubt the crying was planned too.

Na. He doesn't seem like the type to sully his message with perverse ploys like that. I don't see it.

But the crying is a bit much and I think he should try to curb that - he's a grown man, after all - but I think it's genuine.

You sound overly cynical.

>> No.8911652

I love le gender defender man ;^)
show em dumb trannies, Jordy

>> No.8911662

>the demented state of affairs caused by leftists isn't worth crying over

if you are educated and have over 100 IQ you cry yourself to sleep every night because of the modern left and the implications of their behavior

>> No.8911669

I am too intelligent to indulge in useless emotions like crying.

>> No.8911672
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>> No.8911676
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Absolutely disagree with you. Zizek, when in direct conversation with other intellectuals or explicitly discussing a political question of some sort is very precise (especially in written form, see his articles on "inthesetimes" for example). The rambling and chaotic tirades usually happen when he is on his own, giving a talk or, as he usually does, just improvising

>> No.8911683

low iq beta male/woman detected

superior intellects use their minds for reasoning and logic, not for emotions.

>> No.8911686
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>> No.8911689
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>> No.8911692

I find zizeks articles for general readerships to be all over the place in terms of quality and clarity. some of them seem like he's just rushed them out.

his books on the other hand are better. he is far from the obscurantist his critics make him out to be.

>> No.8911699

He's too good for this world.

Also he will stomp Sam Harris

>> No.8911707

this guy has gone over the fckin edge lmao

joe rogan must have slipped him a lil something somehting hyuk hyuk hyuk

>> No.8911709

you can waste your time on petty insults but I've made it exceedingly perspicuous that I don't waste my time on emotions (unlike beta males/women), and therefore cannot be emotionally injured through your attempts.

I would insult you back but honestly I don't even think in those terms. since efficient intellects aren't given to wasting their time on immaterial emotions, it wouldn't even occur to me to try to make someone feel bad by insulting them. I simply don't have the womanly reflex to engage in emotional, irrational manipulation in that way.

>> No.8911711

>leftist humor

>> No.8911712

This is Peterson on Alpha Brain

>> No.8911713

good post

>> No.8911715

>tfw too autistic to know what Being is

>> No.8911718

I am a libertarian, not a leftists.

I don't even know how you came to that conclusion. There is nothing in leftist ideology that is compatible with reason. Leftism is 100% emotional (womanly).

>> No.8911722

praytell, how much does this "being" weigh? in which unit of measurement does one measure "being"? of which substance is it composed? which field of scientific inquiry is devoted to the empirical observation of this "being"?

>> No.8911723
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Can't wait for Based Sam to humiliate this pretentious fuccboi

>> No.8911728

Does anybody feel like Sam Harris is just waiting for an opportunity to renounce atheism? It's like he's just looking for a way out after new atheism got out of style. He writes a bunch of books about spirituality too.

>> No.8911734

Does Peterson ever mention Plato or Aristotle in his work?

A lot of what he says would be explained better by referencing them both. I feel that Peterson's heart is in the right place but his grasp of philosophy is poor.

>> No.8911739

What will they be arguing about?

>> No.8911740

No, they can't.

As evidenced by the fact he planned a 20 page letter and the crying too.

Are you a retard?

>> No.8911745

Not an argument

>> No.8911752

Something planned can't be genuine?

>> No.8911756

So don't even think of buying something for your mom on mothers day, that would not be genuine

>> No.8911763

Epic false equivalence.

The point I'm making is that I doubt the crying was spontaneous.

>> No.8911764

is it alright if I get your mom something for mother's day?

>> No.8911767

Give me a single argument for why you think the crying was fake
Give her ur dick!

>> No.8911771

Listen, retard.

I can tell a charlatan when I see one.

Guy was probably thinking about it whilst writing the letter.

Hm, I know what'll make this more poingnant, I'll cry during it HM!

>> No.8911776

So you have no argument, okay.

>> No.8911783

Got him, now people can claim he is a misogynist
>How dare he tell women what to do with their bodies
>Muh overpopulation

>> No.8911785

Brainlet thinks opinions should be based on arguments lol!

>> No.8911786

Come back when you can back up your position with arguments, kiddo

>> No.8911788


This is what bothers me about him. He is a psychologist talking about philosophy. He sometimes completely misses the point of some philosophers and arrogantly dismisses them, like when he talks about Derrida or post modernism in general. (he said he just recently read Heidegger and liked him, so maybe he'll come to his senses later)

I really like his lectures on youtube. They inspired me to read more about Jung.
He can talk about religion in the language of atheists and therefore he is the best antidote to fedora atheism

>> No.8911789

Back up your position that you like the taste of your favourite food.

Oh, can't do it? I thought all opinions are based on le rational argument!


>> No.8911792

Not the same, try again!

>> No.8911793

desu i think he's a bit paranoid

bill c 16 says you can't discriminate
wasn't that the bathroom bill?
does not calling someone by the right pronoun count as discrimination?

i want every reason to hate sjw social fascists by the way

>> No.8911797


>This is what bothers me about him. He is a psychologist talking about philosophy.
>Implying you have to be one or the other

Nietzsche considered himself a psychologist, first and foremost.

>> No.8911800

Couldn't do it could you :^)?

Better luck next time, brainlet.

>> No.8911805

You're being sarcastic, I can tell.
Good to know, wouldn't want someone this dumb to be on this board!

>> No.8911810

Still can't do it, can you buddy:^)?

>> No.8911811

Actually understanding what he has to say might make you feel disgust when looking at chicks with MAGA caps

>> No.8911838


This is your brain on Ayn Rand

>> No.8911861

but libertarianism is inherently anti-reason. it places human life and liberty above all which is an absurd and unfounded value. reason, continuing our existence along the rational outline set forth by nature requires a ruthless collectivism and the transcending of ego. humanity is not a rational creature. it is an ego filled madman, it desires more than rationality or efficiency or progress it deserves more!!!!!!! it deserves to let itself become swallowed by ego until there is nothing left! and that is what libertarianism is

>> No.8911878
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he's a communist troll ignore him

>> No.8912205

He's alright, but he needs to go one step further and admit that race/ethnicity matters.

>> No.8912214

lel he sounds exactly like Kermit the frog

>> No.8912266

>empirical observation of being
>being this retarded
wew lad

>shitposting this hard

But is it really possible for societies to even transcend the ego? Is it better to live life as a progressive slave or a destructive free agent?

>> No.8912272

Progressive slave, obviously

>> No.8912285


>> No.8912292

rofl xD


>> No.8912298
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>> No.8912557

It's better to have slaves only when you're the master. I'm willing to bet you wouldn't give up your freedom for the sake of the whole world. And even if you did who's to say it would make you happy?

>> No.8912682

newsflash: calling anyone a fuccboi basically means that you should be operating a popcorn machine in the parking lot for the people who are actually going to learn something from the conversation, retard. harris and peterson are two gentleman who are going to have a conversation about what to do with a planet that is all but entirely overrun with insecure mouth breathers like you

you are a goddamn primate and you know nothing

>> No.8912751

>t. slave mentale

>> No.8912762

>each of us must take the world on our shoulders, in so far as we are capable of that

'Capable' is a strong word.


>> No.8912833

Camille Pagila

>> No.8912848

>dude my society is going to last forever because reasons
>if u disagree ur dum