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8909072 No.8909072 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I hate this so-called poetry /lit/? Seriously, give me a good answer as to why this poetry book and this style of poetry is grotesque. My heart feels disgust when reading it, but I cannot put my tongue on as to why it is such shit.

>> No.8909080

>"Rupi Kaur is a contemporary Canadian feminist poet[...]"
Stopped reading there desu

>> No.8909083

does your inability to find your own words really justify polluting everybody else's toilet with something that supposedly disgusts you

>> No.8909125

Like it would matter if you shit in a toilet and I barf in it too; both are gross

>> No.8909141
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This poet is currently on the bestsellers list

This poet, who wrote this poem

This is literally a sentence with line breaks

>> No.8909162


>> No.8909206

breaking up your 2 am journal entry into 11 separate lines doesn't make it poetry

>> No.8909248
File: 534 KB, 795x1193, RupiKaur_crBaljit-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's why I dislike Rupi Kaur and the large following she has acquired.

The poetry she writes takes no effort to write. Take a look at a poet like Ezra Pound and what he was able to do in only two lines and then look at the shit that she writes. Anyone can write this. I'll write one right now.

He told me to be quiet
I guess men will
always be afraid of
the roar of a lioness.

There. And young women who are already being told that men want to oppress them in every way eat this shit up and share it on Instagram like it's empowering somehow.

She's just encouraging the demand for this drivel. The fact that there is a market for "I have a vagina so I'm a victim and life is hard" just boggles my mind. It's just easy. It's easy to tell young girls that they have it really hard and then give them a book full of half-paragraph poems telling them that they are strong.

Do you understand how easy it would be if there was a demand for this kind of shit for men? I would be a famous author by now. Just writing one sentence lines to other men telling them that despite what the evil world says, they're actually powerful.

Just pathetic.

>> No.8909288

>Do you understand how easy it would be if there was a demand for this kind of shit for men? I would be a famous author by now. Just writing one sentence lines to other men telling them that despite what the evil world says, they're actually powerful. Just pathetic.
so prettt much a book of redpill poetry

>> No.8909293

Actually, yes.

However, I feel like "redpill poetry" isn't celebrated by the masses like Kaur's work is.

>> No.8909314

Because she doesn't know the first thing about poetics and thinks that "free verse" is an excuse to make ugly poetry

>> No.8909320

>reads William Carlos Williams once

>> No.8909471


>implying that one guy won't come to tell you this is on the same level or better than Keat's poetry

>> No.8909532


How disappointing. Here I was thinking this was good because a book of poems was on a bestselling list.

Nope, its not poetry, its political and ideological agenda from some SJW feminist.

>> No.8910405

what the fuck does WCW have to do with this

>> No.8910844

I hated it too. I think it's because through her attempt at being genuine, it becomes disingenuous. Her use of line breaks made her poems even more incredibly irritating to read. If anything, it seemed like she wrote her poems to fit within the parameters of Instagram--not just appealing to the primary users of Instagram, but the actual aesthetic confines of what fits in an Instagram post. I'm just speculating about the Instagram part, but I think her success has largely derived from her presence on Instagram (again, I'm not 100%).

>> No.8910870

Why do all contemporary poets (female) use free 'verse'?

>> No.8910913
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Here is a much worse example.

>> No.8910919
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Pithy little witticisms are the best she can produce.

>> No.8910923

Traditional verse forms are patriarchal and literary education was designed to oppress women. Strong women rebel by writing poetry without having read any poets or done any serious study of literature

>> No.8910926
File: 37 KB, 650x623, wowsoinspirational.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of it is this "inspirational" dross that is wholly lacking in all artistic merit.

>> No.8910933

But how is meter oppressive

>> No.8910966

>I think her success has largely derived from her presence on Instagram
It's because Chapters is selling all her books 50% off

>> No.8910996

wtf does that """poem""" even mean? If you have the power to fail, you have the power to not fail? Just complete shit

>> No.8911020

If you have the power to fail, you have the power to succeed. Succeeding is 'not failing' but the two are different.

But also it could be read that one has resilience and can rise after falling.

>> No.8911304

You know those little books of proverbs and aphorisms that old Christian ladies like to keep around their house? Reminds me of those.

>> No.8911466


water aint soft

>> No.8911477

>all you have to do as a woman to be considered a publishable poet is write aphorisms with line breaks
Damn, really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.8911490

Terrible, just terrible, I think poetry gets worse every year

>> No.8911517

I think he was referring to the cadence of the poem in OP's post being reminiscent of WCW. Her poetry does kinda read like a shitty imitation of WCW's free verse and imagistic poetry, except the entire subject matter is just "woMYN r THE BEST ;))"

>> No.8911549




>> No.8911560
File: 70 KB, 620x620, 9r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post yfw

>> No.8911571

Jesus H. Christ.

>> No.8911583

Actually the drawing there represents mfw quite well

>> No.8911590


THIS is poetry? It's like I'm reading gift cards.
Hate to use the term but this is Cultural Marxism: the complete destruction art for political ideology.

>> No.8911644


Somewhere in Greece another chipped column is falling to earth.

>> No.8911656

when twenty year old tumblr girls have publishing money

>> No.8911666

Carpe Diem motherfucker

>> No.8911670

With a gentle touch isn't it though?

Now, colliding with water from a high enough free fall is another thing...

>> No.8911835

Why are you surprised? Victimhood sells.

>> No.8911839

he was being ironic u mongo bongo

>> No.8911844

>Just writing one sentence lines to other men telling them that despite what the evil world says, they're actually powerful.

So, Nietzche? lol, still 200 years ahead of this choco ho

>> No.8911845

>u could fail, but u could also not fail


>> No.8911852

That settles it, i will write a poetry collection of immense pandering under a pseudonyme and become rich.
70 poems like this wouldn't be too hard to bash out in like 3 days, right?

>> No.8911900

Nah, you need to build a following too.

Rupi Kaur was able to get published because she built a following on instagram and she scored a Milo.

Milo became popular when he got banned from twitter.
Rupi became popular when some of her photos on IG were deleted because they had a bit of blood.

After that, Milo went to the TV and began to do boring, ignorant and repetitive talks.
Rupi published a book of bad poetry. 'muh u dont understand art'

>> No.8911921


I get it, many people don't like blood, but the article has a point. Deleting pictures because they have a bit of blood is ridiculous. They were acting like if it were poison that was going to get them and eat them, they should have just ignored it. Who cares.

>> No.8912258

Is this real?

>> No.8912268

What's a good intro to poetry book. I'm a science fag who didn't take much lit in high school and college.

Reading Rumi and really liking it.

Any entry level recommendations are appreciated as well.

>> No.8912274
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pic related

>> No.8912351

iirc shes some rich indian girl from canada whos parents paid a ton of money helping her market. my female saw her live and said she was really awful.
think most of her audience are the same type of women who still watch the hallmark channel and lifetime movies
don't hate her really.

>> No.8912359

>Cultural Marxism

When will this shit end

>> No.8912541

>reading rumi and really liking it
ok well step one is poetry isn't a pandering sentence with line breaks that makes you feel "deep," fucking pleb
honestly, start with robert frost or walt whitman, and maybe some t.s. elliot.

>> No.8912550

>my female

>> No.8912571

The generic inspirational quotes ones are rubbish, but I actually like this one.

>> No.8913268
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There actually a few "poets" who have been published solely due to posting their work on Instagram.
Tyler Knott Gregson is one example.

>> No.8913296
File: 123 KB, 614x1230, 1458651888276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poetry died two centuries ago, desu

>> No.8913454

maybe try posting a better quality pic, anon. that one is hard to read

>> No.8913502

im asking the feminists you rhubarb rubber

>> No.8913516
File: 647 KB, 618x618, 1464926765152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if u cant handle me at my worst u dont deserve me at my best ;P

>> No.8913561

norton anthology of poetry or bloom's best poems in the english language

>> No.8913770

Should I buy complete works or books they had published?

Specific recommendations are appreciated.

>> No.8913956

complete is fine for robert frost, but for whitman i would start with leaves of grass. maybe a small anthology for ts ellitot, def dont start with the waste land. save that one for when you've familiarized yourself with lots of poetry

>> No.8914028

Rumi is popular but untranslatable, what is profound poetry is Persian is reduced to boring aphorisms in English translation

>> No.8914032

Poetry died in the 1970s with the confessional poetry movement

Fuck Plath and Lowell

>> No.8914058

Free verse isn't bad by itself but most contemporary "poets" just take it as a license to be lazy fucks who use line breaks instead of punctuation in a regular paragraph and call it poetry. If you're not using a rhyme scheme or any kind of meter you should at least try to focus on the imagery and establish an aesthetic flow of thoughts. These types of "poets" don't even try on the most basic level.

>> No.8914076

Free verse is incredible, if it's done well (i.e. Whitman, Cummings, etc.). But here it's just laziness, like those people that write "microfiction" because they're too lazy to write a full length novel.

>> No.8914096

Edgar Allan Poe
Lord Byron
Walt Whitman
Charles Baudelaire
Alfred Tennyson

Just to name a few.

>> No.8914113

The obsession with period blood is so unnerving. Fucking clean yourself. You bleed for a few days a month, good job kiddo strong womyn

>> No.8914133

It'd be like if men started obsessing over our erections as 2DEEP "artistic" symbols of masculinity.

>> No.8914149
File: 223 KB, 597x448, nutstothis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan on doing just that but I'll cut a hole in my jeans and let my balls hang out. Maybe cover them in glitter and go to a club and stand in for a discoball

>> No.8914153

>The obsession with period blood is so unnerving.
Who is obsessed? Not me.

>Fucking clean yourself.
Uh, women do clean themselves. Are you talking about that picture with the blood on the bed?

>> No.8914189

I'm not saying women do this; I know for a fact plenty of women repulsed by the idea, but a plethora of the recent wave of young "feminists" had a trend that they would go around while on their period, just letting it flow wherever. They called it "freebleeding" and sought to destroy the concept that being on ones period was a shameful time...which it isn't. It's natural and frankly no one wants to see that.
If someone is bleeding in public (be it period or otherwise) folks will have some concerns.

>> No.8914192

Because meter requires boundedness, which aligns with the western world's traditional definition of men's bodies as whole, complete, bounded, and always maintaining their integrity. It therefore structurally copies the physical aspects of maleness. While womens bodies are traditionally incomplete, leaking in multiple ways, and lack integrity (they leak from within and are penetrated from without). Women now 'own' this misogynist notion by insisting on writing free verse, unbounded by meter and overflowing line separations. This is all bullshit I just made up.

>> No.8914199

A handful of radfems did this for a while

7chan grabbed a hold of it and created sockpuppet accounts to pretend that more than a few people actually did it or that it was in any way socially acceptable

>> No.8914212

The first one posted isn't actually that bad, but

this is really bad.

>> No.8914223

Hmm, yeah, I know.

I do remember a report on some radical jews who thought that women on her period were toxic or impure or some shit like that and they wouldn't touch our even be in the same room as them lmao

I think that's as extreme, ridiculous and ignorant as the freebleeding girls.

There're reasons to no use tampons but pads and cups are fine, as far as I know. And using a pad is pretty much 'freebleeding' but without making a mess. Although sometimes accidents can happen and it's way more embarrassing and uncomfortable for the woman than for the rest of the people.

I'd like to think that some girls what want is to make it a non-taboo topic, but I don't really see how this kind of act can actually have an impact.

>> No.8914258

The sad part is things actual third wave bell hooks style feminists say don't even sound all that different from this.

>> No.8914273

I can see people defending that argument.

>> No.8914283


That sounds surprisingly like actual feminist """""thought""""""

These are the people who think that "masculine" rigid mechanics are unfairly privileged over "feminine" fluid mechanics.

>> No.8914432

Just start with selected poems I'd say if you're just trying to get a better understanding of what they're about and how they write.

>> No.8914465


Ezra Pound
Sylvia Plath
Frank O'Hara
William Carlos Williams
A.E. Housman
W.B. Yeats
Andrew Motion
Scott Cairns
Evie Christie

>> No.8914665

I think plath did a fantastic job focusing on imagery. While it was confessional that's what made it so specific. (example: Black Rook in Rainy Weather). Although desu plath needed cool it with the rooks.

>> No.8914687



Disregard this guy

and follow other suggestions

>> No.8914875

>Fuck Plath & Lowell

It's more like fuck the people who tried to emulate them and didn't have the ear for it.

Daddy is still one of the most amazing poems out there. The lyricism is childish but it's completely brutal in its subject matter, and I don't think anyone else has managed to write a poem of its type even till now. Even a hardcore snob Classicist like George Steiner gave it props in his essay on Plath, calling it the 'Guernica of Contemporary Poetry'


And you're just not reading the correct Confessionalists. Have you tried Snodgrass?


>> No.8914972
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This type of shit also

>> No.8915095

bloom's best poem's in the english language is fucking great for starting out.

>> No.8915098

fuck poe. the rest are good.

>> No.8915105


lol who wrote this

>> No.8915113


>> No.8915116
File: 1.44 MB, 1024x1536, dogon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love you.

Best literal, literally the best, the breast post of the thread.

You actually made me laugh.

Now I'm stuck typing about it because I started. I don't know why I'm still going. There's no point to this. I should've stopped at "lol", but this being a literature board I felt I should add a little more.

But isn't the point, generally, to get your point across as exactly as possible? Wouldn't "lol" have sufficed? Why would I continue this bit?

Ah! Perhaps my point was to make a point without a reason. Can one make points without reason? HAHA!

I need, need friends. I really, really need friends. I'm probably gonna wind up in a graduate program because I need the social stimulation and cannot find it off a campus.

Oh, and more generally, this rupi person...

It's the triteness I hate. Nothing new, rephrasing things poorly with no value to me. I suppose it's not for my demographic, though, eh? It's designed for people who need a hand when they're dragging and haven't thought too much in their lives, or are apparently incapable of thought at a higher level at the point they're at, for whatever reason.

No, she's awful. But this shit's always being published. I'm sure there was Greek trash, too.

Remember, Socrates was murdered.

>> No.8915180

its called "Diary of an oxygen thief"

>> No.8915345

Tumblr girls love it, go look at any 17 year olds Instagram and you'll see that picture

>> No.8915399
File: 79 KB, 539x506, trigger warning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not leaving a trigger warning at the beginning of your poem

>> No.8915416

Yes, just like all those great and memorable poets that warned their readers about difficult topics so they can be avoided.

>> No.8915427

She probably knows she is not going to be either great or memorable. That's beside the point.

>> No.8915449

ok this one was pretty good

>> No.8915468

You should read A Pound of Pound Pounding Pound in the Pound while Pound Pound Pound

>> No.8915897

Dear diary,
I would like to inform you,
That I fapped,
Three times this
morning, evening and night;
I have fapped to John Green,
And lolis,
Aswell as well as when reading Lolita.
I love you,

>> No.8915934

>my girl-child

>> No.8916445

Why not these?

>> No.8916749

Plath is actually amazing. What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.8916754

Bell Hooks isn't a third wave feminist. She's second wave and a genius

>> No.8916760

it's modern so you read it to enjoy hating it

>> No.8916766

Oh my fucking god i'm literally shaking right now.

>> No.8916989


What is it with these poets and refusing to use capital letters? Are they a patriarchal construct or something?

>> No.8917076

Capital letters imply some letters are more important than others and deserve special treatment. It's anti-egalitarian.

>> No.8917086

I think EE Cummings was the first one to do that

>> No.8917099


thanks for an informed post

>> No.8917127

it is about her original language not having capitals, it has admittedly a theme of back 2darootz(which alot of her poems are about, creating a running thread but the novelty wears off after one poem/after you hear about in general.

it does not make her form or writting any much less shit either, it adds adds one theme that could be appreciated by just thinking about the concept and not reading any more then the bare minuim of her poetry (or reading this post).

you can argue that many novels/poems have conceptual themes, but they have to be discovered or explored organically to be fully appreciated - this is just a slightly (admittedly) neat gimmick that isnt even "that" deep.

>> No.8917132

Forgive me for the posts grammer/mistakes, you caught me phone posting red-handed. Sorry.

>> No.8917229

The gods will allow it.

>> No.8917405

cool drawing tho

>> No.8917541

My god, this person is not a poet. This is not poetry. It is garbage.

>> No.8917678
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>> No.8917683

kek, better than rupi desu

>> No.8917702

i don't use capital letters when typing unless i'm writing a letter or a published article. for me, it's an aesthetic choice; for her, who knows or cares.

see german: where every Noun is capitalized.

>> No.8917716

She must have taken that literally off a tumblr inspiration picture. Wtf.

>> No.8917854

Any good modern poets?

>> No.8917894

Depends on what you mean by modern, but the answer is yes.

>> No.8917916

It's a shame you can't name any.

>> No.8917920

He probably can but you'll just dismiss them like a sophist

>> No.8917961
File: 81 KB, 1300x957, easter-baby-duck-costume-girl-wearing-chicken-hat-diaper-cover-studio-isolated-52345379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What looks like a duck...

>> No.8918347

john ashberry, william stafford

>> No.8918435

its okay famalam i found that funny too

>> No.8919003

Is this piece supporting abortion??

>> No.8919199

This is more poetic than anything I've seen rupi kaur write.

>> No.8920630
