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/lit/ - Literature

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8908569 No.8908569 [Reply] [Original]

Who /genrefiction/ here?

It's so much comfier to settle down into a world of imagination and fun, rather than a dusty old 'classic'.

>b-but the canon will make me smarter

>> No.8908655

I don't subscribe to the genre fiction/"real" literature dichotomy because I'm not a fucking idiot.

>> No.8908663

I find science fiction more boring than classics.
>woo spaceships
>woo lazers
What am I eight?

>> No.8908677

all fiction readers are manchildren anyway
might as well be watching a soap opera

>> No.8908693

You have a general, please stay there

>> No.8908695
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I alternate between reading classics and reading the Horus Heresy series. Get on my level.

>> No.8908761


But classics are arguably more imaginative works.

>> No.8908765

>unironicaly reading any Warhams books except Ciaphas Cain
I shiggy diggy doo

>> No.8908773

>le classics are all boring and victorian meme

>> No.8908790

I enjoy the classics but I'll sometimes read a fantasy/sci-fi novel right after if I hated the so-called classic.

>> No.8908803

I honestly tried to enjoy genre fiction but I can't. It's just usually so shit. I much prefer more "intellectual" books it must be because I'm so smart )))))))

>> No.8908810

Some genre fiction is great, but most is shit imo.

>> No.8908818

Keep you cancer contained in your trash general.

>> No.8908862

We don't read classics to become smarter, but because they are better works of art

>> No.8909178

>a world of imagination
Imagination has its limits.

>> No.8910560
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>lean into mic

>> No.8911275

i read alot of both but that pic always pisses me off

>> No.8911294


>> No.8911446

Write with utmost verisimilitude with imagination then

>> No.8911496
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Too Literate for SF
Too SF for Literature

>> No.8911499

Just started exploring fantasy. I've enjoyed The Wizard Knight but hated the first two ASOIAF books.

>> No.8911500
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>> No.8911505

Lord Dunsaney
E.R. Eddison
Evangeline Waltons
Robert E. Howard
C.L. Moore
Fritz Leiber
Poul Anderson, mainly sf writer but did two killer fantasies in the 1950s
Ursula K. LeGuin
Tim Powers
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Gene Wolfe

>> No.8911553

reeks of both smugness and insecurity

>> No.8911697
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I like science fiction and fantasy (as in fantastical elements, not high fantasy) but I feel like I've exhausted it and whatever new I pick up is just boring and simply not very intelligent or well written. Maybe it is due to the genrefictation, no modern writers really interest me.
Also "proper literature" is not necessarily dusty or dull. Just pick adventure literature if mundane human interaction doesn't serve to entertain you. A lot of proper literature also has fantastical elements, it's not just all people sitting around speaking about their feelings. It's still fiction.

>> No.8911779

I read LotR once a year. That's enough genre for me.

>> No.8911830

Nice dichotomy.

Why can't I enjoy both?

>> No.8911862


this is a deeply, heavily, sweatily autistic post. unbelievably autistic