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/lit/ - Literature

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8908254 No.8908254 [Reply] [Original]


Wow, really made me think. When did black people become such literary masters? To think, we've been holding them back from their genius in letters for all these years

>> No.8908258

Pop it. Don't lock it. This is your chance now shock it. Ooo yeah. Do it. This is your time! This is your night! YEEEEEEAH

>> No.8908269
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>> No.8908270
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>mfw every single person on the list is a non cis-white male

It's beautiful

>> No.8908298

Missed in a dark room

>> No.8908300

>written by a white male

>> No.8908301

It's Buzzfeed, just ignore it.

>> No.8908303

They truly can only write about race.

>> No.8908316

the jews are the enemy of the black man

they control the tv which is making kids gay

>> No.8908325

Thinking about race is the peak of nigger intellect. It's quite funny.

>> No.8908406

I genuinely have no problem with the article, because I haven't read and I don't intend to.

OP on the otherhand feels some insane obligation to read it for me and post it here, because OP is a faggot who can't seem to stay away from his late teen targeted clickbait.
Kys desu.

>> No.8908426

I know Americans love collapsing various ethnic identities into “white people” and “black people,” but this is ridiculous. Just because “African-American” is an ethnicity unto itself, does not mean that all black people elsewhere share such a unified identity and experience. Edwidge Danticat and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie are as different from Toni Morrison and Colin Whitehead as Margaret Atwood is from Leo Tolstoy. Grouping them all together in such a way is reductive.

>> No.8908430

>Is your favorite contemporary black author not on this list? Tell us in the comments below!

They did it on purpose goddammit.

>> No.8908447


>primarily black people
>mostly women
>only white males are gay
What did they mean by this?

>> No.8908462
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the burgers mind are simple ones.
they literally can only think of terms of white and black (lel)

>> No.8908464

You guys have no idea if any of these writers are shit or not. I get that it's a buzzfeed article but this is just as stupid as SJW's blowing off classic writers for being cis white males.

>> No.8908475

straight white males never produce anything of any literary merit because all their problems aren't real. Oh and their inherently racist

>> No.8908485


>> No.8908487


>You guys have no idea if any of these writers are shit or not.

We're allowed to take an educated guess.

>> No.8908493

Lmao, the first author should be read because her book is being made into a TV show. Jesus Christ.

Why is Toni Morrisson on the list? Isn't she read in every high school in America?

Marlon James is good and I'm excited to read Paul Beatty's The Sellout. Edwidge Danticat sounded interesting from her description but she writes YA, so I can only imagine how watered down her themes are. I've read Adichie; half of The Thing Around Your Neck. The premises of the stories were interesting but I found her prose really bland. Also, I've read and heard (from mostly liberal sources) that Colson Whitehead's newest book about the Underground Railroad is absolute shit, a trite cash in on the white obsession with feeling bad about black people.

It's fucking absurd to group all these authors together based only on skin color. Reductive is exactly what it is. They all share an affinity based on skin color, sure, but it's diluting their personal cultural identity into one singular thing - their fucking skin color. It's these retarded misguided white liberals that make all white liberals look like they're frothing at the mouth for white guilt.

>> No.8908510
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>They all share an affinity based on skin color, sure, but it's diluting their personal cultural identity into one singular thing - their fucking skin color.

This is why intersectionality is so important?

>> No.8908535

>Why you should read him: Hannaham's novels take us on strange journeys with incredible characters — in his debut, God Says No, a young black gay obese fundamentalist man has just gotten married to a woman (both happen to be Disney World obsessives).

Top fucking kek

>> No.8908537

I also plan to read The Sellout. Other than Ta-Nehesi Coates I have no desire to read any of the other authors.

>> No.8908554

sounds like Pandering: the novel

>> No.8908558

It's like they're trying to rack up as many persecution points as possible. That's literally the only defining feature of their characters.

>> No.8908560

>niggers in charge of writing

>> No.8908563

Teju Cole's Open City sounds interesting (I love anything about an intelligent person going on a walk and thinking) but I am wary of him given he has started working for The New York Times.

>> No.8908565

If Pynchon wrote this you'd love it, don't even bother lying to me and saying you wouldn't

>> No.8908567

*smacks lips*
*throws gang signs*
*robs a bank*
*beats up Trump supporter*
*grabs crotch*
*complains about slavery*


>> No.8908590

I was thinking when I read the description that it sounded like something out of a Pynchon novel. If the book doesn't take itself seriously it could be really fucking funny.

>> No.8908593
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>a young black gay obese fundamentalist man

>> No.8908596
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I never understood the obsession with Disney. Some decent films but the level of devotion by many is astounding

>> No.8908614

Probably some sort of childhood fulfillment issues.

>> No.8908621

I've read the first chapter. It's 100% sincere.

>> No.8908629

Is it interesting or good at all?

>> No.8908638

>This is why intersectionality is so important?
Do elaborate

>> No.8908644

I still wouldn't
Don't project, it's impolite

>> No.8908647


>> No.8908653

It's a sincere story about a fundamentalist gay obese black man
What the fuck do you think?

>> No.8908654

Marlon James, Paul Beatty, and Toni Morrison are all of note.

The rest are just inclusivity for the sake of it.

>> No.8908661

I'm not expecting anything profound from the excerpts I've seen, but I'd be interested in your opinion if you get around to it.

>> No.8908671

They've titled it wrong.

>22 Contemporary Authors You Absolutely Should Be Reading
But at the bottom it says
>Is your favorite contemporary black author not on this list? Tell us in the comments below!

>> No.8908673
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>young black gay obese fundamentalist man has just gotten married to a woman

>> No.8908674

I think he means intersectuonality is important so we don't group people into arbitrary labels like "black" or "white" or "straight" or "gay" and that's it. I'm not sure, I've only heard super feminists use the term intersectuonality so I'm not very familiar with it, but from my understanding it's looking at and valuing every facet of a person's identity.

>> No.8908680
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>young gay black obese fundememtalists are getting married while I don't have a gf

>> No.8908686
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>young black gay obese fundamentalist man has just gotten married to a woman

>> No.8908688

Okay okay true
I'll let you know - I read mostly novellas during the semester, so it might not be a bad thing to try and read. If I do make a thread about it, it won't be for like three months.

>> No.8908697

>Paul Beatty's The Sellout.
I'll probably read this, too. The White Boy Shuffle was great, although I read it when it was new-ish and hadn't had my mind twisted by /lit/ yet. Tuff was derivative and surely just written to appease the publisher, or just a cash grab, though. I'm interested in something he's spent this much time on.

>> No.8908704

Nice b8 tho

>> No.8908705

u first xd

>> No.8908707

If black authors get listed via affirmative action, then I shall make it my duty to avoid all black authored works.

>> No.8908724


yeah I sure hate how *all* americans are only capable of grouping people by one generalized category!

>> No.8908726

At least read Sowell

>> No.8908727


>> No.8908730


>> No.8908744

Nostalgia and saccharine manichean narratives. Good and evil are always easily understood, and happiness and love always triumphs

>> No.8908745

Is this anime good?

>> No.8908751

Shhhh *wink*

>> No.8908753

I must compensate for affirmative action. That means cold turkey. Sorry Sowell.

>> No.8908756

I kek'd

>> No.8908757

It's the best clickbait for here because even the author is in on it.

>> No.8908912
File: 42 KB, 625x415, pinotnoir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until Tina Fey sues for plagiarism?

>> No.8908920

Black people aren't literary masters. They're people. You pandering dipshit.