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/lit/ - Literature

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8907582 No.8907582 [Reply] [Original]

How many books did you read this year /lit/?
My goal was to read 3 books per month making it 36, ended up with half.
Pic related, excuse my shitty handwriting.

>> No.8907584

Do you remember each of them?

>> No.8907586

I read about 18 or 20 in august, I remember because it was the author's whole corpus but I didn't keep count the rest of the year.

>> No.8907600

Don't they have excel where you live?

>> No.8907604

The only one I can't remember is Pride and Prejudice since forced myself to finish it, really bored me.

>> No.8907609

I delete all my work documents every month or so, i would just trow it in the trash bin aswell if i did.

>> No.8907619

>Spreadsheeting reading "achievements"

Literally taking all the fun and edification out of reading it to turn it into a videogame grind tier activity.

>> No.8907637

53 in 8 months.

First year of reading serious lit. I don't know how people consider themselves /lit/ when they read less then 30 books a year. That's 3 books a month minimum, gee, real hard.

>> No.8907641

Maximum not minimum.

>> No.8907642

45 ish, 55 if you count bible books seperately.

>> No.8907720

Reddit, the post

>> No.8907725

it's not a competition or a race

if you don't exclusively read for pleasure at your own pace you're doing it wrong

>> No.8907726

i dont

>> No.8907733

Depends on how long the books are desu. I've read like 35 books this year but 5 of them were 900+ page doorstoppers that took forever and several were philosophy/nonfiction which took longer to digest than a novel

>> No.8907891

I don't really keep track, and a lot of the "books" I read are fairly short philosophical essays that are hard to count. Additionally, I've been reading the Bible this year.

For actual novels: maybe like 8.

I just finished reading Moby Dick and it took me about 3 weeks. The prose was just so dense and I ended up meditating ever 3-4 chapters. Are the people claiming 5+ books a month reading shit like Harry Potter? I don't think a book is reading unless it makes you think.

>> No.8908005

no me neither, that's why I initially said 45.

>> No.8908011

eh it's honeslty not that hard to read a book or two a week if you read a few hours a day.
depends on how long it is but let's say even a fairly long one like C&P which is about 700 pages if I rmember correctly.
if you read lets say 40 pages an hour, you'd need to read about 18 hours in a week, which is really not that much.

>> No.8908012

I don't really read books anymore, mostly I just watch TV and browse imageboards.

>> No.8908029
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>> No.8908036

About 19, not including several thousand pages of assigned school reading. I read an organizational behavior textbook from start to finish and I'll never get that time back.

My goal was 16, and I'm happy with that number, but since September I've only managed to finish three books because of my workload.