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8907207 No.8907207[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>reading book
>it expresses right wing beliefs

>> No.8907212

>not understanding that other peoples beliefs are spooks.


>> No.8907219

>Oh no, dissenting opinions.

Try to bear in mind that all political beliefs are subjective, especially relative to the time and place you live in.
Also, as a capitalistic conservative, I take grievance with socialistic, cultural marxist opinions.
>Browsing /lit/
>Thread expresses left wing virtue signalling

>> No.8907316
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>>Oh no, dissenting opinions.
>Also, as a capitalistic conservative, I take grievance with socialistic, cultural marxist opinions.

>> No.8907377

Go back to /pol/, you fucking retard

>> No.8907411
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>virtue signalling

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8907421


Cultural marxism doesn't exist. It's a meme.

>> No.8907429

Stop replying to yourself

>> No.8907436

Gramsci wanted a cultural revolution - a Leftist takeover of schools, universities, media, police, courts and of conservative political parties. This has actually happened in countries like the UK. And if you look into the backgrounds of the Labour Party politicians who made the change happen, they all read Marxism Today, which drew on Gramsci's ideas. It isn't a meme.

>> No.8907451


Are you aware what you are saynig is absolutely false?
There isn't ONE school in any occidental country that develop class consciousness. They tend, on the contrary, to propagate neolib propaganda.

If teaching people that Marx existed and that he created a criticism of capitalism is "cultural marxism", I'm afraid you're completely wrong.

>> No.8907477


They're halfway there.

Society is overwhelmingly left wing from a social point of view, nowadays. It's only a matter of time until it economically follows.

>> No.8907487

Cultural Marxism is distinct from Marxism-Leninism - it isn't about class consciousness, communism, or even economics. It's about culture - specifically spreading the values of multiculturalism, political correctness and egalitarianism through all the levers of power. It probably shouldn't be called a form of Marxism, but it's certainty a form of revolutionary Leftism that was born in the minds of Marxist thinkers and was implemented by politicians with Marxist backgrounds.

Marxists get triggered by the term because it isn't what they see as Marxism.

>> No.8907498

Everyone of you is stupid to be honest, because you fossilize in standard political views instead of thinking independently and for yourself. This is the truth

>> No.8907503
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>To extend the base of the student movement, Rudi Dutschke has proposed the strategy of the long march through the institutions: working against the established institutions while working within them, but not simply by 'boring from within', rather by 'doing the job', learning (how to program and read computers, how to teach at all levels of education, how to use the mass media, how to organize production, how to recognize and eschew planned obsolescence, how to design, et cetera), and at the same time preserving one's own consciousness in working with others.

They come right out and say it. Smart commies realized that old fashioned class struggle, marches and strikes etc, would never work so they changed their tack. It's way easier to go after the soft underbelly of the western intelligentsia, because for whatever reason intellectuals in the 1940s-1960s were naturally inclined to fall for edgy new ideas from Central Europe. Then you had the phenomenon of university professors showing up for class wearing leather jackets and sharing these hip new ideas with their impressionable young charges. Result: degeneracy! In the current aevum successive generations of these sjw cucks have gotten tenure and bred their replacements. That's why both faculty and students are so far gone.

You're basically a relic with your "class consciousness" ideas.

>> No.8907507
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your wrong my dude, every teacher I had during my whole undergrad (political science) would emphasise and re-emphasise how all of history and everything we interpret is euro-centric and therefore not legitimate and should be deconstructed.....furthermore they would ask us on regular basis what is Australian culture, what is Australian collective conscious...and when no one could answer---that was the point! we were being indoctrinated into mocking our own existence....so fuck you if you don't think its happening >>8907207

>> No.8907515

shut the fuck up austro-scum

>> No.8907526
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One of my professors told us that we could change our race if we wanted, that we could "identify as black." I wish I was joking.

>> No.8907528

good bait

>> No.8907542

this thread is like a vomit spurt onto my face

>> No.8907558

>leftist virtue signalling
>on a website that hates leftist virtues
I don't think you'd recognise right wing virtue signalling if you saw it, and I don't think you understand the concept beyond a political buzzword.

>> No.8907564
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>implying this thread isn't just yet another /pol/ bait thread

>> No.8907566

>Society is overwhelmingly left wing from a social point of view
no, society is liberal. Nobody gives a shit about class, and poor people are held in open contempt. People are expected to be happy for the opportunity to be wagecucks. Society is a neo-liberal capitalist wet dream and about as far from the left as is possible

>> No.8907572

stop thinking as philosophers want you to think

your usage of political terminology (all those -isms, ew) is atrocious

a bunch of disgusting pseuds

>> No.8907573

>Marxists get triggered by the term because it isn't what they see as Marxism.

It's because, once you get past the nazi bullshit, it's ascribing products of capitalism as a fault of Marxism.

There is no bigger useful idiot for the status quo than the polfag.

>> No.8907575


>> No.8907593

>leftist politics have been subverted so as to avoid all discussions of class in favor of supporting establishment warmongering liberals.
>b-but trannies exist and women aren't locked in their homes in burkas, clearly the Marxists are behind this!

Fucking kys Mohammad.