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/lit/ - Literature

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890534 No.890534 [Reply] [Original]


i got one. i dont wanna pay for books so i am gonna dl a bunch of free shit tonight, starting with all the classics.

are these things worth it? do you use yours?

>> No.890564

I've had my kindle2 since they came out and I use it every single day. Best advice for free stuff is to get it off of http://www.nautilus-solar.net/SandyGunfox/books/

Lots of good modern stuff in that database, and can be easily converted to whatever format for your kindle/nook.

If you got an ereader to d/l the free classics, you're going to be bored out of your mind in no time flat. Even with tons of free books put on my kindle, I still drop the $10 now and then to get a new book or one that can't be found for free.

You're the reason I wish all ereaders were still over $250-$300. At that level, it kept a few people out of the game. Now everyone and their dog has one and wants only free shit. Don't be a fucking cheapskate. Authors have to make their money just as you do.

>> No.890570

i would have no problem paying a few dollars for an ebook but who the hell pays 30 dollars for an ebook when you can get a hardcover for that price?

>> No.890700

Got my nook yesterday.
I filled it up with lots of books (mostly classics, very few modern or new releases) from Gutenberg, SandyGunfox archive, and #bookz. I bought it in the first place because I knew it would pay for itself ($150 wifi version) in a handful of free readings.
That said, I'm fine with shelling out for books I can't find elsewhere; it's a great device, and I figure that the money I'm saving with public domain ebooks and pirated ebooks can be spent buying ebooks I cannot otherwise acquire.

Only problem I find is that sometimes formatting suffers. Not from Gutenberg, but other sources, especially if I need to have Calibre convert it. Misplaced page numbers, page-header titles and such get put right in the middle of the text, and it's annoying as fuck. Still have no idea how to correct it.

>> No.890718

I'm a Nook + Calibre guy, lovin' it.

>> No.890914


No-one pays $30 for an ebook. Even new releases are only $9.99.

>> No.890940

Never been to /lit/ before like a half hour ago and I feel like I'm contributing like a fuckin' maniac.


You're welcome.

>> No.890953

I got my Kindle last week, and I'm loving it. Already cranked through 2 1/2 books, and it's very easy on the eyes to read.

>> No.890955

Calibre can fix almost all of those little annoyances you're talking about. When you're converting the document, make sure you look through all the preference tabs. Experiment a little and you'll quickly figure out how to clean up ebooks for your nook.

Have fun :3

>> No.890987

Library anyone?

>> No.890988

OP, welcome to the glorious master race of book reading.

and yea dude, NEVER pay for your books.

>> No.890989

Nook fag here.
Torrent PDF+nook=life complete.

>> No.890995

torrent free books!

you can find pretty much get every fucking book ever published.

i've got 310 free books on my kindle, not sure why i have so many...but anyway have fun!

>> No.891019

>implying you're sharing something that /lit/ didn't already know about

>> No.891022


Library worker here. Great for browsing, but if you want that new exiting book...haha, best wait six months. >.>

>> No.891034
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>> No.891055
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Kindle DX 2 + all my 5 gigs of pirated pdfs = Best eReading experience.

Enjoy your inferior contrast, faggots. Now excuse me while I go enjoy reading on my milky-white Pearl eInk screen.

>> No.891759

FUCK YEAH DX, my parents are going to get one for me, feels good man! But seriously now, I am not planning on buying e-books, but I will buy the books that I liked in hardcover or shitback, still have to contribute my bit to the authors and why pay for a digital copy when you can get a physical copy for the same price?

>> No.891768

Black-on-white writing on a computer screen bothers me. It's like taking a white sheet of paper and blackening everywhere except the shape of the letters, resulting in white-on-black text on a piece of paper.

Gray text on a black screen would be less aggressive on the eyes and save a fuckton of energy on top of that.

>> No.891782
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>> No.891792

I'll wait for them to release one that's back lit. Its not like they don't have the technology to do that. They're following the Gameboy format. You guys are no better than the Apple fags.

>> No.891804


>> No.891818

eReaders don't work like computer screens. Having black be the background color doesn't save energy.

Likewise, black text on white background is only going to be a problem on an eInk display if you have a problem with black text on a white background in a book, which I'm betting you don't.

>> No.891825

Make sure it's the new Graphite model. It's only ten bucks more expensive, but has a more energy efficient and higher contrast screen.

>> No.891826


Why the fuck would you want a backlight? The draw of e-readers is that their screen is very similar to an actual book.

>> No.891832


>Gray text on a black screen would be less aggressive on the eyes and save a fuckton of energy on top of that.

Might want to look up how LCD screens work. Regardless of what is being displayed they have a nearly constant rate of energy consumption. LCDs get their light from the backlight behind the screen. This is always on.

Take a computer screen in a dark room. Turn it on, and let your machine boot up. Unless you have a ridiculously high end screen you should be able to see a glow/shine coming from it.

>> No.891837

Of course not. It makes sense to use ink for the text on a white sheet of paper.

On a computer screen though... you fill 95% of the screen with white light and leave a few bits black? That's just retarded.

Granted, I don't know how these readers work. If the screen isn't black by default, then I suppose black text is fine.

>> No.891852

Go to Barnes and Noble or Target and look for the Nook or Kindle display. eInk really isn't at all like a computer screen. It looks like printed paper. At this point most of them look like newspaper quality paper (so there's a grayish quality to them) but as they get higher quality they will become identical to the paper in an actual book.

>> No.891872

Interesting. Not sure either of those stores exist around here but I'll check out those two things next time I'm in the big city, there's some huge bookstores where they might be available anyway.

>> No.891915

Yep, I know, I wanted to buy one and saw that there was a new model comming out the next day. Price ain't that bad either, but the VAT is insane(19%).