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/lit/ - Literature

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8905264 No.8905264 [Reply] [Original]

>read non-fiction
>facts on how to gain wisdom and improve your life.
>read fiction
>play play pretend time in fantasy land

Why don't you grow up /lit/?

>> No.8905275 [DELETED] 

Joke's on you, cuck, I read literature but have taken the redpill so I know everything there is to know about the world WHILE enjoying literature


>> No.8905277

Why don't you just read your memoirs and let me read my bookas to myself

>> No.8905284

I have a headache too family

>> No.8905289
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>> No.8905295

>implying fiction does not provide fascinating insights and allegories to reality while entertaining and stimulating with wonderful fantasy tropes.
>implying fictional and cultural myth have not been necessary escape mechanisms since man huddled in caves around a fire.

Keep trying hard, anon.

>> No.8905306

because playing pretend time in fantasy land is so much better than trying to ""improve your life""

>inb4 escapism
when you're reading the best of the best it's not distraction it is transcendence, true sustainable escape, autonomous spiritual fulfillment. what you strive for in trying to improve your life - not even going into how fraudulent and absurd and pathetic the idea of genuine self improvement through reading is (hint: "improving your life" really just moulding you as a better cog in the capitalist system)

>> No.8905309

You're still a loser, nerd

>> No.8905321

This picture doesn't make sense, it should be the hook at the computer.

>> No.8905352
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So, how is your life sir?

>> No.8905379

Fiction can be based on reality and have morals. If you werent a pleb, youd have read diogenes and understand that any mans true experiences are not exceptionally divine.

>> No.8905393

Are you saying you're unaware that all fiction is actually reality somewhere and when else in 3 dimensional space, making fiction books portals to those places, peoples, and times?

>> No.8905407


In fact, older people accept the beauty of fiction and only youngsters making such threads to prove themselves in their eyes. Why don't you leave your childish denial behind and enjoy the words?

>> No.8905409

>unable to see literature as anything but a crude means to serve your vanity
I pity you. And I know you may not understand this sentiment but in decades to come when you are on your death bed you will understand my pity and it will be too late.

>> No.8905413


>he reads Aristotle's theories on the value of poetry and drama
>he reads Harold Bloom's theories on the value of novels
>he refuses to read poetry, plays and novels

>> No.8905439

>reads non-fiction
>accumulates worthless trivia to impress pleb friends
>thinks in emotionless, literal black-and-white terms
>feels empty

>reads fiction
>gains a broader understanding the Human Condition
>meaning is revealed without committing the error of attempting to define it
>learns how to seemlessly synthesize complicated ideas, ranging from history to psychology
>feels satisfied with life

You were saying?

>> No.8905493

let's read all the non-fiction except for the ones that suggest or support the idea that there is merit to reading fiction

>> No.8905832

>implying modern non-fiction has any wisdom
>implying most non-fiction is not just glorified blogpost or just some shit thrown together to cash in on current trend of whatever the book is about