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8900687 No.8900687[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How The Baby Boomers, Immigration, and Islam Screwed my Generation.

This be guud?

>> No.8900694

She a qt but I won't read it

>> No.8900700

Female autism

>> No.8900704

I want to screw her generation if you know what I mean.

>> No.8900709

Libtards will say otherwise, but yes it's a fantastic book.

>> No.8900721

She isn't wrong. I just wish war-mongering neocon retards werent the only people who acknowledged these things.

>> No.8900724


She's a 21 year old girl. Surely her book is full of wisdom.

>> No.8900729
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>its another /pol/ shills a shitty meme book by an e-celeb thread

>> No.8900748

Anyone who criticizes baby boomers, immigration and especially islam is a hero in my book

>> No.8900786
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>That Ann Coulter quote

Why do people act like this? 'Duh librals gonna ban our books cuz they're pussies! lol!'. The GOP is literally just a lifestyle brand for poor white people, not anything remotely close to a real political opinion. Its all just emotional-reaction garbage Not that the DNC is any better, but fuck.

>> No.8900793

Definitely picking up a few copies before liberals ban it

>> No.8900798
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>female author

>> No.8900802

I dunno. I read the first few paragraphs in the preview, and she basically complains about capitalist culture without blaming capitalism. Or does she get there? (I assumed she doesn't since she's right-wing conservative.)

>> No.8900811

you can like free exchange without liking consumerism

>> No.8900820

You know the conservative mediatainment complex is a gigantic confidence trick, right?

>> No.8900862

>you can dislike inevitable byproduct of Thing without disliking Thing

>> No.8900875
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>21 year old girl
>writing about politics

>> No.8900902

No because Republicans and Democrats don't experience cognitive dissonance. The type of things conservatives want are part of communism not capitalism. The only problem is communism is rooted in atheism because it is the logical organization of society produced by the material dialectic, therefore; conservatives will always hate communism.

>> No.8900970
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>mfw people think Lauren Southern is anything but a pretty piece of meat

>> No.8901079

some communities are less materialistic than others while having the same level of free exchange

>> No.8901084


No. It's a scapegoating shit.

>> No.8901306

I was walking on the street with my wife's daughter, when suddenly a huge pickup stopped by us. Two Trump supporters got out and stole our hijabs. They branded our asses with nazi symbols and frogs, before driving away, only leaving us this book, with the words "nothing personel" written on the cover. The alt-right will defend this.

>> No.8901338

meme book but at least she got something published unlike the losers here

>> No.8901360

>Ann Coulter

hahaha any credibility Lauren was hoping on getting is instantly shot down. She ought to fire her publicist.


>> No.8901380
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Yeah, too bad though that she SHAMELESSLY copied another author.

>> No.8901388

not listening and believing women you are a misogynist

>> No.8901391

>le alt-right damage control

>> No.8901421

whats an alt right is that a keyboard shortcut or something?

>> No.8901438

Well put.

>> No.8901441


>> No.8901460
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Her youtube street debates with sjws are fun, but I don't need to read her book to know islam is cancer

>> No.8901473


she can look mad sexy, my guy

>> No.8901531

she got BLACKED, so im not reading that shit

>> No.8901555

I would totally hold her hand and walk aimlessly around a local farmers market, if you know what I mean.

>> No.8901596

>self published

ahahhaha no one will ever read it

>> No.8901611

I would like to spread her ass cheeks and place my nose on the rim of her asshole as I inhale deeply.

>> No.8901740

already a top sell on amazon political books stay mad

>> No.8901743

well done

>> No.8901761

>implying she didnt buy them all just to keep the numbers up

remember she has jewish background!