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8899565 No.8899565 [Reply] [Original]

Napoleon Erotic Fantasy Edition (no homo)

The reading for day 10 is B2 Part 3 Chapter 11 through (and including) Part 4 Chapter 3, pp. 475-529.

>New poll for day 10

>Ebooks and audiobook

Previous threads >>8894553 >>8891147 >>8887705 >>8877795

>> No.8899571
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Reading Schedule

>> No.8899664

Quite the embrace there, Your Excellency.

>> No.8899796
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>tfw 2 full days behind

>> No.8899818

day 10 and things are slumping pretty hard

expect new years to kill what little is left

this reading group can be considered a failure right?

>> No.8899839

So what was the significance of the oak tree? Anyone else have any ideas?

No worries. There'll be catch up days soon. Just submit to the powers of Tolstoy and you'll be alright.

>> No.8900030
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Ngl, I'm the original OP of this reading group and even I'm pretty behind on the schedule.

How about a catch up day tomorrow?

>> No.8900105
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>Natásha felt that she would be left with her mother and Sónya among a minority of women who crowded near the wall, not having been invited to dance. She stood with her slender arms hanging down, her scarcely defined bosom rising and falling regularly, and with bated breath and glittering, frightened eyes gazed straight before her, evidently prepared for the height of joy or misery.

>> No.8900269

>It's a Pierre gets cucked chapter

>> No.8900325
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>> No.8900333
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>She was at that height of bliss when one becomes completely kind and good and does not believe in the possibility of evil, unhappiness, or sorrow.

>In Natásha’s eyes all the people at the ball alike were good, kind, and splendid people, loving one another; none of them capable of injuring another—and so they ought all to be happy.

>> No.8900339


>> No.8900345
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"Has anyone ever told you about Freemasonry?"

>> No.8900354

this is how i imagine Pierre, only slightly fatter

>> No.8900432

>tfw your favourite character becomes an insufferable christfaggot
>tfw your new favourite character becomes a child abandoning ephebophile

Who should be /myguy/ now?

>> No.8900448

Count Ilya Rostov


>> No.8900451


>> No.8900557

Woah, check those moves.
What about Denisov, could he beat Count Ilya Rostov in the dancehall?

>> No.8900627
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>Berg smiled again.
>“It can’t be helped: men must sometimes have masculine conversation,” said he.

>> No.8900756

Would be good.
A catch up for the new year?

>> No.8900760

What was the point of the chapter with the Berg's party?

>> No.8900821

How do Andrei's visions and experience of happiness (p. 500) differ from Marya's (pp. 517-520)?

>> No.8900832

>>didn't respond to the strawpoll

>> No.8900978

Maybe to flesh out Berg's character?

>> No.8901600

Sorry, I did after. But now it's out of date, as I'm 1 day behind now. Even if we don't have a rest day tomorrow I should be caught up so long as I read the same amount I've read today.

Just looking over the last thread, no one mentioned Pierre's homo dream?

>> No.8902175

Finished the reading for day 10.

Words read today: 24,162
Time taken: 62 minutes

Total words read so far: 226,956
Total words in book: 563,286
Total time taken so far: 9 hours 35 minutes
Approximate total reading time: 25 hours

We've now read as much as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows + The Mouse and the Motorcycle.

>> No.8902198

Catch-up day tomorrow sounds good.

Should we have a break day for the New Year's as well? And if so, on Dec 31 or Jan 1? We have 2 readings left in Book Two.

>> No.8902209

This sounds like a good idea. Starting back on New Year's Day. Unless people have plans then?

>> No.8902220

>Natasha was in that highest degree of happiness when a person becomes perfectly kind and good, and does not believe in the possibility of evil, unhappiness, and grief.

What about her makes her such a striking person? What change in Andrei's thinking does she cause?

>> No.8902263

It's her simplicity. She isn't tortured by the questions that Pierre and Andrew are obsessed with; she's wholly receptive to the world and allows the love that Tolstoy preaches throughout the novel to infuse her, which is projected onto other characters.

>> No.8902268

What are you using to determine words read?

>> No.8902854

LibreOffice Writer (basically Microsoft Word).

>> No.8903045

I think it's the best course of action.

>> No.8903055

Ah, now i know. Pierre saw the spark between Natasha and Andrei there.

>> No.8903975

>pierre's homo dream
Wait, what?
You're talking about that dream he had with the old mason?
Yeah, now that you mention, It was a bit homo...

>> No.8904158


>I felt abashed and asked whether what he had been saying did not concern me; but he did not reply, gave me a kind look, and then we suddenly found ourselves in my bedroom where there is a double bed. He lay down on the edge of it and I burned with longing to caress him and lie down too.

Not sure if it was just supposed to show the extent of his struggles with lust or if it's a purer spiritual thing. There's something holy about his dream mentor.

>> No.8904634

Just finished the book. Was definitely something else.

>> No.8904691

When did you start?

>> No.8904718

Same day as you guys. I just read more per day and didn't take any days off. Went by surprisingly fast, actually.

>> No.8904774

Nice! I'm a little over half way done and am wanting to push ahead more.

>> No.8904780

How are you enjoying it so far?

>> No.8904921

So when is Day 11 then? I finished day 10 yesterday but I haven't done any reading today.

>> No.8904990

I'm loving it so far. It's a very easy read. The character development has been excellent. This is my first Tolstoy read and I have to say that I'm impressed.

Really looking forward to see how the story ends.

>> No.8905000

Your first time reading Tolstoy is with War and Peace? You absolute madman, you could have read something shorter first

>> No.8905002

I believe today is a catch up day. Tomorrow should be day 11.

>> No.8905038

I think there was talk of talking tomorrow off too since many people will have plans for New Year's Eve.

>> No.8905461

this is the first time i've ever seen somebody on the internet mention LibreOffice without them explicitly stating its FOSS FREE AS IN BEER FREE AS IN FREEDOM TM TM LE SPOOPY GEE INANE MAN

>> No.8907050
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>> No.8907103

>50ish replies
>90% of it is hurdur im late in reading, hurdur this is my first read, blah blah
>even the OP is stumbling like an idiot on his own schedule
>only 3 points of discussion for a whole 50 pages, and it doesn't even go that far then

>> No.8907131


>> No.8907366

Why don't you help with the discussion?

>> No.8907814

Book One, Part One
>Anna Mikhailovna instantly guessed her intention and stooped to be ready to embrace the countess at the appropriate moment.
>‘This is for Boris from me for his outfit.’
>Anna Mikhailovna was already embracing her and weeping. The countess wept too. They wept because they were friends, and because they were kind-hearted, and because they—friends from childhood—had to think about such a base thing as money, and because their youth was over … But those tears were pleasant to them both.

Book Two, Part Four
>But once the countess called her son and informed him that she had a promissory note from Anna Mikhailovna for two thousand rubles, and asked him what he thought of doing with it.
>‘Here’s how it is,’ answered Nikolai. ‘You say it rests with me. Well, I don’t like Anna Mikhailovna, and I don’t like Boris, but they were our friends and poor. Well then, this!’ and he tore up the note, and by so doing caused the old countess to weep tears of joy.

Where did it all go wrong?

>> No.8907906

What's troubling you, young man?

>> No.8909515

It was the moment where Boris discovered how things worked, the real hierarchy of things.

>> No.8910708

So, where do you think the story will go now, anon?

>> No.8912160

So are we having a new thread for day 11 today? If people aren't caught up now they'll never be.

>> No.8913056


