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/lit/ - Literature

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8895181 No.8895181[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>no philosopher has wrote about the troubles of being a virgin

Shit like this is allowed on /lit/. What's the fucking point of becoming patrician if NO GIRLS WILL HAVE SEX WITH YOU!

>> No.8895188

Go back to /r9k/, you worthless loser

>> No.8895254

Be the change you want to see in the world

>> No.8895268
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just bee urself :)

>> No.8895561
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>> No.8895565


>> No.8895584

Between Pessoa and this guy there’s a lot of good philosophy on it.
Houellebeqc too!

>> No.8895588

>tfw based mods are going to delete this thread too

>> No.8895593
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Why do frogposters expect to be taken seriously when they post this sort of shit all the time

>> No.8895599

Mods have been pretty fucking great today m8
Seeing /pol/ get more and more angry every time a thread gets deleted is hilarious

>> No.8895628

sounds like you're mad that I have real problems and you don't

you're likely the type of brainlet to think that overcoming a drug addiction, suffering from a meme disease like """depression,""" or living in poverty are all huge obstacles to overcome. people just don't like to hear that their problems are insignificant and that the only reason you're suffering is because you're a lazy faggot with an equally lazy family

Being a virgin past 16 is harder than anything I mentioned, and certainly harder than anything you've ever had to go through.

>> No.8895640

Do we really need to falseflag /r9k/ this hard? They kinda make fun of themselves, it comes off as a bit mean at this point

>> No.8895656


haha dude fuck off why are you bringing personal problems to the table on a literature board? seek professional help.

>> No.8895662

>being this pathetic

Please post your pic

>> No.8895677
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>> No.8895689

To be fair, depressed people are simply worthless leeches that need to be kicked to the curb in order to grow. They're on the same level as self-pitying virgins.

Drug addictions are tough, but I don't have much sympathy because anyone that gets caught in that net is invariably a retard.

>> No.8895700

delusional people often get angry at the truth. cry about it, you mopey druggos

>> No.8895708
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>> No.8895790

I don't have a problem with any of those groups until they start their offtopic shitposting, like this thread.
If any one of them wants to discuss literature, I'm perfectly ok with that. If they want to post thinly-veiled whiny bullshit like op, the thread should be deleted and they should be banned.
This is not a difficult concept and the fact that /pol9k/ still does not understand it is pretty sad.

>> No.8895799

Damn, you should consider killing yourself, strike hard and true !

>> No.8895801

>I don't have a problem with any of these groups but I get asshurt and triggered if I see a member of one of those groups make a post
>like just stop posting and we're cool, man

>> No.8895805

another assmad druggo

take your happy pills, you miserable fuck

>> No.8895832

They can post. I encourage them to post. But I encourage them to follow the rules of the board they post on, in this case /lit/. The rule they usually break is making their posts about politics or muh feels, two things that do not belong on the literature board. There are other boards where it is perfectly ok to post such things, and they can post there all they want.
I don't ask /fit/ who their favorite Russian romantic is. Frogposters shouldn't start masturbating about Trump on /lit/. People who go beyond these rules should expect to be rightfully banned.

>> No.8895834

post some examples

>> No.8895869

>sounds like you're mad that I have real problems and you don't


>drug addiction
>less trouble than being a virgin

im a KV and even i know how fucked up are the things you said, i know the suffering is subjetive meme but you are taking it damn too far.

>> No.8895870


gtfo normie

>> No.8895921

I'm not sure why some r9k shit head keeps spamming this shit but as a 30+ year old virgin who just recently unfucked his life, I do understand the frustration with having a life that seems completely unrelated to anything I read about in literature.
I think that most people's everyday life completely diverges from what's commonly written about though. As far as I can tell, most people seem to just watch an insane amount of television. I'm not sure when they even find time to fuck between episodes of survival based reality programs and animated cartoons for adults.

>> No.8895968


if girls don't want to have sex with you, you have not become patrician.

>> No.8896013

>being a virgin past 16 is harder than anything I mention
The average lossofvirginity age in places like India and China is like 25. Get over it.

>> No.8896014

>allowed to complain about being dumb
>allowed to complain about being a shit writer
>allowed to complain about being poor
>allowed to complain about pretty much anything EXCEPT being a virgin because then you're the scum of the earth

I can't wait until some brainlet chimes in to say "B-BUT WE DON'T TOLERATE THE REST, EITHER" when I see it daily, with no shitposting or dissenting.

Absolute mouth-breathers.

>> No.8896031
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