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8894553 No.8894553 [Reply] [Original]

Alexander/Napoleon Slash Edition

The reading for day 9 is B2 Part 2 Chapter 14 through (and including) Part 3 Chapter 10, pp. 421-475.

If you can, please write up topics for discussion for today.

>New poll for day 9

>Ebooks and audiobook

Previous threads >>8891147 >>8887705 >>8877795

>> No.8894557
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Reading Schedule

>> No.8894569

Is Alexander and Napoleon the otp?

>> No.8894574

Natasha dies

>> No.8894583

Napoleon dies.

>> No.8894632

It's like 200 years old Christ they all die.

>> No.8894718
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>> No.8895256

Anyone else notice parallels between Pierre blissfully submitting to the authority of the masons and Rostov submitting to the authority of his regiment?

>> No.8895286

Yes. There are parallels everywhere in this book, keep an eye out for more.

>> No.8895676

Part 3 of Volume 2 is a fucking chore. Something interesting please happen.

>> No.8895723
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>> No.8896104

Do you think so?
I liked the Rostov"s visit to the war hospital and the parallel he did with the banquet of the two emperors.
And the peace between Russia and France is very important.

>> No.8896143

im a little ahead but why is everything i read about getting cucked????

>> No.8896232

That war hospital was pretty fucked up. I enjoyed that part as well.

>> No.8896262


Russian literature is just wall to wall cuckoldry, because it was all written by intellectual nobles who invariably got cucked eventually by the commies

>> No.8896266

I haven't had the feeling of nothing is happening. I've enjoyed all of it.

>> No.8896814

I'm talking about the part after that.

>> No.8896841

ded group

>> No.8896884

Stop trying to kill the group.

>> No.8896906

Finished the reading for day 9.

Words read on day 9: 24,567
Time taken: 64 minutes

Total words read so far: 202,794
Total words in book: 563,286
Total time taken so far: 8 hours 33 minutes
Approximate total reading time: 25 hours

We have now read as much as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, or Moby-Dick.

>> No.8896912

Can we officially confirm that Pierre is ourguy?

>> No.8897094

What is the significance of the oak tree? And how does it relate to seeing Natasha?

>> No.8897254

I think that the oak tree represents the impassive way of life that Andrei is now searching for. I don't know how this relate to Natasha.

>> No.8897270

The oak tree changes with the season. What's the significance there?

>> No.8897337

It change, but it's still there after every season.
Maybe Andrei will change again in the next season? Maybe Natasha is the beginning of his spring?

>> No.8897727

Good. I hope she gets strangled.

>> No.8898670

My man

>> No.8899215


>> No.8899225

I think I know why but care to indulge me as to why you are feeling these feels anon?

>> No.8899400
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>thought i was reading so I'd be finished in 25 days
>at that rate I'dve been done in 50

I got some reading to do

>> No.8899568


