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/lit/ - Literature

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8892370 No.8892370 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any literature a fan of Black Metal would like? I'm not talking about artists' biographies, but something inspired by or related to the aesthetic.

>> No.8892456

Books about Scandinavian mythology.

>> No.8892457

i honestly think some high fantasy (such as Malazan Book of The Fallen, The Black Company), have a raw and overpowering element for pleb fiction readers as myself, comparable to black metal.

To get a more literature related sugestion, i think you should look up more anti-christian, nihilist stuff, although i cant recommend anything specifically.

>> No.8892516

No, real literature doesn't offer the instant masturbatory gratification of trash culture like electrified music or video games.

You're welcome.

>> No.8892522

>electrified music
What did he meme by dis?

>> No.8892525

Gianna Chiesa Isnardi

don't know if got translated

>> No.8893280

just read Nietzsche

>> No.8893365
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If you like Burzum then read far right anarcho-primitivist philosophy and reactionary authors like Mishima and Mosley.

Moby Dick gave me some masculine, metal vibes but I might be biased to that one Mastodon album.

>> No.8893454

Anything by Camus. Especially if you find Black Metal comfy.

>> No.8893471

80's through 90's satire (1880s-1890s)
Its dark

>> No.8893572

Algernon Blackwood feels kinda similar maybe

>> No.8893955

If you're swedish I would highly recommend Blod Eld Död. It talks alot about the early extreme metal scene in Sweden (and Norway of course)

>> No.8895282

Det låter fint, tack Sven!

>> No.8895293

Amplified, distortion, reverb, etc.

>> No.8895718


>> No.8895781

Poe, Tolkien, Howard, Lovecraft

>> No.8895803

Prose Edda & Poetic Edda. There's also the stuff written by Varg himself but it's pretty stupid.

The Black Company is absolute garbage.

>> No.8895828

Norse mythology
Shakespeare's tragedies
The Bible
Blood Meridian
Moby Dick

>> No.8895885

>The Bible

master troll

>> No.8895904

Not really. Most metal is full of references to judeo christian mythology. Plus parts of it are pretty bloody and siq or whatever.

>> No.8895923

It looks like you missed the passage about two bears murdering 42 children.

>> No.8895941
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Nigger, where the hell do you think the whole fallen and apocalyptic imagery came from? Because it sure as fuck wasn't the tree loving, feisty pagans Christian sages were bitching about through the middle ages. The moralization of history is an inherently Judeo-Christian phenomenon.

>> No.8895976

Does de Maistre have any books worth reading or is that just a particularly choice quote?

>> No.8895984
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Adendum: And if you think Tolkien, Moby-Dick or Blood Meridian are acceptable recommendations but the Bible isn't, then you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.8896034
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I haven't had time to go through his stuff outside of his influence in uni and some discussion on /lit/, so it's a particularly choice quote, to my chagrin. You can have this though, for all that it's worth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB2U9XXpHP4

>> No.8896558

Tolkien obviously

>> No.8896603
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stop reading books

>> No.8896686
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Walden by Henry David Thoreau is great for the black metal aspect of voluntary isolation from society and simple comfy life in nature. Thoreau was kvlt as fuck.
Also Lovecraft, obviously.

I think Varg has read more books than most of us during his time in prison. He actually lived the old lit meme of getting yourself into jail to have unlimited reading time.

>> No.8896800

The Kalevala

>> No.8896859
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