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/lit/ - Literature

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8892368 No.8892368 [Reply] [Original]

List the books you read in 2016:

>> No.8892412

IJ, Mrs Dalloway, GR, White Noise, Hamlet, As I Lay Dying.

Currently on:
Best American Essays 1998
The Odyssey
The Tunnel

I'm a very slow reader.

>> No.8892424

>Catcher in the Rye
>The Biography of Nick Drake by Patrick Humphries
>The Lords and The New Creatures by Jim Morrison
>Touching From a Distance by Deborah Curtis
>Shakespeare's Sonnets

I only started reading in December.

>> No.8892425

On the Road
Slaughterhouse Five
Post Office
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
The Dharma Bums
Mother Night
Hells Angels
Naked Lunch
The Kandy Kolored Tangerine Flake Streamline Baby
Sometimes a Great Notion
Big Sur
The Sirens of Titan
Notes of a Dirty Old Man
The Great Shark Hunt
Cities of the Red Night
Radical Chic and Mau Mauing the Flak Catchers
Sailor Song
Of Mice and Men

>> No.8892434

Just off the top of my head:

The Trial
Catcher in the Rye
Short story collection of Kafka's stories
Bad Girl
Nine Stories
Atlas Shrugged
Brave new world
Crime and Punishment
Franny and Zooey
Moby Dick
The Castle
The old man and the Sea
The road

>> No.8892442

The Count of Monte Cristo, Blood Meridian, Don Quixote (part 1), Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Things Fall Apart, Kokoro, Of Human Bondage, Catch-22, Madame Bovary, The Trial, A Tale of Two Cities
Brave New World, some plays

It should have been more, but my interest has been waning. I didn't love anything I read this year, and had to trudge through most things. I think that's due more to me than the quality of the books.

>> No.8892489

The Fountainhead
Atlas Shrugged
The Art of the Deal
Godless: The Church of Liberalism
God and Man at Yale
The Reagan Diaries
The Conscience of a Conservative
Killing the Rising Sun: How America Vanquished World War II Japan
Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis
Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream

>> No.8892720

Infinite jest
The crying of lot 49
Gravitiys rainbow
If on a winters night a traveler
Madame bovary
A game of thrones
A clash of kings
Not books but other things include Tartufe, the trial and death of socratese, a comedy of errors, and the metamorphosis

>> No.8892729
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>> No.8892732

>almost all /lit/ memes
>ALL have been read in just THE PAST YEAR
c'mon, if you haven't read Don Quixote when you were 14, there's no point

>> No.8892741

The Kindly Ones
The Watership Down

>> No.8892819
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>> No.8892853

Too many to list very well. I keep an Excel file for them.

>> No.8892856

God's Little Acre
No Country For Old Men

I just started reading again this month so...

>> No.8892863

yeah don quixote is definitely best read as a youth. i can't honestly suggest it to any adult.

>> No.8892864
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you are the /lit/ equivalent of this guy, playing advanced pretend to be like your fave well-read writers

>> No.8892880

Slow year, only read 20-25 books. Off the top of my head:

Faulkner collection of short stories
Hero with a Thousand Faces
Story of the Eye
Borges collected fictions
Sabbath's Theater
Rimbaud collected poetry
Pale Fire
Laughter in the Dark
Sea of fertility tetralogy
Thousand Cranes
Maupassant short story collection
Borges Poetry collection
Bury my Heart at wounded knee
In Watermelon Sugar
Trout fishing in America
History of Film
Plato's Dialogues
Book on Schopenhauer and Hegel

And a few more. Like I said, didn't read as much as I would've liked

>> No.8893053
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>> No.8893187

How are the Brautigans? I've been keen to read some of his stuff

>> No.8893189


>> No.8893205

Proust, Swann's Way
Jane Eyre
Kant's Basic Writings
Nathan the Wise
The Marx-Engels Reader
A Short History of the French Revolution Rousseau's Political Writings
Frankenstein, the 1818 Text
The Essential Adam Smith
Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Wordsworth's Major Works
Clifford Geertz, The Interpretation of Cultures
Franz Boas, Race, Language and Culture
Emile Durkheim, Elementary Forms of Religious Life
Lucas Bessire, Behold the Black Caiman: a Chronicle of Ayoreo Life
Philippe Bourgois and Jeffrey Schonberg, Righteous Dopefiend
David Graeber, Direct Action
Lewis A. Erenberg & Susan E. Hirsch, The War in American Culture
Lisa McGirr, Suburban Warriors: The Origins of the New American Right
Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent

>> No.8893220

Nice prose poetry but his apparent prevalent theme of savagery underlying the veneer of civilized american culture is one that's a little tired for me

>> No.8893231
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>Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent

>> No.8893239

hello redd1t libtard

>> No.8893252

How was Pale Fire? Planning to read more Nabokov soon

>> No.8893259

you seem intelligent

>> No.8893269

You seem like an SJW globalist Clinton shill. I bet you think Sam Hyde is "alt-right" too.

>> No.8893271

You don't

>> No.8893273

Mmm. Good, quirky I guess, and I enjoy Vlad as a prose stylist of course, but probably my least favorite Nabokov I've read. I preferred Lolita, Pnin, Ada, Invitation to a beheading, and Laughter in the Dark

>> No.8893279

I'm not the guy who made the list, but now I'd like to edit my previous adjective to 'clinically insane'

>> No.8893281

I guessing >>8892489 is you

>> No.8893325

It's still a much better list than >>8893205 even though Ayn Rand is a meme. It's at least on the right track.

>> No.8893339

>It's at least on the right track.
>Ann Coulter
>Bill O'Reilly
>Dinesh D'Souza
>Ronald Reagan

>> No.8893360

jesus christ these are the people i discuss literature with all day? i read over a hundred books this year (and i dont want to list them all)

you guys are poser faggots i bet you have friends or play videogames or soemthing

>> No.8893362

>right track
g-get it? But yes, both lists are pretty disgusting for different reasons.

>> No.8893379

I didn't start reading again until September. But, yes I have a slight semblance of social and academic life that causes me to not spend every waking minute reading and/or posting on /lit/

>> No.8893388

well shape up

>> No.8893488

how the hell should i remember? a fair bunch of them

guess i should keep track

>> No.8893510

jorge borges - ficciones
Joan didion - play it as it lays
marc bousquet - how the university works
alexander galloway - protocol: how control exists after decentralization
paul virilio - speed and politics
william gibson - neuromancer
dashiell hammett - red harvest
the maltese falcon
thomas pynchon - gravity's rainbow
the crying of lot 49
inherent vice
bleeding edge
don delillo - white noise
anna deveare smith - twilight los angeles 1992
anne sexton - transformations
william faulkner - the sound and the fury
james joyce - dubliners
jack kerouac - dharma bums
william s. burroughs - naked lunch
-soft machine
haruki murakami - hard-boiled wonderland and the end of the world
clr james - the black jacobins

>> No.8893514

I'm a full time student with a 9-5 job. I can't read all the time lmayo

>> No.8893523
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>> No.8893873

Antony and Cleopatra
The Stranger
Crime and Punishment
The Winter's Tale
The Idiot
Notes from Underground
Comedy of Errors
Poetic Edda
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The Morte Darthur
Troilus and Criseyde
Chaucer's Dream Visions
The Awakening
The Autobiography of an Ec Colored Man
The Great Gatsby
The Brothers Karamazov
Animal Farm
A Good Man is Hard to Find
Miss Lonelyhearts
The Day of the Locust
Thre Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous
On The Genealogy of Morals
Philosophical Fragments
Summa Theologia I
Poor Folk
Hadji Murat
The Monadology
The Book of Margery Kempe

Also read a lot of selecetions from various poets and philosophers

>> No.8893880

This is only since early summer. I read more earlier on in the year but didn't keep track.

The Stranger, Albert Camus
The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath
The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde
On The Road, Jack Kerouac
How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie
Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell
The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway

Currently reading
Infinite Jest, DFW
Catch 22, Joseph Heller
Black Postcards, Dean Wareham
The Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham
Modern Romance, Aziz Ansari

>> No.8893883

Would like to add that I don't regularly contribute to this board, just lurk. So don't worry.

>> No.8893885

I'm a slow reader who also only just started reading seriously.

The Metamorphosis
American Psycho
The Little Prince
How Not to Write a Novel
Introduction to Philosophy by Soccio
Flowers for Algernon

>> No.8893898 [DELETED] 
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The Age of Odysseus
Mythology - Edith Hamilton
Eichmann in Jerusalem
Dancing in the Glory of Monsters
Concept of the Political
Classical Literary Criticism
Maxims of de la Rochefoucauld
The Terror - David Andress
Nuremberg Diary
Conversations with Socrates - Xenophon
Works and Days/Theogony - Hesiod
Letters from a Stoic

>> No.8893901
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The Age of Odysseus
Mythology - Edith Hamilton
Eichmann in Jerusalem
Dancing in the Glory of Monsters
Concept of the Political
Classical Literary Criticism
Maxims of de la Rochefoucauld
The Terror - David Andress
Nuremberg Diary
Conversations with Socrates - Xenophon
Works and Days/Theogony - Hesiod
Letters from a Stoic
Reflections on the Revolution in France
Technological Slavery

>> No.8893903

Stand alone books:
A Study In Charlotte - Brittany Cavallaro
All the Bright Places - Jennifer Niven
American Gods - Neil Gaiman
American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis
Beauty Queens - Libba Bray
By the Time You Read This, I'll Be Dead - Julie Anne Peters
Carmilla - Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
Carrie - Stephen King
Carry On - Rainbow Rowell
Coraline - Neil Gaiman
Doll Bones - Holly Black
Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - J. K. Rowling
Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star - Heather Lynn Rigaud
Girl, Interrupted - Susanna Kayes
Go Ask Alice - Anonymous
I'll Give You the Sun - Jandy Nelson
Invisible Monsters (Remix) - Chuck Palahniuk
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
Looking For Alaska- John Green
Pet Sematary - Stephen King
Speak - Laurie Halse Anderson
Ten - Gretchen McNeil
The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
The Hellbound Heart - Clive Barker
The Killing Jar - Jennifer Bosworth
The Ocean At the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky
The Picture of Dorian Grey - Oscar Wilde
The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet - Bernie Su
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
The Way I Used to Be - Amber Smith
Vanishing Girls - Lauren Oliver
Series or parts of a series:
The Hunger Games trilogy (The Hunger Games/Catching Fire/ Mockingjay) - Suzanne Collins
After - Anna Todd
The Divergent trilogy (Divergent/Insurgent/Allegiant) - Veronica Roth
Anna Dressed In Blood & Girl of Nightmares - Kendare Blake
Beautiful Disaster - Jamie McGuire
The Dream Thieves & Blue Lily, Lily Blue & The Raven King - Maggie Stiefvater
The Delirium trilogy (Delirium/Pandemonium/Requiem) - Lauren Oliver
The Precious Stone trilogy (Ruby Red/Sapphire Blue/Emerald Green) - Kerstin Gier
The Red Queen series and accompanying novellas (Red Queen/Glass Sword/Queen Song/Steel Scars) - Victoria Aveyard
The first four Harry Potter books - J.K. Rowling
The Peculiar Children trilogy (Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children/Hollow City/Library of Souls) - Ransom Riggs
The Diviners & Lair of Dreams - Libba Bray
Lament: the Faerie Queen's Deception - Maggie Stiefvater
The Grisha trilogy (Shadow and Bone/Siege and Storm/Ruin and Rising) - Leigh Bardugo
The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty - Anne Rice
The Boss series (The Boss/The Girlfriend/The Hook-up/The Bride/The Ex/The Baby) - Abigail Barnette
The Dolls - Kiki Sullivan
The Selection trilogy (The Selection/The Elite/The One) - Kiera Cass
The Mara Dyer trilogy (The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer/The Evolution of Mara Dyer/The Retribution of Mara Dyer) - Michelle Hodkin
The Fellowship of the Ring - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Girl from the Well & the Suffering - Rin Chupeco
The Perfectionists & The Good Girls - Sara Shepard
Th Lying Game - Sara Shepard
The Hallowed Ones & the Outside - Laura Bickle
Beautiful Creatures - Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl

>> No.8893917

Richard Yates Cold Spring Harbour
Elmore Leonard Fire in the Hole
Roberto Bolaño 2666
Kazuo Ishiguro The Buried Giant
Denis Johnson Jesus' Son
Frans G. Bengtsson The Long Ships
Jim Crace Harvest
Georges Bataille Story of the Eye
Marlon James A Brief History of Seven Killings
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa Rashomon and Seventeen Other Stories
Don Delillo Mao II
Arthur Koestler Darkness at Noon
William H. Gass In the Heart of the Heart of the Country
W. G. Sebald Austerlitz
Marilynne Robinson Gilead
Michael Frayn Spies
Ambrose Bierce The Monk and the Hangman's Daughter
Yasunari Kawabata The Master of Go
James Rebanks The Shepherd's Life
Philip K. Dick Martian Time-Slip
Elmore Leonard The Complete Western Stories
Raymond Chandler The Long Goodbye
Takahashi Genichiro Sayonara, Gangsters
Marlon James The Book of Night Women
Yukio Mishima The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
Magda Szabó The Door
Elmore Leonard Riding the Rap
Tove Jansson The Summer Book
Laszlo Krasznahorkai The Bill: For Palma Vecchio, at Venice
Roberto Bolaño Amulet
Philip K. Dick The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, Volume 1: Beyond Lies the Wub
Italo Calvino Mr Palomar
Han Kang The Vegetarian
Chris Moore The Hoarse Oaths of Fife
Fyodor Dostoyevsky The Brothers Karamazov
Alfred Bester Starburst
Carson McCullers The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Venedikt Yerofeev Moscow Stations
Dimitri Verhulst Madame Verona Comes Down the Hill
Raymond Carver Cathedral
J. G. Ballard Vermilion Sands
Emma Jane Kirby The Optician of Lampedusa
Richard Brautigan Trout Fishing in America
Jorge Luis Borges The Book of Imaginary Beings
H. P. Lovecraft The Dreams in the Witch House and Other Weird Stories
Antal Szerb Journey by Moonlight
Christopher Isherwood A Single Man
Jack London The Call of the Wild
Thomas Pynchon Mason & Dixon
Juan Rulfo Pedro Páramo
Taichi Yamada Strangers

>> No.8893931

Gates of Fire
The Art of the Deal
The Disaster Artist
Blood Meridian
The Way of Kings
I, Claudius
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Dark Knight Returns
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Shining
The Decline of the West
The Romance of Tristan and Iseut
The Return of Martin Guerre
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Prince
The Shadow of the Torturer
The Claw of the Conciliator

I know I'm a pleb but it's my first year back into reading so give me a break pls

>> No.8893935

>The Dark Knight Returns

>> No.8893957
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I had a shitty year but I'm trying to squeeze in 3-4 books before the end of the year since I'm having break from work.

>> No.8893977

Amazing, I wish I was you desu

>> No.8893991


Fanfic maybe?

>> No.8894595

>Technological Slavery - Kaczynski
>Why Nations Fail - Acemoglu and Robinson
>God Is Not Great - Hitchens (followed by his brothers answer "The Rage Against God").
>Admirable Evasions - Dalrymple
>Putin - Gessen
>Methodist Doctrine - Campbell
>No god by God - Aslan
>Think Big - Carson(mixed it up with gifted hands when I bought it)
>What I believe - Küng
>Values in a Time of Upheaval - Ratzinger
>No Place To Hide - Greenwald
>Life at the Bottom - Dalrymple
>Meditations - Aurelius
>The Last Man in Russia - Bullough
>The Intelligence Paradox - Kanazawa
>God and Man at Yale - Buckley
>The Conscience of a Conservative - Goldwater
>Without Roots - Ratzinger
>What I Talk About When I Talk About Running - Murakami
>The Holocaust Industry - Finkelstein
>Utopia - More
>A History of Korea - Hwang
>Poor Folk - Dostoyevsky
>Saturday - McEwan
>On Conscience - Ratzinger
>The Analects - Confucius
>The Righteous Mind - Haidt
>The Siege of Mecca - Trofimov
>Last Testament - Ratzinger

Overall it was a comfy year. Next year I hope to read more fiction.

>> No.8894649

>Fahrenheit 451
>The Essentials of Hinduism
>The Crying of Lot 49
>The Sun Also Rises
>Maus I & II
>House of Leaves
>The New York Trilogy
>The Odyssey
>The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>The Pale King
>Notes from the Underground
>Invisible Cities
>Inherent Vice
>A Supposedly Fun Thing that I'll Never Do Again
>The Man in the High Castle
>The Mezzanine
>The Republic
>Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.8894757
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This was my first year of taking reading seriously after a long drought. Still, I know they're some pretty basic books, but that's where I need to start. In reading order:

-Byung Chul-Han - The Transparency Society
-Jake Adelstein - Tokyo Vice
-Takiji Kobayashi - Kanikosen
-Vladimir Lenin - The Right of Nations to Self-determination
-Stephen Hawking - A Briefer History of Time
-Ryuunosuke Akutagawa - Numachi
-Slavoj Zizek - Islam and Modernity: Some Blasphemic Reflexions
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
-Yukio Mishima - Sun and Steel
-Ryuunosuke Akutagawa - A Fool's Life and Other Stories
-Julio Cortázar - Bestiario
-Adolfo Bioy-Casares - The Invention of Morel
-Nikolai Gogol - The Inspector General
-Plato - The Trial and Death of Socrates
-Leon Festinger - A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance
-Arthur Rimbaud - A Season in Hell/Illuminations
-Friedrich Engels - The Principles of Communism
-Niccolò Machiavelli - The Prince
-Musashi Miyamoto - The Book of the Five Rings
-Ogai Mori - Vita Sexualis
-Anonymous - The Epic of Gilgamesh
-Osamu Dazai - No Longer Human
-Natsume Soseki - Light and Darkness
-Albert Camus - The Stranger
-Lev Tolstoy - The Death of Ivan Ilych
-Stephen King - On Writing
-Fyodor Dostoyevsky - The Double
-Mikhail Lermontov - A Hero of Our Time
-Hermann Melville - Bartleby, the Scrivener
-Edvard Radzinsky - Rasputin: The Secret Files
-Jorge Luis Borges - In Praise of Darkness
-Hermann Hesse - Siddhartha
-Ogai Mori - Sansho the Bailiff
-Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Notes from the Underground
-Lev Tolstoy - The Kreutzer Sonata
-Haruki Murakami - Kafka on the Shore
-Takiji Kobayashi - Life of a Party Member
-Kenzaburo Oe - A Personal Matter
-Lev Tolstoy - What Men Live By
-Jorge Luis Borges - Ficciones

>> No.8894807

The metamorphosis, thus spoke zarathustra, a doll's house, oedipus, the odyssey, hamlet.
Currently reading the count of monte cristo.

I know its not much but im still in high school (am 18) so grant me mercy

>> No.8894818
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The Son, by Philipp Meyer
Lonesome Dove, by Larry McMurtry
The Confusions of Young Törless, by Robert Musil
No One Writes to the Colonel, by Gabriel García Márquez
Train Dreams, by Denis Johnson
Who Killed Palomino Molero?, by Mario Vargas Llosa
Butcher's Crossing, by John Williams
Warlock, by Oakley Hall
At Swim-Two-Birds, by Flann O'Brien
At Swim, Two Boys, by Jamie O'Neill
My Ántonia, by Willa Cather
Maurice, by E.M. Forster
The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt
We the Animals, by Justin Torres
Hard Rain Falling, by Don Carpenter
Cannery Row, by John Steinbeck
The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck
The Letter Killers Club, by Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky
Wise Blood, by Flannery O'Connor
The Big Sleep, by Raymond Chandler
Sometimes a Great Notion, by Ken Kesey
Housekeeping, by Marilynne Robinson
The Virginian, by Owen Wister
Poachers, by Tom Franklin

>> No.8894821

/it noob here.

>Cats cradle
>the stranger
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.8894841
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>Beyond Good and Evil
>Human, All Too Human
>Anti-Education (Nietzsche)
>The Portable Nietzsche
>Untimely Meditations
>The Last Days of Socrates
>Sayings and Anecdotes (Diogenes)
>The Analects (Confucius)
>Peer Gynt
>Empress Dowager Cixi (Jung Chang)
>The English and their History (Robert Tombs)
>Goethe Parts I & II

I had a very Nietzsche-heavy 2016. I spent 2015 on Kant and Schopenhauer for the most part. The Birth of Tragedy is my last remaining straggler in that regard.

I'm planning on paying the Greeks a 2nd visit in 2017. Read the key works several years ago, and a sliver of Plato this year.

>> No.8894931

this is a fucking weird approach to philosophy.

I hope you're plenty young at least

>> No.8894955


>Greeks -> Kant/Schopenhauer -> Nietzsche

Not really, pretty standard (/lit/) approach desu. I mean he could have included Hume/Descartes/etc, but it's not entirely necessary. Even Schopenhauer, in the preface to WWR, says that his readers need only be familiar with Kant and Plato, alongside his dissertation piece and the Bhagavad Gita if they're really keen.

>> No.8894984

what I mean is coldly working through philosophers like you're following some graph, not actually considering what direction your interest would take you.

>> No.8894993


Your approach sounds much more cold/utilitarian than his, only reading philosophers for their 'use' or with an end goal in mind.

>> No.8895000


Guns, Germs and Steel
Mein Kampf (it's acually quite inspiring, and since I'm from a country that had a coup financed by the US, not as scary as if it was written by an american)
Crime and Punishment (best book I have ever read. Also, counts as 4)

>> No.8895021

The Fellowcraft
The Apprentice
A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe
Suspended Animation
Cosmic Trigger
Undoing Yourself
Fanged Noumena
The Hidden Code to Freemasonry
Dragon Tales
Fistfights with Muslims in Europe
The Initiatic Experience
Don't be a Jerk
The Trivium: The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric
Calendric Dominion
Xinjiang Horizons
CCRU Writings 1997-2003
The Secret Tradition of the Soul
God's Chaos Candidate
Our Mathematical Universe
The Illiad
The History of the Fabian Society
Eros and Magic in the Renaissance

>> No.8895023

>with an end goal in mind

with any purpose at all, anyway.

>> No.8895041

Another anon, but reading in a pre-determined order to get through some kind of canon (which, unless you are a NEET or trying to become a professional academic is impossible, given the time required) seems much more weird to me. I'm studying philosphy and no professor has ever told us to read like that. If you're reading as a hobby, why not read what you find fun? Of course, anon could find Nietzsche fun but I see so many people here trying to get "through" certain books that I find it hard to imagine they did anything other than skim through them.

>> No.8895058
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Probably missing a few, but 2016 was the year I got /lit/, so I basically started with whatever I was told to read.

>Hamilton's Mythology
>The Stranger
>The Plague
>The Crying of Lot 49
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>The Myth of Sisyphus
>Infinite Jest
>Oxford's the First Philosophers
>Plato's Euthyphro and Apology
>Moby Dick
>Crime and Punishment
>The Trial
>Don Quixote

Already got a plan for 2017 started as well, aiming for 50 pages a day consistently. Any recommendations on what to add?

>> No.8895126

what site is this?

>> No.8895143

it's literally named in the picture, are you retarded

>> No.8895151


>> No.8895213

You gotta read the second half of Book of the New Sun. I'm just finishing up The Sword of the Lictor right now.

>> No.8895274

The book of laughter and forgetting
The stranger
A happy death
Something wicked this way comes
Flow my tears, the policeman said
Do androids dream of electric sheep
The man in the high castle
Kafka on the shore
The wind up bird chronicle
Hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world
The picture of Dorian gray
Oryx and crake
The good soldier
The invisible man
First love
Crying of lot 49

Just started: Eichmann in Jerusalem

>> No.8895275

Finished infinite jest
White noise
Blood meme
Notes from Underground
Gold anthology (asimov)
Book of Disquiet
The birth of tradgedy
Parts of cantos
Started GR but shelved it for the time being since im a pleb

I'm a slow reader

>> No.8895311

Fahrenheit 451
The Metamorphosis

Currently reading Moby-Dick and Dubliners

>> No.8895351

Oh yeah I'm reading Sword & Citadel right now, I'm loving this series so far.

>> No.8897138

Nice. I'm on page 150 of Sword of the Lictor right now.

>> No.8897616


>> No.8897731


All of Danielewski's books aside from The 50 Year Sword (including 3 published volumes of the Familiar)

Infinite Jest, Tractatus Logico Philosophicus, Lost in the Funhouse, if on a winter's night a traveler, Critique of Pure Reason, Demons + Crime and Punishment (Dosty Books) , Beloved, Ethics (Spinoza), A Visit From the Goon Squad, The Book of Daniel + Ragtime + Welcome to Hard Times (Doctorow books), Phenomenology of Spirit, Das Kapital, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Science Perception Reality (Wilfrid Sellars), Mind + World (McDowell), Heart of Darkness, American Pastoral.

How did I do /lit/izens? Feel free to ask about any of these if you've read them or plan to.

>> No.8897737

Geeze I put this in a very autistic format.
Also forgot the two Joyce's I read – Dubliners and Portrait. Read a decent amount of philosophy and lit crit/theory essays as a part of my Uni studies but those don't really count as books obviously.

>> No.8898581

Red Badge of Courage
El Aleph
Epic of Gilgamesh
The Great Gatsby
The Crying of Lot 49
The Metamorphosis
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Peer Gynt
King Lear
The Aeneid

>> No.8898746

what are the best Japanese authors from best to worst?

>> No.8898773
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No Country for Old Men
Child of God
The Plot Against America
Mao II
The Immoralist
On the Genealogy of Morals
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Two Novels by Robbe-Grillet (In the Labyrinth and Jealousy, collection)
Homage to Catalonia
Melancholy of Resistance

>> No.8900356

I don't remember all of them
Don't bother, no need to posture

>> No.8900450

The Outsiders
The Trial
War of the Worlds
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Jane Eyre
The Door Into Summer
The Kiterunner
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Venus in Furs
The Disaster Artist