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/lit/ - Literature

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8892076 No.8892076 [Reply] [Original]

What university are you at, /lit/? What are you studying? What are you reading at the moment?

>> No.8892086


>THE University of Oklahoma
>Electrical Engineering

>> No.8892089

Currently studying Philo at UCLA, Reading Candide

>> No.8892092

a really bad one
computer science
gravitys rainbow

>> No.8892117

Anyone here who is doing a non-Lit arts or humanities degree - how do you have the time to read fiction?

>> No.8892118

English and Theology
Oxford history of Egypt

>> No.8892126


>> No.8892129


I don't understand the question.
Why would I not have time?

>> No.8892136

Computer Science is probably the most ez degree once you learn how to program well, which many people fail to do and drop out, but its easy past then with very little or no study actually required

>> No.8892139

Undisclosed subject for privacy (Arts)
The Castle

Are you at Trinity?

>> No.8892144

Moby-Dick, but I want to follow it up with Hume-Kant-Schopenhauer

>> No.8892160

Maybe I am.

>> No.8892163

Phrased it badly. I'm doing a Humanities degree and I find I don't have much time to read fiction due to the amount of degree related material I'm reading.

>> No.8892168

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México / Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Computer Engineering and doing a minor in Manufacturing
The Prince by Machiavelli

>> No.8892173

Aight fellow cantab lad, arts student at Tit Hall here - are you a HSPS student? Bet you are if you don't want to say la haha

>> No.8892174

kys liberal arts fags
enjoy your worthless degree, future baristas

>> No.8892176

history & philosophy of science
magic mountain, gadamer, koyre

>> No.8892178

Haha I've already got a training contract at Allen and Overy but cheers anyway kidder

>> No.8892179

A bad book on literary essays because, apparently, my approach is wrong or something.

>> No.8892181
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Ya te pillé, culero

>> No.8892193

Either drop some hints or don't. Would be interesting.

>> No.8892197

Okay, deal. Yes, HSPS. First year. You?

>> No.8892217

University of North Texas
Infinite Jest

>> No.8892223


What's Uni of North Texas like?
I was the anon talking about falling in love with a girl over facebook the other day and that's the uni she goes to.

>> No.8892227
File: 2.76 MB, 3024x4032, gc11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't tease you, I'm actually at pic related. I have a lot of Arts mates at Trinity though - are you there?

>> No.8892229

She's probably taking senior dicks right now.

>> No.8892239

1st as well, doing AMES. How you liking first year? I'm from up north so I'm surrounded by poshos and I can't take em, some of them are proper Jacob Rees-moggs

>> No.8892242


Seriously tell me about it, I'm thinking about transferring there.

>> No.8892265

So three of us, assuming nobody is pretending.

Of course I am here, distracting myself from reading. That's funny, I am also not at Trin, but have a few arts friends there myself. How's life at Keys?
Had my blues, but utterly attached to it too. So much potential for it to be the best place I have ever been to. International and largely unaffected by poshness. Didn't think Tit Hall was that posh.

>> No.8892268

>ivy league school

nice try, friendo.

>> No.8892277

University of Delaware
The Sound and the Fury

>> No.8892290

Such a middlebrow thing to say. If you're smart enough to attend a proper school then you can major in Afro-Dildo theory and still land a well-paying job. Beside the rare outlier who's genuinely interested in what he's studying, STEM is for state school mediocrities who have no choice but to stew away in something they don't enjoy just to fund the middle class consumption lifestyle their parents expect of them.

>> No.8892294


Wahey, I'm an HSPS cantab atm

>> No.8892298

It's a pretty average school outside of the music dept. The city itself is tremendous though, rife with culture and music and bars. There's a great used book store on the square that always gets old first editions of books.

>> No.8892301

Tit isn't that posh mate but you get bourgeois lads at every college. Lemme ask you a question - some lad I know at Emma tells me to get on HSPS you need at least 95 UMS in everything at A level - can you confirm? I reckon he's chatting shit and I always tell him it's a Mickey mouse like Land Econ

>> No.8892303


Yeah everyone is so posh and rich. I wish I had less self-awareness so I could tell people about how poor I am all the time but everyone just thinks I'm average for cam

>> No.8892312


It's pretty high competition. I'm HSPS and most of the people I know doing it got 95%+ (although that's probably the average in arts anyway...)

>> No.8892313


I wonder if you know that girl?

>> No.8892314

You the other HSPS lad? Don't worry too much about it mate. I know a lad who probably has Habsburg in him and he doesn't treat me any different even though I'm from a terrace on an ex-council estate. Don't let it bother you

>> No.8892324


I dunno if that satisfies me. I know people don't dislike me intentionally for being poor, but I'm very aware of how often I seem rude or out of place because I don't really understand their customs

>> No.8892325

Central Saint Martins
Foundation in Architecture
We by Zamyatin

>> No.8892330

Ey. Which year?

I know a fair share of people who failed their offers. Not Land Econ level, but I don't think it is that hard. There is a possibility I even know who you are talking about, hm.

>> No.8892332

>Universidad de Oviedo
>Reading the Bible everyday. Just finished Swann's Way and the Complete Plays of Aeschylus. I'll keep reading Proust tomorrow, I guess.

>> No.8892335

Nah I've heard Arts is a lot lower than STEM for UMS avg. A lot of my Historian mates only scraped it in with like 90 UMS average after a remark haha.

It will get better. Try and find more people from a similar background if you can. Or do what I do sometimes and use it to your advantage - have a go at them for being "bourgeois swine" etc.

>> No.8892341

Screw them, really. I hang out with very down-to-earth people, and everyone I know actually makes fun of poshos.

>> No.8892345


Yeah but I don't want to come out of university and end up being as poor as I went in, the whole point is surely to depovertise yourself

>> No.8892350

Sofia Uni n shiet mfka

>> No.8892354

Just graduated from UNT in May with a film degree. Fun school, cool town, learned a lot, but lacks the connections needed for jobs unless you're in the music school. Would do it again. Also read Infinite Jest not long ago. How far into it are you/how long is it taking to read it?

>> No.8892362

You can go to LawSoc if you want. Country socs usually have good business connections too if that's your kind of thing. I think you will be fine even without completely selling yourself.
Are you the other HSPS fellow? Sorry, I am curious. Especially in HSPS everyone's pretending to be 'street' anyway.

>> No.8892366

If you actually know my mate - haha jesus christ. Us /lit/ Cantabs should meet up, drive down to Oxford and cause a bit of trouble.

>> No.8892373


I think that might be a misperception. People in HSPS pretend to be african, not poor. Many of the boys our out and proud conservatives of one kind or another

>> No.8892376

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Aeroespace Engineering

>> No.8892383


Montclair State University
English Literature
I just finished reading Stoner

>> No.8892390

tips for getting to the point of knowing how to program well? I know very little in the realm of programming besides some rudimentary python

>> No.8892406

Would be up for it, hah. Though the battle at the homefront must be won first...
What are you reading btw.? Degree stuff?

Virtually everyone I know is at least a social democrat. A phony one, possibly, but. Are you in a different year?

>> No.8892411

York (Glendon specifically. Kill me before I have to go to the main campus)
Something by Woolf

>> No.8892415

as someone that graduated from stanford, this isn't the case, at all

>> No.8892432


Second year. Outside of HSPS maybe, inside I'd say it's pretty evenly divided desu

>> No.8892433

The Great Caliphs: the Golden Age of the ‘Abbasid Empire for degree stuff, also reading Blitzed by Norman Ohler.

>> No.8892444

English Literature
Discurso inaugural de la Universidad Nacional, by Justo Sierra

>> No.8892446
File: 101 KB, 400x260, unige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any swiss friends around?

I've been trying to access these conferences but theyre blocked... maybe an anon wants to help around? It'd be much appreciated ;)


>> No.8892450

I'm also at Columbia yo

Studying English

>> No.8892452

> Bowling Green
> AYA English Education (high school teacher)
> rereading Cat's Cradle

>> No.8892453

i almost went to columbia for my PhD

how is it?

>> No.8892458

>all these ivy league students
>i go to a state school
>have good grades but still feel very stupid

fucking kms

>> No.8892462

Ivy League isn't for smart people, it's for rich people

>> No.8892467

If you're doing engineering, then you'll make more than them, anyway.

If you're not well, you're out of luck.

>> No.8892470

confirming this

don't feel bad for a second

>> No.8892472

Have you tried different socs? Hear there is a Working Class one with drinks paid by Trinity (funny enough). Then Labour and Marxist, though even the latter is quite phony too I was told.

Interested in Nazism, eh? Want to tell whether you are doing any extracurricular stuff you can recommend?

>> No.8892478
File: 212 KB, 1024x683, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna, the first university of the world
Literature and Philosophy
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili by Francesco Colonna

>> No.8892485

I personally love it. There's a lot of SJW bullshit among the general public but some of the students and professors are the most patrician people I've ever met. Academically it really varies for each department, but the programs I've seen are stellar.

Where'd you end up?

>> No.8892490


im an english major but my school is known for its teaching program (which is why i went)

i just wanna be an english teacher and work my way up to professor over the years

>> No.8892505
File: 11 KB, 1490x349, McGill_logoT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

history and economics
the sound and the fury

>> No.8892507
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>tfw autodidact

>> No.8892510

that's why you're the best here

>> No.8892568

how many good boy points do you have?

>> No.8892598


You guys are completely out of touch. Ivy League schools have some super rich legacies and sports shitheads but these schools are mostly high school valedictorians and salutatorians with stratospheric SAT scores. If you could have gone, you would have. But that's not to say you can't do great things where you are. Just don't go through life with the sour grapes attitude.

>> No.8892615


How is UCLA's phil program? I've been considering it, but all the people I know at the uni are stem majors

>> No.8892620

The only thing you can do is to keep doing things outside your current capability, I would suggest you google project euler and start from there, or decide on a simple project and research how to make it and then do it.

>> No.8892660

The Evergreen State College
Everything and Nothing
Sexual Personae

Let's be friends.

>> No.8892665

Went to Northeastern Uni in Boston

Hoping to get a 175+ on the LSAT this February so I can have a good shot at Harvard or UChicago Law

>> No.8892669

>The Evergreen State College
this place seems like the ultimate stoner/slacker palace, no offense

sometimes i kinda wanna give it all up and vape marijuana 24/7 and a get a degree in sociology at that place

>> No.8892670


Do you know her?

>> No.8892672


Where'd you do your coop? Think carefully, man. Law school is not worth it. Take it from a biglawyer

>> No.8892682


Happy to see other philosophy majors. Maybe we can make a shanty town together after we graduate.

>> No.8892699

Did one at SSgA and one at Goldman and saved up enough money to do an unpaid coop at a US Attorneys Office to make some connections in law. Everyone tells me law school isn't worth it but its the only way I really see myself making a good salary after school. I didn't enjoy finance and, even if it interested me, I don't have the personality for it.

>> No.8892703


You're not wrong. You get exactly as much out of the place as you put in, and many take that as an invitation to put in nothing.

If you're driven, creative, and highly self-motivated, it can be a great environment. You just need to be very careful in program selection, and more often than not Independent Learning Contracts are the best option if you're not going for a B.S.

>> No.8892723

>If you're smart enough to attend a proper school then you can major in Afro-Dildo theory and still land a well-paying job.
You've been watching too many movies, pal.

>> No.8892726
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I see. Just consider that law school is a true 3-year investment of your life and the debt is astronomical. The only people I know who are "happy" doing it now are those with wealthy parents who paid for school or someone got a scholarship at a lesser school but managed to excel and scrape their way into a good firm.

Getting into a good school is no guarantee of a good salary (i.e. biglaw, which is the only option for a good salary), and even then you're looking at a serious grind doing boring work and paying off those loans. Alarms go off when you say you're not interested in finance - so much of law is catering to big financial clients who only see the bottom line. If you have something more public interest in mind, all the power to you. But it won't be more interesting than most finance jobs, and a hell of a lot less flexible.

If you are truly interested in law, gun as hard as you can for Yale Law and academia. Best of luck, man.

>> No.8892743


Graduated from OU last semester, I've always hated people's insistence on calling it the university of Oklahoma, when Oklahoma University rolls off the tongue so much better.


I'm at Rice now though, and am reading the Second Sex.

>> No.8892748


Almost decided to go here until I read that its liike 80% white kids? Yikes.

How do you like it though? My homegirl goes there.

>> No.8892753

Are you an NU alum too?

I studied econ. Always felt that the department leaves students interested in graduate studies very unprepared

>> No.8892755

I assume many of you are planning on going to law school or already there. I recently decided(freshman) that I want to do law. I go to a state college(WVU) and was wondering if there was any chance in hell I could make it into a t14 school. I really want to major in history as I believe it would be the easiest for me to reach a 4.0. Also, what do you think a good minor would be for LSAT and law school preparation? Thank you. PS. I can still change my major easily, so if History is a no, I can change.

>> No.8892763

Anyone go to Deep Springs or Sr John's (Maryland)? I only heard about them once I was well into my undergraduate studies but surely these are the most /lit/ colleges in the US

>> No.8892775

sounds great. i sometimes think about how different my life might be if i had made that decision differently. plus there's just something about living in new york.

i ended up picking chicago because the program was a better fit, but it was a narrow margin. i'm this guy: >>8892176

most kids at great universities are just rich brats. there are always great people too, but there's definitely an air of self-importance in my experience.

>> No.8892782

Maryland is a hellhole. Way too many blacks

>> No.8892798

Who is she?

>> No.8892800

I plan on applying to law school this fall. Early this year I took the free sample LSAT and got nearly all the questions right, so I signed up for the June LSAT. Ended up doing much worse - got every question wrong on an RC passage I couldn't focus on and got a 167 (10 points lower than my practice test) I've been taking prep for February more seriously so hopefully things work out better this time.

Everything I've read seems to indicate that undergrad prestige hardly matters. Just keep your GPA 3.85 . The best way to prep for LSAT is to read the powerscore Bibles and take as many preptests as possible. Before you start doing that I guess I'd just recommend reading nonfiction and good fiction, magazines like The New Yorker, The Economist, and The Scientific American, and reading journal articles.

>> No.8892803


Well, that just isn't the case in the Ivy League. There might be an air of self-importance, but remember that the claim "they're rich kids" is patently false.

In fact, the Ivy League schools have some of the most generous financial aid programs in the country. Often, going to an Ivy school is cheaper than going to a state school. Most Ivy students are on financial aid.

For example, at Harvard College, more than 70% of students are on financial aid. If you're parents make less than $65,000 you PAY NOTHING to go there.

Think about that: if you get into Harvard College, and your parents don't have much money, you go there for free. Many of the Ivy schools, especially Princeton are like this. As a result, the student body is incredibly diverse and interesting.

>> No.8892815

Stanford isn't a proper school, kiddo

>> No.8892816


This is the Holmes poster guy. This law school prep advice is pretty much spot on. GPA and LSAT is the name of the game. Prestigious undergrad does give you a little bit of a boost, but keep those grades up.

ALL THAT SAID, law school is not worth it even if you get into a T14. Think very carefully if you cannot get the whole thing paid for. Your best case scenario otherwise is being a wage slave for a biglaw firm.

>> No.8892822

No doubt most of the sociable kids at Harvard suck. Thats because they're usually athletes or rich kids. The rest of the Harvard population are geniuses and near-autists who wear baggy jeans and sneakers with holes in them. You just don't meet them since they have no interest in talking to anyone

>> No.8892828


Not an NU alum, but I know a couple. It doesn't surprise me that they weren't great about prep for graduate studies (few schools are, and the ones that are tend to be small liberal arts colleges), but especially NU which really emphasizes the career development thing.

>> No.8892831

>As a result, the student body is incredibly diverse and interesting.

i'd have to see statistics on the composition of the student body, because in my experience financial aid doesn't guarantee that people pass the subtle obstacle course that stands between a teenager and admission to an ivy league program.

i dated multiple girls who applied to ivy leagues, some of whom got in. they all had perfect GPAs, went to private high schools filled with kids who were very very rich (and very insulated - the same mindset i notice at the universities). they all had extracurriculars out the ass and were shaped by thir parents to write good entry essays and stuff. it mostly came down to a crap shoot.

in the end though, they were all the same person, all their friends were the same people, all of their friend's friends were the same people: high school GPA champions with great SATs and stellar, meaningless, hollow essays about overcoming adversity while being a 17 year old with a rich dad. i cannot tell you how many times i've had to sit in rooms full of these people and watch them compare backgrounds, noting that their parents forced them all to do minor variations on the same hollow things that they don't really care about.

the good ones become uncomfortable with this background, but tons of them accept it and become hollow, careerist, shallow "junior elites" with no real passion. that seems to be the mainstream chaff of the ivy leagues, in my experience. YMMV.

i like those guys yeah. i still think a lot of them are deformed by the process i described above, which is even sadder.

>> No.8892832


You're replying to a guy at UChicago lol

>> No.8892838


Her name is Bonnie.

>> No.8892840

yeah okay

>> No.8892843


I agree that financial aid stats don't guarantee, but they are a good proxy. I went to an Ivy and the people were from an unbelievable array of backgrounds. The point is that while all the rich private school kids are doing extracurriculars out the ass and getting the best grades, the top schools have their pick of the cream of the crop and they can see through most of the transparent stuff. They can also choose students from an diversity of socio-economic backgrounds, which definitely comported with my experience in undergrad. I would suggest that if you dated some of these girls and hung out with their friends they were a self selecting group. In terms of spending 4 years with a group of amazingly intelligent, diverse people, the Ivy League is your best bet.

>> No.8892846

I toured St. John's and it seemed really fucking cool as far as the program went. However, the student population is REALLY small and I watched as a group of people started gossiping as a couple went back to the dorms together which kinda made the college seem claustrophobic. Definitely the most /lit/ college I've encountered, though.

>> No.8892851

70% are on some financial aid, sure. I suspect there are very few students who come from families making less than 65k. Not for malicious reasons, of course. But the average lower middle class parents aren't encouraging their kid to take AP classes because they dont know what an AP class is. I come from a working class family and didn't realize AP classes were weighted 10% at my high school until junior year. I went from ranking 70th in my class after sophomore year to finishing in the top 5 for junior and senior year. Unfortunately that was too late to break even the top 30 American unis, even with an SAT score in the 98th percentile.

The cynical part of me thinks that any racial diversity at ivies is nothing more than a slightly more colorful Brookline. Most of the non-athlete brown kids probably come from fairly privileged backgrounds.

The even more cynical side of me thinks that the 65k threshold effectively functions as a scholarship workaround for the black kids on the football and basketball teams.

>> No.8892860

maybe i just have bad luck because i went to ivies precisely to find what you're describing, and at most i found people with thin veneers of personality, or clusters of interests that might have amounted to something interesting if they hadn't stagnated for five years. maybe i was expecting some good will hunting young hegelians shit and being overly optimistic?

at the end of the day everyone is just a guy in a fucking sweatervest attending classes. everyone's a mild-mannered class attender with an OK GPA.

all the best people i meet in university were burnout eccentrics from an esoteric bookstore.

is that good or bad?

>> No.8892872

I don't know her.

>> No.8892874


You hit on an interesting point about the athletic programs - that is definitely a factor, especially for the old school alums who still care about the football program, for example.

And you're right to be cynical about the backgrounds of the racially diverse population. This is a hard thing because the fact is, you need to be academically ready to compete with your classmates at an Ivy undergrad, and this can be hard if you are truly unprepared.

But still, admissions departments are incredibly sensitive to this these days, and there are many remedial math and writing programs for students not quite ready to compete when they get there. I think the composition of the Ivy schools has never been more cosmopolitan and diverse in a socio-economic sense.

I think your intuitions really ring truer in law school admissions, where the is a purely cynical admissions policy that favors under-represented minorities, regardless of socio-economic background.

>> No.8892877

Why The New Yorker? My school gives students subscriptions to NYT and WSJ, will those do the job?

>> No.8892878


No.... =(

>> No.8892881


Ha I did graduate 6 years ago, so maybe it's just a generational thing...

>> No.8892883

>Georgia Tech
>Don Quixote

>> No.8892887

University of St Andrews
Brief Interviews With Hideous Men

>tfw Oxford reject

>> No.8892890

The quite prestige Washburn University
Blood Meridian

>> No.8892902

Doing physics at an english university. I've done barely any work the whole time I've been here, might off myself soon.

I've just started reading Frankenstein.

>> No.8892920

I was just listing bourgeois magazines desu. The Economist and Scientific American, along with journal articles, are probably the most relevant. But hey, the most recent preptest featured an article that appeared in what could have been Men's Fitness. NYT and WSJ articles and opeds can be good too, but the average news story may be a bit too simple. I'd be surprised if you weren't able to access The Economist via the WVU online library. Really, if you use journal articles throughout your undergraduate studies (which you will if you take school as seriously as you plan to) I wouldn't expect you to be intimidated by the LSAT reading Comprehension.

>> No.8893008

>Economics and Statistics
>The New Jim Crow

>> No.8893048 [DELETED] 

Is a philosophy undergrad worth it? At the best department in Canada (u of t). What kinds of career options other than graduate/law school would I have? (Not underage no ban pls)

>> No.8893050

>Imperial College
>Oxfords history of ancient greece

>> No.8893096

UofT is incredibly analytic heavy in my experience, you will have to work hard to make sure you cover continental ground on your own initiative

>> No.8893107

did you study english or philosophy there?

>> No.8893131

University of Virginia
i slack off in my classes and research and get by with mediocre grades

>> No.8893134

I'm 31 and I can't believe I'm hanging out in a message board with lonely kids uploading cartoon frogs all day but there's literally no real-world alternative to discuss lit once you finish college

>> No.8893149
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i'm in molecular biochem (for neuroscience) and my wife is getting a PhD in philosophy.

the work load isn't terrible if you set aside time to be in STEMworld completely before using your free time to read lit.

basically, read before sleeping, just after waking, or whenever you have time to freely shitpost here.

>> No.8893154
File: 48 KB, 491x654, disappointed_adorno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of San Francisco
Political Sci/Phil
Minima Moralia by Theodor Adorno

>tfw people call your school University of Single Females
>tfw you still have no gf.

>> No.8893166

>Stellenbosch University
>Modern Man in search of a Soul

>> No.8893191

>reading evola while i should be studying

>> No.8893221
File: 73 KB, 664x720, 1425314595484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw graduated in spring and not sure I'll get accepted to a grad program

I just want to go back to school, brehs.

>> No.8893233

Neet University
Majoring in scat porn and crying myself to sleep.
Reading The Idiot :^)

>> No.8893248

Wrong. Let's get real, if you aren't majoring in STEM, you're fucked in the job market.

>> No.8893249

>Ivy League
Nice try simpleton.

>> No.8893641

Considering a shit ton of STEM jobs are being offshore'd to turd world countries, I don't think you should be talking.

>> No.8893645

And what use is a Liberal Arts History and Study of Latinx Femme Performing Arts of the 2010s degree again?

>> No.8893657

I was going to reply to this thread, but I just realized I graduated a few weeks ago.
I don't think I'm ready for the next stage of my life desu

>> No.8893669

never change /lit/

>> No.8893676



>> No.8893677

Consolation of Philosophy - Boethius

>> No.8893687

What subjects do you do m'boy

>> No.8893704

History and Philosophy mostly

>> No.8894093

Wouldn't say Nazism, more just modern political history in general. As for EC stuff, hmmm. Maybe join a Model UN or debating society? Do some work experience at your local MP?

>> No.8894113


>Consolation of Philosophy - Boethius

Ah, the original meme book...

>> No.8894118

How so?

>> No.8894511

>Attending University of Houston - I should've either killed myself or gone to Rice.

>Majoring in Political Science - Good family connection to maritime law around here.

>Reading de Bello Gallico - Reading this in Latin. It's kicking my ass. My reading speed is literally minutes per word.

>> No.8894571


>> No.8894623

Instituto Superior Técnico ( Best university I could get without leaving Portugal; still had to leave the tiny island I lived.)
Computer Science and Engineering
Moby dick

>> No.8894646

I have these fields covered, what I am lacking is some activity related to literature, philosophy and the like.

>> No.8894650

There is an NPC that hasn't loaded properly in that pic. Shoddy craftsmanship

>> No.8894667

Ohio University
English (not sure what I want do with it tho, I might take it Law School or I might try teaching or something)
Mason & Dixon

>> No.8894679
File: 2.15 MB, 4961x3508, Perspective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foreign architecture student in France. I will probably finish my studies in Milan though, starting next year.

It's been pretty hard maintaining a regular reading routine this semester desu. I mostly read poetry and some novels when I got some time off.

>> No.8894682

Oh, I forgot. Currently reading La Prisonnière. Taking advantage of the vacations to advance on The Search of Lost Time.

>> No.8894702

children weill easily climb up that roof and fall down.

But it looks very pleasant.

>> No.8894732

I'm at St. John's Santa Fe. Yes, definitely the most /lit/ college. We put >start with the Greeks into practice here.

Yeah the student population is too small. You literally know everyone one campus even if you haven't talk to them. Sometimes I wish there are other exciting things to do on campus other than reading and talking about books.

>> No.8894753

Leiden University (Netherlands)
Double major in History and Philosophy
Hadji Murad

>> No.8894954

Fellow Nederlander here,
>Still deciding on my next book.

>> No.8895087

Modern architecture truly is disgusting

>> No.8895112

feelin like an ultra pleb
Psychology at Leicester (England)
Reading Fear and Trembling

>> No.8895153

>Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
>Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Now I don't know if you're a chairo or a fresa

>> No.8895156
File: 92 KB, 693x479, Kidosaki-House-courtyard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you say that anon? And what do you suggest, going back to ornamented facade architecture?

>> No.8895184

University of Toronto
Speak, Memory

>> No.8895216

I have a history degree from Western Illinois University.

>> No.8895218

oxford dont offer pure philosophy undergrad

you phd or keeping the other half secret?

t.oxford, math + phil, wittgenstein tlp and paradise lost

>> No.8895220

What's your job? Dishwasher? Elementary school teacher?

>> No.8895231


>> No.8895261

ive never understood this assumption that stem people study harder. most of my humanities friends spend 5+ hrs a day just in the library.

i do maths and am doing pretty well with <3hrs total work a day. idk if this is just me, but humanities degrees seem loads more effort uezs.

>> No.8895304

German Studies
a few books - The Sorrows of Young Werther (Goethe), Henry von Ofterdingen (Novalis) and one not for my """"studies""" - Please Kill Me (the oral history of punk one)

regarding Ivy League talk, I'm a student from a low-income family on significant financial aid. There is a pretty good number of people like me at Yale now. We have plenty of legacy assholes and rich kids too though. It's a mixed bag. Yale does try pretty hard (at least in comparison to other schools) to accommodate the needs of lower-income students. I would say about 80% of my peers are genuinely bright, but at Yale there are a lot of differing areas of "bright"-- not just STEM geniuses or kids who got perfect SAT scores or prize-winning writers or anything.

>> No.8895305

>B.A. in Modern French Studies
>Hippolyte Taine - History of English Literature

>> No.8895390

English and Anthropology

>> No.8895396

are there many international students at Yale? I hear theres quite a few Brits

>> No.8895409

I'm a Security Analyst for a large Natural Gas company

>> No.8895452

So true. One of the lecturers told me that when he did his degree 30 years ago the course was extremely intensive with loads of maths, even in first year. Now you need to do the bare minimum to succeed since programming is easy as fuck once you actually pay attention in lectures and do the coursework. All the other stuff you learn isn't difficult to memorise. I basically do no study out of uni currently and use the rest of my time to play guitar and read.

>> No.8895475
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Government and philosophy
The Kingdom of God is Within You (Tolstoy)


I went to UNT for a year. Denton's such a cool town, shame that the school is so bad outside of fine arts.

>> No.8895519

so many brits. so many internationals

>> No.8895541

There's quite a few at most Ivies, as far as I know. At Columbia, 15% of last year's class are international students.

As far as the rest of the discussion about the Ivy League goes, yes, there is a lot of focus on getting low-income kids and having a very diverse student body. You could even see the efforts to do this as a success if you wanted to, as, for example, 16% of last year's class are first generation college students, but, even ignoring the fact that the majority of students are still from private and boarding schools, having diversity in race or socioeconomic background doesn't necessarily ensure intellectual diversity or the fostering of an academically fruitful environment. While there is a /relatively/ high level of good discourse, new art, and intellectual development created, the vast majority of students, regardless of background, are still attending in order to be Wall Street brokers, politicians, businesspeople, and to work at tech companies or start-ups and have no interest in a Classical education or whether or not they've read Dostoyevsky.

We have a required class at Columbia that could be called "Start with the Greeks". A good portion, maybe even a majority, of students don't actually read the texts and I am almost certain that the "diverse" students do not do so at a rate any higher than that of the bourgeois kids. And I'm not one of the legacy or wealthy people saying this, my dad is a clergyman in a very low income part of the country and I'm just here because I wanted out and they accepted me.

>> No.8895555


Why do you say it is a bad school? I'm in engineering so that's what I'd do if I transferred there.
Also, did you know her?

>> No.8895587

Engineers don't make much.

>> No.8895603


Classes/profs were terrible and the culture in my department (political science) was pretty apathetic and unproductive. The latter was pretty important for me since I want to go into academics and needed a place w/ more opportunities to learn and be involved (if I found a love for school before I already started college, I wouldn't have gone to UNT to begin with).

Obviously I can't speak too much on things like engineering, but I've heard a lot of similar feelings from people outside of lib arts/humanities as well. A lot of my STEM friends there feel like isolated niche novelty items among all the hipsters and unambitious commuter students that barely got into college.

>did you know her?

Who? Facebook girl? Depends, what's her name?

>> No.8895647

went to uchicago

>> No.8895652

That would be giving away too much I think. But ok I'll bite I'm at King's

>> No.8895660

none yet as I lack the graduation due to shit life decisions


mason & dixon

>> No.8895666


Thanks for the reply. That environment actually sounds appealing to me, not sure why. I guess because it seems like it would be easier to stand out and get better opportunities to work with the professors. Then again you make it sound like the professors themselves are apathetic. Right now I'm at a big state school and it's difficult to feel like anything more than a number.
then again I think I keep underestimating the size of UNT.

>What's her name?


>> No.8895698


Mind me asking which big state school? Is it in Texas? UNT is big as hell, it's just that the active on-campus student body (non-commuters, essentially) is super small.

I see what you mean but, depending on where you're transferring from, you might find the profs and opportunities there a little underwhelming. Definitely less lab/extra-academic opportunities there than most state schools in TX, they're just less competitive. It's easier to be bros with professors but a lot of them aren't too great at what they do across the board.

Don't think I know a Bonnie though

>> No.8895699

Are the chicks studying E&A decent there?
I'm majoring in literature at a very good local european uni but the women are trash and meanwhile all the qtpies around study anthropology

>> No.8895711



>> No.8895730

Comp sci and business management
Reading Stirner-sempai

>> No.8895795

>Royal Holloway, UK
>The successor - Ismail Kadare

>> No.8895836

I didn't want to start a thread to ask this, but what is /lit/'s recommended translation of Proust?

>> No.8895877

I got into St. John's. It seems great and all, but are there hot girls?
Tinder can get old.

>> No.8895896

Western Washington
The Sword of the Lictor

>> No.8895903

Georgetown - D.C
Business Administration
[Insert meme here]

>> No.8895932

State school dropout
Nachtwachen and Cioran

The future ain't looking bright.

>> No.8895974

I live right near here, great school. Love the reg.

I go to Princeton
The Tragedy of American Diplomacy

>> No.8896306

Strathclyde uni


Reading all of Orwell's books over the Christmas break, currently read 1984 and Animal Farm

>> No.8896323

Queensland University of Technology
About to graduate with a law/justice double degree
A collection of Kafkas works

>> No.8896696

University of Texas. Im undeclared and it's my third year now lol. Im reading Prometheus Rising, but I just finished The Painted Birds and Brother Kramazov. I also read the first book of the Illuminatus Trilogy, but that's wack.

>> No.8896719

Bournemouth University
Rehabilitation in Cancer Care - Murtagh and Robb

>> No.8896730


UT representing >>8895475

Why are you still undeclared, mate

>> No.8896753

>University of Copenhagen
>Zizek & Rimbaud

>> No.8896781

University of Birmingham
Mechanical Engineering
Looking for my next book atm

What do you guys reckon the percentage of /lit/ users actually study lit degrees?

>> No.8896804


How can you be a junior and still undeclared.
Like what classes are you even enrolling in?

>> No.8896826

Tarrant County College
Just doing basics right now. Hoping to get into UT Austin or an honor's college at a state school (UT doesn't allow transfers into their honors program).
Robert Creeley's Selected Poems and DFW's Brief Interviews with Hideous Men

>> No.8896866
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I empathize with this post

>> No.8896886 [DELETED] 


>What do you guys reckon the percentage of /lit/ users actually study lit degrees?

Not too many it seems but I guess those already studying literature are probably sufficiently satiated enough not to feel the need to come to an Albino chess discussion board for further literary engagement.

>> No.8896889

University of Unratfresser
Cloacal Studies
The Secrets of Uranus

>> No.8896896

are you from Montreal?

>> No.8896897
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I'm trying to get into Helsinki University

To study linguistics (Fenno-Ugric studies); the plan is that I study languages by day and write future masterpieces by night

Putkinotko, by Lehtonen

>> No.8896942

how is st andrews? I had it in my 5 but went for edinbrugh instead

>> No.8897057

Computer Science with a minor in Plant Science/Horticulture and Education
Hunger (Knut Hamsun)

>> No.8897082

So jealous, my school doesn't have co-ops , but my parents didn't want me going to a school that was basically a 5 year degree.

I really liked northeastern when I toured though

>> No.8897092
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Thinking of applying to AMES, how is it? Thinking of doing Chinese, which language do you do?

>> No.8897110

Me too. What chapter are you on?

>> No.8897134

I won't post details because I'm paranoid about it, but my university is run by the state and the governor here is a corrupt bastard who is in charge for 20 years, directly or indirectly, taking money from education and giving it to his friends in private education and security. The media is on his side as well and most people are clueless about this. Next year my university will be having "closed days" to go through its money crisis and we heard the news that no teacher can retire because they are not opening to hire for new ones anymore this year and we hit the limit in number of teachers, otherwise they close the course. Next year is my last one before I graduate, but I don't think it will last long and perhaps my class might be one of the last ones. When I got here, older students were complaining, while I was thinking everything is great. Now I see it has degenerated over the years and apparently this process was already happening when I got in. The bad teachers stroll around and leech like always, but the good teachers are full of work and have none of their demands attended. The facilities are slowly becoming worse or just shutting down, sometimes losing a technician and thus being closed in spite of having all it needs inside. The library is working on a reduced time because there aren't many librarians to cover it. They are slowly dismantling everything so they can excuse shutting it down later, justifying it with lack of productivity.

Wish me luck with my diploma anons.

>> No.8897163

t b h that's literary as fuck anon

>> No.8897439

I feel you eastern european bro.

>> No.8897711

>DePaul University
>The Russian Revolution (NonF)

>> No.8897741

fuck you, i'll stop when the corporations stop

>> No.8897742

The University of Queensland
Franny and Zoey

>> No.8897751

>Colby College
>Studio Art
>The Transmigration of Timothy Archer
having a blast

>> No.8897807

Fairfield University
Undeclared major
Reading Like a Writer by Francine Prose and Short Stories by Edith Wharton

>> No.8897863

There aren't many places like this, for better or worse.

>> No.8897885

University of Scranton
Survivor by Palanhiuk

I have no idea what to do with my future. I'm physically disabled (no, not legs), so I've thought about going into medical field that could help with what I have. I've also thought about optometry, law, teaching at an undergraduate level, but nothing seems to stick.

Does anyone have a suggestion about what I should consider? English is my passion above anything else, and literature has gotten me through some really dark times in my life. I don't want to give up on what I love, but I don't want to be a complete wage-slave.

>> No.8897900

Graduated from University of Wyoming in English a few years ago.

I got it 100% free because I was a gud boi with gud grades but man, what a waste of time.

>> No.8897955

Why was it a waste? What did you end up doing?

>> No.8897989

University of Virginia
Sofia Petrovna

>> No.8898023

Ayyy greetings from a fellow UVa slacker

>> No.8898185


Transferred in trying to get into Aero Engineering. Sucks the GPA was a 3.9 last semester I only had a 3.7ish.

I just took Vector Calc and Masterworks of Drama. Plus Im working toward the CS certificate. Lmao.

My life is a mess. Gonna just drop out and work at half price and I <3 Video and master in shit posting on lit & tv

>> No.8898286

Hell yeah. Upstate NY but not Cornell. Hunger is one of my top three and I'm comp sci too.

>> No.8898328

If you're ever at the starbucks on clark and deming, and you see a slav looking cunt with his hair in a bun on his laptop, say hi to him
If he doesn't ask you if you're reading Russian revolution then it's not me
Also don't worry i'm not gonna try to talk to you

>> No.8898379

SUNY Maritime
Marine Transportation
The Republic, Horus Heresy #1, Into the Darkness

>> No.8898383

going to need information on this, too

>> No.8898402

How's Fairfield U?

>> No.8898404

De Bello Gallico is boring but is the shit. ad effeminandos animos, fucker.

>> No.8898419

not chem boi but go hoos baby

>> No.8898490

Studying law, reading Elective Affinities by Goethe

>> No.8898544

Brigham Young University
The Deerslayer

>> No.8898680


>Studying strategy
>At a Mormon school

What the fuck does that mean?

>> No.8898687


>Philosophy PhD
>Moby Dick

>> No.8898691

university of melbourne
bcom -> music
the idiot - dostoyevsky

>> No.8898714
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Applying this year (law).

Still unsure if I should pick LSE or UCL.

Anna Karenina.

>> No.8898757

>Master in logic
>Goodbyes - Onetti

>> No.8898760

You a DMac disciple or what?

>> No.8898805

Sorry for ignoring you anon, I just exited the thread assuming everyone would ignore me

It was a waste because I could have just read books on my own time (I sure as shit wasn't getting deep and insightful dialogue with other students...) and I've been reading and writing MORE since I got my useless diploma than I did in college.

I guess I did have maybe 5 classes I really enjoyed... but man. 4 years of becoming #1 Reader Guy and then it was time to clean toilets for minimum wage because I was too autistic to network and get a job related to english, if such jobs even exist.

>> No.8898825

> Caltech
> Physics
> Matigari

>> No.8898869
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Just finished Stoner and Irvin Yalom's Love Executioner, next up is The Fall / The Ego and His Own

>> No.8898974

Arabic. It's honestly great, hard, but great. I love the inter-disciplinary aspect of it also. Go for it man.

>> No.8899014

Where else you applying?

>> No.8899108

ayyyyyy what school?

>> No.8899110

also caesars grammar is trash, I'm pretty sure I can write better latin than he can

>> No.8899280

ucl fa-m
i dont go there but it seems much more fun. there about the same academically unless your doing econ/management

>> No.8899300

>University thread

Go back to Reddit or go back to /fa/ or /soc/.

>> No.8899330 [DELETED] 

UCL is for cool people
LSE is for slicked back hair people who wear suits even when its not compulsory
ICL is for boring nerds

Although LSE is probably the better place for law, considering its the world foremost brand name in its particular area, but their degrees cost way more

>> No.8899337

UCL is for cool people
LSE is for slicked back hair people who wear suits even when its not compulsory
ICL is for boring nerds

Although LSE is probably the better place for law, considering its the world foremost brand name in its particular area, but their degrees cost way more

By the way, Kings College has a world renowned law program

>> No.8899339

Digital film production at Ravensbourne.
I'm reading Mishima's Spring Snow atm. ;^>

>> No.8899368


I've transitioned from English to mental health counseling and I'm remarkably happy.

>> No.8899374


Finishing counseling at Villanova; probably going to work for a while and apply for the PhD program at Université Paris 8.

>> No.8899387

Oh man I know who you are.

If I hear you chatting shit about based Mogg in the common room I'll box your ears in.

>> No.8899461

Thanks for responding back. What do you do now?

>> No.8899464

What kind of mental health counseling? LSCW?

>> No.8899477

University of Manchester
Silence, by Shusaku Endo. Enjoying it.

>> No.8899493


I went LPC because of my interests, but LCSW generally has better career prospects / earnings potential.

>> No.8899502

Also applied to: Warwick, Bristol, and Kings (missed the Oxford deadline b/c I had problems with one of my teachers waiting to write my reference).

Will probably pick UCL as firm and Bristol as insurance.

Also, Imperial doesn't do law so I didn't even consider it. +Cost is the same since I live in the UK.

>> No.8899511

Remind me not to meet up with you.

>> No.8899524

My girlfriend went there. said it was good but chock full of stuffy rich kids wearing expensive, all black clothing paid for by daddy's pocket

>> No.8899527

Same anon here. How/when did you make the transition? I'm genuinely interested.

>> No.8899529

>Beside the rare outlier who's genuinely interested in what he's studying, STEM is for state school mediocrities who have no choice but to stew away in something they don't enjoy just to fund the middle class consumption lifestyle their parents expect of them.
even if the first part isn't true, this part I can confirm. its so depressing. job market is fucked either way, so just study what you enjoy

>> No.8899533

University of Miami
Pure Math

i dont read here, bruhs, we party

>> No.8899575


Finished my BA in English in 2012. Applied to PhD programs in English / Comp Lit, but only got into my back-up schools so I ended up not going.

I moved back in with my parents and worked a couple office jobs around town until eventually getting a job as a direct care worker at a facility for troubled youth. (Basically, they go here instead of school. They take regular academic courses and instead of gym, music, Spanish, etc. they have group therapy and courses in coping and anger management and what-have-you.) I worked under a few LPCs / LCSWs; no license was required for the position, as I was basically a teacher's aide / babysitter.

I eventually realized that I was in love with one part of the job: At the end of the day, we'd sit down with the kids and have one-on-one discussions about how their therapy is going, how they're doing in school, their home life, etc. It was basically therapy-lite but because it wasn't actually with the therapist, the kids were (usually) more relaxed.

In talking with the counselors there, they pushed me to pursue a masters, as you don't need a social work or psychology undergrad. I did the whole grad school app process over again, made it into a few good schools and started about two years ago. I'm almost done and getting ready to line up a job to get my hours and get licensed.

Turns out I'll probably go into student affairs (counseling in higher ed).

>> No.8899576

I'm currently attending sommelier classes. Some of my classes are at the Rosen College of Hospitality if that counts.
I'm reading Through the Dark Continent, by Henry Morton Stanley. I can't recommend it enough.

>> No.8899631

I've been here since September, only around until May and I'm already partially sick of the community. Your girlfriend's right, too many rich kids pretending to be poor, the amount of self-awareness is staggeringly low.

Just out of interest, what did your girlfriend study? Seems that most departments are very variable.

>> No.8899638

So you're doing it more for the love of it than for the money?

>> No.8899648

I just finished my first semester so I do not have a good idea on how it stacks up to other colleges and their culture and curriculum, but the best parts of the "college experience" have been through my own changes and growth (i.e. working out, sticking to schedules and studying, attempting to find a major and read more). I plan to be more social next semester (I've read on here that a college's radio station is a secret collection of /lit/ people, can anyone back that up?) or at least make more of an effort to be with people. So far I have not found anyone that I can really be friends with, just some nice acquaintances. Anyone else managed to progress from that?

Ok that was more about myself than FU. Campus is nice, they landscape about every other day. Library has some good people working to help and the selection is quite large. The core has been good for me at least seeing new classes; I'm taking a special topics class on the recent history and contradictions of Turkey as a nation and I'm getting credit for it. They also have a bunch of events and whatnot for I think entertainment as much as keeping people on campus. Idk, I'm a cynic about colleges nowadays.

>> No.8899661

>even if the first part isn't true, this part I can confirm. its so depressing. job market is fucked either way, so just study what you enjoy
This. The market for CS majors and the like is way oversaturated. We're all fucked. Every job will be replaced by automation someday, even the creative/arts related ones.

I would recommend that everyone try to learn some coding though.

>> No.8899668


Yes and no. It's definitely something I love, but the money should be fine in my focus (higher ed.) Other positions, like community counseling, are pretty low-paying jobs. Private practice can be great, but less reliable.

>> No.8899875

>cost the same
definitely not.
london is faar more expensive to live

>> No.8899922

I live in London, and will commute.

>> No.8900165

>missed the Oxford deadline b/c I had problems with one of my teachers waiting to write my reference

Heavy. I applied to Cambridge this year, had my interview, just waiting now.

>> No.8900196
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SUNY purchase as a history major. I've enjoyed my time here and will be a little sad to be done, even if it's full of crazy progressives.

>> No.8900320

The Recognitions

>> No.8900366

oh fair enough g.

good look tablet, go well?

>> No.8900499

Yeah I think it did. Questions were obviously a challenge but I think I answered well and had good chemistry with the interviewers. The areas of discussion really suited my interests/strengths as well.

>> No.8900508

:^) wholesome news.

>> No.8900739

>Poli Sci and English
>Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

oooo lad. I've just started reading that too. What year are you?

>> No.8900828

If you think you did well, you probably didn't.

t. Person who helps with interviews

>> No.8901074

If I applied with a 1:1 from a bad uni, do I have any chance of getting to the interview stage?

>> No.8901159

I'm an English major at UCLA. You should be my friend because I'm a grill and don't have any friends on campus

>> No.8901201

for phd or undergrad?

>> No.8901211


>> No.8901385

University of Leeds
The Way by Swann's

>> No.8901392
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Not the guy you replied to, but no.

There's less than 500 students at each campus and the ones without autism leave pretty quick.

>> No.8901404

I only deal with undergrad. But I assume if you got the best grade you can get it will probably be fine. Maybe back up with extra-curriculars and independent work.

Are we talking Leeds 'bad' or actually bad?

>> No.8901426

That's a bit of a myth. I'm the Tit hall guy from before, and my interview was completely fine, really enjoyed it and I got in. My DoS even commended me on it later. The admissions tutor from Peterhouse told me that's not necessarily true either, and it depends completely on the course.

>> No.8901455

Elaborate. I'm in the same boat as the other anon just with Oxford.

>> No.8901458

Yeah that was a bit of an exaggeration, basically if you answer the questions well they'll just ask you harder questions until you can't answer, so people who do well end up leaving feeling like they didn't.

I also felt my interview went fine, not to the point of being commended by Kawabata, but I got in.

>> No.8901489

Applicant here, thanks for clarifying. They did do the harder questions thing to me, but I still felt I answered them alright, bar a couple that got quite abstract/challenging. I just felt it was "fine" and actually enjoyable rather than "horrific" or distressing. Guess I'll find out how it really went in January.

>> No.8901552

>basically if you answer the questions well they'll just ask you harder questions until you can't answer

I had a Philosophy interview this year and that's the main reason I suspect I didn't do well. It felt as if we were flitting through topics without entering into depth. Maybe the interviewer was simply trying to cover a lot of ground, but I think I gave shallow answers, or I intentionally sounded conclusive, like I was trying to end to line of questioning.

>> No.8901569

Not even Russell group, Not Bolton tier but close
Do you ever take anyone from outside the Russell group?
Its probably outside the top 50 in the UK

>> No.8901572


Only a bit of a myth though. I totally bombed my interview from my perspective, and then had the same experience that you did after.


Ooh girl I had a philosophy interview this time last year

>> No.8901587

Could you tell us what it is and what they thought was wrong with your approach?

>> No.8901592

Again, have no idea about postgrad, and then it depends on the course and college.
But I assume that there's some sort of policy in place that means they test your knowledge rather than judging you on your school. You'll at least get an interview, then it's all you

>> No.8901595

>Ooh girl I had a philosophy interview this time last year

What was your experience like? Did you also do a written test?

>> No.8901729

made me pick up programming after a while, thanks anon

>> No.8901783

I only deal with language subjects, plus a bit of the subjects you can combine with languages, but from what I've heard from my philosophy friends, it seems really broad, at least in first year, so that may be why.

The important thing is not to worry about it (I sure didn't), and make sure you get whatever offer you get (though again, loads of people miss their offers and still make it in).

>> No.8901800

Define autism.

>> No.8901803

Thy mind.

>> No.8901848
File: 201 KB, 1024x682, ufpr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>federal university of paraná, the first university founded in brazil
>information management (i have no idea what the equivalent of this graduation is in the US, in fact, its pretty new here in brazil, basically it is IT + administration + information science, its not stem nor humanities, its applied social science)

>> No.8901856


Yeah I had to write an essay and answer a multiple choice logic quiz. It was fine ish. I had one horrible interview and one great one.

>> No.8901861

Main campus isn't so bad but Glendon is so cute. I wish I spoke French.

English/Creative Writing

Divine Comedy

>> No.8901866

>Mein Kampus

>> No.8901880

Anybody wanna play a game? I'm feeling: you post your subject, and people compete to write the mostly brutal criticism of that subject and/or the kind of person who takes that subject.

I'll start?

>I study politics and international relations

>> No.8901911

Your dream is an internship where you follow around another slick haired, egotistical psychopath as they lecture you about great they are, holding up their coat tails for long enough until they start to look shaky so you can brutally usurp them or until your wealthy father gives you a sinecure at his company, giving everyone a few years of peace before you inflict your mix of smugness and general vomitousness on them

Someone do Computer Science

>> No.8901975

University of Western Ontario
Actuarial science

>> No.8902096

>information management (i have no idea what the equivalent of this graduation is in the US, in fact, its pretty new here in brazil, basically it is IT + administration + information science, its not stem nor humanities, its applied social science)

>> No.8903380

Death of Ivan Ilyich

What year you in? Feel free to not answer of course. Just seeing how many of ours are about.

>> No.8903524

Utsikt til paradiset (A view of paradise)

>> No.8903667

How is it?

>> No.8903906

>tfw studying /lit/ in HU
feels god mang