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/lit/ - Literature

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8891075 No.8891075 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/. I'm going to kill myself next week. I've never been much of a reader, what books should I read before I die?

>> No.8891085
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>> No.8891091

Noted, thank you.

>> No.8891098

There's so much shit to read, you won't get to kill yourself.

>> No.8891109

I'm just looking for some essentials.

>> No.8891128

Albert Camus - L'étranger

>> No.8891134

the bible

>> No.8891135
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>> No.8891138

Infinite Jest

>> No.8891155


You have to postpone you death for a couple of years.

>> No.8891181

No Longer Human

>> No.8891215

Thank you for the suggestions.
Thank you, but I don't think I have time to read a 1000 page book hahah. Maybe if I survive.

>> No.8891221

start with the greeks

>> No.8891246

This. If you haven't read and don't understand the entirety of the western canon of literature and philosophy, then you will have no justification for your suicide beyond misunderstanding. Either do that or don't read anything and do something fun like drugs, and embrace your misunderstanding.

>> No.8891310
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>> No.8891315
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to be honest? the Bible.

>> No.8891318

The Bible

>> No.8891323

>killing yourself when there are still books to be read
only reason I'm alive desu

>> No.8891325

There's an effectively infinite number of essentials.

>> No.8891343


Serious answer
The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius

>> No.8891346

don't kill yourself
otherwise i'll have to kill you, i can't let you live if you try to do that

>> No.8891349

To be desu? The Stranger. And don't worry OP, it's not long

>> No.8891359

Concrete Swandive?
>>>Flat Stanley

Exit Bag?
>>>Brief Interviews with Hideous Men

Drowning yourself in booze?
>>>Brothers Karamazov

Blip blam blapping ya head?
>>> Elliot Rodger Manifesto

Too much acid and you're doing to do death by cops?
>>> Illuminatus Trilogy

Death by Advil?
>>> A Scanner Darkly

If you give me some more info I'll help you out. Your last book should be a good one.

>> No.8891376

I'll be flying to Thailand, one of the few countries in the world where nembutal (A drug used for animal and human euthanasia) can be bought over the counter. I'll then take it in some serene setting.

>> No.8891381

That's a nice picture, have any more?
Ps: You ought to consider the effect on family and friends if you haven't already. Possibly the pain they will experience will outweigh the pain you will experience by continuing. Just something to consider.

>> No.8891382


Peter Watts

Because whatever reason you think you have for killing yourself, Blindsight will blow it out the water and make you humble again

>> No.8891383

>A Scanner Darkly
I also recommend this, OP. Also, VALIS by Philip K. Dick. They're both short and fun, so fuck everything else in this thread.

>> No.8891387
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It's done by artist Takato Yamamoto.
I have considered this, and for years its been the only thing preventing me from going through with it, but the pain of living has become too much to bear. I'm comforted by the fact that it'll soon all be over. Of course I feel guilty.
Thank you for your concern.

>> No.8891392

The History of the World by J.M. Roberts

you should at least know how you got here before you decide that it isn't worth going forward.

>> No.8891395

If this moment isn't unendurable then you can keep going
What is unfair can be a stern but invaluable teacher.

>> No.8891397

In chronological order
plato - phaedo, republic
aristotle - nicomachian ethic
seneca - letters
horatio - carminas (in latin)
st augistine - confessions
ockham - summa logicae
rabelais - gargantua and pantagruel
cervantes - don quixote
descartes - threatise on method
spinoza - ethics
sterne - life and opinions of tristram shandy
kant - critique of pure reason
hegel - phenomenology
kierkeegard - either/or
nietzche - beyond good and evil
heidegger - being and time
potocki - manuscript found in saragossa
baudellaire - fleurs du mal (in french)
hamsun - hunger
schulz - street of crocodiles
różewicz - prose
irzykowski - the hag
borges - ficciones

>> No.8891440

1000000000000000 books have been written throughout history and everyone just reads same 100 or 1000 ones.

>> No.8891460

Because the rest are shit. Shiiiiiiit!

>> No.8891474

how do u no???

>> No.8891477

The Importance of Living by Lin Yutang

I'm not being ironic. It's a good book.

>> No.8891488
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Oh fuck that sounds so peaceful. Here's the rec.


The book is by Clifford Simak and it's all about this qt population of smart dogs and man's escape from Earth to a pure society. It's a great read.

If you want to discuss it afterwards let me know.

>> No.8891489

The myth of sysiphus - Albert Camus

>> No.8891495

Hamlet - Shakespeare

>> No.8891518

Only good reason to be

>> No.8891616

What have you read until now ?

>> No.8893036

Jorge Luis Borges.
You can't leave if you haven't read Borges.
Also, https://youtu.be/VLAAy_pM-k8

>> No.8893044


Man this is a depressing thread.

OP go and see a therapist please. Just talk to someone, okay?

>> No.8893052

Beckett's trilogy: Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable. Also don't wipe your map dude.

>> No.8893076



>> No.8893093

>pic related
And also read The Coffee House of Surat. Both pic related & TCHoS are by Leo Tolstoy.
I hope that literature strikes a flame of interest in you & ultimately becomes your reason to live. Also read The Book of Job (it's on the Vatican.Va website).
But whatever you choose to do. I wish you the best OP, and I hope you really think this through.

>> No.8893098
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Forgot to add the pic related book.
It's a shorter version of the original story but it's good either way.

>> No.8893105

read the pale king

and don't kill yourself anon

>> No.8893110

I'm with >>8891138, OP.
If there's any book you should read before you end yourself, it's Infinite Jest. It's long, but it's worth it.

>> No.8893120

Seconding Beckett's Malloy trilogy. Also suicide is like becoming an illegal immigrant in hell so think what that's like

>> No.8893177

wtf i love Tolstoy now

>> No.8893190
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Harold Bloom says Hamlet is the pinnacle of English literature.

>> No.8893198

Don't recommend such garbage to him. Do you want to drive him to suicide?

>> No.8893206

Just kill yourself now instead of wasting bandwidth for your pleas for attention

>> No.8893313

>Harold Bloom says
>Harold Bloom
When will these meme die? You Bloomers are literally echo chambers

>> No.8893327

Is it chronic depression driving you to have these thoughts OP? Or did something recently make you feel this way?

>> No.8893338



op blown the fuck out

if you're only gonna read one book before you off yourself though i'd say read some magical realism or existentialism so you can go out feeling self important and excited by the prospect of facing the infinite in death

>> No.8893389


>> No.8893516


Don't, just finish it and don't puss out.

there's nothing here. we're all on our way out anyway. good luck, hope it doesn't hurt.

>> No.8893613
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>> No.8893624

Give yourself some more time than that. Seriously, you need to finish off a big fucking novel before calling it quits.
Also, don't forget to write your life story before you die, that way it won't be a total loss.

>> No.8893719

Sometimes the burden of pain is too great to endure, especially when it accumulates and its cessation never comes. We will never know when or if that cessation will come, which is why death is so appealing—because we can at least have control over it. If you've already tried with full commitment to eradicate your suffering and you truly cannot find a reason within yourself to continue living, I hope your death brings you peace. Please consider leaving a note to your friends and family, as it will hopefully prevent them from speculating the reasons for your death by providing them with some answers. Even if your death will inevitably bring immense pain to your friends and family, I think the ones who truly love you will understand, but just know that it will affect them for the rest of their lives.

If you haven’t already talked to someone about it, please do. Whatever you decide to do, I sincerely wish you the best.

>> No.8893721

Epictetus - Discourses

>> No.8893728

>Killing yourself without reading books.
Come on, OP, at least try to live. You can't say you've lived if you haven't read books. Honestly, people lack perspective if they don't read or watch films, or study art.
I'm sure that other anons here will have great ideas. Read them all already and be a /lit/ poster. Share your critiques...you will see, it's fun to live with books...you might even meet someone because you loved some books.

>> No.8893730

You have all the rest of your life to decide if you want to kill yourself.
You can read a 1000 page's book in less time.

>> No.8893741

You know you're doing something right if it's not you who wants to kill yourself.

>> No.8893753

“When people come to me saying they want to kill themselves, I tell them, “What’s your rush? You can kill yourself any time you like. So calm down. Suicide is a positive act.” And they do calm down.”

― Emil Cioran, The Trouble with Being Born

>> No.8893768


>> No.8893807

This is why suicide attempts are usually preceeded by some kind of sudden bad event. You need that urgency to truly become an hero

>> No.8893811

This is true. There is a whole world out there many of us will never see. Wageslaves, social retards, physical retards, the poor, the weak, the meek etc. But for us there is always the world of the mind. Art, philosophy, spirituality. You have to at least try, OP. I have a feeling you may be in the kind of place I was ten years ago. You have to try.

>> No.8893994

Incredible rec. That's a great book

>> No.8893995


Just read this OP. Pls.

>> No.8894013

ok: Invisible Cities, The Stranger, The Trial, Invitation to a Beheading

>> No.8894267

Just get it over with already

>> No.8894276

So, OP...what are you gonna do now that people have answered?

>> No.8894282

>I've never been much of a reader, what books should I read before I die?
None of them, it's like anything else - if you've never been into it before, you won't get into it in the space of a week. Like if you're not a gourmet, you won't be able to appreciate a really good dish properly enough for it to be worth your while.

Go do something you've always wanted to do.

>> No.8894292

Or not to be desu?

>> No.8894298

>If you want to discuss it afterwards
That's not how death works tho

>> No.8894304

The epic of gilgamesh.

Also, killing yourself is kind of a shitty way to go, be sure to reconsider OP.

>> No.8894307

Yeah, I remember reading somewhere that most suicides are dumb spur-of-the-moment decisions and that according to those who have survived attempts their would-be 'last thought' is often 'ooopps, that was dumb'.

>> No.8895728

>I've never been much of a reader
OP, you made this thread for attention, didn't you? You're not going to kill yourself.

>> No.8895975


shh he's tricking him

>> No.8895995

Sorry to hear that anon. I've been dealing with suicidal thoughts myself for the past year and have been waning off them slightly. But why do you want to read something if you'll just kill yourself anyway? Are you looking for insight into your issues?

>> No.8896057

>>>>Brothers Karamazov
If anything this would stop you from committing suicide.

>> No.8896148
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The Zhuangzi

>> No.8896168

In search of lost time

>> No.8896177




>> No.8896181

OP, where are you?

>> No.8896212

All questions and no answers.
Typical eastern "philosophers".

>> No.8896216

My book, Moon of Pluto

>> No.8896220

>Philosophy is about answers
Typical post-socratic "philosopher"

>> No.8896237

>literally thinking epistemological rigorousness is worth a damn

Are you an overweight american by any chance?

>> No.8896482

>getting mad enough to samefag this hard
Sorry for triggering you Sun Xu. Go back ignoring reason & logic and continue living in your the make-believe.

>> No.8896533

Are you OP? If you're not, please be quiet; this isn't about you.

>> No.8896703
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Why kill yourself when you could be a NEET?

>> No.8896723

The Bible

>> No.8896785
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Nicest Comfy I ever saw

>> No.8896983

>Still samefagging this hard

>> No.8897047

I have.
Thank you.
Heres to hoping theres no after-life.
Thank you, your words mean a lot.
I guess you could say that, yeah. I'm not totally sure.
I've attempted twice before.

>> No.8897061

Forgot to add, thank you for the suggestions everyone, again. I'm still listening.

>> No.8897100
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How do you feel?
I don't agree with what you're doing, but I imagine the conscious choice of deciding that you're going to kill yourself would bring relief.
Do you feel relief? Anticipation?
Have you listened to this?

>> No.8897118

Pretty terrible, I've never felt worse in my life. And yes, it does. I feel calm until I start thinking about the prospect of continuing living at which point I start to feel extremely anxious. I haven't, is it good?

>> No.8897126


If you're hanging around just long enough to-of all things-maybe try reading some good book you've never read before, then you're not really serious about killing yourself, because you still have something to live for because you're holding out hope that something else nice might happen-like having read a good book.

Actually killing oneself (as opposed to women's 'attempts' which are cries for attention) is what one does when life becomes truly unbearable, the pain becomes unbearable, or one totally loses hope that anything will ever get better. You're obviously not in that place yet. Perhaps you never will be.

Also the procrastination puts the lie to what you think you'll do. On /r9k/, a very common idea is that "if I make it to age -30-35-40-etc and life still hasn't panned out as I'd like, I'll end it then." Almost none of those fucks will actually follow through, because the will to live is that strong. Their procrastination exposes the same lie as in your purported future suicide. I don't believe for a second that you will snuff it.

>> No.8897137

This. Also read Death Sentence by Maurice Blanchot.

>> No.8897150

I've attempted to take my life twice already. Once by overdosing on a cocktail of drugs before my roommates found me delirious in bed, and the second time when I was trying to overdose on heroin before police were called to my dorm and I was apprehended.

>> No.8897152

It's pretty good. Probably the most immediately relatable thing you'll find.

Also don't kill yourself. I've never felt deeply depressed to the extent of contemplating suicide so I can't say I know what you feel, but I don't want you to die.

>> No.8897160


This again proves your unseriousness about the enterprise. There are tall drop-offs everywhere.

>> No.8897161

I'll give it a listen, I appreciate the compassion.

>> No.8897174

In Search of Lost Time, by Marcellus Proust.

Have fun faggot.

>> No.8897175

Have you ever experienced suicidality? I don't think so.

>> No.8897296
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I hope you feel better in the coming days anon. Without going into too much detail, what themes do you want to read about? There's a lot of depressive literature out there, but that may do more harm than good. Although Beckett gave me a lot of perspective.
I'll tell ya this music. The world is fucking terrifying. People dreadful. But there are glimmers. Struggle while hurts, is useful and you will learn and live.

>> No.8897468

So, all of those people who contemplated suicide for years and ended up actually doing it, what makes them?

>> No.8897470

Probably suicide, mental illness, drug abuse. I want something I can connect with.

>> No.8897614

To be honest?
The Myth of Sisyphus
The Stranger
Notes from the Underground.

>> No.8897620

Infinite Jest is about all of those. people who say its garbage, imo, say so because they are not reading to relate.

Infinite Jest was my sunshine in one depressed time of my life. If you are in a mental place where you are able to read, then I think Infinite Jest is your best option. You don't need to finish it, though it does get better as you read. Don't worry about the words you don't know, generally they add pretty little to anything, if anything.

>> No.8897662


>> No.8897762

For the unenlightened, what's ADA?

>> No.8897766
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A novel by the most accomplished writer of the 20th century.

>> No.8897770

don't do it, dfw is the gayest fucker ever. spare yourself, no one wants to die with that garbage floating around in their head

if you have to read something to palliate your final days for the love of god read joyce or pynchon. really though if it's your last week on earth you should take out a dozen credit cards and kill a cop, suck a dick, go nuts ect..

>> No.8897778

I've heard that some of Nabokov's other stuff is good. How does ADA stack up to them?

>> No.8897788

It's his best work, but if you've 'never been much of a reader' then just stick to Lolita.

>> No.8897790

it's my favorite, explores the concepts of time and loss heavily, but also the hardest to read


>> No.8897795

I read a lot, but it's mainly fiction from the later part of the 20th century. I have trouble getting out of my comfort zone.

Anyone have recommendations on how to do this?

>> No.8897802

Uhh, there's not much to say, if you read a lot then you already know the foremost pre-mid 20th century writers and I do not know what to recommend aside from buy their most famous work.

>> No.8898173


And now my ruse is up :/

>> No.8898288


Suicidality isn't a word. So just kill yourself.

>> No.8898298

>being in a situation where you'd want to kill yourself

I'll slap a ho and quit my job before i even think about killing myself

>> No.8898300

What would be the point?

Al that knowledge will just evaporate in your dying brain.

>> No.8898310

Just came to this board after months to see if he was being discussed. He is such a wonderful writer.

>> No.8898318

LSD: My Problem Child by Albert Hoffman

Sorry, for whatever challenges you face but everything's working as it's supposed to in the larger scheme of things.

It seems chaotic now but everything is happening as it should.

>> No.8898344

OP have you thought of trying some drugs like DMT or LSD to see if you have a different perspective on things after words? It might be better than nothing if you are going to kill yourself anyways. Anyways, wish you happiness whatever decision you make.

>> No.8898349

I have actually done both LSD and DMT countless times. Psilocybin and MDMA have both had the most profound positive long-term effect on psyche, but evidently not enough.

Also, my ex girlfriend just called me begging me not to off myself... what do

>> No.8898511

Not off yourself man.
You can't just leave us like that. You'll be missing out on all the 2017 dank /lit/ memes.

>> No.8898514
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Memes like this?
>pic related 1/2

>> No.8898516
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>> No.8898674

Don't do it, anon.

Things will get better. You should read Shogun by James Clavell.

>> No.8898681

you'll be dead forever anyway
might as well hang out for a while before then

>> No.8898756

Not OP, but thank you.

>> No.8899080

The Bible.

>> No.8899730

Seconding this. His description of a depressed person is easiest the most honest ((sincere)) passage on the topic; that and how one can become dependent on a lot of things (not just drugs). If it's any consolation IJ actually got me to stop smoking weed and stop watching television.

>> No.8899814

Is there an english translation?

>> No.8900524

Don't feel bad about going, Anon. That's all.

>> No.8900619

I've heard Ardor is better, are they both reading?

>> No.8900636
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>> No.8900718

The Myth of Sisyphus - Albert Camus

>> No.8900799

Ada, our ardors and arbors

The full title of the book is "Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle"

>> No.8900808
File: 15 KB, 318x455, thefoundationcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You won't kill yourself after reading this.

>> No.8900810

Ohhh, when I saw that it said "Ada or Ardor", I thought it was like a choose your own adventure kind of book

>> No.8900826
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It is a choose your own adventure book, you just read Anna Karenina if you want to find out what happens on Terra, read Ada if you want to find out what happens on Anti-Terra

>> No.8900833
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>> No.8901114

Fucking hell that is beautiful.

>> No.8901549

Indeed, and it's just as beautiful each time you read it.

>> No.8901662

>Possibly the pain they will experience will outweigh the pain you will experience by continuing. Just something to consider.
why would that possibly be the case? odds are they're mentally healthy, they'll probably get over it in a year or two (except for parents, but they'll get over it too)

>> No.8901871

The Book of Ecclesiastes (in the Bible)

>> No.8902034

This is very unrelated to /lit, but have you tried listening to JS Bach or taken LSD/Shrooms. Because these drugs can change your view of life. Since two years ago I've started listening to Bach and I feel way way happier since then. Might be worth a try.

>> No.8902113


>> No.8902304

Your literally only going to get through 4 books in a week unless you devote literally all your time to reading. This is a wasted effort just go hang out with your loved ones and do good in the world before you leave it.

Also obligatory suicide is stupid and hurts the ones you care about the most. It's never a problem that will.last eternity. But it's your life if you want to to be afag and kys whatever

>> No.8903118

Not OP, but got one for Helium tank?
>inb4 Tao

>> No.8903226

Suicide is a noble act that requires bravery and sacrifice

Please prove me wrong.

>> No.8904458

I love psychedelics, and have done both LSD and psilocybin dozens of times. And while they do provide me with some new-found insight and perspective on life, it doesn't last for more than a few days or so.
'Exit bag' is the helium tank method.

>> No.8904484

I wish you luck in the next life should it, however unlikely, exist.

>> No.8904490

Don't kill yourself. For the past 6 or 7 months I've been alternating between strong and medium desire to commit suicide, but something has been stopping me. In one instance it was my friend who found out I was taking an overdose and sent the ambulance. Every other time I think I've stopped out of beneficial cowardice or a sense of guilt.
I would rather you stayed alive, and so before I recommend some books to you, I'd like to offer two ideas.

1. Try living out of spite, out of hatred, or anger. I suppose I feel at least a bit similar to you. I hate life, I hate myself, and I feel like a burden on the world. Well, look at me: I'm a nasty person. I'm bad enough to be a burden on the world, but what's more is that I'm even worse than that: I acknowledge I am a burden, and willingly continue to be so. I guess I am living for an absurd contradiction of my own world view; you could try doing that.

2. If you can find some sort of virtue, or establish some sort of value system for yourself, you'll find yourself with at least one thing to hold onto. Initially, after reading the Bible from an agnostic perspective, my reason for staying alive was love. After someone fucked that up for me I now hold on to a love of art, music and literature. I don't care about myself but if I can consume good art then I am "happy". Is there anything you can hold on to?

Hamlet - if you haven't read it, it is the essential text of English literature.

Thomas Pynchon's V - It's pretty funny and huge (not in terms of its length but its scope, i.e. range of time and place etc)

John Steinbeck - Travels With Charley. John Steinbeck travels around America with his dog and writes about the stuff he sees. It's pretty comfy and pointless and good.

>> No.8904523

My diary, desu desu

>> No.8904571

If serious, you should get help.

If you're just looking for books on suicide - Patriotism by Yukio Mishima.

>> No.8905021
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when you die you will either wake up in an afterlife which may very well be some form of hell as you're committing suicide, or you will forever be lost. like a cube of sugar thrown into the sea your consciousness will disintegrate into nothing (this seems like a lose-lose situation to me).

whatever is pushing you to commit suicide is most likely the accumulation of extremely negative thoughts and feelings caused by your senses. putting an end to your consciousness and therefore your existence just to cease temporary thoughts and feelings is unnecessary and unfavorable.

consider this: you are made up of your thoughts; i could gouge your eyes, destroy your eardrums, rip out your tongue and sever every single nerve in your body, yet your thoughts would remain. thought is your one possession that only death can take away from you.

hold on to that possession, my friend, let it influence your senses and not the other way around.

the more you live the closer you get to finding something worth keeping your thoughts and memories for. dying reduces that chance to zero percent forever.

do not think about your family or friends. do not think about the joys and pleasures of life you will never get to experience should you fall asleep forever. do not think about the ifs.

i beseech you to think only about your thoughts and your ability to think, for upon dying the joys of life will remain but your thoughts will not.

think, my friend.

>> No.8905055

>wahh i cant get a gf
>better kill myself

Kill yourself

>> No.8905160

Well, if you want something suicide related maybe try Suicide Note by Mitchell Heisman. He killed himself after finishing it and publishing it online. It is almost 2,000 pages but you don't need to read all of it. A lot of it is the author's personal experiment but it is just something to help find a kindred spirit. Still, there are other more beautiful books to choose from. Maybe try some poetry by Keats. A series of poems is shorter overall. I mean don't kill your self but it is your choice. If you do kill yourself please find the most peaceful and beautiful place and die smiling. Become one with a bed of flowers and gentle stream. You have suffered. Atleast let your rest be serene.

>> No.8905516

The lyric sheet for the first side of 2112.

It's about a man in the dystopian future who discovers an ancient guitar and learns to play it, only to be banished by the elder priests for transgressing rules against creativity. He kills himself, then the next day the priests are conquered and the society is set free. He would have been a rock star if he had waited one more day.

>> No.8905661


>> No.8905838

i don't know how much time you'll have, but try to read "In Search of Lost Time" by Marcel Proust.
It's a very big novel, but its worth reading

>> No.8905846

You're not brave if you do it for no reason. In-fact one could argue you'd be MORE brave by staying alive and dedicating your life to helping people and making the world a better place.

>> No.8905848
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>Thomas Pynchon's V
tfw bought this book but never read it and it's sitting in my room

>> No.8905881

Blindsight made me depressed

>> No.8905920

What's the difference between this and Ada or Ardor?

>> No.8905971

OP I'm asking you out of curiosity, not to be brash or rude, but are you enjoying this thread in any sense? The attention, I mean, is it in any way redeeming to see these people who don't know you not wanting you to kill yourself? All these people (presumably) believing your life has some value? If not, how does it feel?

>> No.8906312


Just came to say that if you truly are serious about killing yourself and still went on to make some pathetic thread on an imageboard, you should immediately stop posting and jump from a nearby building.

Literally as we speak, people around the world are dying of starvation while you are sitting somewhere with internet access bitching about how you can't find a reason to live. How about doing something for your fellow man who is giving everything he's got just to keep on going for one more day?

Why the fuck should anyone give a shit about your inability to pick out a fucking book to read before ostensibly killing yourself? Fuck off.

>> No.8906349

>go to your local dmv
>pick up a motorcycle brochure for free
>buy motorcycle and gear
>take basic rider course

I'm expecting a thorough shitpost about your adventures a year from now OP

>> No.8906375
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Probably not a good idea senpai you don't know what the fuck you're dealing with desu~

>> No.8907379


>> No.8907383
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>177 posts
>No one mentions Finnegans Wake

It's a never-ending/circular story. The last line leads into the first. Ergo, OP will never finish reading it and live out the rest of his life.

>> No.8907662
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>implying unconsciousness is a loss

>> No.8907871

I don't think so

what do you like about that book?


>> No.8907881


>> No.8908081

if you think unconsciousness for an infinite amount of time is in some way a gain then i disagree with you on a very deep level

>> No.8908108


what's the point of reading them if you'll be dead in no time and won't know anything?

you don't read books to 'have read them before you die', no one keeps track of your achievements. you read them for the joy of reading them and to wisen up during your life and improving your future. Anything worth doing adds to the quality of your LIFE, doing things quickly before dying is stupid and pointless.

>> No.8908118

Would you rather live forever?

>> No.8908443

would you mind elaborating on the terms before I give you my answer?

>> No.8909569

Read R scott bakker: The second apocalypse.

There are multiple series, read only the first 3 books.

If I where to die, that's what I would read. It will give you new perspective and some reason to live, to figure out the greater truths of the series.

>> No.8909664

Maybe he just wants to read a fucking book? Whats the point of reading a book if I'm going to live for 100 years?

>> No.8909788

It's important to, so we can operate within the same space. Case in point, thatguyyuta's videos on youtube where he asks random japanese people questions about 'why Americans would react negatively to x or why Americans would react positively to x' and the answers they tend to come up with don't really grasp the mindset. Part of it has to do with the fact that they haven't read what we've all been expected to read.

>> No.8910702
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>> No.8910775
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keep thread bumped for another 3 days

>> No.8910883

what has happened to /lit/ recently? The last time a thread similar to this one was created everyone just called op retarded because of the attention seeking and the ultimately pointless notion of wanting to read a book just before committing suicide. has it even been two months since then?

its weird t b q h

>> No.8911147

This is such awful advice.

>> No.8911169
File: 1.54 MB, 1818x818, bas_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We want to know just who we'll be missing...
Post all your super personal emails to this board.

Dew it for your legacy, faggot.

>> No.8911393

christmas break bringing in all the filthy casuals