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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 39 KB, 538x594, what book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
888993 No.888993 [Reply] [Original]

Nerds, don't let me down.

>> No.889000

I know books.

But I don't know music. Sorry.

>> No.889002

The Golden Compass.

>> No.889006

Fuckin OP, why is he such a fag?

>> No.889003

That analogy makes no fucking sense. Seriously, none at all. It honestly kind of annoys me with how nonsensical it is.

>> No.889012


You never give me your reasoning, you only give me your funny pictures

>> No.889014

A to B and Back Again by Andy Warhol?

>> No.889016

I think op's analogy is great and I would really like to know the answer myself because The Velvet Underground is the greatest band of all time.

>> No.889020


Thanks for yelling out book 1 of His Dark Materials, which has already been attributed to Jefferson Airplane. You're almost as dumb as OP. Almost.

>> No.889024

>Harry Potter = Beatles
>HDM = Jefferson airplane


>> No.889029
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>> No.889031

His Dark Materials is more like Pink Floyd than Jefferson Airplane.

Nietzche is the Marilyn Manson of /lit/

Howard Zinn is Bob Dylan, replete with intolerably whiny lyrics and a shitty voice.

>> No.889033

Obvious answer would be Venus in Furs, op. You can go now.

>> No.889037

Les Fleurs du mal by Baudelaire

>> No.889038

I don't think it's nonsensical at all.

Harry Potter is the best-selling children's book series of all time and is exceptionally charismatic and appealing, but lacks intellectual substance despite technical proficiency.

His Dark Materials is for the less sunny, more inward-looking, less idealistic subculture, and contains metaphysical themes as well as revolutionary themes.

So what book series would be the Velvet Underground?

>> No.889043

Maybe something by William Burroughs? I dunno man, this thread is stupid.

>> No.889047

It has to be sad, stylish, with drug references and maybe even literary meta-references. It has to be hip, and modern. But inspite of all these things it still has to be great.

>> No.889049

The Velvet Underground would have to be some kind of experimental literature.

House of Leaves or Ulysses, maybe?

>> No.889051


>Harry Potter is exceptionally charismatic and appealing, but only to idiots with the literary taste of a teenager.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.889052

ITT some helpful people and anons who get mad when they are challenged to think conceptually which is beyond their abilities.

>> No.889064

So what would be the Throbbing Gristle, David Bowie, and Pierre Schaeffer of /lit/?

>> No.889063

I thought the Beatles were innovative and good at constructing songs.

Harry Potter is neither innovative nor well constructed.

>> No.889060

The Velvet Underground is the New York Trilogy.


>> No.889062

>said OP, feeling butthurt after his post is discovered to be retarded.

>> No.889068

What is Metallica?

>> No.889069

Don't you dare compare House of Leaves, a children's book, to Ulysses, the greatest novel of the 20th century.

>> No.889073


Alice in Wonderland is better than Ulysses

It's a lot deeper and symbolic and random

>> No.889075
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>think conceptually
>arbitrarily comparing rock bands from the 1960's and children's books.

>> No.889076

"Harry Potter is neither innovative or well-constructed"

In other words, much like The Beatles' shitty elevator music

>> No.889079


Metallica is something grand and epic that totally sucks in the final third.

The Dark Tower is Metallica.

>> No.889088

And.... yep... I'm hiding this dumb troll thread.

Guys, please, don't turn /lit/ into /mu/

>> No.889089

Okay, I take that back, House of Leaves is the Throbbing Gristle of /lit/

>> No.889087


I aint even mad!

>> No.889083

Midnight at the Palace: My Life as a Fabulous Cockette By Pam Tent

>> No.889091

I was being polite.

The Beatles were not exceptionally innovative, but were exceptional songwriters.

Harry Potter is not innovative at all, but if you think it's poorly constructed you are categorically incorrect.

>> No.889098


For their time, the beatles were innovative and unique.

If Harry Potter has a single unique element in it, it's in the fucking title.

>> No.889099

For David Bowie I'm going with The Man Who Fell to Earth...TG would be Lord Horror (google it) and..i don't know who Pierre Schaffer is but based on your other choices I will look him up!

>> No.889101

>Harry Potter is the best-selling children's book series of all time and is exceptionally charismatic and appealing, but lacks intellectual substance despite technical proficiency.

>I have never listened to the Beatles' good stuff

>> No.889102


oh fuck now the worst /mu/ tripfag is here....would you guys stop mentioning music

>> No.889108

Be prepared for dada

>> No.889109

Harry Potter is poorly constructed.

Every story follows the same structure. They're mysteries, but Harry never solves a single mystery by himself, and they all end with "Voldemort's back!" and without that statement at the end of EVERY DAMN BOOK you'd see how nothing fucking happens ever.

>> No.889120

There is never a time when I'm not prepared for DaDa

>> No.889122


HP contains a plot line that could've been wrapped up in about four books, instead of seven, kills main characters willy nilly, and ends a 7 book saga with a poorly constructed deus ex machina.

Well constructed?

>> No.889128

>Every story follows the same structure.
If it's a GOOD structure, it doesn't matter. See: Gilgamesh, or Mozart

There isn't anything the Beatles did that another band hadn't done a year earlier, from the harmonized vocals to the Eastern instrumentation to the tape looping to the mature themes. They popularized things, not developed them.

Note that this does NOT make them a band band.

>> No.889133


Lady DaDa

>> No.889137


I guess if people like music, it doesn't mean a thing regarding skill. Why haven't I heard of these other bands?

>> No.889140

>could've been wrapped up in about four books
Blanket statement wants substantiation.

>kills main characters willy nilly
That's life. Not everything has be be like Dickens.

>and ends a 7 book saga with a poorly constructed deus ex machina
Deus ex machina? It was foreshadowed for literally the entire series, there was nothing unpredictable or arbitrary about it. Don't use terms you don't understand.

>> No.889145

>you know realise that the OP's text was referring to the amount he was going to troll you

>> No.889157
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Um, because you're a philistine or a closet-case?

This is pretty basic stuff...

>> No.889158

What would King Crimson be?

>> No.889162


Fuck off, imbecile.

>> No.889168


I'm so sorry. He's this shitty troll we got a few weeks ago, and now he's trolling us by trolling you.
Again, apologies.

>> No.889169


Whatever, man. Just list the bands.

>> No.889182

Shakespeare is the Velvet Underground

Because the Velvet Underground was actually good, and everything since then has has been a product of them.

>> No.889181

Beach Boys, Jimi Hendrix, Frank Zappa, Captain
Beefheart, Bob Dylan, I could go on

>> No.889188

Shakespeare is easily Mozart. Without question.

>> No.889190

Hendrix is Gypsy Ballads by Garcia-Lorca. easy.

>> No.889193

They would be Twilight, because they think they're edgy but are poseurs.

>> No.889194

>comparing mozart with pop music

stop right there son

>> No.889195


Well obviously. But in the context of music from the 60's and 70's....

...not sure what Lou Reed would be, though.

>> No.889198

>pop music

Go over that analogy again, sir.

>> No.889199

i agree with everything this tripfiend just said. it must be late...i haven't taken my remeron...

>> No.889201

Richard's a faggot.

>> No.889200
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Sam Goddamn Johnson, of course.

>> No.889206

Arthur Rimbaud--both femme, both bisexual, both rockstars of their time, both liked opiates, both great lyricists, both innovative....

>> No.889213


In response to your points:

The Half Blood Prince was just a shitload of angst, with no significant plot points except Dumbledores death, so that can go. The same applies to Order of the Phoenix. It's should've been 4-5 books, not 7.

Yes, characters do die, but JK executed their deaths poorly. Sirius was a big one and so was Dumbledore. After that it was just "oh, so and so died, isn't that a bitch." She created disposable characters and disposed of them, with no care or emotional impact.

On Deus front, the wand thing was a deus ex in comparison to the rest of the series. It should've referenced the series as a whole, not a one paragraph in book six, and a few in book seven.
It was rushed and badly executed.

>> No.889215

>bringing in mozart in a pop music thread

>> No.889250

They're development books. It runs deeper than just plot checkpoints. 5 and 6 are when Harry's relationship with Dumbledore deepens and becomes dynamic, with Harry's faith in Dumbledore being shaken after it is revealed he can have flaws, culminating in Dumbledore's death in book 6 so that Harry can apply everything he's learned to be, as a person.
(She ruined this theme in the 7th book when it's revealed Dumbledore is practically alive in his portrait, but that's just my opinion.

>She created disposable characters and disposed of them, with no care or emotional impact.
Just like Samuel Beckett.
Just because you don't LIKE an aesthetic doesn't mean the aesthetic is bad. There's more than one way to write a book.

1) There wouldn't be enough room to foreshadow everything in every book. Too much motif is just as artless as too little.
2) The whole point of the wand story arc is that the trinket is immaterial; what makes Harry powerful is a character trait that is inside him, not a trinket in his hands. Hence the "Horcruxes over Hallows" motif.

I don't even LIKE Harry Potter, but you're just being unreasonable.

>> No.889253
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 369959064_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not replying to the analogy

>> No.889259

>implying the analogy is the subject

>> No.889269

This could have been an o.k. time if you didn't bait the potterfags. Don't get me wrong, I'm a potterfag, but I can handle it. Also Harry Potter is not the beatles but is in fact The Harry and the Potters...

>> No.889275

>This could have been an o.k. time if you didn't bait the potterfags. Don't get me wrong, I'm a potterfag, but I can handle it. Also Harry Potter is not the beatles but is in fact The Harry and the Potters...

I didn't bait them. Not on purpose, at least.

I rarely post on here. For all I knew there might have been reasonable discussions about it.

>> No.889284

Should lurk moar. Do I come over to your board and slap the dick out of your mouth?

>> No.889290

No, but when you put it that way it sounds kind of hot.

>> No.889302

lets do it.

>> No.889311


I'm not being unreasonable.
I just won't tolerate mediocre writing.

End of.

>> No.889328

Cannabis loving tripfag, if that's you in those pics you are adorable and I would fuck the shit out of you if you just said the word. ;)

>> No.889333

This is a bad thread and you should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.889478
File: 24 KB, 600x324, NeoHarry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol, twenty-something hipsters raging on popular children's books

>> No.889513

Wouldn't the VU's book be The Velvet Underground, the book from which they got their name?

>> No.889514


>> No.889863

I'm trying to think what children's book could possibly encapsulate songs like "Heroin" and also the fact that Andy Warhol forced a smack-addicted Hungarian chanteuse upon the group, who couldn't sing a note without going flat but is somehow amazing.

"The End of Alice" by AM Homes?

>> No.889886
