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8887281 No.8887281[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Elliot Rodger the most influential author of our generation?

The dominant trend of feeling entitled to sex, blaming other races, genders and opinions for failure, is something that he illustrated really well.
"When you are a kid, life is fair" - that's one of my favorite lines. He's the Übermensch of the anti-PC movement. He always had a good life, but feels miserable seeing other people being happy in ways that he doesn't want to try.
The political polarization is not a product of his madness, but he serves as a good example of the protagonists of this trend. In fact, he's the one guy who speaks for all of the ones who view the world as he did.

Do you think we should revisit his work to better understand the profile of the new young males?

>> No.8887283

He's going to be viewed as a very important cultural figure in hindsight.

>> No.8887285
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Socrates on women pursuit.
>Socrates: You say that you cannot be happy without a women.
>X: correct yes
>S: I assume the relationship with said women would involve sex on a regular basis?
>X: Yes
>S:Just to clarify, having this would make your life better. As in, make you happy. Suggesting that at this moment you are unhappy until you get sex?
>S:Therefore it is right to assume that all your life, there has not been a moment where you were happy? Outside of having sex with a woman of course.
>X: Well uh...
>S: Birthdays? Christmas? Hanging out with friends?
>X: You win socrates
>S: I am not finished yet. Don't end the fun too soon.
>S: When you crave delicious sweets. Are you eternally satisfied after indulgence?
>S: When you have exhausted a game. Do you go find another game to play? Or are you satisfied for life after one game?
>S: Therefore the pursuit of pleasure you are constantly striving for under the delusion that it would lead to a happy life is futile. For it is an infinite journey. And harms the soul for eventually the craving would get so big it would be impossible to satisfy in the moment. Even if you were the king of the known world!
X:You speak too much. But you have convinced me. But logic won't fix what I feel. I want what I don't have.
S: And you will always want what you don't have my dear friend.

>> No.8887289

Why are you spamming this in every thread?

>> No.8887291

What would happen if Socrates asked the same stuff to a woman?
I don't think women pursuit men so desperately. And I also don't think Socrates asked a smart guy.