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/lit/ - Literature

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8884344 No.8884344 [Reply] [Original]

Best novels/ literature of the century so far?

>> No.8884353
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>> No.8884358

All the books Reddit likes. Those are my picks.

>> No.8884360


>> No.8884395

a dude in my library is telling me to read it.
is it any good?

>> No.8884407

None. We are in a creative dark age right now.

>> No.8884410

How do we end it, anon?

>> No.8884432

my diary desu

>> No.8884441


>> No.8884442


publish your diaries lads

>> No.8884444
File: 37 KB, 450x567, b189d635e6c0ff09688d4052b66946aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We must destroy capitalism

>> No.8884458
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We need to invent new values.

>> No.8885003

The novel I'm writing will end it. I'm not even bullshitting here lads.

>> No.8885028

Socialist, transhumanist, Buddhist society, when?

>> No.8885042

you're bullshitting my soul, so stop it thanks

>> No.8885100

Lo-fi is a good start

>> No.8885101

In 3 years when you read it you'll remember this chat.

>> No.8885118

And we'll know it's you how?

>> No.8885126
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>> No.8885217

I'll put 'for 4chan' at the start.

>> No.8885222

Nah my novel is going to. Keep an eye out men

>> No.8885231

No because I bet you don't actually believe it about yourself whereas I actually do, and that's half the battle! Nice digits

>> No.8885247

I enjoyed it a lot. There's a couple meh sections in the sequel, but I'm really looking forward to the third. Give it a try, it's like an adult Harry Potter with a more fleshed out world. Not perfect, but quite enjoyable.

>> No.8885261

Save yourself, just say
>for /lit/

>> No.8885268

Yes good advice, thank you. That'll be amended. Look out for Chameleon Day in a few years brothers and sisters

>> No.8885296
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>> No.8885825
File: 89 KB, 427x623, 05book-blog427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book is literally 100% cookie cutter Mary Sue
>praised for its originality
In what possible universe?

Pic related, my pick.

>> No.8885914

tao lin writes fiction for people who say they're "gluten-free" and masturbate to underage girls on the internet

>> No.8885945

Slight spoiler ahead

Honestly, if not for the retarded fairy sex scene in the second book (Which is one of the ones I referred to in my earlier post) Kvothe certainly does have some flaws. He also gets btfo constantly in the first third of the first book. I think the Mary Sue aspects of his character are because he is fabricating the truth (For those that do not know, the story is told after the fact after the protagonist has fallen from greatness and lost his powers). So all in all, I think the issue is far less black and white then you make it out to be, and the world is probably my favorite of any recent fantasy universe.

>> No.8885996

2666 or The Childhood of Jesus

>> No.8886049

There hasn't been any literature written this century. Hopefully that will change in the coming years.

>> No.8886210


>still falling for the utopian meme

Grow up, lad.

>> No.8886216

me derriere desu

>> No.8886239
File: 135 KB, 499x768, auri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking a sex goddess
>golden bagpipes first try
>fucking every woman he meets including redhead criminal and master of sensuality mute monk
>never fucks autist who lives under the school even though she's the only legit 10/10
>becomes literal royalty
>prodigy in a variety of ways
>school costs a shitton and is hard to get into
>lol I'll have them pay me to go there.
"lol but le untrustworthy narrator. "


>> No.8886255
File: 13 KB, 226x346, 41JSCeyNlWL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is one of the most significant artistic achievements in literary history

>> No.8886280

>I don't read contemporary fiction because we're in a dark age
>knows nothing of contemporary fiction aside from /lit/ memes
>doesn't realize that the majority of work published in a given era isn't great or worth remembering, only a few greats are what we discuss
>many greats aren't even widely recognized in their lifetime

>> No.8886284

why? what's it about? could you post a quote?

>> No.8887019

Say what you like, I still suggest that others try it for themselves. Half of that isn't even far-fetched, and I already agreed with you on the issue of sex. Also he definitely doesn't just go around slaying every pussy he sees, but whatever. Do you have any suggestions for modern fantasies with equal worlds and pacing that you think are better?

>> No.8887023

is this supposed to be the girl from Angel's Egg?