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/lit/ - Literature

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8883890 No.8883890[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What should we do about the reddit problem? I think everyone can agree that this board has had a HUGE influx of newfag redditors who refuse to integrate into 4chan culture.

>> No.8883891
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>> No.8883898

>Samefagging with /pol9k/'s damage control strawman
>4chan culture
redditors aren't half as annoying as you faggots.

delete your thread then delete your life

>> No.8883902

t. nu-anon

>> No.8883910

Nah, h's right.
>inb4 samefag

Half the problem with the thread quality on /lit/ is the amount of threads complaining about reddit.
Supress redditors by making interesting threads they can't shit in.

In the extreme case we can always start writing in stream-of-consciousness chock-full of autistic references so nobody who's not an oldfag gets what's going on.

>> No.8883959

You can tell /pol/ is very proud of their work with this image because for the past like two days they've posted it every time somebody disagrees with them then smugly acted like they can disregard all conflicting opinions because clearly anyone that isn't /pol/ is a redditor

Yeah here we go

I want you faggots to stay on your containment boards unless you have something to say about books

>> No.8883972

>/pol/ is a containment board
how to spot a redditor
>somebody has an opinion I disagree with! GO BACK STOP RAIDING MY BOARD

>> No.8883986

I have been here longer than you, my friend. If you are trying to deny that /pol9k/ floods other boards with trash, why are you doing it in this thread? This thread has nothing to do with literature and should be deleted.

>> No.8883992

>I have been here longer than you, my friend.
>If you are trying to deny that /pol9k/ floods other boards with trash, why are you doing it in this thread?
I love how newfags think /pol/ and /r9k/ are the same. Nobody is "flooding" the site, but newshit who complain if someone says something racist on fucking 4chan need to go. Especially if they get mad at frog memes and misogyny.

>> No.8883998

this is why nobody likes you.
you shill your shitty /pol9k/ "culture" as 4chan on the whole, while completely disregarding the "culture" of whatever board your shitposting in.
redditors at least came here in the interest of discussing literature. I bet at least half of the current War & Peace and Monte Cristo group reads are redditors. you'd be lucky if a single person was /pol9k/. Several of them actually tried to tackle Infinite Jest. All of the recent Dostoyevsky threads have been from newfags interested in Russian lit for the first time.
You faggots are exactly like the immigrants you talk shit about. you show up and everything goes to shit

>> No.8884001
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>> No.8884013

>newshit who complain if someone says something racist on fucking 4chan need to go. Especially if they get mad at frog memes and misogyny.
there it is. you just want a safe-space where you can complain without being shamed.
well this is a literature board, I recommend maybe tumblr, I hear they're good for that

>> No.8884014

I am not complaining about misogyny and racism, I'm not that stupid. This is 4chan. Nobody is sitting here getting the vapors when you say nigger and joke about muslims. It is not shocking on this website.
The reason people hate you is because you come onto other boards and make them all /pol9k/. This thread has nothing to do with literature. It should be deleted. You should be banned for it.

>> No.8884015

Nope. 4chan has always been edgy and iconoclastic. People who use /pol/ and /r9k/ aren't outsiders to /lit/, they're the backbone of the entire site, like /b/tards used to be.

Redditors are the immigrants. They get mad at Pepe memes, they get mad at people who have different opinions than them, they spread their cancerous "humor" here and they're convinced that they own the site. >>8883891 is very accurate. You're attacking a strawman that doesn't exist.
Horrible post, delete your account

>> No.8884024

Nope. I'm saying that the cancer needs to go. /pol9k/ isn't a thing and they aren't upsetting your precious little oasis of /lit/. Redditors who get mad if someone posts Pepe or any post that is even slightly whiny or political are shitting up this board and distracting from real discussion.
Many do though. There's at least one redditor who gets mad at "frogposters". Frogposting is integral to this site's culture.

>> No.8884035

I remember back in like 2013 I was worried that 4chan was being diluted by redditor faggots and a new generation of whiny babbies.

Same thing that happened to SomethingAwful, where all the userbase slowly turned into 33 year old nu-males who had to "settle down" and "be more mature" because they got cunt girlfriends, and instead of quitting their Internet forums and childish hobbies, they just channeled their own pussy-whipping into them and ruined them instead.

But instead of that happening, 4chan has become /pol/! It's a Christmas miracle!

>> No.8884044

>they get mad at people who have different opinions than them
You made a thread to literally do that. On a literature board.
Nobody arguing with you has said anything about misogyny or racism, they have all told you to talk about books or leave, because that is how a board called /lit/ works.

>Horrible post, delete your account
You have no recourse because his image is calling out exactly what you are doing.

>they aren't upsetting your precious little oasis of /lit/
They are. Because they post shit threads like this, which have nothing to do with books. On a board about books. Why is this difficult to understand for you?
>Frogposting is integral to this site's culture.
Frogposting is fine on /lit/ if it is about books, but you dumb faggots start frogposting threads like "why can't black people write good books" or "look at the sjw opinions tangentially related to ya fiction I found when I search tumblr for things to make me angry." Things that are very thinly-veiled """literature""" subjects but quickly devolve into your bullshit.

>> No.8884047
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>People who use /pol/ and /r9k/ [and /leftypol/] aren't outsiders to /lit/
>three groups of people so wrapped up by spooks they can barely function in day to day life
>muh ideology is the backbone of /lit/

>> No.8884053

>/pol/ and /r9k/ are the backbone of the site
/pol/ has never been anything more than shit. /r9k/ is relatively new after being removed for so long and remade as 9001. The board with constant failed suicide attempt threads isn't the backbone of anything.
>like /b/tards used to be.
I was a /b/ tard literally a decade ago. We weren't like you at all. You're "golden days" delusion reeks of ideology.
>(strawman) is accurate. you're attacking a strawman
you're literally shilling a strawman while attempting to tell me that by dismantling it, I'm attacking a strawman.
You haven't shifted a single aspect of your argument, youre just sad that people call you out in your precious safe-space.
I'm sure they'll love your frog cartoons on tumblr

>> No.8884073

>You have no recourse because his image is calling out exactly what you are doing.
Not really. That pic is just some autist getting mad that some people have political views and *gasp* dare to talk about it outside of /pol/.
>Frogposting is fine on /lit/ if it is about books, but you dumb faggots start frogposting threads like "why can't black people write good books" or "look at the sjw opinions tangentially related to ya fiction I found when I search tumblr for things to make me angry." Things that are very thinly-veiled """literature""" subjects but quickly devolve into your bullshit.
Then just ignore the threads.
>/pol/ has never been anything more than shit. /r9k/ is relatively new after being removed for so long and remade as 9001. The board with constant failed suicide attempt threads isn't the backbone of anything.
Even moot said that /pol/ and /r9k/ is what /b/ used to be. They are the ones pushing the culture of the site forward and making OC.
>You haven't shifted a single aspect of your argument, youre just sad that people call you out in your precious safe-space.
Again, nope. 4chan is not a safe-space, stop overusing this meme.

My main issue is redditors who tell people go gb2pol9k when anybody dares challenge their views. They are killing this site.

>> No.8884074

>le spook maymay
xD ebin

>> No.8884075
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>/pol/ mocks tumblr for their safe space pussy shit every day
>/pol/ makes threads on completely unrelated boards saying all of 4chan MUST be a safe space pussy corner for them to talk about how mean jews and muslims are
>And they still want to be taken as tough vanguards of the whte race and the last, best hope of humanity

>> No.8884080
File: 154 KB, 500x480, spontaneo-is-silent-for-dogs-do-not-even-have-a-3018362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ is one person
>everybody I don't like is a /pol/ outsider

>> No.8884087

People who cry so much about "invasions" are people who are here for image and status and not for the books. /lit/ is a shitty board because people talk about the same few authors in very superficial ways. If you actually want "redditism" to cease, then try making actual good threads and have interesting discussions about literature. Like-minded people will find your thread whereas the rest will just keep shit posting or making stupid posts like this entire thread

>> No.8884099

/Lit/ got a massive Reddit influx when some faggot posted our 2015 top 100 book list on r/books...

>> No.8884107


>> No.8884145

>but /pol/ is actually against reddit i swear
nice try you reddit fuck

>> No.8884150

t. newfaggot who doesn't remember /pol/ being created specifically as a containment board

>waaaaah people are tired of my shilling I'm so persecuted
kill yourself you fucking drone. We've heard it a million times before, you have nothing new to bring to the table.

>> No.8884168

>t. newfaggot who doesn't remember /pol/ being created specifically as a containment board
>he actually believes this
wew lad exactly how new are you?

>> No.8884171

/pol/ is the most reddit board on this entire site.

>> No.8884176

old enough to remember a time before /pol/

>> No.8884178

>/pol/ is reddit
Nope. /pol/ is completely opposed to everything reddit stands for. Either /lit/, /co/ or /s4s/ is the most reddit board.

>> No.8884181

Whatever you say /r/the_donald ;^)

>> No.8884188

>one reddit board vs the entire rest of the site
Reddit isn't anywhere near as extreme as 4chan, and 4chan doesn't have the upvote/hugbox cancer.

>> No.8884191

I wish I could meet all of these retarded newcomers complaining about reddit and kick their teeth in.

>> No.8884201

Agreed! fucking newfags, racism is not allowed on 4chan. all frogposters should be hanged in public executions and so on. praise Hillary

>> No.8884204

>Nope. /pol/ is completely opposed to everything reddit stands for.
Except they actually come from reddit and follow reddit culture. They don't understand 4chan culture.

>Reddit isn't anywhere near as extreme as 4chan, and 4chan doesn't have the upvote/hugbox cancer.
/pol/ is a hugbox and spamming functions as a practical upvoting mechanism. Try to make an actual /his/ related thread on /his/ for example. It'll die in 10 minutes. Meanwhile holocaust denial or other /pol/ echochamber threads are guaranteed at least 100 replies. Anyway, reddit is as extreme as 4chan, it's just got a worse site culture, which is unfortunately leaking here through /pol/ /v/ and formerly /b/

>> No.8884205

Wow! You totally own'd me, anon! Great job! xD

>> No.8884211

>Except they actually come from reddit and follow reddit culture. They don't understand 4chan culture.
Do you genuinely believe this? /pol/ is closer to old 4chan culture than any other board on this site.

>> No.8884215

In which year did you come here, anon? Just curious.

>> No.8884222
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>we're really doing this on Christmas day

>> No.8884228

this is the logical conclusion of the redpill.
"tradition" and """culture""" and "pride" are viewed as objectively good, even when they're objectively bad. even when it's on an anonymous imageboard. "shit is not shit because it's old" is a perfect synthesis of that fallacious ideology. good job. it takes truly autistic lack of self-awareness to achieve stupidity of this magnitude.
Only you could pull this off, /pol9k/

>> No.8884248

>Do you genuinely believe this?
It's true

>/pol/ is closer to old 4chan culture than any other board on this site.
it isn't. Look at site traffic to see where the newfags live.

this is an example of a reddit style post, using reddit language.

>> No.8884547
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Newfags become Oldfags. Rinse and repeat.
Deal with it.

>> No.8884559

reddit's literature board is far better than this place. I only come here for the memes.

>> No.8884568

You are cancer.

>> No.8884577

It's true though. Reddit's board has deep and meaningful conversation but this place has the funny memes.

>> No.8884583

Sure is Reddit in here.

>> No.8884591

>Reddit's board has deep and meaningful conversation
Holy shit just go back

>> No.8884618

Actual redditor here

You're full of shit

>/r/worldnews /r/europe /r/imgoingtohellforthis /r/tumblrinaction /r/kotakuinaction /r/cringeanarchy /r/libertarian /r/conservative /r/altright /r/mylittlepony

>> No.8884620

Listen, you autist. Though I doubt that anyone can have deep conversations at any website, reddit can't be worse than this board. You're not smarter just because you post this at a scottish sheep-breeding forum.
What makes narcissistic weebs better than pseudo-intellectual teenagers?

Shit, this site was always full of underages and angry contrarian retards, but things are getting out of hand lately.

>> No.8884633

You're right. That is a perfect example of the kind of passive-aggressive thoughtless sarcastic mimicry found on Reddit.

>> No.8884641

This proves it. The contrarianboner has swung the other way.

Maybe we can start again, despooked.

>> No.8884682

>and angry contrarian retards
Meant and/or.

>> No.8884699