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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 329x500, Thegame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
888188 No.888188 [Reply] [Original]

So does this actually help?

>> No.888195

probably, although I wouldn't even need it.

>> No.888197

yeah, it does

to become a true master you gotta read more than just that though and practice

>> No.888228

No, but it's still a fun read. Any sane person reading it would conclude that PUA is a waste of time unless you feel like devoting your entire life to fucking bar skanks.

>> No.888248


Good thing this book isn't really about PUA. It's about a loser who tries to be hardcore, and the mental breakdown of a poser faggot who calls himself Mystery.

I can direct you to some real PUA manuals if you wish, OP. And also, being a PUA isn't about reading -books-. It's about going out there and fucking about ten women. Then you can read books about the theory.

Otherwise, you're just a nerd reading books about getting laid.

>> No.888260


>Bro this isn't the real stuff, bro! My and my bros know the bro that really does this stuff for real bros! Those posers ain't like the bro I bro the brosy bro bros!

>> No.888261

sup bro

>> No.888265

Helps you lose.

>> No.888267

Why do you keep doing -this- to add -emphasis- to words?

>> No.888278


No italics.

>> No.888280

"The Game" itself isn't going to help you do much of anything. It's a story.

You want stuff that will actually have any benefit of helping, you go to the forums where they actually talk about this stuff.

What you'll hear is to stop reading and go out and try stuff. When you fail, you come and read. You try that. When you fail, you discuss and read, then you try.

It's basically "guided trial and error" so to speak.

>> No.888285

if you want practical tips that will actually help you, look up Alex Coulson.

He's a good guy.

>> No.888286


>The Game is a story

It's not even a cool story, at that.

Also, you just lost.

>> No.888287

The Game is what I just lost.

>> No.888307


david wygant is a pretty cool dude too.

Eh gets you laid and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.888310

please kill yourself

>> No.888317

Can't say I know David Wygant. I'll look into it.

What I liked about Alex, as opposed to Mystery, etc...was that he was normal. He was like people who I've met in real life and could relate to. Not some magician wearing fuzzy hats...

>> No.888344


Wygant is a down-to-earth guy too. I've never been one for the magical, 'peacocking' PUA gurus like Mystery. He's entertaining, at the most. At worst, he's laughable. His show on VH1 was a joke.

Have you read David Shade? [lots of davids in the community]

>> No.888350
File: 38 KB, 408x304, 9872347384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can help, but probably won't.
The whole PUA scene is a convoluted mess of information that can help, but probably won't.

Here's the thing...
You read a book chalk full of info about how to get pussy, but what of it?
It's the equivalent of reading a bunch of psychology manuals and assuming you understand people.
Or the equivalent of watching a shit ton of Football all the time and thinking you're a good player.

I'm writing from the position of a guy who got deep shit into PUA material and made no real progress as a result whatsoever.

There's actually an essay written by a newer pick-up instructor that touches on all this.
Basically the guy writes about how when he teaches a boot camp for a weekend he will almost always get at least one nerdy guy who knows even more game theory than himself, but when it comes time to actually go pick up a girl the nerd always fucks it up and makes even more rookie mistakes than the regular guys who don't know any theory.

The lesson here:
Stop reading dumb shit about picking up chicks and instead go outside and start meeting actual women.
First learn through experience. Talk to real women before reading about them.
After failing a couple dozen times and learning some things on your own, then you can read pickup theory to help you weed through the bullshit.

>> No.888357

Heard a lot about him, may have read some stuff at some point in time, I can't remember.

David D'Angelo is what introduced me to the whole concept. What i read of his was relatively down-to-earth, but at the same time very vague, and not too wonderfully written. Always leaving you wanting more, which I suppose was just marketing.

>> No.888362

oh my god i lol'd and then i lol'd again

>> No.888377



That's why I said earlier if you want to be PUA, you'll go hit the clubs, the lounges, bookshops or wherever you want to go meet cute girls, and fuck about ten women before you start wrangling with Game theory.

>> No.888386

and now i'm loling again

and again

now im a little sad

but lol

>> No.888403



Hey, I read him. Specifically, Double your Dating and the workbooks.

I thought he was pretty good. Then there was a massive shitstorm involving him, a lot of people got angry at him, there was drama, and now I'm thoroughly confused as to where he stands.

But then I moved onto Wygant. Oh, and I've been reading the Gunwitch method. It's pretty cash, if a bit crude and elementary. He goes over the absolute basics - the ABC's of PUA, if you will.

>> No.888436

I can't understand how a guy can be so desperate enough to turn to this shit. We girls aren't some fucking mythical creature that will bite your dick off the first moment you make a wrong move.

>> No.888449

>We girls aren't some fucking mythical creature that will bite your dick off the first moment you make a wrong move.

What? Is this true? Guys, srsly, is this true?

>> No.888455

ITT the concept of "pathetic" embodied and codified before our very eyes.

>> No.888462


>they're pathetic for having sex, boo hoo I am a virgin nerd


>> No.888458


>We girls

Oh, boy. Here we go.

>> No.888471

nah, it's the cunt who posted the we girls thing

eww she's so fat. so fucking fat.

>> No.888473

No they're pathetic for thinking gamer nerd theory can get them laid and then lying about its (lack of) efficacy. Books will never get you laid.

>> No.888475

So what do you guys think about Real Social Dynamics, the ideas behind the method are mostly grounded but the way Owen explains it sometimes feels like too dumbed down.

>> No.888487


Not true, I have heard seveal cases of this exact scenario. Seriously though, as a woman you will never understand. Some guys just plain suck with women. They are Beta, AFC and are sweet and nice but never get laid.

Agree with the competant posters here, in feild is far more effective then any manual. The good thing about books like this, or online forums, or audiobooks/video series etc. is that they get you pumped for it, and confidently optimistic. Plus, it can give you some ideas, some basic principles to follow, and that little extra nudge.

Nothing beats experience though. Even just saying hi to women, smiling often, and starting conversations is a good start.

>> No.888501

Nice tactics bro. Nah but really this is sensible. I'm the one who was trashing on you guys earlier (not the ''we girls" chick though i'm a male) but yeah I can see what this might do for confidence.Nevertheless, People who take it very serious and apply Social Engineering to dating are sickos in my book...

>> No.888504


>Nevertheless, People who take it very serious and apply Social Engineering to dating are sickos in my book...

You realize you're basically calling a large percentage of women sickos, right?

>> No.888509


>Books will never get you laid.

Nobody said that.

>> No.888517


That sounds about right.

>> No.888525

Yes, probably that is true. I don't want any part of it. There is the percentage of the population who are not confirmed sociopaths, borderline or autistic...

>> No.888533


>We girls aren't some fucking mythical creature that will bite your dick off the first moment you make a wrong move.

then what's the point...?

>> No.888563


If you want your dick to get gnawed off, just use a dog for maximum efficiency.

>> No.888568


1) It's all about looks
2) It's all about money
3) it's all about how well connected you are

Getting laid has to do with the percentage you have of the above three things. The less of those things you have, the less likely you are to get laid.

>> No.888582


Close, but no cigar.

They're simply enablers of the thing that women find incredibly sexy - confidence.

>> No.888593


Spoken like someone who knows nothing about women.

>> No.888597


>> No.888598

truth. sorry guys, but confidence if you are unattractive in every way is just seen as ugly aggresive behavior. In a better looking guy, it will be seen as confidence. Although, I do think interesting, dynamic personality is also a factor (but don't think that this is some equalizer it is also something you usually have or do not).

>> No.888605


>truth. sorry guys, but confidence if you are unattractive in every way is just seen as ugly aggresive behavior.

And women love that. Why do you think they go out with men who hit them?

You've got so much to learn...

>> No.888614

girls only like good looking assholes or assholes with money. don't let them fool you.

>> No.888628


>blanket statements

If you left your house once in a while, you'd realize that neither of the things in your post reflect on reality

>> No.888644

Actually, I'm just good looking so I wouldn't know _what_ it's like to overcome ugliness. Sorry for my ignorance, and I yield the floor to you anonymous.

>> No.888647


>Actually, I'm just good looking
>posts on 4chan


>> No.888651

>Creates unrealistic delusions to protect fragile sense of self worth.
oh you.

>> No.888661


>posts on 4chan
>calls self attractive
>expects people to believe him
>calls others delusional

Oh the irony

>> No.888665

>posts on 4chan
>doesn't know what the meaning of Irony is

>> No.888672


>dodging the subject to save his own ass


>> No.888679

>implying one can be in some sort of danger while posting anonymously on the internets

>> No.888680

Implication wars?

This is /lit/. Shape up. I want to see some multi-paragraphs.

>> No.888686


This thread was great until the beta males and the hambeast females shit all over it.

>> No.888688


You always know you're right when the insecure people come out. Because event they know, deep down, what the truth is.

>> No.888689

Usually you would. Problem is, there are more trolls right now than actual /lit/erates.

>> No.888692

What issue? I honestly believe I am attractive. I get told this by people and I am okay with it. I don't think false modesty is attractive, so I don't commit such bad faith. And what I said, I meant. I really wouldn't know if girls will go for weirdos who aren't decently good looking because I've never experienced it first hand.

>> No.888697



Needing to be 'right'? Rampant insecurity.

>> No.888707



Confirmed for basement dweller.

>> No.888704


Another one to my list :3

>> No.889221

it really only applies to sluts living in Los angelos, but im told it does work well on those sluts.

Trying that shit in a small town pub will get your ass beat though.

>> No.889361
File: 79 KB, 575x738, 1272441913925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the book help? Well, no. It's not intended to be any sort of guide. It's a look into the "secret society of pickup artists" also known as "creepy fucks". A few of them are cool, but most of the guys on the lower end, you know, the type who might read about this stuff on an Internet forum and suddenly think he's a stud, they're creepy and generally horrible with women.

The principles are simple. Be confident, be funny, get vagina. Now the important thing is to go out there and get practice until you are comfortable with women and can talk with them casually, tease them a little and be flirty. Do you really need to spend hundreds of dollars on CD's to listen to hours of lecture material in order to get that?

If you do decide to get into it, realize this isn't the way to somehow study at home and then win a girlfriend when you are done. At some point you will have to approach and talk to a girl. In my opinion you may as well just keep in mind that being confident, projecting alpha male vibes and being playful and go out there.

Keep that in mind, go out there and socialize, and you should be. That should be enough for most guys. Like someone else said, the only reason to really get into this material is if you're obsessed with it and plan on devoting your life to nailing women. So yeah, if you are that serious about it, go for it.

I agree with what this guy says, even though for some reason he comes off like a fucking douche.

>> No.889364


>, even though for some reason he comes off like a fucking douche.

I appreciate your style, guy. We should chill.

>> No.889367

It helps you fuck sluts. But good old alcohol is better for that.

>> No.889368



Okay. You neg the HB10, I'll distract the mother-hen.

Plan = go?

>> No.889369

>>888188 So does this actually help?

Well, everyone on /r9k/ swears they've read it and they're all still kissless virgins.

Does that answer your question?

>> No.889370

My roommates own this book and swear by it. They bring women back from parties all the time. However, I have never seen them bring the same woman in our apartment twice. This should tell you something.

>> No.889372

You sound lonely

>> No.889395

If you're looking for a more pragmatic approach, ditch "The Game" and get "Rules of The Game"

follow it day by day, to the letter, and you'll improve. The reason for this is that it's not just a book on "theory," it's a 1-month game plan. It gives you assignments to complete every single day (don't skip)

it's designed to make you more social, less shy, and thus, more attractive.

>> No.889397
File: 25 KB, 261x400, neil-strauss-rules-of-the-game_14294852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is everyone aware about his other book 'The Rules of The Game'? The one that actually has a sort of 30 day training program n shit...wouldn't this one be the book that helps you "become a PUA"...

Why hasn't anyone mentioned it?

>> No.889402


>> No.889405


We suggested better PUA manuals.

>> No.889407

hahah bromance negging works too!

>> No.889422


it's called AMOG bro

>> No.889431

No and yes.

Every few years there is being published a new "hard hitting edgy dating guide" for insecure idiots. All you basically have to do as a "writer" is to pick a topic that impulsively attracts readers emotionally, such as sex and relationships, and then make some controversial superficial theory about it. People are drawn to it like flies to honey.

Books like this do not contain any value what so ever. At most maybe they observe certain behaviour of certain people and draw stupid conclusions from it. The thing with it is that insecure people read books like this and start to actually behave in such manner so it becomes a self-fulfilling thing.

>> No.889455
File: 66 KB, 750x600, 1263866981963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's called AMOG bro
>Alpha Male Other Guy
>Alpha Male


>> No.889467



Should have put in a bit about PUA sounding like a cult, then it would really sound like one of the feminist treatises on how Pick-Up Artists are corrupting the modern generation.

>> No.889490

or maybe we could discuss real literature instead of How to get a boner for dummies.

>> No.889501


>or maybe we could discuss real literature

But /lit/ doesn't know what real literature is. I guarantee you someone will make a thread about The Bros K and masturbate over how real their literature is.

>> No.889510

>implying the feminist waste their time on this bullshit

>> No.889512


If women weren't so fucking stupid, then we wouldn't have a problem. Legions of lonely, single men who want companionship are treated like shit because we can't talk to girls right.

>> No.889517


>> No.889525


Go back to /b/, shitposter.

>> No.889532

This is /lit/ - literature, not /lit/ - bullshit by ugly scam artists teaching awkward nerds to bang chicks. Keep this thread on /b/ where it belongs.

>> No.889534



>> No.889535


>Even more shitposting

Kindly fuck off and stop backseat modding /lit/

>> No.889543

>This is /lit/ - literature, not /lit/ - bullshit by ugly scam artists teaching awkward nerds to lie about banging chicks

>> No.889551


Here we go.

Inb4 feminist shitstorm and the fucking debate that follows.


There should be a new rule. If you're a psychotic feminist cunt or a lonely misogynist dickhead who thinks he's a pickup artist you should not be allowed to mention gender in your posts.


>> No.889556

I have a three-step process for you to make your life - and all our lives better. Here goes:

1: Download 4chan extension
2: Hide bad threads.
3: Post in good threads.


>> No.889562

But you are breaking your own rules.

>> No.889589

doesn't mean he's wrong

>> No.889892

lost it