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/lit/ - Literature

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888109 No.888109 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of this mofo?

>> No.888116

His best work: Football Season Is Over.

>> No.888123

such an hero

>> No.888139

Proud Highway for me

>> No.888151

I like the writing style, but if I go anywhere else it might start a shit storm. But I like all of it.

>> No.888152

Overrated. Beloved by hipsters.

>> No.888157

He's a pretty fun read, especially since I can relate to ether binges.

>> No.888162

I really like is works

>> No.888168

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is my fav movie

>> No.888170

Did they died?

>> No.888176

Rum Diary and Hell's Angels. Do it.

>> No.888179


>> No.888183

he's cool and his books are fun reads

i liked him a lot when i was younger

>> No.888219

i like proud highway as well. he was a hell of a guy.

>> No.888515

i was sad to find he didn't do more than about three percent of the insane things he said he did. i mean, hell, making shit up on the fly? i can do that. i'm doing it right now, from prison, while fighting off a gang of crack dealers with a chair leg.

>> No.888690

not high literature but his books still awesome and fun

>> No.889621

I only read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and it was one of the funnest books I ever read.

That's probably the best way to describe his books, fun.

>> No.889631

I really wish Gonzo journalism would have caught on in a bigger way.

>> No.889636

Entry-level hipster garbage

>> No.889645

I am really glad it did not. While this Hunter guy is talented and a good writer, can you imagine all of the papers filled with poorly written ramblings of average journalists?

>> No.889655

At 'right jow,' my reading voice shifted to Raoul Duke and I imagined Jhonny Depp in a prison cell, crouching behind a table, waving a chair leg. You should be a writer, bro.

>> No.889659

Fun reads.

>> No.889666

No I can't spell. Leave me alone.

>> No.889672

I guess you're right. Also, fucking literary theorists would have tried to ''develop'' it as a ''project''...ugh...

>> No.889673

Says the guy who uses "entry-level" to describe reading material. Prick.

>> No.889706

Quiet, adults are posting in this thread now

Thompson sucks and the only reason why he exists is because of marketing campaigns and Hollywood glamourizing his retard behavior

>> No.889711

Edgy, Iconoclastic story, bro. But seriously, who do you prefer?

>> No.889712

>Quiet, adults are posting in this thread now
Agreed with this anon. Thompson is a doodoo head.

>> No.889720

He's a cool guy. People who don't like him either either don't understand gonzo journalism, or just don't like him. And that's just fine.

>> No.889727

>People who don't like him...don't like him
Good talk, bros. Good talk.

>> No.889734

Douglas Adams and Brian Jacques

>> No.889745

Well, that pretty much sums up the significance of this discussion does it not? The man is dead, after all.

>> No.889754

But his trash literature inhabits the literature board zombie like, which is p gay

>> No.889755

>The man is dead, after all.
... so?

>> No.889756

So you are going to here and now discredit him so fully (at 3:17 am EST) that he shall never be discussed again?

>> No.889760

He discredited himself years ago by being a dumbass, I just thought I'd do you a favor and bring you up to speed

>> No.889786

So you're the kind of person who just doesn't like him. That's cool, bro. But do you really have to tell people THEY shouldn't like him just because you don't?

>> No.889787

I'm not even defending him, I'm just saying this discussion can be reduced to: people who don't like Hunter S. Thompson, don't like him. That is all you are saying. You aren't giving any objective, critical analysis to contrast his work against a standard measure of quality. You aren't even saying who you think is better than he is. You just keep saying how you don't like him.

>> No.889793


>> No.889798

Fuck off with your "opinion is relative" bullcrap. Hunter S Thompson is -objectively- bad. Target audience: young adult readers who think running around vegas while high is a cool "cultural critique"

-writes books without plots or character development
-vocabulary of a 14 year old street thug
-about as challenging prose as those animal books you read when you were 9

Guilty on all counts. Thread destroyed.

>> No.889801


>> No.889810


>> No.889818

Man, I don't even like his books that much but
>-writes books without plots or character development
(it's journalism)
>-vocabulary of a 14 year old street thug
(depends on the street thug)
(are you a qualified physician like Dr. Raoul?)
>-about as challenging prose as those animal books you read when you were 9
(depends on how challenging you found these to be)
Are all subjective assertions, and I think certain words don't mean what you think they mean.

>> No.889823

It's too bad you think that, but I respect your opinion. Though I contest the idea that you can call something objectively bad, as you have no power over anyone's ideas on anything.

>> No.889827

Claiming that things are 'subjective' doesn't render them false. Too bad they don't teach you about rhetoric at ITT Tech

I have the power of truth, and it's changing one mind at a time

>> No.889830

I didn't say that subjective was false, only that since you used subjective standards your claim that you were objective was false. Starting to make sense now?

>> No.889841

The truth transcends your false, imposed dichotomy between subjective and objective. Your binary approach to what are actual facts are undermining your ability to comprehend them as well as articulate a coherent argument that amounts to anything outside of "I don't like the way you explained it therefore you are wrong"

fuck off

>> No.889844

You have the power of a normal person trying to make other normal people think differently about someone. It doesn't work.

>> No.889850

It really doesn't matter, because if you would actually consider how well I pulled apart your feeble claims, you would certainly not protest too much, as I think you doth.

>> No.889864

>misusing 'doth'
>ad hominems
>claiming that nothing matters like the liberal postmodern nihilist that he is
Your credibility was undermined with that post. Feel free to keep crying about how stupid you are online; I'm off to greener, smarter pastures

>> No.889867

I liked him when I was 14.
then I understood him more and was filled with revulsion for his emptiness.

>> No.889872

Oh God, it happened. We trolled too hard and birthed the pure embodiment of /lit/'s pretentious, pseudo-intellectual faggotry.

>> No.889883

It's really funny, because you aren't, because you will stay and brush the cornchip crums from your massive gut as you furrow your brow in an attempt to feel complacent with the gut-wrenching way I undermined your grandiose attempt at edginess and supremity. Also you do understand that liberal, nihilist and post-modern are all mutually exclusive concepts?

>> No.889891

>Also you do understand that liberal, nihilist and post-modern are all mutually exclusive concepts
this is my first post in this thread but i just had to point out what a moron this dude is

>> No.889900

The embodiment of /lit/'s pretentious, pseudo-intellectual faggotry is a normal user of /mu/? (that's also probably where he's going)

>> No.889904

i commend your perseverance , cause i can't make it past the first sentence of that retarded post.

>> No.889906

>this is my first post in this thread
back for more, I see? And yet, you prove your unworthiness yet again. They _are_ mutually exclusive, if what the words actually mean is important to you, that is.

>> No.889910

agreed, he is so stupid that he has to accentuate his words with underscores like that idiot tripfag with his kids book meme

>> No.889911

because it hurts? it hurts because it's true.

>> No.889918

>doesn't like it when people are inventive with language
>comes to /lit/

>> No.889925

Iz lubz inventiv langooge

>> No.889930

sorry, did your daddy walk out of the room so you had to type something yourself? goodnite, cocksucker.

>> No.889932

no, cause it's retarded post bro

>> No.889935

>implying that surrounding words with Wingdings is creative or shows proof of diverse vocabulary

>> No.889938
File: 39 KB, 450x268, MYBRAINISFULLOFFUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.889959
File: 44 KB, 496x384, billions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More relevant

>> No.889960

u mad fgt?