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8880536 No.8880536 [Reply] [Original]

Do women lack competiveness, that's why they havent produced anything of worth in art?
The question now arises, this uncompetitiveness is biological?

>> No.8880547

Opression and slave morality

>> No.8880573

Art and competition have literally nothing to do with each other.

>> No.8880597

Agree. I think it's mostly a socially learned trait. Plenty of men are uncompetitive as there are plenty of competitive women

But this too >>8880573
Talent is mostly inborn, but some aspects of it are learned

>> No.8880606

The essence of post-modern art can be rightfully defined as "uncompetive".

>> No.8880667

I want /pol/ to go back to their containment board and for blatant trash threads like this to be deleted
I don't care about your super edgy opinions, if it was some faggot saying women were flawless jewels it would still belong somewhere else

>> No.8880842

There is no edgy replies (yet).Actually only arguements in defense of the women. This topic is actually legit

>> No.8880846
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>> No.8880847

> talent inborn
My ass. Unless you are on a Neumann lvl, it's not inborn. Rather facticity and will

>> No.8880849

You're a fucking retard. Good artists are in conflict with their influences, they want to compete with and ultimately best the masters of their art. Read the Anxiety of Influence.

>> No.8880853

t. talentless hack

>> No.8880854


>> No.8880857

It's because of evolution.

>> No.8880859
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Make me.

>> No.8880860

? Did you even read? It's literally the opposite of what you're implying

>> No.8880862

Can you read? He said that talent was inborn and you denied that.

>> No.8880868

And how would i be the 'talentless hack' when i say it's not inborn? Talent being inborn is literally T H E excuse for stupid people. What you said makes no sense

>> No.8880869
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You don't see women giving their whole lives to the pursuit of truth or beauty. They're middlebrows at best. Art is a fashion accessory to them.

>> No.8880873

wew lad, it went straight over your head

>> No.8880875

I guess. Can you explain

>> No.8880877
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Cry more libcuck

>> No.8880886

when will this coping meme end?

true you aren't shit without a good work ethic, but the feeling for sound, pace, rhyme and wordplay is born from an innate talent. You can learn to construct a plot, learn to write basic prose, but just stop hoping you can somehow grow this sensitivity.
Everyone accepts this as truth in other art, or sport, or science and math. Talent is not handed out equally.

You can't make up for something you inherently lack, that's like saying an ugly person can turn beautiful by looking in the mirror each day.

>> No.8880891

>/v/, /pol/, and /r9k/ are so buttmad about getting btfo'd in every thread they made a chart for damage control
top fuk'n zozzle m8>>8880847

>> No.8880894


I've always wondered about this. There really have been no great female painters. Or truly phenomenal writers (though George Eliot, Jane austen, Edith Wharton, etc are all great).

In terms of poetry thereally are rare exceptions like Emily Dickinson and waaayyy back Sappho (though I've always wondered if she was actually great or if she is just the most complete body of work we have from her era, her Greek is hard as shot though).

>> No.8880898

Didn't mean to quote the talentless hack >>8880847

>> No.8880906

>Sappho (though I've always wondered if she was actually great or if she is just the most complete body of work we have from her era, her Greek is hard as shot though).
Nah. Sappho was universally praised by Greek poets, musicians, and philosophers. It's a trend in history that great women who are on par with the best men are non-judgementally praised by the "sexist" establishment, there just isn't that many of them. Feminists want to elevate average women to the heights of the best men, but it will never happen.

>> No.8880916

Well, I think the inborn talent you are referring to is the facticity you are born in (society, family etc.). I don't believe a newborn have more talent than another newborn

>> No.8880924

>I don't believe a newborn have more talent than another newborn
This is just wishful thinking. There are demonstrable biological/racial influences of intelligence.

>> No.8880925

>Read harold bloom so you can become a canonist like me and unwarrantedly call people who disagree with your viewpoint fucking retards on the internet!
No thanks kid

>> No.8880935

I don't want to pull the feminism card and tank an already shitty thread, but women were never educated, never taken seriously, rarely taught to read or write, weren't allowed to speak as men do, and held little social influence.
There's so few famous woman artists because it wasn't allowed. Virginia Woolf only became a writer after pursuing her own education in her father's study because women didn't go to school. She even wrote that "anonymous(writers) is often a woman." I think it was Austen that would write articles for newspapers, knowing full well that they wouldn't be published because she was a woman. George Eliot's real name is like Mary or some shit, she used the pseudonym "George" so that people would take her work seriously.
And if thats the gymnastics that those three had to perform to get their work into our hands decades later, imagine how much artistic potential was lost.
You cannot simultaneously oppress a group and demean them for not performing among the best.
I think it was Malcolm X that said "they cripple a bird's wing and condemn it for not flying as well as they."
>inb4 bluepilled numale cuck etc. etc.
fight me fat faggots

>> No.8880943

Women didn't have rights because they're inferior to men, not the other way around

>> No.8880948

I am a musician, and I’ve long wondered about this difference. We know from the classical music scene that women can play instruments beautifully, superbly, proficiently — essentially just as well as men. They can and many do. Yet in jazz, where the performer has to be creative while playing, there is a stunning imbalance: hardly any women improvise. Why? The ability is there but perhaps the motivation is less. They don’t feel driven to do it.

I suppose the stock explanation for any such difference is that women were not encouraged, or were not appreciated, or were discouraged from being creative. But I don’t think this stock explanation fits the facts very well. In the 19th century in America, middle-class girls and women played piano far more than men. Yet all that piano playing failed to result in any creative output. There were no great women composers, no new directions in style of music or how to play, or anything like that. All those female pianists entertained their families and their dinner guests but did not seem motivated to create anything new.

Meanwhile, at about the same time, black men in America created blues and then jazz, both of which changed the way the world experiences music. By any measure, those black men, mostly just emerging from slavery, were far more disadvantaged than the middle-class white women. Even getting their hands on a musical instrument must have been considerably harder. And remember, I’m saying that the creative abilities are probably about equal. But somehow the men were driven to create something new, more than the women.

>> No.8880965

That pic is myopic af. Men are psychos with oneitis dude. All that attention to physical detail paid in art? Useless in social interaction. That same attitude manifests itself in obsession and manipulation in relationships with women. And somehow men have tricked themselves into thinking this is acceptable and even admirable behavior. A Room of One's Own deals with this double standard directly. Men worship women as objects while ignoring their agency. I know some pillfag is gonna tear into this comment and tell me all the ways women are inferior or of weaker mental fortitude or ambition, but that would be missing the point.

>> No.8880971

No one is saying that love is is without fault or pathological forms. Just that women are incapable of it, and basically do nothing except passively benefit from it like succubi.

>> No.8880974

They're called containment boards for a reason. Nuthin personnel, kid

>> No.8880978


>> No.8880994

>women are incapable of love
Thats what i mean by myopic. Men define love in terms of how they act or think or feel while in love. Anyone who says women can't love has simply never been loved by a woman.

>> No.8880996

Inferior because they started getting opressed early by muscular men

>> No.8881007

But why were they "oppressed". You can't say men oppressed women for the fun of it, if they could be on par with men they would have been allowed to contribute to society more. But because of evolved roles and natural sexual realities (ie the inherent submissiveness of women) they were inferior to men in terms of masculine things. Women are better at men at cooking and raising children, but not making art or science. Great women are the exceptions that prove the rule.

It's the luxury of technological capitalism that has allowed women to be dominant, it's the breakdown of social roles.

>> No.8881009

They're wrong

>> No.8881013

opinion on the base of personal experience/judgement rather than evidence. what do you think anons?

>> No.8881076

1. Will to power, 2. The opressing started way before any art and science became anything at all (by opressing i mean a kinda unconcsious valuation of the sexes nature(what they ought to do and be)). 3. The difference between a man and woman is nothing but the symbolism we apply to it (and genitalia etc). (It's all spooks mate). 4. Philosophers have seen this for a long time, Nietzsche -> the french. The opressing imo have little to do with capitalism and technology

>> No.8881086


Not the guy you are replying to, but I just wanted to say you write like an insufferable prick. I do agree with a couple of the points you make, though.

>> No.8881096

>implying biological differences are a social construct

There are differences between men and women. Men are better at spatial visualization, logic, and mathematics. Women are better at detecting emotions (empathy), they have a greater sense of smell, and are better at writing/reading.

>> No.8881102

They've posted it every time someone tells frogposters to fuck off and stop making off-topic bullshit threads like this one for the past couple days, so it must be new. If they convince themselves that the only people who disagree with them are newfag redditors, they don't even have to justify their own garbage.

>> No.8881106

Sorry, i'm on my phone

>> No.8881108


>better at writing

Maybe in diaries...

>> No.8881115

I am a musician, and I’ve long wondered about this difference. We know from the classical music scene that women can play instruments beautifully, superbly, proficiently — essentially just as well as men. They can and many do. Yet in jazz, where the performer has to be creative while playing, there is a stunning imbalance: hardly any women improvise. Why? The ability is there but perhaps the motivation is less. They don’t feel driven to do it.
funny you mention it, im a musician too and played the bass in jazz band back in high school. you're certainly correct on all accounts, and I'm drawing parallels to driving habits. Women receive far less traffic citations than men, but men are almost always better drivers. I'm the best driver in my family and I have like seven tickets because I'm also a risk-taker, if you can extrapolate that risk taking to music where there are no citations for pushing boundaries.
>I suppose the stock explanation for any such difference is that women were not encouraged, or were not appreciated, or were discouraged from being creative. But I don’t think this stock explanation fits the facts very well. In the 19th century in America, middle-class girls and women played piano far more than men. Yet all that piano playing failed to result in any creative output. There were no great women composers, no new directions in style of music or how to play, or anything like that. All those female pianists entertained their families and their dinner guests but did not seem motivated to create anything new.
Idk, I don't feel inclined to jump to one side of a dichotomy, it could easily be both, but there's quite a bit of context to be looked at. Being a musician was a viable profession back in the day, back when men did the breadwinning and women did the family raising. My uncle was a professional musician for a while, I worked in a studio for a while, it's a good way to hone experimentation in one's craft while also fulfilling your social duties. Furthermore, these virtuoso. female musicians could have been working on other musical explorations that have gone unheard and unstudied because their passions and hobbies are sacrificed for their families. I personally know a phenomenal female singer who wrote purposefully original music but stopped to raise a son. Their music is only heard by social circles, church, etc.

>> No.8881124


What makes you think it is just about drive, though? Rather than innate ability?

>> No.8881128


Ah, fair enough.

>> No.8881132

t. Buzzfeed author

>> No.8881144


Oppressing? Mate, in Europe upper class women of just 150 years ago would have been expected to: speak their native language perfectly, speak French and probably Italian, be pretty well read, be proficient in some kind of art be in embroidery, sketching, etc, and be at least passable accomplished musicians. All the while they had to be able to be relatively interesting in conversation.

The fact that they didn't do anything with this ridiculously expensive education is no one's fault but their own. Some did do shot with it (Austen, Eliot) and we're appreciated (Austen was very appreciated in her own time).

The fact that so few women produce anything of value is not because of some great conspiracy of oppression.

>> No.8881150

>women are more empathetic than men
This is completely false

>> No.8881157

t. Newfag who just popped in from credit/tumblr

>> No.8881171

Yeah i might have expressed me wrong by using the word 'opressed'. Ofcourse it is their fault for doing nothing with what they know, but that's the point- they werent expected to and werent pushed to it from the start for others reason as men were

>> No.8881178

And also, when other people expect nothing of them intellectually, they will also play that role

>> No.8881191

I really hope you're baiting with this

>> No.8881193

>of worth

God you people are pathetically delusional.

>> No.8881258

In the future art will be more intimate but there will be no great art which is fine. We will have more than enough by then. Competition in the arts is a meme brought about by the markets.

>> No.8881264

That sounds horrible. Making art bland and mediocre for the sake of equality.

>> No.8881281

I think that's accurate.

That's not what they're saying at all. In fact thats the opposite of what theyre saying.
The world will be saturated with art. there will be no "niche" art because everything will be "niche"; highly specific to a certain taste. "Intimate." Like how some people love reading some shitty fanfic of some shitty show, that's sort of a precursor to the future of art. There will be no universal or objectively great works, greatness will be individualized and probably incomparable

>> No.8881553

A woman's social value is based primarily on what she looks like. A man's value is based primarily on what he accomplishes. Men have a much greater incentive to master their craft, whereas women engage in hobbies mostly for the enjoyment.

>> No.8881566

>There are differences between men and women
Stating the obvious

>Men are better at spatial visualization, logic, and mathematics.

>Women are better at detecting emotions (empathy)
Empathy is not the ability to detect emotions; that's called emotional awareness, which women are indeed better at. Empathy is the ability to see or understand things from the perspective of another, which is something that women are crippled at.

>and are better at writing/reading.
False. Women tend to be have better verbal/social skills and better vocabularies, but in order to be a good writer you do need not only a rich vocabulary, but to be good at structure, composition, and creation, which men tend to be better at.

>> No.8881568

Women only love when it benefits them.

>> No.8881569

Women create children. What would they need to create art?

>> No.8881570

Seriously, this.

>> No.8881572

>Women create children.
It takes two to tango.

>> No.8881583

>I don't understand sexual dimorphism
Sex is cheap, eggs are expensive.

>> No.8881598


/pol/, leave.

>> No.8881602

He's right. Women are inherently more valuable than men because of their reproductive abilities. The privilege of men in relation to women has always come at the cost of being disposable. That's the crux of why feminism is such a joke; women want to retain their higher value but have all of the privileges of men as well, with none of the responsibilities.

>> No.8881613
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>> No.8881618

>they havent produced anything of worth in art
Have you?

>> No.8881629

>who is virginia woolf

>> No.8881657


One male can tango with a loooot of females

>> No.8881662

>a few women writers vs the entire
male Western canon
Really made me think

>> No.8881692

Women weren't allowed to or expected to produce anything back until a century or so ago. Now that female liberation happened they are already surpassing their male peers in higher education and the arts.

>> No.8881778

>women are surpassing their male peers in higher education and the arts.

m8, that's because 'higher education' and 'art' have become so subverted with bullshit that achievement has been changed from original thought to conformity.

If you're an ambitious male and you care about your grades in college, you learn this fact very quickly. If you're a girl who has lived her life in the herd mentality of high school femininity, drinking whatever professors vomit into your mouth comes naturally.

Same thing with art. Go look for literary agents online. 90 percent are women. 90 percent of those women list their interests are something to do with SJW bullshit. Now tell me, if I want to publish something that isn't about Janiqua the transgendered muslim commie, how easy is it going to be? The valve on society's artistic outlet has been completely tightened in favor of conformity to leftist pro-woman ideals. Perhaps this is an inevitability, as the women are, by far, the largest consumers of novels and the like.

Quantity does not equal quality, though.

>> No.8881800

women can be extremely competitive. mostly with other women. i mean, it's a stereotype that women hate women. and men can be extremely competitive too, but mostly with other men. you dont see a lot of men trying to do stuff women do better than women. im sure you can think of an example maybe, but the general trend is against it. we compete with people who are like us. who are the same gender, who are doing the same job, who are living on the same suburban block. those are our rivals. also, if women havent competed in what's traditionally been seen as men's work, it's prob because when we look for role models - when we try to figure out who we can grow up to be - we look for guidance mostly to other members of our gender. so if men have been most of the great artists throughout time, part of that has to be the result of younger men finding role models in older men over and over. i mean, do you really think that the reason most of the great renaissance artists were men was that they tried training girls but the girls all botched it?

also, is art really driven by competition? artists are no strangers to jealousy of other artists, its true, but even without this element, art would still be produced, no? i think the element more primary and crucial than competition to art production is imitation. 'that's cool, i like that, im gonna do something like that.' competition can be a spur to art production, but so can financial necessity. a writer can write a novel because he wanted to write a better one than his best friend did. or a writer can write a novel for money. so competition makes art, money makes art. a writer can write a novel because he wants to be known as a great writer, wants the applause. the desire for glory makes art. or he just likes writing and through genuine interest improves his technique over time. so even if you eliminated competition among artists, and no artist ever got jealous of another, you would still have people making art. applause, money, and sincere interest in the work would continue to be motivations.

>> No.8881816


i'm so lonely :'<

>> No.8881828

won't argue the second point but the first...

In say, 18th century Europe, wouldn't a literate woman generally have about 80 years od leisure to write a book or something? Monied men I guess had to do a little work; the likes of jane Austen never did anything but read/write?

>> No.8881831

most of the great artists throughout history have been the least manly of men

a lot of limp-wristed faggy aristocrats and treehuggers

>> No.8881914

hmm but /lit/ is very /pol/, no?

>> No.8881925

/lit/ is the polar opposite of /pol/, anon

>> No.8881928

This is a ver un-/lit/ way of thinking.

>> No.8881929

sounds pretty blue pilled my dude you need to read a book on women

>> No.8881935
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Because men and women have different brains and goals. Women care about family, relationships. Men care about work and lolis.

>> No.8881942

Only if you're an easily triggered reddit/tumblr refugee.

>> No.8881943

nobody is saying that, but keep acting like a child, that's a great argument

>> No.8881944


>> No.8881949

Great things come from competition, which is almost exclusively a male trait. You can't take this element away and get art that isn't shit.

>> No.8881954


If you don't make anything of yourself, it is your own fault.

It is not the rest of the world's job to constantly be telling you that you have to be some big shot.

>> No.8881959

>Women care about family

>> No.8881961
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>women weren't encouraged hard enough

love this one

>> No.8881977

>92 replies to the same shitpost that's been discussed for 10+ years on here.

Never change /lit/. Never change.

>> No.8881983

if they wheren't inferior how did they end up getting opressed checkmate women

>> No.8881986

>Ofcourse it is their fault for doing nothing with what they know, but that's the point- they werent expected to and werent pushed to it from the start for others reason as men were

no one expected Ogg to make fire either, but he fucking did it

>> No.8881988

Post on /lit/, you will regret it; post on /pol/, you will regret that too; post on /lit/ or post on /pol/, you will regret both. Even remembering that I don't really see why it is un-/lit/ to notice the difference between extreme-right and extreme-left.

>> No.8881998

Protip: oppressed is spelled with two p's

>> No.8882000

Well, /lit/ isn't really extreme left, and also I didn't mean un-/lit/ in the sense of not left, but in the sense of careless thinking and judging.

>> No.8882001

Nobody pushes men to do great things. They get the self-determination and drive to do it themselves. Men do shit, women don't. That's why women love men who are "doers", she attaches herself to a man like that because she knows she can't do much herself.

>> No.8882009
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what are these women, if not competing?

>> No.8882017

These are some major claims. Do you have any proof to back them up?
Or are you just stiching opinions togther based on anekdotes?

>> No.8882019

Women cannot love an individual in spite of their flaws.
This is probably why most religions use the male pronoun when describing god.

To desire is not to love. Women are great at desiring but not very good at loving. Most women probably only have love for themselves, and even then it is not one of acceptance, it is a solipsism where all perfection and quality is defined relative to themselves.

>> No.8882020

those are hormoned up men.

>> No.8882022

They are competing in a competition created by men, in a category men created for them. Also, they are doing it for a living, not for the sake of competition.

>> No.8882026

No, women don't/didn't do "great things" because of their slave morality they had gotten earlier by being the weak ones

>> No.8882032

Have anything to disprove it? You know it's true.
Stop misusing the term "slave morality"

>> No.8882039

thats wrong. men do shit to impress women so they can get laid
Notice how majority of the accomplishments are from straight men

>> No.8882045

Even female atletes from the western world do it purely for a living?
Also all sports were male dominated in the beginning, because only men were expected to do sports.

>> No.8882051

That's part of the reason, but men just innately have more curiosity, intelligence, and self-determination. You can't say that genius writers and successful politicians did what they did just to get in some roastie's pants.

>> No.8882054

two women sit down to play chess against each other

no one's paying them

what's going on, if not competition for the sake of competition?

>> No.8882058

to catch the attention of the tall chess player across the room

>> No.8882060

>Also all sports were male dominated in the beginning, because only men were expected to do sports.
This is retarded. Men aren't expected from birth to do great things, they have the drive to do great things themselves. A man can do things in spite of social norms, but women just go with whatever people want her to do. Even if you encourage women much harder than you do men, they still don't succeed more.

>> No.8882063

Professional athletes do it for a living by definition.
>Also all sports were male dominated in the beginning, because only men were expected to do sports.
Yes, I don't think this disagrees with OP.

>> No.8882064

They are competing for the attention of their fathers who taught them how to play chess.

>> No.8882067


>> No.8882069

>. You can't say that genius writers and successful politicians did what they did just to get in some roastie's pants.
No but I can bet some roastie broke his heart which helped motivate him to achieve success so that doesn't happen again.
Lets not be dumb here i mean brendan fraser an ex-successful actor got outsmarted by his wife.

>> No.8882070

Plenty of women run succesfull carreers without the need of men. Plenty of famous women "did" great things.

>> No.8882071

The bell curve of intelligence goes higher for men.
Women have less testosterone.
Women have less incentive to do great things, as they are the sex that chooses the partner.

Boom, settled it all.
Why the fuck are we even talking about this shit? This is old news.

>> No.8882072

But it's not the only reason. They have innate talent and drive to make great art.
Exceptions that prove the rule

>> No.8882075

>Plenty of women run succesfull carreers without the need of men
No. Whatever women are doing in addition to childbirth is at the end of the day enabled by men.

>> No.8882076

>got outsmarted
Abusing the law isn't outsmarting. She is just doing what she has been told to do since birth.

>> No.8882081

>They have innate talent and drive to make great art.
thats true but its also mens fault for womens lack of progress because some rich beta male will bail them out when they fail. men progress because nobody bails them out.

hmm I wonder who told her that....

>> No.8882083

>thats true but its also mens fault for womens lack of progress because some rich beta male will bail them out when they fail. men progress because nobody bails them out.
>its men's fault that women are the more valuable sex
wew lad just admit women are inferior

>> No.8882086

How many female grandmasters are there?

>> No.8882091

>wew lad just admit women are inferior
because its more complicated than that. theirs more songs and books about men crying over their girl leaving them than vice versa.
Womens intelligence is being a sneaky leech that can get what she wants with half the effort. I'd hardly call that inferior

>> No.8882095

Yeah, I'd just call them evil.

>> No.8882097

There are always cultural expecations and preconcieved notions set on people. And yes some men can work against those, but the same can be said of some women. You imply women can't succeed as well as men, but except for athletics i think the reason there are more succesfull men then women today is purely a matter of culture. With time the differences will more or less equalize.

>> No.8882100
