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8877564 No.8877564 [Reply] [Original]

If you could memorize one (1) book flawlessly, what would you choose?

I was personally considering a dictionary, but I am interested in your less autistic conclusions.

>> No.8877566

why would I want to memorize a book?

>> No.8877568

Moby dick probably

>> No.8877571

To weld its words to your soul.

>> No.8877574

the communist manifesto

>> No.8877587

Finnegans Wake

>> No.8877599

As much as I appreciate the immediate interest, I was hoping for some elaboration on WHY as well as WHAT. My bad for not being more clear in the OP.

>> No.8877604

would a book printed by me count?
if so print out every text that could be usefull and compile it into a single book

>> No.8877611




Don't fucking know, just answering a stupid goddamn question.

>> No.8877612

because i always want to be able to flawlessly recite it at any time at all costs (if exproprietated)

>> No.8877614

The Holy Bible

>> No.8877616

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, anon. An endless source of entertainment, from musicality to literary enjoyment. Experiences and teachings.

>> No.8877619

I've yet to encounter a book with better prose than Moby Dick, so I'd love to be able to have any given passage permanently encoded in my repertoire, available whenever I want.

>> No.8877630

Sure. The more subtle purpose behind the question though is, "What information is worth memorizing in a modern day with so much freely available information?"

So your answer doesn't do much to narrow it down.

>> No.8877807

i only want this so i can quote random obscure lines or passages and lend momentary credibility to my essays and / or poems

>> No.8877834

Seems like something you could do with a little googlefu anyway. I think >>8877571 is closest to the mark when it comes to why you'd do this.

>> No.8877848

The Bible

>> No.8877856

my diary, desu

>> No.8877857

The Qaran

>> No.8877875
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A thesaurus

>> No.8877881

Pretty much. Every problem would have an answer.

>> No.8877938

why the fuck would you want to memorize a book? what matter is understanding it, grasping its message.

>> No.8877947

which dictionary though?

>> No.8877965

Why read a book if its message can be distilled into a pithy quote? Why not just write the message for people to read instead of the book? Surely that is more time efficient.

>> No.8877970

Either the Bible, The Imitation of Christ, or The Prophet

>> No.8877976

I hadn't given it consideration. Perhaps you have an opinion on which dictionary is best?

>> No.8877978

Some cookbook probably

>> No.8877979

True understanding almost requires memorization. You think you can truly grasp a book by skimming and speedreading a mere once or twice?

>> No.8877987

it'd be impossible because i'm not prescriptivist scum

>> No.8877988

this. NRSV. with the non-canonical books.

if not the Encyclopedia Britannica, if that counts as a singular work

>> No.8879025


>> No.8879032


>> No.8879034


It would be fun to choose the dictionary and be able to wield a super genius level lexicon but I'd still have to go with The Bible.

It's such an obvious choice, really.

>> No.8879040
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>> No.8879128

Don Quijote

>> No.8879134

This this this. Oh, and did I mention this?

>> No.8879143
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A book containing all books

>> No.8879152

The Phenomenology of Spirit.

>> No.8879163

Poo in loo

>> No.8879165

infinite jest

>> No.8879261

Hans Christian Anderson's Fairytales

>> No.8879264

My diary desu

>> No.8879271

Paradise Lost desu senpai

>> No.8879277

Mein Kampf

>> No.8879302

The book of the new sun.
A- it's full of puzzles that would be easier to solve if I could memorize the whole thing
B- The main character has a perfect memory, so it's rather fitting

>> No.8879878
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Use of Weapons.

>> No.8879887
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Guns, Germs, and Steel

>> No.8879891
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Excellent book my man

>> No.8879892

Mort à Crédit/Death on Credit.
French actor Fabrice Luchini knows it by heart but then again he recites it almost every night to an audience of sophisticated Parisians.

>> No.8879905
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Guinness Book of World Records 2004

>> No.8879915

The Lotus Sutra

>> No.8879917

you mean the bible

>> No.8879920

I would want this only if I could memorize it in the original German
I speak no German, have never met anyone who speaks German, and live in flyover nowhere America.
I can only imagine the reactions I would get with my instant EIN VOLK EIN REICH diatribes in pure German. I would start a race war lads

>> No.8879922

probably some really advanced technical book so i could get a fancy job

>> No.8879946

Now I'm imagining Zakalwe returning to his homeworld, only to find that the Stabarinde was anthropomorphized as part of a popular cartoon show.

And she has Darckense's face.

>> No.8880075

Hear, Hear!

>> No.8881298


>> No.8882531
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A huge Chinese-English dictionary. I just undercut the entire learning process for Chinese characters I would know each flawlessly.

>> No.8883009

Goethe's Faust

>> No.8883013

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon

>> No.8883220

The annalects of Confucius

>> No.8883249

Napoleon Hill was/is fantastic. His works are a must read imo and it's a damn shame that self-help books aren't discussed around here more often

>> No.8883260

All 20 pages of The Art of War.

>> No.8883279

Metro 2033 in English and russian. I could tell tales for hours.

>> No.8883296

The Holy Bible. Merry Christmas to all my fellow brethren.

>> No.8883570

That's 12 books dumbass

>> No.8884118

i'm an OED man myself

>> No.8884125

the bible duh

>> No.8884474

You can have a word for what something looks like but not for what it represents.

>> No.8885166

is this actually good or just genre fiction shit? I want to do some reading in Russian

>> No.8886175

Thus Spoke Zarathusra

>> No.8886237

someone just read the last chapter of Fahrenheit 451

>> No.8886260

The bible

>> No.8886408

Poetic Edda.

>> No.8886410

Don Quijote, both parts.