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/lit/ - Literature

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8877255 No.8877255 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with the fact you will never compare to famous writers and you are consigned to mediocre fan-fiction tier crap? Writing like anything else has an innate talent to it, how do I effectively learn to better my writing to the fullest extent I can achieve? Are online courses the best option?

What is 'good' writing?

>> No.8877270

I just post on reddit and get praised almost no matter what I put down

>> No.8877282


The "innate" talents of writing, the parts that can't be learned unlike grammar, editing and plot construction, are usually the result of your actual personality. Writers, even the most bitter depressed ones, had a great curiosity about the world and took the time to observe it and its people. They were introspective, but not closed off like an autistic. They read a lot, and took the time to learn from great authors not just practical aspects of writing, but actual life philosophies.

This is why I guarantee that those who spend most of their time of 4chan will never become great writers. 4chan just offers such a narrow view on the world, and many of us lack the emotional intelligence to create compelling characters.

>> No.8877283
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I just want to write shitty Warhammer 30/40k novels, but I know I'd never be able to get employed at Black Library because it's a nepotistic shithole. Also I'm a shitty amateur dilettante.

>> No.8877291

Will doing online courses that get me qualifications make me competent at those improvable aspects, or can I do that for free?

>> No.8877312


Read a lot
Write a lot

>> No.8877514

Can I get a list?

>> No.8877527

Well for one, speak for yourself faggot. I'm no faulkner, but I know my shit is better than fan-fic or 99% of the junk that gets posted here.

For another, it's dumb to compare yourself to others anyway. Some people say Joyce is the best ever, some hate him. Some think it's faulkner, some think he's trash. Steven king thinks Hemingway is garbage.

It's all subjective.

Don't worry about who you're better or worse than, and just write the shit that you want to write.

"Good" writing is fairly meaningless, as even the worst writers out there can still become incredibly successful. The fags I just bashed on here for posting garbage? Even though I consider their writing worse than mine, that doesn't mean that I'll be successful and they'll be failures. Hell....the best selling books out there are terrible novels, maybe shitty writers stand a better chance.

So don't worry about, write your shit.

>> No.8877535


The only way to be a better writer is to write, and to a lesser extend read more.

Any class that you take is just going to make you write, and give you different assignments to try to broaden your skills. You can also just do this by yourself by writing, and trying new things, and reading new things, and fucking etc.

>> No.8878151

read the sticky

>> No.8878157

>if ur on 4chan ur dum
Can we end this meme? This is one of the most self-defeating bullshit memes I've ever seen. You can be both intelligent AND a 4chan user. Where do you think smart people post? Or do these mythical intelligent people not use the Internet at all?

>> No.8878167

Daily reminder that this board, all boards, and the world that we live in would be vastly improved if all frogposters were hanged in public executions.

>> No.8878181
File: 224 KB, 1200x3075, 1482452167872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic! Have an upvote my fine sir :^)

>> No.8878189

I wish you were dead.

>> No.8878215

t. someone who complains that /pol/ is too hateful

>> No.8878229

Stop inventing enemies like a paranoid schizophrenic and go back to r9k.

>> No.8878231

I don't. I do complain when they shit up every board they find with threads completely unrelated to the subjects of the boards.
This particular thread is more /r9k/ than /pol/ and does superficially have to do with writing, but the level of whiny misanthropy is still pathetic. I don't think it should be deleted though. I do think you should kill yourself.

>> No.8878233

mad plebbitors

>> No.8878234
File: 1.58 MB, 400x300, 1481259149783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, now every time somebody tells /pol9k/ to fuck off they're just going to post this image like it invalidates any criticism of their endless bitching

It has already begun

>> No.8878238

>Jesus christ, now every time somebody tells /pol9k/ to fuck off they're just going to post this image like it invalidates any criticism of their endless bitching
Probably because it's true. If you get mad at 4chan culture you need to get the fuck out.

>> No.8878251

I suspect that the people who throw around accusations of reddit the most are the ones ashamed of having come from there themselves. It's pretty classic newfag behaviour. Nerd bullying other nerds extra hard when the cool kids start to accept him just to cement his new place.

>> No.8878257

Not really tbqh. I think you're projecting your own projection.

>> No.8878262

No, fuck you. I only complain about you fags because you make terrible threads completely unrelated to literature on a literature board. Post about books on /lit/, whine about jews on /pol/, compete to see whose autism is a higher level on /r9k/. I don't know why that is so goddamn difficult for you. I'm not triggered by "4chan culture," I've been here for almost a fucking decade, nobody here is upset that you say nigger and dislike jews, we're pissed off because you're putting your shit in the wrong place.

>> No.8878269

Find a different place to derive value from, you college-aged faggot

>> No.8878270

That doesn't make sense, so thanks for confirming my suspicions.

>> No.8878278

And here you see the autist sperg out that there exist people who make whiny posts that they don't like, which the associate with certain boards that trigger them. Yeah, OP isn't a human being who uses this board, he's a worthless virgin autist frogposter! Assimilate or leave, retard.
>I'm not triggered by "4chan culture," I've been here for almost a fucking decade
Somehow I'm not so sure of that.
It does actually, you're just retarded.

>> No.8878287

you are autistic

>> No.8878290
File: 63 KB, 480x480, 1482520452355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great argument

>> No.8878296

Is there one guy who basically goes into every thread and whines about r9k if a frog is posted or if the topic even vaguely leans towards anything emotional?

He seems to spam nearly every thread now and completely ruins them

>> No.8878298

just keep the draontimes rolling and youll be alright, its what i do

>> No.8878303

Yeah it's clearly one anti-frog poster and multiple frog posters, that is very definitely what's going on.

>> No.8878373

Offtopic frogposting should be met with a permaban. I will never understand why someone would feel the need to do it on a board about books. Do you seriously enjoy pulling up a front page full of "why don't authors write about virgins," "why can't women/minorities write," and "please read this tangentially-related article about sjw culture that nobody outside of tumblr agrees with and whine about how western culture is over with me" threads? Is that what you want /lit/ to be?

>> No.8878378
File: 137 KB, 717x880, 6vScT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8878390

how is it even possible to have this little self awareness?

>> No.8878392

>emotional intelligence
Now THAT'S a hot meme!

>> No.8878437


>> No.8878442

Now what website formats its images like that?

>> No.8878625

Good advice about writing:

Anything that you heard that you've already thought about as a good idea is good advice. A writer already knows what good ideas are, because they were supposed to make their stories come to life.

Best advice: Just finish your first work, and use it as a learning experience of what your writing does to people. Not if its good, not if its publishable, but what the people who looked at it feel like.

Larry Correia was writing gun fics on a nobody forum just like this and developed a following which eventually got him published. Just provide your Warhammer stuff for the people who want to see it, on whatever the hell you publish Warhammer stuff on. If your stuff is captivating, you will get an audience, and eventually that Black Library will come across it and go "He dat boi" and then boom. Book deal.

>> No.8878853

Tbh, Quora is so full of bright-eyed optimistic lefties it makes me want to puke.

They have a sweet natured but ultimately empty-headed answer for any question your heart yearns for.

>> No.8879002

>/pol9k/ is real.
Stop with the larping. We have /qst/ for that.

>> No.8879048

Oh my god why am I crying????

>> No.8879057

that tells me what to read, but not what to write