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/lit/ - Literature

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8876365 No.8876365 [Reply] [Original]

The Trial-Franz Kafka.

>A few nights later, K. was walking down the corridor separating his office from the main staircase-and this time he was almost the last to return home, only two employees were still working the expedition service, the dim light of an incandescent lamp- , When behind a door (which he had always thought he would give to a simple storage room), he heard moaning. Surprised, he stopped and listened again to make sure he was not mistaken - there was a small moment of silence, then again moaning. At first he wanted to go and look for one of the servants: a witness might be necessary; But he was overwhelmed by such an irresistible curiosity that he brutally opened the door. As I suspected, it was a collection. Just behind the threshold, the floor was littered with useless printouts and fallen porcelain paint jars. But within this division were three men, bent over by lack of height. A candle on a shelf lit up. - What are you doing here? K. asked, dominated by a lively movement, but not raising his voice. The man who clearly dominated the others, who first attracted his gaze, was dressed in a sort of leather suit that found his neck wide, to the chest, and his arms completely. He did not answer, but the other two exclaimed, "Lord! We must be whipped because you complained about us to the examining magistrate.

>> No.8876495

This is why I can't hear people saying that Kafka is depressing/whatnot

He is funny as fuck, one of the best jewish comedians the world has seen

>> No.8878346

dis >>8876495

that passage is fucking hilarious, even more so in context

>> No.8878355

>t. numale cucks

>> No.8878370

>what did he mean by this

>> No.8878379

>laughing at Semite """"humor""""
>laughing at vile, sinful homosexuality

Try the redpill

>> No.8878416
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time after time, I'm surprised how accurate pic related's description of redpillers is

Why on earth would anybody even want to try something as stupid as the redpill if the redpilled people are without exception loud, self-centered and obnoxious cunts that put their nose everywhere, especially in places where they are not wanted?
Fuck off from /lit/ if you not interested in /lit/, back to /pol/ if you are from /pol/

>> No.8878432

This isn't your safe-space, sweetheart.

Stop thinking with your feels and try using reason, rationality, and logic

>> No.8878473

>Not an argument

This isn't your safe-space, hun-bun
Now stop feeling (at once) and try processing empiric evidence along with logic for once

Observe the rules and make a thread for your purposes, if it doesn't have anything to do with literature, make the thread elsewhere on another board that suits your needs
I cannot make myself any clearer than this

>> No.8878481


After reading DFW's short article on Kafka I thought that the humor was gonna go right over my head. On the contrary, his humor translates well. It seems almost like the more that the anxiety and tension compounds in Kafka's writing, the closer you get to being blindsided by something hilarious.

Take the ending of The Trial. The meeting with the priest, the "Before the Law" parable, and K's fate at the end of the novel are all unsettling and incredibly moving, but just the image of K's arms locked with the two officers and their almosy accommodating and polite nature is kind of hilarious in such a silly way.

>> No.8878491

>reason, rationality, and logic
I don't think shitposting /pol/ memes is reasonable, rational, or logical.

>> No.8878511

I love how everytime an un/pol/ite person posts on lit he gets collectively btfo'd

>> No.8878520

I know right?

Especially his short stories can be silently hilarious, I remember one with balls that followed a man everywhere he went and made him very frightened and nervous

>> No.8879340

>implying it can't be both

>> No.8879660

Just read this story at your suggestion, funny stuff thanks
Also this

>> No.8879821

I agree; those who say otherwise, that homosexuality is funny are in ignorance of how disgusting & sinful it is. Clearly they're not men of God & it is best that they aren't.

>> No.8880341

The funniest part about the thrasher episode is how it ends. It's disturbing in the most hilarious way.