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8874639 No.8874639 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sorry teacher, but who the h*ck cares if the curtains are blue? Maybe the author just wanted to have blue curtains there? Not everything has to be some stupid symbol you know.

>> No.8874656

My curtains were once blue but let's just say when I was with your mother yesterday we "painted" them white

>> No.8874699

He's talking to a female teacher you dingus.

>> No.8874724

if the curtains were pink the author would be gay

>> No.8874734

pink is a masculine color

>> No.8874736

Tom, this is why Oscar Wilde wouldn't have left you in his house and why you've never seen Stacy's parents' bedroom. Later in life, it'll cause you to suck more rest stop dong than a crackwhore. As I was saying, symbolism is how we navigate society and this chapter was largely excised from the original release of the manuscript [...]

>> No.8874755

>he doesn't realise the curtains are important for the overall aesthetic of the entire scene

>> No.8874776

Reader's response theory > authorial intent > critical theory

>> No.8874837

Sounds like you were browsing TV Tropes.

>> No.8874844
File: 41 KB, 350x330, everyone-is-jesus-in-purgatory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this?

>> No.8874932


Now then, back to how much I was thanking God for being given an all white class.

>> No.8875005

Put my fingers in his mouth, "I want you to taste me."

Boom, improv. Continue on.

>> No.8875016

Its 2016

>> No.8875029

I thought the same thing.

When we were ready The Great Gatsby we talked about the fucking green light and wtf.

>> No.8875038

>Its 2016
I bet someone actually put that in a book somewhere

>> No.8875085

He looks like Ted Cruz

>> No.8875268

>he doesn't realise the curtains are important for the overall aesthetic of the entire scene

Isn't that pretty much exactly what he's saying though? That the curtains are pert of the scene setting which contrast against everything else and not necessarily an explicit representation of whatever the teacher specifically wants to interpret them to mean.

>> No.8876685

Color symbolism can only be recognized if it's done repeatedly. Color can have so many other meanings in different contexts that you can't just say it represents one thing.

>Blue = feeling blue = sad
>Blue = color of the sky = freedom
>Blue = color associated with boys = childhood, birth of a baby boy
>Blue = calm

>> No.8876702


Even if it doesn't have inherent symbolism at the very least it boldly proclaims the protagonist has shit taste in curtain colors.

>> No.8876709

ITT. Plebs that can't into hermeneutics.

>> No.8876720
File: 96 KB, 334x518, 12B3B577-606A-44E4-ABBC-88F8456A7BB0-51585-000037C0054F75B9_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The Beast represents man's potential for savagery"

Or maybe it's just, you know, a spooky monster?

>> No.8876722

>plebs actually believe this
top jej

>> No.8876749

No. OP's quoting the kind of people who literally think there's no meaning at all behind the curtains being blue. This is because they are wannabe STEMlords who've never read anything more than genre fiction.

However, this IS the result of shitty teachers who impress symbolism on fucking anything.

>> No.8876759

females have mothers too you fucking doofus

>> No.8876859

Kid was having hallucinations due to malnutrition and bad mood.
As for the rest of the book, they should immediately kill the musicians. It was obvious that they would misbehave.

>> No.8876928

The author's dead, baby. We can make those curtains mean whatever we want.

>> No.8876929

yeah but they don't have Oedipus complexes

>> No.8876953

>bleeped "heck"

>> No.8877006

written like a true virgin.

>> No.8877017

tthe curtains were blue because the character is sad. that's how you literature. red means horney.

>> No.8877213

Yeah, but theres a general feel of calm and ease among all of those, blue Will never be there for an aggressive or fast scene (unless the autor wants the contrast to be obvious)
>Blue=blue blood = royalty
The meaning are almost endless but they all encompas an idea

>> No.8878558

>However, this IS the result of shitty teachers who impress symbolism on fucking anything.

That's exactly what I'm saying though. It's perfectly understandable that people would reject their shitty teacher's naive approach to symbolism and rebel against it. As far as he knows, there's no good reason to assume that every word has to serve a specific purpose, so he rejects that line of reasoning.

>> No.8878575


Symbolism and interpretation is generally so poorly explained in high school that this response is perfectly reasonable. If you're a college student and you still think like this, end yourself, but if you're a high schooler, it's just common sense that everything is not as intentional as the teacher claims (having not explained to you anything about the theory of close reading.)

Genuinely just teach kids about Wimsatt and Beardsley and this wouldn't happen

>> No.8878582

Once my english teacher made us analyze the song "Big Yellow Taxi" by Joni Mitchell, and she spent a whole class having us discuss why we thought the taxi in the song was yellow.

>> No.8878590

The authors intent... what if they had no intention?

>> No.8878593

More likely she asked you why you thought Joni chose to emphasise it's yellowness.

>> No.8878595

So, why was it yellow then?

>> No.8878597

this T B H

>> No.8878604

the curtains were fr*aking blue

>> No.8878606

New criticism > reader response theory

I agree with the rest though senpai

>> No.8878614

Because yellow taxis are associated with big cities and as we know, they paved paradise and put up a parking lot.

>> No.8878629

Am I missing something? Aren't all taxis yellow?

I'm honestly more curious why the hotel was pink

>> No.8878638

I don't know where all this HS teacher interpretive shit comes form. My teachers never pointed out symbols.

>> No.8878651

Answers varied from "its the color of the sun, but instead of belonging to something natural and beautiful, its belongs to something dirty and mechanical" to "yellow is bright and alarming, which in nature represents danger."

We pulled so much shit out of our ass trying to guess that I don't remember what the correct answer was

>> No.8878671


>analyzing a joni mitchell song

they're not that hard to understand, atleast do a dylan breakdown.

>> No.8878690

> Maybe the author just wanted

For what reason? Back to square one
Now shut the fuck up