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8873739 No.8873739 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't women into analytic philosophy?

I've never met one in real life.

>> No.8873742

you never met a woman?

>> No.8873747
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You're a funny guy

>> No.8873750

Well women are not like the 2D girls you have seen. You can have an idea how are women now.

>> No.8873756

You need to get out.

>> No.8873786

He's right you know

>> No.8873788

>Why can't women

their inferior

>> No.8873794


>> No.8873810

Women generally are incapable of looking at the world from an outside perspective; they lack empathy. Philosophical ideas are primarily thought of in terms of how it might affect the self. Even when considering others or the greater good, a woman will be primarily concerned with how it makes her feel. This makes it next to impossible to have logically consistent ideas, much less ones that can be coherently communicated to others.

There are exceptions to every rule obviously.

>> No.8873813

Why can't guys get into humanities?xD

>> No.8873829

Autism is less prevalent aming women.

>> No.8873866

Really makes ya think dont it

>> No.8873898

Women can't into continental philosophy either. They just pretend they can.

Go to any philosophy department and look at the course listing.

All taught by men:
>Hegel's Philosophy of History
>Close Reading of Kant's Second and Third Critiques
>Substance Ontology and Process Philosophy
>Aristotle's Ethics through Foucault and Heidegger
>The Hermeneutics of the Self
>Philosophy of Mind: Neo-Cartesian Methods

All taught by women:
>Configurative Readings of Christine de Pizan
"We will approach the issues of gender, race, sexuality, and being a huge pussy by reading three pages of a dozen authors whose Wikipedia summaries I've internalized and then I'll ramble about this one text I know."
>The Ethics of Self-Care: Reading Kafka While Crying a Lot
"What is the nature of being on your period? Is it in bein' sad? We will approach the issue of gender performativity ethics by reading twenty pages of Kristeva, whose Wikipedia summary I've internalized, and then I'll eat chocolate and finger myself."
>Biopolitics and the Self-Care of Gender Performativity: Configurative Readings of My Bloody Tampon Menstrual Shits
"What are the intersections of configurative readings of the self-care of the self when I'm on my period and crying? We will examine my period by reading Fanon and the three pages of Lacan whose Wikipedia summaries I've internalized."

>> No.8873958

Women don't read philosophy because they recognize all philosophers are frauds.

>> No.8873996

I've never met anyone who knew there was an "analytical philosophy".

Seems like philosophers were highly regarded in ancient Greece, but they are completely alienated in modern society. Philosophy itself is too abstract and common people have no clue. It is foreign and nasty to them, more so the weirdos that meddle with it. We are outcasts, we hide our true selves, because we would be shunned and looked down upon. I look like a freak when I try stir up a discussion around my family.

>mother is sick
>father cooks her a strong chicken soup, tells her to eat to regain strength
>she refuses because she has hated soups since she was a child
>father throws a spastic fit of rage, argues loudly about soup being good and mother refusing it
>try to calm him down
>"So I'm not right?" he asks me
>I try not being too autistic: "You're right from your point of view. The soup may make her better. But you're imposing your value system upon her. She is an adult and has the will to declare that she does not want it. Realize that she has her own needs and she views world differently than you do. Her view of "good" in this case does not meet yours, and you should try to acknowledge that eating the soup is not objectively good. You are both right in the sense that you grasp the issue and form a logical opinion about it, but you must learn to accept other people's views. A leaf can be colored differently on its sides; green on one, silver on the other, and what you're doing is standing still and persisting it's the color you see. Sometimes an objective truth is not what you should strive for, you would do better to discuss and try to find a compromise."
>father gets salty
>"If you're so clever, which one of us is right?"
>"Dad please, I came to visit you because I missed you both, I don't want to judge you over a soup."
>doesn't talk to me for the weekend

And I consider my parents above average.

>> No.8874040

Both of your parents sound like children

>> No.8874055

You had better make him an apology soup

>> No.8874064


I wouldn't be happy if I paid for my son to go to college to read books he could've checked out at the library, and then he came home during a weekend and my wife is sick and I know that soup will help her but my brat son is talking down to me using leaf metaphors

> I paid 20k a year for him to tell me "from her point of view the jedi are evil"

>> No.8874113

I never thought of it that way. I hope I never have an autistic son.

>> No.8874118

He didn't pay for my college and he was getting pretty disgusting and angry during that conversation before I interfered.

>> No.8874140

I am really sorry for you. If what you say is true, if what you say happened as you describe it, I think that your logic was an appropriate answer to the situation. Except that they were too angry to get it I think. Anyway, I feel your exasperation. Mine parents are like yours, kind of. But they are not above average.

Sorry if I'm not clear, English isn't my mother tongue.

>> No.8874153

autism seriously

>> No.8874191

This made me laugh for 10 minutes

>> No.8874218

Why are you trying to weasel in the normative 'you ought to accept other people's view' you sly little cunt?

You're as bad as them.

>> No.8874232


>> No.8874256
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>not liking soup

>> No.8874283

>But you're imposing your value system upon her