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/lit/ - Literature

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8872542 No.8872542 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most overrated book?

Pic related - Le Epic Random P3nguin of D00m: The Book

>> No.8872562

You really think THIS is the most overrated book?

>> No.8872831

i don't think this book is overrated, its just utter shit

it isn't fun, it isn't smart, it isn't real literature AND the story is bad

i'd literally pick John Green over Douglar Adams any day of the week

>> No.8872850

He just wanted to insult the book.

>> No.8872861

>Not listening to the original radio play

Which is also shit.

>> No.8872865

Guns, Germs, and Steel

>> No.8872874

The Bible

>> No.8872895
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>> No.8872904
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>> No.8872932

>Bu' my magic sky-daddy is reeeel! WHAAAAAA1 *Sobs*

Wow. Crack into your dweebs in hats folder, kid.

>> No.8873106

Holy shit dude last Sunday I watched the movie for this while tripping on 2 tabs of acid and HOOOOLY SHIT WAS IT AN ADVENTURE
Not a big fan of the book in all honesty.

>> No.8873112

>Le Epic Random P3nguin of D00m: The Book

So Pynchon?

>> No.8873225

>perceiving god as a bigger creature that created a smaller one
p a t h e t i c

>perceiving the bible as an attempt at proving God's existence
>wearing a fedora so tight it makes you say cringe shit like "sky daddy" unironically
>ignoring the literary value of the Holy Bible because muh anonymous banksy occupy wall street

You need to be over 18 to post in 4chan

>> No.8873241

You keep shaming yourself anon.

>> No.8873243

Literally every post in this thread is terrible

>> No.8873264

case in point, look at yours

>> No.8873266

If you really think this book is "random" you must be pretty stupid.

>> No.8873270

The Fligglyflumps on the planet of Flogglydeefloo XDD

>> No.8873274

The Stranger
Infinite Jest

>> No.8873408

>being this buttmad

>> No.8873528


>> No.8873545

This is a terrible board

>> No.8873555


I am fairly new to this board and beginning to realize the books I like are bad. What an eye-. opening experience.

>> No.8873563

>>Bu' my magic sky-daddy is reeeel! WHAAAAAA1 *Sobs*

You typed this out.

>> No.8873638

You sound like a fun guy

>> No.8873752

HHG had sold millions of copies before there was a reddit.

>> No.8873781

I love it, agreeing with the common opinions on this board makes you a band wagoner, having your own opinions makes you a faggot, with /lit/ you just can't win.

>> No.8873807

This is bait.

>> No.8873869

mama mia

>> No.8873875

le epic but i hope you remembered to bring your towel :^)

>> No.8873937

You're diary desu

>> No.8873974

I was disappointed by Meditations being just a glorified series of loosely connected and often not very deep aphorisms rather than any attempt to demonstrate a coherent argument or train of thought.

>> No.8873987


it's anti-car propaganda for the lowest common denominator, it doesn't have to not be shit.

enjoy your toyota corolla and 9-5 desk job, anyway

>> No.8874206

>Le Epic Random P3nguin of D00m: The Book

You can say you don't like the book and that you think it's shit but if you honestly thought that Hitchhiker's was "Random" then you must be incredibly fucking retarded.

>> No.8874213

How Kafkaesque

>> No.8874570
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This has a 4.41 score on Goodreads.

>> No.8874577
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heh, I bet you're real fun at parties


>> No.8874617

for you

>> No.8874620
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>not an argument.

>> No.8874778

A Suitable Boy. I found it unbearably dull and gave up about halfway through. All of the characters blended into one apart from that one dude learning Urdu or whatever who seemed like a Final Fantasy character.

>> No.8874819

I kind of agree, actually. The first book was decently funny (even if Adams is a master at making a joke run on just long enough that i stops being funny), but the second book onwards feels like the cynicism that went into the first was being faked. That isn't to say there weren't some funny lines, but it became so formulaic: something funny is mentioned offhand, then it becomes vital to the story, robbing it of any comedic value by repeating the joke. Plus it has far too much twee 'Oh, I'm so British' moments. Those aren't funny, they're painful.
I realise that it's silly to say, as it was all part of a radio play, but that's what I took away from reading all five books.
On a final note: After I read that Adams was heavily inspired by Sirens of Titan, I just couldn't stop comparing the two. HHG reads like a more PG, more drawn-out version of Sirens, and it really hurts the experience.

>> No.8874826

Still better than its sequel, the Book of Mormon.

>> No.8875065

He hated the series by the time he was halfway finished with the third book. If that in any way lends some perspective.

>> No.8875071

Well put good sir, this man sure must remember to bring his le towel everywhere!

>> No.8875508

I thought it was funny but I read it when I was 17. I remmeber it being enjoyable at least. Certainly not le epic randomnesssss ecksdee you people describe.

>> No.8875552


>> No.8875727

Christians are eternally obedient little children to churches and states. You can't take some high-horse position with me. I know I'm more mature than you.

And yes, Yhwh is a sky-god. Nothing to be ashamed of really, as many of the ancient faiths had him in balance/opposition with his mate, the earth-goddess. Read some books other than that nasty little thing you worship. Sheesh.

All the rest of (You) are pigs!

It is. But I'm having fun. And being completely sincere.

Oh yes. True.

>> No.8875745
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This book is terrible. It's amazing how someone can go absolutely nowhere with such an interesting concept. There is basically no climax. The fact that the main character is a snowplower and most of the side plots involve extreme degeneracy is just icing on the shit cake

>> No.8876089



thank you for letting me know your opinion is worthless.

>> No.8876171

I got like halfway through and gave up. Do any of Neil Gaiman's characters actually have any agency? I read "Neverwhere" and in that too the main character just gets led through the story.

>> No.8876234

I'm far from a prude and would happily get in a fistfight with most of the disillusioned, cynical dickheads that frequent this board;
but even I have to admit that this book is total, complete trash. Absolutely awful. Formulaic in its randomness, the jokes fall flat, it's so cringeworthy.

>> No.8876246

ITT: People who don't understand british humour.

>> No.8876255

confederacy of dunces. oh tee hee he jerks off to his dog. oh har har muh valve, oh teedle dum, fag central and muh hotdogs

>> No.8876325

ITT: People defend a bad book by saying that people don't understand British humour

If I ever criticise any American comedy, no one says anything because people understand there is good or bad american comedy.

If I criticise British comedy, I'm told "I don't get it." No, this is just SHIT British comedy. That's why I think it's bad. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.8876340

You're right.
Threads about why they hate this book are more Christcucks getting pissy about atheism. You're all so humorless as it is to start with.

Go read your schoppy the poodle fucker and stop making these forced meme threads.

>> No.8876352

The Quran. I've heard Muslims claim it's so well-written that it literally counts as a miracle in itself.

>> No.8876355
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>> No.8876450
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>> No.8876451

It certainly sheds light on the Fifth book. The ending definitely shows how much he hated the series (even if the Adams estate couldn't see that).

>> No.8876459

whays' wrong with it? it somehow doesn't help you to recognize different types of woods?

>> No.8876463

>churches and states

>I know I'm more mature than you.

my sides

le anarchist meme is here

>> No.8876464


>> No.8876591
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So fucking overrrated

>> No.8876745


>> No.8876756








>> No.8876811

Agreed, Op!
It's just irrepressibly drab and awful.

>> No.8877057


>> No.8877116

Nah, I liked it.

>> No.8877223
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>I know I'm more mature than you.
I hope that a purgatory exists where you're forced to read through all of the edgy fedora posts you wrote on 4chan

>> No.8877323
File: 134 KB, 1524x2340, dune-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of a personal one, I haven't read the book just seen snippets and it looks great, would be something I could get into probably, but Dune was one of the books my dad would talk about like it was Jesus so totally put me off.

>> No.8877337

I can't tell if you are using literally incorrectly as a joke about people using random incorrectly or you are just a dunce.

>> No.8877339

It's fucking terrible. Like most sci-fi, it gets bogged down in shitty details nobody cares about.

>> No.8878197

>british 'humour'

>> No.8878502

I haven't read this since my teens and I don't want to defend it on it's own merits, but the random humor predates the internet by decades and the only reason you pretend not to like it is because you're obsessed with reddit. Judging old shit by modern standards makes you exactly the same as retards who won't read Conrad cos he's racist.

>> No.8878546

Books do become dated that just happens.

Good works last through the decades and remain relevant.
You cant defend something is bad by using some hipster terms to justify why an old book is still good for you.

>> No.8878802


>> No.8878867

Purgatory does not exist - you are living a lie.

Your entire belief system has undermined your ability to think rationally - your parents knowingly infected you with a social disease that has hampered your ability to understand and tolerate reality.

God is dead - you and yours killed him.

I shall not console you for this - the murder of all murders.

>> No.8879169

Context is important. Before you dismiss humor as lolsorandum, it's good to remember that it was a lot fresher in the 70s. Before you dismiss Joseph Conrad for being a bigot, it's good to remember that everyone was rascist back then because there was no reason not to be. In 30 or 100 years people will be judging the shit out of us based on criteria that isn't even on our radar today.

>> No.8879174

context is important in something greater like greek tragedies, not shitty humor from a nobody

>> No.8879207

I'm not a critic from the 1970s, I'm someone trying to enjoy the book today.

>> No.8879482

Catch 22

>> No.8879675
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>Responding this hard to b8
Yall niggas are the real autists

>> No.8879688

i think his point was you aren't everyone and so those rating it may be of the era of people read it nearer the time of publication. i made the same point with Snow Crash to someone a few years ago here. Being old enough to read both at publication i can confirm they are great books but suffer from being of their time like much literature.

>> No.8879695


>> No.8879747

If you like the books you like, they're not bad. Don't let a bunch of random dipshits on 4chan change your opinions/make you feel bad about liking what you like. Almost everything gets bashed here anyway, even the most popular books on here.

Just read what you enjoy.

>> No.8879759

> Christians are eternally obedient little children to churches and states.
> I know I'm more mature than you.
> Read some books other than that nasty little thing you worship. Sheesh.

Ready Player One, in /lit/post form

>> No.8880136

This is stupid. Tristram Shandy is still funny today even if it was written in the middle 18th century. No excuses

>> No.8881330

1984 and Brave New World. They're meh at best.
Hitchhiker's Guide is pretty good but Dirk Gently books are better desu.

>> No.8881378

Some humor speaks to a general human condition and stands up better over time. Lots of stuff is more topical and won't make as much sense later but that doesn't make it bad or flimsy art. Jane Austen is a good example of this, I think, it's really hard for the modern reader to recognize the satire in her work since we no longer live in a world where women literally belong to their fathers.

>> No.8881528
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>> No.8881555

Holy fuck you're stupid

>> No.8881577
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>> No.8882488

Already beaten to it amigo

>> No.8882537

Can someone tell me why every atheist that posts online always acts like they are the smartest person they know, like they have figured out something that everyone else hasn't?

It gets really annoying. They all sound like 17 year olds that think they're wiser than their parents.

>> No.8882549

Fuck off that book is great.

It is a nice little snapshot of New Orleans in that era. The humor is totally driven by characters and their interactions, it's not like Heller or Adams where you're being hit over the head with whimsical quips shoehorned into every page, it's not overly witty or "tryhard" whatsoever.
Legitimately a good American comedy, your opinion upsets me.

>> No.8882560

You probably didn't understand it

>> No.8882583

Pretentiousness git. Go post on /b about how religion is stupid.

>> No.8882611

Religion IS stupid


>> No.8882625

Be careful with that edge son, you could lose a limb.

>> No.8882677

This is literally all you have left.
You're sincerely a Christian, or are you trying to make them look like bigger fools than they are?

>> No.8882837
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Try pic related

>> No.8882854
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It's worse than overrated, anon.