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8870055 No.8870055[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Western society dying?

>> No.8870233
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>> No.8870239
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>> No.8870244

kali yuga

>> No.8870248

Everything has to come to an end. If it's not dying today, it will be dying at some point in the future.

>> No.8870251

I'm an intellectual pessimist so yes

>> No.8870253

yes and no desu

>> No.8870254

No, all of industrial civilization is dying.

>> No.8870259

Western civilization collapsed once before [Rome] but then it came back.

>> No.8870270

Yes but it deserves it.

>> No.8870272

Why are there people who think that Western civilization will never degenerate and die?

>> No.8870275

define "deserves"

>> No.8870278

It's already dead/zombie-mode. Capitalism killed it.

>> No.8870281

Wishful thinking.

>> No.8870290

Liberals buy into the meme that time's passing only brings progress and that progress is an inherently "good" thing. They labor under the delusion that we're constantly working towards utopia.
I look at the Germans who cannot celebrate a holiday tradition practiced for nearly three quarters of a millennium unless extreme security measures are present. I look at this and the German response is not to galvanize as a people to correct this but to sympathize with their own destroyers. People have gotten far too weak to defend themselves and the gutless only deserve death.

>> No.8870294

> deserve
Ask me how I know you have autism

>> No.8870296

This post made me feel bad :(

Yes, there are unforeseeable circumstances that mess up our plans, but choosing not to plan because of that, I think, is downright stupid.

>> No.8870302

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise that no one has taken the opportunity to point out that Spengler predicted that a new Hitler would emerge to herald the beginning of the end of the West, and compare that prediction to the election of Trump, the most-called-Hitler candidate of all time.

But that would require knowledge of Spengler, so we have this thread instead.

>> No.8870306 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8870309

>believing hitler was real and not a tool to suppress opponents
top pleb

>> No.8870329

baba vanga said he would be the last president of the US

>> No.8870341

Yeah, and Saint Januarius' blood failed to liquefy.

>> No.8870350

Your retard impersonation needs work.


>> No.8870357

Was it ever alive? It's neither living nor dying, you spooked fuck

Also, not literature

sage and report

>> No.8870359

It's already dead.

>> No.8870362

During the night you cannot tell the difference between a woman and a prostitute

Girls at the age of 12 are roaming the streets in high heels

Men are ridiculously feminized

Barely anyone is getting married and the divorce rates are insane

The young generations do not have children

Our corrupted politicians are importing illiterate third world trash that despises the West and wants us dead by the million

The majority of Europeans have been brainwashed into believing that multiculturalism is beneficial and wholeheartedly support the suicide

What was your question again?

>> No.8870365

Long live capitalism!

>> No.8870367

no, long live stupid liberals

>> No.8870374

Societies don't have lives

>> No.8870376


muh libruls boogeyman when all you described is the product of late stage capitalism

>> No.8870381

Yeah they definitely aren't the products of the mode of production that produced them

Really makes you think about and appreciate Hitler and Lord Kek!

>> No.8870386

There is nothing called "late stage capitalism".

Take your historical materialism and go fuck yourself.

>> No.8870389

it depends on who you are and how much money you have

yes) if you are poor and intelligent but have no future

no) if you are rich and pseudo-intelligent

>> No.8870391

>thinking 'late' implies that it's about to be over

>> No.8870394

how is feminizing men and younger generations not having children inherently a product of capitalism?

It's a product of shitty marketing standards. Predatory marketing, spam, and trap threads on /b/

>> No.8870395

more like long live illuminism

>> No.8870398

Nice generalisations you got there

>> No.8870400
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Merely the contraptions that will give birth to the post-human.

Garbage time is running out, flesh based lifeforms will be deprecated before the end of the century.

>> No.8870402

>words have only have the meaning I put into them because I am the lord and master of language

>> No.8870405
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Having below replacement fertility rate is a standard by-effect of advanced civilisation.

>> No.8870410

>it's a product of shitty marketing standards. Predatory marketing, spam, and trap threads

All the products of late capitalism

>> No.8870414

no, it's a sign that a society has good healthcare and education. It doesn't signify capitalism at all.

At least relatively good.

>> No.8870420




>> No.8870426

>sex sells
>has nothin to do with capitalism

Really makes you poop out of your butthoolio

>> No.8870441

yes, it's a marketing problem, not a capitalism problem

>> No.8870443

It has something to do with capitalism if you think that the human instinct of wanting to have sex means capitalism.

>> No.8870445

Your marxist bogeyman capitalism is not responsible for this situation, although it is a weakness that has been exploited.

>> No.8870447

The planet is becoming less able to support us all, not just "the West".

The various cultures of the world that make up society, in whatever division you call for, change from year to year, decade to decade. They evolve continuously. Interconnectivity only speeds up the process. This process shouldn't be alarming to anyone. Get over it. We'll be going extinct soon enough thanks to reactionary conservative fucks anyway.

>> No.8870457

marketing is capitalist propaganda

>> No.8870466

>We'll be going extinct soon enough thanks to reactionary conservative fucks anyway.

Last time we almost went extinct it was because of Marxist-Leninists so don't hold your breath.

>> No.8870467
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yes it is. ever since the french revolution

thanks leftists

>> No.8870472
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>tfw the kali yuga intensifies

>> No.8870477
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how are reactionary conservatives making us go extinct?

>> No.8870481

Um, that was all part of the plan, wasn't it?

If you want to be ultra-conservative, you should move East, right?

West = politically liberal, economically conservative.

East = politically conservative, economically liberal.

>> No.8870483
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it messes up communists' consequentialism. Reactionaries winning doesn't fit into their narrative

>> No.8870485
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Are you trying to blame the Cuba missile crisis on the Soviets?

You need a serious history book, anon.

>> No.8870489


>nations don't have the right to defend themselves from nuclear war

>> No.8870491

I am to blaming the people who put nuclear weapons within 500 miles of the U.S coast for trying to usher in a nuclear war?

Well, yes, indeed I am.

>> No.8870492

>thanks to reactionary conservative fucks
Commies aren't known for being environmentalist, dumbfuck. And it's not like the so called green parties of the west actually struggle for a more sustainable way of life either, they just like to use environmentalist alarmism to gain power in the old system.
>Get over it.
>Haha, the culture which gave me the values I have is practically dead, get over it!
Take a look at the policies of your future Chinese overlords. If you don't like them and prefer your own western values you are a reactionary yourself.

>> No.8870494

Feminine people are better consumers.

>> No.8870496

Am I blaming*

>> No.8870508

Climate change denialism, fueled by bourgie liberal-capitalist to their dumbass minions, to be more precise. But you're right, the power base is more to blame.

Communist thinkers do try to predict a lot, I've noticed. But the rightwingers do the same [Said in a Spengler thread]

t. anarchist

>> No.8870513

What was the Weimar Republic?

>> No.8870518
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>Nations don't have the right to defend themselves from nuclear war

See that? ^

>> No.8870519

>Communist thinkers do try to predict a lot, I've noticed. But the rightwingers do the same [Said in a Spengler thread]

communist try to predict the end of history. Spengler was just describing the west's decline

>> No.8870530

>Communist thinkers do try to predict a lot, I've noticed
They see dialectics as a sort of crystal ball. Every Marxist (but perhaps every Communist) fancies himself a grand prognosticator.

>> No.8870533
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Yes, Bob Dylan is the best literature we can produce.

Some cycles are short.
Other cycles are long.

But there is nothing that isn't part of a cycle
Siddhartha fucking delete urself

>Moving nuclear missiles within striking distance of the United States
I don't get it? Are you going to blame the fucking cuban monkies?

Climate change wasn't caused by humans.

>> No.8870544

You sound like one of those too-far-gone hicks who can't be reasoned with.

Getting off fossil fuels in a timely manner would helped the situation. The Green parties have struggled for a more sustainable way of life. They have not gained power in any meaningful way

And yes, again, the culture that you hold your "values" in evolves. Read a book or two.

>> No.8870552

>You sound like one of those too-far-gone hicks who can't be reasoned with.

what is with all the defeatism among leftists? "your opinions are too different"

>Read a book or two.
le read a book meme

>> No.8870553

>Communist try to predict the future as maybe bright
>Spengler tries to predict the future as maybe bleak
Okay, who cares?

>> No.8870563

>what is with all the defeatism among leftists?

Not to mention their obvious nihilism. It's the logical consequence of their philosophical and historical materialism.

If you believe that the only thing that matters in the world is matter, then you're not going to have a problem with genocides and other similar things.

>> No.8870566

>Okay, who cares?

this guy apparently >>8870447

>> No.8870569

>I don't get it?
The Pentagon and every fascist in the country wanted to escalate war with Russia. The killed Kennedy to fight their proxy war.
>Climate change wasn't caused by humans. And I listen to Rush Limbaugh religiously.

>> No.8870580

No, Kennedy was killed because he was going to destroy the CIA.

>> No.8870585

>And yes, again, the culture that you hold your "values" in evolves. Read a book or two.
>The inevitability of change means we should gladly accept each specific instance change and stop caring about the direction of your society.
There's something sick about those that fetishize change.

>> No.8870607

No, the worst aspects of western sensibilities have become totally cancerous and continue to spread faster everyday. Western society dominates the whole world and the only real substantial resistance to it is pissed off Muslims.

>> No.8870608
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>Read a book or two.
Where do you think you are, sonny?
>You sound like one of those too-far-gone hicks who can't be reasoned with.
You sound like one of them bigoted urban folks who lost their touch with reality. Now you blame capitalism this, reactionaries that for the environmental problems we face. That's just a bunch of hogwash if you ask me. China was communist, the USSR was communist yet these were just as polluting and resource wasting as anybody else. The real problem stems from the industrialization, something you pinkos like to masturbate over.
>the culture that you hold your "values" in evolves
Reality does not evolve (not that quickly anyhow), truth does not change. I don't think ideas are really prone to evolution, they just don't work that way. Change is also not always for the better. Anyway, with a fatalistic attitude to ideas like that you should accept that we have "evolved" past the kind of bullshit you peddle.

>> No.8870631
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There's something sick about the man who cannot or will not move.

Be the water, my friend.

Stop and think now.

>> No.8870642


>> No.8870645

>and the only real substantial resistance to it is pissed off Muslims.

And their liberal apologists.

>> No.8870687
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Trump is the sole "reactionary" figure that denies man-made climate change. But he is still a shift away from rampant global capitalism (one half of the problem)...

FN, Nouvelle droite and reactionary think-tanks all integrate some kind of environmentalism.

Arktos is the only non-finnish publisher of the ecofascist Pentti Linkola for God's sake.

>Any dictatorship would be better than modern democracy. There cannot be so incompetent a dictator, that he would show more stupidity than a majority of the people. Best dictatorship would be one where lots of heads would roll and government would prevent any economical growth.

>> No.8870698

>You sound like one of them bigoted urban folks who lost their touch with reality. Now you blame capitalism this, reactionaries that for the environmental problems we face. That's just a bunch of hogwash if you ask me. China was communist, the USSR was communist yet these were just as polluting and resource wasting as anybody else. The real problem stems from the industrialization, something you pinkos like to masturbate over.
Not who you're responding to but that's just stupid. Urbanism is the most environmentally sustainable lifestyle, if everyone went out into da woods there would be no more woods left.
Mao's China and the USSR never abolished market logic, production occurred on a profit basis but just for one monopoly [the state bureaucracy] administered by state planning agencies.
Every environmental issue we face today is ultimately a result of fiscal constraints [i.e. "we don't have de money to fix it"] not technological issues. The massive amount of investment necessary to change the global infrastructure and the long term commitment for a low rate of return ain't going to attract the amount of private money neccesary and governments are impotent to act.

And liberalism is the core unique western value, le contradiction face

>> No.8870703

I'm an old woman
>them bigoted urban folks who lost their touch with reality.
I'm from a rural Christian conservative upbringing.
>China was communist, the USSR was communist
You DO need a book. Not written by liberal propagandists either.
>stems from the industrialization, something you pinkos like
I'm an anarchist, not a Luddite, realistic about the forces of industrialization. And I wonder why in the hell the actual conservatives don't rally around the Green party.

>Reality does not evolve (not that quickly anyhow)
>Makes a solid statement–Recants the following statement
Truth is that culture changes, you know it does. Lets try to steer it by some other means than markets and greed or some sect that communicates with a phony god.
There's nothing fatalistic about me either. We need to flow around the rocks, like I say here >>8870631

>> No.8870717

>le old atheist liberal cat lady
I bet you're an English teacher too, how predictable

>> No.8870738 [SPOILER] 
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No no no.
Le old atheist anarchist cat lady
Not an English teacher either.

>> No.8870754

Capitalism is the direct result of liberalism

>> No.8870759

>And liberalism is the core unique western value, le contradiction face

Except the people who defend Islamic terrorism are called liberals, but they really aren't.

You know, people like Glenn Greenwald and Reza Azlan.

>> No.8870792

Other way around. Liberalism is a result of the bourgeoisie increasing their power economically at the expense of the nobility.

>> No.8870811

Depends on what you mean by western society. The times of Britain and France being power-horses are long gone, the two countries most importantly involved with the spread of "modern" society.
The death of the nuclear family, the dismal state of our education, the drifting away from religion, all of these things contributed to a environment that is decidedly different than that of 100 years ago.
Depending on what you define as "western society", this could mean we're leaving behind a stuffy, traditionalist past and obtaining new rights and an all around better environment for our citizens. That's not my personal opinion but that's what you'll hear often. I think we're in a precarious position, but it would take a lot of work to change anything.

>> No.8870821

>And I wonder why in the hell the actual conservatives don't rally around the Green party.
Because the green party comes with a bundle of shit packaged with the few good things they offer.
>I'm an old woman
>I'm from a rural Christian conservative upbringing.
Either you're funposting or we are reddit now.

>> No.8870846

sup butters

>> No.8870857

I'm probably still the most genuine poster on /lit/
My story hasn't changed, I reveal this about myself often enough. Been coming here since my late thirties, I'm 44 now.

The Greens are hippies, but the Christians conservatives need to learn how to get along with them.

Hi kid.

>> No.8870866

It's dead already, it ended around 1900. Spengler was an Idiot and his methodology is awful, but he did turn out to be basically in the right.

>> No.8870881

So how come you're an anarchist? It's a very immature political position.

>> No.8870907

It's something to strive for, and no, it's the most mature of political positions. It demands a massive amount of people grow the fuck up and learn the way things are. It seems as impossible to me now as when the young conservative me first heard of it. Back then I reasoned that armed thugs would come along and reestablish their monarchy, ala Mad Max, now I know people are perfectly capable of avoiding all that and maturing. Educating their communities, tending to their own infrastructures, living in peace. I just doubt we will learn to do this in time

>> No.8870931

how do you educate low IQ violent people (blacks)?

>> No.8870936
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>tfw I am a monarchist
Would not a stronger society be preferable? With a decentralized kingdom or empire you would still have the same sense of community and personal responsibility but with the added benefit of not getting dicked by any competing hierarchical society.

>> No.8870940

Increase their intelligence by education.

IQ is pretty much a meme, a bit of preparation alone will get you a ten point difference and half of the questions are cultural nonsense.

>> No.8870948

IQ is 70% genetical.

It may be a meme but is the best way we have to measure people now.

also, blacks have the warrior gene, which is not a meme.

>> No.8870966

How does a monarchy deal with a despot?

>> No.8870979

How is a kingdom decentralized?
No gods no masters. Just families, communities, co-workers, occasional councils and local trials. "laws" to suit the occasion and all that.

Removing classism, the black community would elevate themselves, as similarly happened in the Harlem Renascence, their culture would change just like anyone everyone else's