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8868607 No.8868607 [Reply] [Original]

Is psychoanalysis oogabooga pseud trash or is it worth my time learning about? I hear that Freud's works were highly influential in literature and the topic sounds interesting so I might give it a try.

Where do I start, and is he accessible?

>> No.8868636

Read Civilisation and Its Discontents. It's one of his most widely read and, in my opinion, comprehensive works. Even if you don't pursue a finer understanding of Freud's thought, it basically distils the important parts.

My opinion on psychoanalysis is that its a perfectly cohesive framework through which you can view the world around you and explain why people do what they do, but it shouldn't be taken as a concrete science, if you go by Karl Popper's theory of falsification

>> No.8868672

Freud has been consistently misunderstood, remember that if he had nothing to say he wouldn't be so violently hated. He's absolutely essential not even just for literature but for the entirety of civilization.

>> No.8868686

"Scientific" Psychology is fundamentally bullshit, you should believe pretty much the opposite of whatever it says

>> No.8868707

Dunno about Freud but George Makari's Revolution in Mind is a great read on the early history of psychoanalysis and Freud's time. Gives lots of good background info on what came before psychoanalysis, what alternative work was being done simultaneously and which ideas were actively banished from Freud's circle, etc. Definitely worth reading alongside any primary texts.

>> No.8868736

>Is psychoanalysis oogabooga pseud trash

end yourself senpai

>> No.8868737

based post

>> No.8868742


This and Beyond the Pleasure Principle.

It's been a while since I've read it but it basically Freud's ideas behind destructive human behaviour, which is probably well and truly relevant for you as a frequent visitor to this Icelandic volcano discussion board.

>> No.8869706

Life Against Death by Norman O. Brown is a good summary of the whole idea.

Personally I was taken under by the spell of psychoanalysis for a while but it's ultimately just a spell... a terrible, deadening, slanderous spell.

His wife said it was pornography. And who knows a man better than his own wife?

>> No.8869724


This post is underrated

>> No.8869727

behaviorism is where it's at desu senpai

>> No.8869753

Freud was a genius and people who don't like them are idiots who get mad that he doesn't spout liberal dogma

>> No.8869757

Psychology isn't useless but it isn't a science. Psychology is just a subfield of philosophy

>> No.8870538

>believe the opposite
It's called reaction formation. You probably did this this with your parents' value systems as well. You thought you were becoming an individual, when really you were trapped by your rebellion.

>> No.8870545
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>> No.8870560


>Sigmund Freud - cop or not?

go home you mindless /fa/iry

>> No.8870586

holy......................i want more

>> No.8870596

Freud was a fraud. His major ideas have been discredited and abandoned since forever ago. The only people who still take him seriously are literature people trying to look cool by name dropping him.

>> No.8870628

>discredited and abandoned
More like they have dissolved into the foundations of nearly every sub-field of psychology, and are taken for granted in their widespread and often unacknowledged acceptance.

Hating on Frued is WAY more poser than liking him. If you have studied Frued and contemporary psych at all, the parallels are undeniable.

>> No.8872222

it's just metapsychology

>> No.8872248

oh.... and you have research this have you, you poured through all the data, can you please link the citations and articles that disprove him, or has little old anon told you this and you are repeating

>> No.8872250

Freud was just manufacturing evidence for his fringe theories by random associations.

>> No.8872252

Better safe than sorry

>> No.8872287

>Freud has been consistently misunderstood,
more like constantly rewritten as people realise its utter bullshit and frantically try to save the field from being discreditted
>"Scientific" Psychology is fundamentally bullshit, you should believe pretty much the opposite of whatever it says
Couldn't have said it better myself

>> No.8872327

> discredited and abandoned
> utter bullshit

lol freud haters hate freud because he reflects on their sexual problems and discovers that people are deeply troubled by unconscious and sub-conscious reflexes. this really troubles /lit plebs. as anon said above, freud is absolutely essential for understanding society, and anyone saying "oh psych doesn't take him serious anymore" can't argue against freud with actual arguments

>> No.8872448


You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.8872527

Entertaining and a great writer. The Freud Reader is really good.

>> No.8872612
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His mother.

>> No.8872666
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