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8865862 No.8865862 [Reply] [Original]

ITT - One of these:

>> No.8865868

>What I Got
>Mad Men Series Finale

I need to read this book

>> No.8865882
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>> No.8865898

Do you guys only post your own OC?

>> No.8865908
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>> No.8865986
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>> No.8866075

Expected: A visceral description of addiction and depression.

Got: A matter-of-fact description of alcoholism and morphine addiction.

>> No.8866085

Was just about to start reading this, not sure how I feel about seeing this

>> No.8866089
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>> No.8866093

reddit pls go

>> No.8866166
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>> No.8866188

It's very good, Thoreau was a genius.

>> No.8866279

usually these make the book seem worse but this made me want to read this more

>> No.8866300

>tfw too dumb for JR
Shit is like trying to solve a puzzle while high

>> No.8866320


>> No.8866324
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OC 1/2

>> No.8866335
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OC 2/2

>> No.8866353


>> No.8866513

To be fair, it's both panels in the best possible way.

>> No.8866522
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>> No.8866574
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>> No.8867341
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>> No.8867446

I think Naked Lunch is my single least favorite book I've ever had the displeasure of reading.

>> No.8867450

Accurate. Kafka is hilarious. I hate how people act like his work is all dark and brooding and depressing. It's some of the best humorous literature anywhere.

>> No.8867484
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>> No.8867650
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>> No.8867721

Yeah, that's what I was sorta going for. I wasn't sure what to expect before I started. I had heard it was difficult and knew that it was about an eleven year old starting a paper empire. It's way, way, way fucking more than that. Superb book.

>> No.8867737

Yeah, I realized that as I was putting it together. No synopsis could do the book justice. The book pretty much eliminated my expectations within 50 pages.

>> No.8868313
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>> No.8868370
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>> No.8868387

I thought this too the first time I read it but it's grown on me on rereads. The first time it was simply gross, seemed only intent on shocking, I was completely lost on Burroughs' sense of humor and satirical vision of the world.

>> No.8868432

found the pleb

>> No.8869534
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So much son eating

>> No.8870218

I know this thread is all about meta ironic sub giga irony and all, and I haven't even read any Lovecraft, but shit like "ancient terror" and "unfathomable madness" thoroughly tickles my pickle no lie.

>> No.8870321
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>> No.8870346

needs a pic of walter benjamin

>> No.8870351
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True facts.

>> No.8870620
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he's really good desu

>> No.8870695
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>> No.8870707
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>> No.8870723
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>> No.8870793
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>> No.8870805

i wante toe rapee thise slute

>> No.8870845

This. His fiction can be broken down into:

>I saw something spooky
>It's so spooky I can't even describe it
>I'm crazy now

He has a couple of winners - I really like Doom Came to Sarnath because he's very creative with his fantasy world - but for the most part he's horrendously samey.

Couldn't give a shit about the racism though. It was the 1800's and people weren't crazy-PC like they are now.

>> No.8870859
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>> No.8870955

opposite for me desu

>> No.8871018

kafka himself is a pleb. apparently he would keep his neighbours up with his laughter over his own writings

>> No.8871032


Brilliant ending.

>> No.8871074

How is Kuro related to For Whom the Bell Tolls?

>> No.8871125

If I'm totally into that trans dimensional primeval unspeakable madness/evil/torment type theme I see memed a lot what would you rec starting with?

>> No.8871153

Maria was described as a young gypsy girl and for whatever reason it got in my head that she looked like a brown loli

>> No.8871172
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Start with The Festival and then read The Colour Out of Space and The Call of Cthulhu,

>> No.8871983


So it was boring? Why did you expect a man with a tractor?

>> No.8872043

The metamorphosis was pretty depressing. The things you mentioned aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.8872939

>Couldn't give a shit about the racism though
You should see what the SJWs have done to him and his works. Pretty gruesome to be honest.

>> No.8872954

Same. The first time I picked up the Metamorphosis I was confused by all the wacky hijinks. Same with A Good Man is Hard to Find by O'Conner.

>> No.8872994

>It was the 1800's

>> No.8873003
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>> No.8873080

Then you should fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.8874119

So I should read this? Or is it a meme?

>> No.8874236
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I don't know what about being transformed into a giant cockroach and frightening/burdening your family is hilarious.

>> No.8874254
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I'm just glad that you decided to put some effort in your criticism of Lovecraft instead of just saying adjectives and nigger a whole bunch.

>> No.8874263
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>> No.8874270
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>> No.8874276

I actually laughed

>> No.8874286


They've gone so far, they made me agree with a POO.

Why does Joshi have to be so based?

>> No.8874335

He said Kafka though.
The Castle has many hilarious scenes.

>> No.8874338
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>> No.8874380

>frightening/burdening your family
It's funny because it's true

>> No.8874425

Fun fact, Kafka use to read his work to a friend, and often couldn't continue because he was laughing too hard.

>> No.8874448

Yeahhh, that's what I honestly guessed. Kafka's prose closely resembles someone who's reached their limit with non-straightforwardness, an approach to psychosis that manifests in a hate towards ambiguity and, even up against the existential wall, demands some kind of originality for oneself to cope. And, just, "holy shit I'm a beetle" summarizes that so well, it's hilarious because he should be hysterical but is probably so fed up with his own brain that's all he can cough up. I mean, I only say this as a schizoid who's writing habits and thought patterns aren't far off and I laugh my ass off every word I write.

>> No.8874503


>> No.8874549

There's nothing really to "solve". It's artistic satire of contemporary society.

>> No.8874571
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