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File: 520 KB, 2560x2739, Christianity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8865498 No.8865498 [Reply] [Original]

I am currently not religious and I'm intrigued by the Orthodox Church and it's teachings, so, is there a 'reading list' (like pic related) that I should follow once I read the Bible (OSB)?

>> No.8865897
File: 778 KB, 1904x1920, Christian History.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got another Christian literature chart, primarily history, not sure if anything on it will be of interest though.

I also personally recommend reading the KJV Bible at some point once you've finished the Orthodox Study Bible. Whether you agree with the theology or not, the language itself is both beautiful and haunting and makes it worth reading.

>> No.8866637
File: 50 KB, 336x499, 51bp-1GMAGL._SX334_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Orthodox priest recommended me pic related, it covered pretty much everything I could think of purely in regards to Orthodoxy.

>> No.8866762

Read Zealot, so you can reaffirm the common suspicion that Jesus was a terrorist who tried to undermine the glory of the Roman Empire and kinda-sorta won.

>> No.8866859

>falling for the Orthodox meme
>not working to restore the Roman Catholic Church to her former glory

Seriously, unless you are of eastern European descent you have no business converting to Eastern Orthodoxy.

>> No.8866888

it just makes more sense that the orthodox (traditiona) church is the same church that jesus founded considering how much closer it originally was to jerusalem.

besides, all catholics break the commandment of "thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image" anyway with their idolatry of mary.

>> No.8866900

>besides, all catholics break the commandment of "thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image" anyway with their idolatry of mary.

Orthodox are just as crazy about Mary you retard.

>> No.8866909
File: 154 KB, 702x768, pillaging-constantinople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behead Those Who Insult The Virgin Mary

This is 4chan and I am mostly kidding -- I honestly couldn't tell you the difference between the RC and EO churches on either a liturgical or theological level -- but I entered the RC church because that was the church my ancestors worshipped at before certain (((cultural forces))) led them to fall away from the faith. If my grandparents had been EO I would have joined the EO. If they had been Protestant or Jewish, however, I'm not sure what I would've done. Possibly offed myself, Weininger-style.

>> No.8866916

Considering she's the mother of Jesus, that makes sense, but the Orthodox church doesn't pray to her.

>> No.8866948
File: 1.77 MB, 2396x4680, 1465493550823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any more Christian charts?

>> No.8866953
File: 548 KB, 640x1000, 1460525981651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8866961
File: 367 KB, 888x1224, 1460615524124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8866968
File: 1.04 MB, 740x1154, 1482128909859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8867020
File: 365 KB, 1000x1409, Jesus vs. Jeezus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that political jesus is the worst thing to ever happen

>> No.8867021


Holy shit dude, the Orthodox venerate and pray to saints like the RCC does, and the ancient church did.

Sounds like you should be more interested in Protestantland if praying to the saints makes you uneasy.

>> No.8867033


>> No.8867056

If anything the Orthodox do it more, that's what all the iconography's about.

>> No.8867062

Serious question: are Orthos transubstantion-bros or consubstantiation-cucks? Always wondered this, don't feel like wading into Google theology tonight.

>> No.8867094

The former... mostly.


>> No.8867099

So do people read study Bibles alongside an actual bible? Or are they regular Bibles but with added annotations?

>> No.8867162

regular bibles with interpretations and annotations

>> No.8867356

The 2nd commandment was made to stop the Jews from worshiping idols, but with Christianity as it claims god has become man. Man can be pictured like you and me. Also Mary is called the Theotokos or mother of god. Mary is human and as being human can be pictured.

>> No.8867364

Read the frist three sentences of the Nicene creed where it is informed.

>> No.8867375

No, both the RCC and the Orthodox church proclaim the 7th ecumenical council. Venerating and praying are not the same thing. You are right if one is aginst this cocunicl then go Protestant, but then you would have to say that the developing leaders of Christianity got it wrong, but that's not what they say.

>> No.8868095

When armchair atheists trot out the ten or so Biblical quotes they're familiar with and sneer at right-wing Christians for misunderstanding their own religion.

>> No.8868133

Read the Way of a Pilgrim. It will give you a sense of the "Orthodox mindset". More importantly within its pages you will find instructions for the Jesus Prayer and reading the Philokalia in the correct order. Then if you read The Pilgrim Continues his Way you will find an important passage with a whole bunch of bible quotes referring to interior prayer.

>> No.8868155


Not even once.

And this comes from a guy who have never been to church.

>> No.8868242

>tfw jew

ancestors are from russia and we still kind of speak it at home

therefore I am converting to orthodox

>> No.8868279

Most right-wing Christians don't understand their religion, you idiot. The most coherence in the American right-wing movement was to ditch Christianity altogether or move it in the peripheral. I don't know the brands of right-wing Christianity in Europe or elsewhere very well, but in America, Evangelicals are laughably uneducated, incoherent, stupid and un-Christian.

>> No.8868281
File: 97 KB, 1920x1080, Mark12_30-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start here

>> No.8868307

The biggest question:

Does it matter what denomination I pick as long as it teaches the word of Jesus?

>> No.8868340

As a man born and raised an Orthodox in an Orthodox country, I can tell you that this religion, the way it is practiced and the way it works in everyday life, is more of an organized superstition and a cult, rather than a faith. No, your fedora tipping accusations shall hold no ground against me: I believe in God and in Jesus Christ but I have nothing but contempt or, at best, indifference for the Orthodox church. I cannot comment on its theoretical beliefs, especially on what precisely sets it apart from other branches of Christianity, since the only Bible I've read is the NRSV English translation and I've just started reading the gospels in the KJV (I did read the deuterocanonical books though, so I guess I can say I have read the Orthodox Bible after all, just not in my native language). When I refer to the Orthodox church I mean the institution, the organization, its practices and those it employs. I also cannot comment on its history, just the present day.

As a whole, I find it generally despicable. I wish I had the time and patience to get into more detail. Feel free to distrust me if you will. I'm just saddened whenever I see an instance of this exoticist fascination that Westerners (usually young people) have for this branch of Christianity, especially the impression they have that it is somehow more authentic just because it's geographically closer to Jerusalem.

I will not mention the specific country I'm talking about because when I made some similar remarks in another thread before (but more detailed), all I got in response were some snarky comments to the likes of: "well that's just how things are in (country), that's not real Orthodoxy". Yes, my experience is almost entirely limited to my country, although I have made brief visits to two other Orthodox countries and I have no reason to think things are any different. Perhaps it is indeed just my country; I wish it were so.

>> No.8868347


>> No.8868349

I was born and raised in the Anglican Church. I converted to Buddhism in my mid twenties. I don't see what the problem is in converting as long as you educate yourself first? You know, to understand what you are signing up for!

>> No.8868350
File: 29 KB, 359x538, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8868351

John of Damascus - "An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith"

>> No.8868354


>> No.8868358
File: 30 KB, 640x360, (You)AsAChild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8868360

That's literally not true though.

>> No.8868361

It's figuratively you though.

>> No.8868362


>> No.8868367

He looks like Rosemary's baby.
>like (You)

>> No.8868373

good larp ty

>> No.8868377
File: 1.69 MB, 392x479, butthurt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good meme ty

>> No.8868381

don't thank me, you posted it...

>> No.8868386

>lord of the rings in the recommended fiction

botns and narnia deserve to be there but lord of the rings? the fuck

>> No.8868388

be Episcopalian.

>> No.8868389


>> No.8868393

lol they're more christian than you degenerate

>> No.8868401

Does the """alt-right""" follow this?: >>8868281
>if not, they aren't even 'actually' Christian

Just because someone claims they're a Christian doesn't mean they are. There has never been a Christian nation, as well, and neither are organized religions [denominations] actually Christian.

Just read their histories and you will see.

Same with the alt-wrong, one cannot be a Christian and advocate genocide and mass murder.
>pic related here

>> No.8868418

>Does the """alt-right""" follow this?: >>8868281
certain elements of it do, yes. Being a racialist or an ethno-nationalist doesn't preclude you from being Christian.


>> No.8868420

>Being a racialist or an ethno-nationalist doesn't preclude you from being Christian.
except it does. you must ALWAYS love thy neighbour, not sometimes.

>> No.8868424

>Being a racialist or an ethno-nationalist doesn't preclude you from being Christian.
>being this delusional

You're not a Christian, my dude.

>> No.8868435

>except it does. you must ALWAYS love thy neighbour, not sometimes.
Who says loving thy neighbour means loving people who I share no cultural, ethnic or traditional attributes with? The bible was written thousands of years ago and it's dumb to assume your analysis of any particular didactic verse is correct or the only valid one.

ethno-nationalists love everyone, they just want all peoples to have a unique chance to thrive. You can love a people or a culture, even love every individual who plays a part in that culture without having to share a nation with them.

>> No.8868454

Your religion is 19th century Social Darwinism. You're not a Christian.

>> No.8868749



>> No.8869557

this is bait

>> No.8870557

I think a lot of it is exactly that. Westerners get attracted because it seems mysterious and exotic. Once you get deep into it you'll start noticing its faults. I would still love to hear the details of what you've experienced though.

>> No.8870626


Maybe if you posted something of substance rather than handwaiving it away as a cult people would take you more seriously.

>> No.8870669


>> No.8870830

I like the RC/EO traditions BECAUSE they are so cult-like; BECAUSE they discourage personal inquiry (which gets you nowhere, or at least nowhere near the heights of the old theologians and church fathers) and BECAUSE they are tailored for illiterate peasants, since most people, even if they can technically read, are illiterate on an intellectual level.

The more I go to church the less I care about Kierkegaard and the more I care about kissing statues. Honestly I think one is as valid as the other.

>> No.8871517 [DELETED] 

>The more I go to church the less I care about Kierkegaard and the more I care about kissing statues.
But wasn't this Kierkegaard's ultimate message anyways? He held faith as the highest human passion and disliked those who tried to reason their way to god/through faith.

>> No.8872641

This is what you should have said

>> No.8872650

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Jesus was gender fluid!

>> No.8872658
File: 138 KB, 426x486, Giovanni_Gentile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw liberals are going to be lined up and shot

>> No.8872663

Oy vey evil aryan monster! Why don't you be Faygala and not create any/more babies.