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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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8865188 No.8865188 [Reply] [Original]

Shit-Posts have flown their Arcs, meme'd the Threads of /lit/, as of Anonymous, carried Fedoras away into the dark Basement off Mother's House,- the Hotpockets are brought in and their Katanas carefully dried and greased, trench coats deposited in the back corner Basement, a fatten'd-fingered Descent made upon the great Keyboard, in an autistful Spergout since Morning, punctuated by the memeing Posts of various Newfags and Old, fragrant with Bane-posts, peel'd Bait, Alt-Right, heated Hotheads,- the Anons, having all upon the Memery, among rhythmic slaps of Kek and Wojak, baited and posted what they might, proceed, as upon each captcha all this anonymous Shitposting, to a comfy Board near the rear of the Chan, years since given over to their carefree Shitposts.

>> No.8865338
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>> No.8865364

bb yes i want mor pls

>> No.8865369

This is stupid

>> No.8865491

A memeing tears across the board. It has happened before, but there are no mods to deal with it now. It is too late. The shitposting still proceeds, but it's all Redditors. There are no Wallaces in any threads. No Wallace anywhere. Above the header are other boards, old as the site itself, and an address bar far above that would take him to another website. But it's black. He's afraid the way the board will fall—soon—it will be a spectacle: the fall of a mighty forum. But coming down in total stupidity, without barking or the scent of pancakes, only great invisible CRASHING!

>> No.8865510

wow holy fuck. you should write a book or something and spot memeing. that was pretty good.

>> No.8865514

Memes died today.

>> No.8865576

I am seated in a thread, surrounded by redditors and shitposts.

>> No.8866014

There is not a single banana in this passage. How could you possibly do this with not one single banana?

Do it again.

>> No.8866038

The autism of an autumn troll thread coming through. You could feel it: something lulzy was going to happen. The filename high in the post, a minor slight, a spelling error. Post after post of memery. Anons restless, images stacking, the whole ephemeral anonymity of things coming to an end. No insight in the posts here. Word counts lengthened on strengthening butthurt. Shit posts and troll posts and dank meme posts rained scorn on OP with no mercy. Server circuits shuddered in the empty closet. And the drone and hiccup of a clothes dryer, the nasal contention of a leaf blower, the ripening of old fap syrup molding in a sweat sock, the smell of the gasoline with which Anonymous had cleaned the sweat from his morning workout on the flickering laptop.

>> No.8866041
File: 54 KB, 250x250, Rrrrrrraahff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wild LEARNÈD ENGLISH DOG appeared!

>> No.8866043

Spurdo, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Spur-do: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Spur. Do. Spär. De.. He was pedobear, plain pedobar, in the morning, molesting children and having briefcases of cheese pizza. He was Spurdo in finnish. He was Gondola at in webms. He was ylilautan on the dotted line. But in my mind he was always Spurdo. Did he have a precursor? He did, indeed he did. In point of fact, there might have been no Spurdo at all had I not loved, one summer, an initial meme. On a site in the early days. Oh when? About as many years before Spurdo was born as my age was that summer. You can always count on a shitposter for a fancy prose style. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns.”

>> No.8866171

All green boards resemble each other, every fucked up blue board is fucked up in its own unique way.

>> No.8866202

. . . a post, a pic an unfound webm; of a post, a pic, a gif. And of all the forgotten porn.

Naked and alone we came into 4chan. In her dark womb we did not know our janitor's face; from the prison of her catalogs have we come
into the unspeakable and incommunicable prison of this board.

Which of us has known his bumpers? Which of us has looked into his
OP's heart? Which of us has not remained forever prison-pent?
Which of us is not here forever a stranger and alone?

O waste of loss, in the hot threads, lost, among dank memes on this
most weary unbright cinder, lost! Remembering speechlessly we seek
the great forgotten screencap, the lost link into warosu, a
post, a pic, an unfound webm. Where? When?

O lost, and by the ban grieved, post, come back again.

>> No.8866204

Ok, I laughed

>> No.8866211 [DELETED] 

Only a plebeian of a mutt would stuck to books by Henry James