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/lit/ - Literature

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8862697 No.8862697 [Reply] [Original]

I got my girlfriend this book for Christmas, what is something sweet and related to the book I can write on the first page?

>> No.8862701

"Crash! Mom made pancakes!"

>> No.8862715

Only one enemy remained. Two if you counted God.

>> No.8862726


my green light, _________


a turbo pleb with bad taste taste

>> No.8862728

"Gatsby dies at the end of the book"

>> No.8862736

That's cute. Be my bf

>> No.8862738

"The Great Gatsby for a Great Girlfriend. Happy reading!"

>> No.8862741

"Gatsby is black."

>> No.8862758


>> No.8862779

"You will never read this as girls don't actually read."

>> No.8862838

top kek

>> No.8862850

Holy shit. I'm new to this site, you guys are fucking savage! Really enjoying it

>> No.8862855

>And it don't matter that some fool say he different cuz the only thing that make you different is what you really do, what you really go through. Like, ya know, like all them books in his library. He frontin with all them books, but if you pull one down off the shelf, ain't none of the pages ever been opened. He got all them books, and he ain't read near one of 'em. Gatsby, he was who he was, and he did what he did. And cuz he wasn't ready to get real with the story, that shit caught up to him. I think, anyway.

>> No.8862862


Nick Carraway is gay

>> No.8862864

Made me laugh audibly

>> No.8862871

Then wear the gold hat, if that will move her:
If you can bounce high, bounce for her too,
Till she cry “Lover, gold-hatted, high-bouncing lover,
I must have you!”

>> No.8862877

>something related
There's nothing lovely related to it. Just give her a book that is related with your actual relationship with her, jeez.

>> No.8862906

>i know you'll be fucking and loving someone else in 2 years and me too but i took 2 minutes this christmas to get you this book so as not to be entirely pedantic and as i'm still a pleb myself, please enjoy the first 10 pages.

>> No.8862918

Cutting. Witty. Intelligent
10/10 comment

>> No.8862921

Literally everyone has read that book, you stupid faggot. Kys. Your present is shit, and I guarantee that your girl has read and is getting fucked by that BBC, you fucking faggot.

>> No.8862925

Yikes you kike, she just wanted a copy because she didn't own it. Stop projecting your own fetishes on fucking Cantonese herblore enthusiast websites.

>> No.8862926

>doesn't know what pedantic means

>> No.8862943


But i do, the whole point is he's trying to introduce her into reading while being casual and fun about it with buying the great gatsby so as to say hey i'm smart...but not too smart and stuffy!

anyway it's a bait thread.

>> No.8862981

Holy...i want more

>> No.8863009



>> No.8863765


>> No.8863791

I listen to this on repeat while reading pynchon


>> No.8863801
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Kys, faggot. Your gf is pleb anyway because she reads the Great Gatsby.

>> No.8863874
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S S S S S S salty virgin? Not op btw

>> No.8863935

This made me cringe irl

>> No.8863985

>To m'lady, a humble gift of literature befitting her virtue and complementing her rectitude, from an admirer from afar. Call me Anon of the Fedora. But soft! said fedora is tipped! "To what end?", m'lady may ask. To your end, your servant is pleased to answer.

>> No.8863996

I-it's not like I want you to read this or anything! It's just something I thought you might be interested in! Don't get any wrong ideas, b-baka! Not like I care for you or anything!

>> No.8864032
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Dear Lucia,

This book was my property. Now I give it to you. So it's your property. However you are my property, too. So does this book still belong to me, or doesn't it? Anyway, the only reason I chose to give you this book is because you said you were interested in "spooky stuff". So here you go.

The Creative Nothing

>> No.8864587

Tiptop kek

>> No.8865180

Die my love

>> No.8865198

"Hey babe, when do I get to stick it in your pooper?"

>> No.8865755

Hey guys I really liked the prose in this book. Any other books with good prose like this? Some anon suggested tender is the night and this side of paradise but I forgot which he said was the better one

>> No.8865779


>> No.8865792
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If you finish this book, you'll realize that the life of a bourgeois bohemian is doomed to end in failure. Libertines are trash.

Don't drink, don't do drugs, and please don't fuck around with any Tom "Chad" Buchanans you might encounter during our relationship. Settle down with me, I'll be your beta Wilson. Sure, I'm a pathetic faggot who'll never be able to give you what you want, but I'll really love you!

P.S. I'm a really swell feller, please don't cuck me with Tom Buchanan :(

>> No.8865931

Tender is better

>> No.8865947
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OP will eventually have a Shining-tier breakdown like pic related.