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File: 87 KB, 500x484, Doomed pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8862004 No.8862004 [Reply] [Original]

I just jerked off to a girl getting fucked by other girls with a baseball bat.

there's no coming back from that. Only in our modern age would such supreme degeneracy even be possible.

I'm coming towards the end of The Brothers Karamazov at the moment. Up until this point I've been an atheist but for the first time in my life feel some kind of primordial heavenly scorn. How do I ever find atonement?

>> No.8862006

delete this and re-post it on /b/

>> No.8862008

share the video

>> No.8862012

This desu

>> No.8862015

>Only in our modern age would such supreme degeneracy even be possible.
Have you ever fucking read de Sade? Holy shit, baseball bats are nothing.
>I'm coming towards the end of The Brothers Karamazov at the moment. Up until this point I've been an atheist but for the first time in my life feel some kind of primordial heavenly scorn. How do I ever find atonement?
Jesus Christ, you're so in love with yourself it's pathetic.

>> No.8862018

>Jesus Christ, you're so in love with yourself it's pathetic.
Man I'm not, I just feel really conflicted and weird. i feel like religion has more to offer than secularism, but I don't know how to reconcile my actions with any religious doctrine.

>> No.8862019

Thats not even bestiality OP. Step it up.

>> No.8862021

>Only in our modern age would such supreme degeneracy even be possible.

Read a fucking book, idiot.

>> No.8862025

>finding a sterilized commodified sexual deviancy 'degenerate'
>thinking modernity is especially degenerate
People literally cut others in half while they fucked them. The level of sexual perversion before modern society is staggeringly more violent and interesting. Your Dostoyevsky comment is even more suggestive of a self centered and staggering ignorance I don't even know what to say. You're more pathetic than anything.

>> No.8862027

i mean the fact that it's broadcast to so many people i such a ubiquitous, artless way.

>> No.8862029

Because it's your option. You are degenerate yourself. Burn in hell.

>> No.8862034

i know.

>> No.8862038

>People literally cut others in half while they fucked them.

what did u mean by this

>> No.8862039

Using an anonymous imageboard as your blog to post about how you're oh so fucked up for watching porn and how this must make the universe itself disapprove of you and you're doomed and self-pity self-pity and this is somehow special and unique and worthy of our attention. No, your trite manufactured existential crisis is not interesting. Just fuck off.

>> No.8862040

>I just jerked off to a girl getting fucked by other girls with a baseball bat.
>there's no coming back from that. Only in our modern age would such supreme degeneracy even be possible.

Oh my sweet, tender child. You have seen nothing

>> No.8862081

So then what is the most degenerate thing out there? Instead of calling OP a child, how about you faggots actually describe what the depths of degeneracy look like.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8862086

>how about you faggots actually describe what the depths of degeneracy look like.
Google de Sade. It's not fucking difficult.

"only our this modern age", fucking hell what narcissism.

>> No.8862096

perhaps you should find out for yourself, my friend. The internet is a vast frontier just waiting to be explored.

Here's a little news article to whet your whistle


>> No.8862097

Fuck off OP. If you want us to rec you weird porn you could just ask instead of framing it in this weird way

>> No.8862122

More proof that Dostoyevsky is melodramatic cuck garbage for psueds

>> No.8862130
File: 22 KB, 224x225, IMG_0555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeling guilty for watching porn

>> No.8862132


>How do I ever find atonement?

>Implying redemption is even possible

You said it yourself, there's no coming back from it, we're all lost.

>> No.8862140


>Feeling guilty for literally cucking yourself

Do do that.

>> No.8862157

I don't think the act of watching porn is extremely despicable. I understand OP's problem as such: he watched himself over his own shoulder watching such ridiculous pornography. It's not even about sex anymore it's the transgression and excess, the steady progress into more and more degeneracy.

I'm an atheist who wishes to make the leap of faith, but I cannot. Maybe I find some light by going even further, who knows what leis beyond even nihilism?

>> No.8862165

Ty. I know the Internet is a vast fronteir,그러나 I am not interested in seeing the depths. I just want other people to describe them for me.
I'm not OP
I feel guilty after watching porn. For a multitude of reasons.

>> No.8862171

>I don't know how to reconcile my actions with any religious doctrine.
That's what atonement is all about.

I'm an atheist. A lapsed catholic. And I wouldn't (more like, couldn't) change it (because I'm not an atheist for fedora shit. I'm one because I can't ignore the epicurean paradox).

But if you NEED religion, and there's no doubt many people do, go ask a priest, not one of the most atheist-friendly boards in 4chan. Said priest will tell you that remorse and atonement (in catholicism through prayer) is the way to reconcile your actions with the religious doctrines you ascribe to.

Seriously. Go hit your local catholic church, and talk to a priest. It's what you want.

Also, post link.

>> No.8862173

It's because OP is an obviously sheltered autist that he feels this way. Human beings are perverse and always have been. Be thankful that we are repressively desublimated with fucked up porn so that we don't all murder each other

>> No.8862184

OP, why are you pretending to be another anon?

>> No.8862208

that video is the most softcore shit ive heard of in my life, i was fapping to way worse (read: hotter) when i was 13

>> No.8862213

God will clear up the paradoxes when you go to heaven, for now have faith. The secret is letting religion circumvent your intellect. I hope you will find your way back.

>> No.8862221

I fucking love 4chan sometimes. Thank you for this, OP, and thank you for existing.

>> No.8862231

lol holy shiet. I'm all for believing in whatever you want to believe, but you sound like a fucking cultist

>> No.8862233

>(because I'm not an atheist for fedora shit. I'm one because I can't ignore the epicurean paradox).
The epicurean paradox is fedora shit, m'dude

>> No.8862234

If you can't detect in-your-face sarcasm, fuck off back to ribbit.

I'm the guy he's replying to, by the way. Gave me a nice chuckle, and then you had to go and ruin it.

>> No.8862242

shit I guess you're way smarter than me, anon-kun. I am forever your inferior, I apologize profusely for ruining your nice chuckle

>> No.8862258

Its more likely feeling guilty for letting primal instincts and urges to control you and your life. The very nature of the sexual act requires you to distance yourself from the other person as a conscious, experiencing subject, and to instead view them as just another object from which you can extract physical pleasure.

I'm also an atheist, but on some level I recognize the inhumanity of sexual intercourse and lust.

>> No.8862277

>I'm no fedora athiest, I'm just an athiest because that one thing Christopher Hitchens used to parrot and also I'm a master of sarcasm
>Once again, I'm no fedora athiest

>> No.8862293

I fuck my partner's intellect, not her body.

>> No.8862308

Was making a huge post detailing what I meant, but then there was an earthquake and I noticed how this was a useless argument.

Praise kek.

>> No.8862337

that's only if the sex is loveless though

>> No.8862340
File: 7 KB, 170x200, IMG_0557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex and reproduction is quite literally the most natural thing you can do

the fuck you on about

>> No.8862540

Enjoying that residual Catholic guilt? Or are you just bad in bed?

>> No.8862553
File: 504 KB, 1054x838, 5734985734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, never seen a stirnerist bring that up before

>> No.8862563

Everyone faps to deviant shit every once in a while. Seriously calm down. There's no heavenly police force to send you to hell for fapping. Go read the history of sexuality and grow up.

>reading a Christan orthodox author and feeling shame for your sexual impulses.
lmao, man. You need to learn to accept yourself. Stop actively trying to find yourself disgusting.

>> No.8862588


>> No.8862592


>The very nature of the sexual act requires you to distance yourself from the other person as a conscious, experiencing subject

You sound like you're really fucking terrible at fucking.

>> No.8862596
File: 32 KB, 376x600, 47893274234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just chill dude xD and grow up too xDD, religion is shit... read the french AIDSman, also everyone surrenders their most intimate expression and dignity to the capitalist machinery, why don't you do it too??

>> No.8862601

It would have been much easier to just type
>lel cuck
and your meaning would have been the same

>> No.8862605

Who cares if it's natural
A body is a supremely disgusting thing

>> No.8862606
File: 113 KB, 600x750, having a bum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read some de Sade. The only way forward is to go deeper young grasshopper. I expect you to be fantasising about donkey punching women and getting DP'd by two monster cocks in your bum by the end of this week.

Start with La Philosophie dans le boudoir.

>> No.8862608
File: 244 KB, 541x600, 432984723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever brainlet, go and wank to people enacting sex on a screen like the little subject you are

>> No.8862612

A few days ago I jerked off to two Japanese girls fucking eachother with an octopus.
I don't feel bad.
Getting devastated over degeneracy in video form is reaching for philosophical struggle.

>> No.8862665

You're both right, I'm bad at sex and I've even been told as much, but I'm not really ashamed of that whatsoever. I'm pretty physically attractive, but I have like a 5.5" penis and I'm not very sexually passionate, nor am I'm interested in anything other than the most ordinary and "vanilla" forms of sex. It seems like most woman like to be choked/slapped/etc., but I just can't bring myself to do that. I've tried, but I just feel so uncomfortable doing that to a person. In short, I'm really sexually tame. Not to mention I tend to be really anxious when having sex with someone for the first time.

However, all that being said, that has nothing to do with my disgust surrounding sex. I don't like sex because it seems so hedonistic and, for lack of a better word, worldly.

>> No.8862674

Nah, I prefer real sex. But there's nothing wrong with porn, and there's a lot of irony in someone calling out an anon for "surrendering their most intimate expression" (lol) on 4chan. Despite whatever high-minded notions you have about this place, it's little more than an extension of that same capitalist machine targeted at frustrated young men. Aka, get over yourself, you're just a shitposting peasant like the rest of us.

>> No.8862676

You understand that the body is essentially a horrid thing, a decaying piece of meat and that being reminded of its existence can only bring suffering

>> No.8862679

mfw still no link
i have no face

>> No.8862708

The mind is housed in that same decaying meat, friend.

What do you mean by "worldy?" If you're an atheist (and I think you said you are), what do you believe exists outside of "the world?" What do you have against sensual pleasures? I'm not attacking you; I'm just curious.

>> No.8862746
File: 280 KB, 678x540, 6387216312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"surrendering their most intimate expression" (lol) on 4chan.
you miss the point

also, how is it ironical? unless you're equating sexual intimacy with posting on 4chan?

>Despite whatever high-minded notions you have about this place
never claimed i had

>Aka, get over yourself,
aka i should homogenize myself into you?

>you're just a shitposting peasant like the rest of us.
hmm what a way to put it

>> No.8862836

Well I very much agree with this guy >>8862676

I'm an atheist and I essentially believe in philosophical naturalism (I'm not a dualist). However, I'm also not a nihilist. While I believe the mind is ultimately a product of biological processes, I also believe that the existence of the "mind" brings with it a "spiritual" component to the natural world (and I don't believe ethics and value, broadly speaking, is ultimately reducible to human psychology or sociological practices). We as humans, to the extent that we have mind have a great responsibility (and we're not unique in this respect - I would include any other sufficiently complex conscious beings including other animals, alien life, and conscious machines) in that we're the very source of things like meaning, value, etc. By engaging in sexual and other hedonistic activities we affirm our objectivity, so to speak, when instead we should be devoting ourselves to higher things like love and beauty - in short, ethics and aesthetics (and under aesthetics I do not include hedonistic pleasure, but rather appreciation of art and nature).

On the other hand, I think that romantic love is perhaps the most important component of human existence. Furthermore, I completely disagree with any pessimistic and apathetic rejection of the possibility of lifelong partnership. The very nature of subjectivity means we're completely alone. You're trapped inside your head and will never know anything of the thoughts and feelings of other human beings. Thus, even if the very nature of human psychology makes such partnerships nearly impossible we must believe in them. In the experience of love, particularly romantic love, we are able to some extent to transcend the limits of our subjectivity and enjoy the spiritual presence of our fellow human being. If we reject such possibilities, we thereby accept defeat and resign forever to being completely alone and incapable of recognizing our mutual spiritual existence.

I wish I was better with words because I feel like I haven't conveyed these ideas very well, and it probably all sounds kind of corny, but it's the best I can do.

>> No.8862845

>The mind is housed in that same decaying meat, friend.
>he has yet to realize how terrible that fact is

>> No.8862887

What's the point in being upset about something that you can literally do nothing about? If it weren't for your meat body, you wouldn't even have the pleasure of experiencing such anxiety in the first place.

But why are love and beauty "higher things?" Couldn't one classify having sex as an "appreciation of nature?" Sex and romantic love aren't mutually exclusive.

Also, could you explain what you mean by the "affirm our objectivity" bit?

>> No.8862893

>whats the point
why does there have to be a point
it always feels like my skin is rotting off
when i try to masturbate i start crying before i can finish, its all too disgusting

>> No.8862907

I mean this in the most polite way possible, seek help

>> No.8862944

>ITT: Sexually frustrated psuedo-intellects attempt various rationalization techniques

>> No.8862950


but this one is good too

>> No.8862964
File: 64 KB, 779x1072, 49372478234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. master of piercing the psyche of anonymous posters and diagnosing them with severe vagina deficiency

>> No.8862975
File: 223 KB, 1000x1293, 1482121399298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm coming towards the end of The Brothers Karamazov at the moment. Up until this point I've been an atheist but for the first time in my life feel some kind of primordial heavenly scorn. How do I ever find atonement?

pic related is you making this blogpost.

that it all this is btw. get over yourself and take your blogposts to the right boards. don't try to thinly-veil this as being literature related -- that is bullshit.

>> No.8862982

Sex isn't the same kind of appreciation of nature. The only reason we engage in sex is because it produce a massive rush of chemicals in our brain that results in a hedonistic sense of "pleasure". Its not otherwise beautiful. Its like a drug. If it weren't for the intense bodily pleasure involved, we would never engage in it. In act, its a rather absurd activity. If intelligent organisms from another planet that reproduced in a radically different and non physically pleasurable way, they probably wouldn't even have any idea of what we were doing or why.

On the other hand, things with ethical and aesthetic value are pleasurable beyond any sort of HEDONISTIC neurochemical processes. Now that's not to say that our experience thereof is not the result of neurochemical processes - as a naturalist I'm committed to say that of course it is. Rather, our appreciation of such things is more cognitive and conceptual (my point here is perhaps more of psychological than neurological). If fact, I don't think such appreciation relies on any anthropocentric neurological or psychological processes. I suspect that it is an innate feature of the kind of subjectivity we posses, and that any entity with a similarly complex conceptual life (even if their psychology and neurology was otherwise radically different from ours), would share similar ethical and aesthetic intuitions. (On a related not I suspect even organisms incapable of pain would have a system of ethics.)

There's this thought experiment that perhaps helps illustrate my point. I can't remember who it was, perhaps Robert Nozick, although I think it might have been someone else. Anyway I think it was originally utilized to attack forms of Utilitarianism that particularly attempt to reduce ethical value to pain and pleasure. It goes roughly like this:
Imagine a man who's entirely family suddenly died, including his wife and kids. He would probably be experiencing an incomprehensible degree of suffering. Moreover, the problem he faces, as it were, has nothing to do with pain and pleasure. We could, for example, connect him to a machine that generates pleasure, so that he would feel better than he's ever felt in his life. However, this man would probably not enjoy this experience. In fact he would feel terrible and hate that he is being overwhelmed with such hedonistic pleasure when he just lost everything that really mattered to him (evidently these things didn't matter to him simply for the sensory or emotional enjoyment he extracted from them).

As for affirming your objectivity, I mean that it's such an overwhelming and powerful experience that you become psychologically absorbed in you physical, bodily perception to the exclusion of higher cognitive/ethical/aesthetic experiences.

>> No.8862983

Read Song of Songs.

>> No.8862986

Stop fellating yourself until you reach word count nigger
Delete this post and delete your account

>> No.8862997
File: 798 KB, 2120x2601, 4329847234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to go back

>> No.8862998

Everybody in this thread is spooked

Your mind and body are inseperable
You are the most important being to you
Sex is not bad and is actually perfectly natural
Dostoyevsky was a mentally ill criminal, stop listening to what he has to say about morality

>> No.8863001

It's the opposite. OP sounds like a redditor going through babby's first existential crisis. Literally doing mental gymnastics to justify why he hates sex (when it's obviously because of catholic conditioning)

>> No.8863004

You're reaching for something that isn't there.

You've been indoctrinated with the idea that there is always "more to it" - that you're missing something - some important part of being a real fully aware person, but the truth is this really is it, take it or leave it.

>> No.8863007

>mind and body are inseperable
so many dead skin cells out there thinking my lonely thoughts with me, and that is before we consider electron level me. ;_:

and it's inseparable.

>> No.8863008
File: 13 KB, 225x300, 47329847234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mind and body
>mentally ill

>> No.8863011

>Sex isn't the same kind of appreciation of nature. The only reason we engage in sex is because it produce a massive rush of chemicals in our brain that results in a hedonistic sense of "pleasure". Its not otherwise beautiful. Its like a drug. If it weren't for the intense bodily pleasure involved, we would never engage in it. In act, its a rather absurd activity. If intelligent organisms from another planet that reproduced in a radically different and non physically pleasurable way, they probably wouldn't even have any idea of what we were doing or why.
You're a fucking animal. Animals have sex because they instinctually want to reproduce, otherwise life would die out.

Of course evolution hasn't accounted for the neuroses of Westerners post-birth control, but that's besides the point. Embrace yourself.

>> No.8863018

Spooks are societal. They're IDEAS, not facts. I certainly don't need to be taught by society to have sexual impulses, so it isn't a spook.

You literally cannot deny that sex is a natural thing animals do without resorting to spooky ideology or the naturalistic fallacy.

>> No.8863030

>Literally doing mental gymnastics to justify why he hates sex (when it's obviously because of catholic conditioning)
>Coming to the same banal conclusions as some libtard high school student writing his first essay in English class

yeah, you should go back

>> No.8863032

There is no "higher" thing. Your body and your mind (as if there is much of a distinction) all have equal claim to you. You're romanticizing yourself a bit too much.

>> No.8863036

Of course it's a banal conclusion, OP's problems are banal.

>> No.8863040
File: 78 KB, 720x655, 12274389_872269646220259_3454775219158226909_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have also ve had this sort of existential crisis and turning to God for meaning and purpose in the pathetic life I lead. I ve also just fapped to a disgusting futanari hentai with extra big women with gigantic cocks by Uno Makoto. How should I feel, /lit/?

>> No.8863059

>5.5" penis
>not very sexually passionate

what the fuck you doin kid? quit porn, it's not hard if you're already bored anyways. quit jerkin off and thinking about weird shit. Work out alot, take care of your body, get some maca powder to boost your libido and maybe some cialis for them rock boners. Live a relatively ascetic life and you'll learn to appreciate what's in front of you, and you get be a fuckin machine.

Stay of 4chan and stay off the net (you're penis size is more than enough, you've obviously watched too much porn), look out for your physical and mental well being, and you can enjoy sex again.

>> No.8863073

I know it's not what you're looking for but you should try to dial back the kind of porn you watch. I've cut out everything except the most vanilla solo masturbation porn. I still feel guilty after beating off but less so than I did before.

It's difficult at first because it seems so boring compared to what you used to watch but you'll come around soon enough.

>> No.8863077

scientific theory is a spook

>I certainly don't need to be taught by society to have sexual impulses, so it isn't a spook.
unless you were despooked since birth you are taught normative behaviour and ideas in this "area"

>natural thing animals do
so you are supposing that you belong to a category called "animal", inheriting certain modes of behaviour and stimuli? spooky narrative

>naturalistic fallacy
you're the one invoking it

>> No.8863089

Yeah, but I already said before that our higher (and, althought I did in previous posts, in this case I'm not using the word in an axiological sense) cognitive functions are the source of all meaning and value, including the experiences of love and beauty. Assuming a naturalistic worldview (and rejecting nihilism), all value come into the world through the existence of consciousness. Nothing can be said to have any more or less value than anything prior to the existence of subjectivity. Thus our higher (again not using this word in the axiological sense here) cognitive have inherently more valuable, since they're the very source of value, and so nothing is in any way meaningful or significant without them. In short, I would disagree that one can't label these sorts of things as higher (and now I do mean axiologically) that sex.

>> No.8863104

Like you're going to hell.

I agree, he is penis size

No one takes you Stirnerites seriously because every line of discussion is a dead end with you.

The appreciation that humans have for sex is mostly mental.