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/lit/ - Literature

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8860493 No.8860493 [Reply] [Original]

>want to add themes of love and romance to my novel
>realise I have never been in a relationship in my life and don't even have the slightest understanding of the concept of love

oh god, I don't know what it's like to kiss someone

>> No.8860495

So sad.

>> No.8860500
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> themes of love and romance

>> No.8860501

Melville never killed a whale, use your fucking imagination

>> No.8860510


Killing whales is a mechanical process without any nuance tho.

>> No.8860511


he was a merchant seaman though

>> No.8860513

I doubt many people ever have killed a whale, if I start writing something like "bags of sand" then people are gonna know something's up

>> No.8860514

Honestly, you probably have the gist of love. Looking back on some of my own writings and artwork containing the theme of love from before I was even in a relationship, I am a little bit surprised at how relatably I wrote on something of which I was supposed to be ignorant.

I think it's a sort of universally understood thing, at least on a basic level.

>> No.8860515
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>> No.8860516

So is sex, whats your point?

>> No.8860520

I skip any books that have romance or love as themes.

>> No.8860526

"Experience" is by far the biggest writing spook

>> No.8860633


There are elements to love and romance that are not sex

>> No.8860644
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just go on okcupid or whatever and start talking to girls. If you're an ugly boring loser work on yourself. Seriously dude I was a kissless virgin at age 21 and now I'm neither at 22.

>> No.8860648


Kanker, even Tinder is better

>> No.8860649

oh dude look at me im such a fucking sicka epic intellectual cynic. All of internet dating is just full of dumb stupid whores right?

>> No.8860650

Not enough *PEW* *PEW* *PEW* and explosions and magic and elf titties for you?

>> No.8860653

>All of internet dating is just full of dumb stupid whores right?

No dumb stupid prudes in my experience

>> No.8860654

yeah well, that's life. There's nothing exceptional about these sites. Either you adapt to it, or you die (or you bitch about it on 4chan, but that's the same thing).

>> No.8860655
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I choose death

>> No.8860658
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okay here's a gun

or do you still have the will to live

>> No.8860659

Like you said, bitching on 4chan is the same thing

>> No.8860666

Fucking kek'd

>> No.8860678
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>want to add themes of love and romance to my life
>women only date me out of some kind of weird half-repulsed fascination with my autism, where they actually secretly hate me and just spend 6-24 months wrestling with these confusing feelings until ultimately dumping me in bewilderment and frustration, and immediately marrying the most basic guy they can find

>> No.8860684


I can't relate to that normalfag shit tbqh femme.

>> No.8860696

same desu

>> No.8860699


>> No.8860709

find yourself a girl who is equally autistic
you will find true love one day. i believe in you, anon

>> No.8861173

salty milk and coins

all you need to know to describe romance

>> No.8861343

But why?

>> No.8861349

Read romance. Serious advice.

>> No.8861352

It's supposedly what pussy tastes like. I don't think it tastes like that but i have heard that people do

>> No.8861378

>I don't think it tastes like that

Found the virgin

>> No.8861413

lmao just copy houllebecq's method and watch porn

sex and romance is literally porn in the 21st century anyways

>> No.8861466

Houllebecq doesn't watch porn, he's exhausted even the vayeuristic pleasure of sex. Its all just the discovery channel to him at this point. Seeing humans have sex is no different than watching Giraffes mating or plankton coagulating

>> No.8861512


>> No.8861523

It tastes like nothing desu.

But maybe that's because she was 16 and cared for hygiene.

>> No.8861536


The answer is ALWAYS lurk moar

Don't give away answers like that, tell him to lurk moar.

OP, love is a religious experience. You might've never had one, but it's something you can work with. Read the Bible, the Confessions of S:t Augustine, hagiographies, etc. Pick up stuff from other religions, too, I'll bet you anything you'd learn something from Bhakti varieties of Hinduism. You could probably get some Hare Krishna literature for free if you live in a major city.

I'll also tell you what love is not: Love is not an obsession with getting the attention of someone in order to cure a lack of a self, or self-respect.

Love is a unity with another human being that makes both of you greater than you ever were before. It means finding an ally against existence itself. I can only compare it to finding God.

t. 25-year-old guy who recently experienced his first love without teenage desperation.

>> No.8861547
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It's an aesthetic experience (Dewey), stupid fuck. Read "Shooting an Elephant" by Orwell and you will see.

>> No.8861551

literal autism?

>> No.8861581
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>had tons of different relationships
>still don't know what love is

I'll never know

>> No.8861596

Typical guy who never had sex (or had bad experiences when he tried) and extrapolates from the disgusting, mechanical sex he sees in porn films.

>> No.8861605
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>Mfw I was so consumed with tackling the /lit/ canon that I comepletely neglected the life canon

Fuck man, if I wasn't gonna go to prom I should have a least hung out with some similarly anti social friends. Spent the night just shooting the shit and watching the stars while we all listened to old post punk CDs... I just stayed home and played tf2 until mom yelled at me to go to bed already

>> No.8862323


That is not how it was presented

>> No.8862636

Romantic love is degenerate, tbhq.

Don't even bother writing about that pleb shit.

>> No.8864274

Fall in love. It's awful. Like a socially accepted and romanticized neurosis.

>> No.8864280

newfags smdh

>> No.8864332
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Take your spooks where they belong

>> No.8864333

No, its just that I am an unabashed sexually frustrated loser who doesn't want to get triggered :^) . In fact I felt betrayed when I read Hunger.

>> No.8864336

Save your salty coins up and buy a milky prostitute who will love you for one glorious night.

>> No.8864338

Having the will to live is no more an affirmation of life as a good than having the will to inhect heroin is an affirmation of oopiate abuse as a good. I live in spite of my better judgement

>> No.8864340

What the fuck did you just say?

>> No.8864342

no because I'm also a self righteous antinatalist prick

>> No.8864345

I just said that I'm addicted to life

>> No.8864346


you should read our lady of the flowers.
i masturbated to it even though its gay as fuck
that's what it was meant for

>> No.8864367

>I'll also tell you what love is not: Love is not an obsession with getting the attention of someone
It kinda is in Swann's Way tho