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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 108 KB, 800x877, Francisco_de_Zurbarán_-_The_Prayer_of_St._Bonaventura_about_the_Selection_of_the_New_Pope_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8859328 No.8859328 [Reply] [Original]

Why is contemporary far-right political philosophy so boring? Seriously the only original people who are ever brought up are Nick Land and Mencius Moldbug, apart from them it's a sea of completely predictable angry white male identity politics.

So the totality of relevant non-Leftist thought is reduced to 'accelerationism' and 'neo-cameralism' with some sprinklings of genetics-supported scientific racism

Is there seriously no other literature?

>> No.8859337

You must be an idiot if you think all the right has to offer today is memelords like land and molbug

>> No.8859342

I am an idiot, who am I supposed to be reading?

>> No.8859343
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This. He's forgetting our biggest hero

>> No.8859348

>Is there seriously no other literature?
You mean within contemporary political philosophy? Or in general?
because you're definitely reading a bunch of shite if all you read is contemporary political philosophy

>> No.8859359

>Why is contemporary far-right political philosophy so boring?
Because it's right. Leftist philosophy forces you to engage with and defend it more because it makes no fucking sense and transforms you into a blind, hallowed carrier of ideology.

>> No.8859363

I against women

>> No.8859380

Because most of the far-right philosofers don't mean to share their thoughts because they are elitist and want the world to be dumb and controlable. It's a historical thing.

>> No.8859384

whilst most of far-right thought can't last for more than a few pages without inciting human rights violations

>> No.8859387


get red pilled

but beware, it's a large and unforgiving suppository

>> No.8859625

First of all, you're describing neo-reactionaries, who are not necessarily far right. Land and Moldbug have more in common with anarchocapitalists than Nazis, who Land regularly mocks as "ethnobolsheviks."

Secondly, since right wing thought is much more subversive and suppressed than leftism, rightist intellectuals are unable to benefit from Radiohead namedrops and the media-academic complex's support, making them unknown and marginalized. There are many interesting modern intellectuals who could be described as right wing e.g. Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Linkola, Sloterdijk, Gómez Dávila, Scruton, Sowell, Steve Sailer, but they place less emphasis on mass appeal like "exciting" leftists who make major motion pictures and are funded by the Pentagon.

Finally, it's important to remember that many rightists prefer to look to the past and discuss philosophers who would be considered antiquated in a modern context e.g. Chesterton, Aquinas, Carlyle, Popper and Burke than the rightist equivalents of Zizek and BHL. They don't always value Jacobin-approved posturing and progress for the sake of progress

>> No.8859630

Human rights don't even exist

>> No.8859666
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>contemporary right philosophy is boring

the fuck is wrong with you

read sloterdijk you absolute cunt

>> No.8859686
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Fucking this.
Also, Evola died in 1974. That's quite contemporary.

>> No.8859691
File: 9 KB, 199x250, 1460992515784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I get called a right-wing nazi by other students in my political science course
>mfw I'm a classical Liberal

>> No.8859696

nice meme

>> No.8859697
File: 111 KB, 452x676, national leftism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even real far-right literature. It's just rehashed Jacobinism.

Pic related is from Liberty or Equality, a work of actual right-wing thought.

>> No.8859706

>right-wing thought has always relied on memefographics

>> No.8859708

>national socialism is the culmination of the protestant reformation coupled with marxism, german idealism and rationalism

So it proposes that National Socialism is an amalgam of irreconcilable and completely opposite philosophical theories, including thoeries which are exactly what Hitler opposed most viciously, like marxism?

>> No.8859709

>human rights

>> No.8859710

what contemporary leftist thinkers are you implying are worth reading

>> No.8859711
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Can I be a far right if I don't think I'm morally superior to women, minorities, and sexually active people and don't think there's a Jewish plot to breed out whiteness?

>> No.8859714

actually no, mostly re women

>> No.8859715

The difference is the memes are supplementary, not the entire argument.

Try reading the book, dumbass.

>> No.8859722

No, thanks. Judging by the infograph, the filename and the title of the book, I presume (with some certainty) that it's going to be something along the lines of "dude, nazism is left-wing! the nazi party was the national SOCIALIST WORKERS' party!!!", which I certainly don't need to read.

>> No.8859727

I'm patiently awaiting the Black Feminist Monarchy movement

>> No.8859729

Can you show me a human right? Where do they come from? Who has such knowledge and power to impose arbitrary restrictions on society under the pretext of protecting said rights? Can a human right be taken away, and if so, does that not mean that those who originally created said right was acting tyrannically?

>> No.8859742
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Why? It's already begun

>> No.8859745

please kill yourself

>> No.8859752

The same could be said about any abstraction you believe in.

>> No.8859754

>get asked legitimate questions that require you defend your biases
>change the subject and encourage violence
Why are literally all leftists regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or nationality like this?

>> No.8859757

not that guy.
please kill yourself.

>> No.8859759

muh social contract and spooks and whatnot /discussion

>> No.8859763

>get asked legitimate questions that require you defend your biases
>change the subject and encourage violence
Why are literally all leftists regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or nationality like this?

>> No.8859766

see >>8859745

>> No.8859772

>muh human rights exist!
>prove it
>UR EVIL KYS!!!!11
Back to tumblr, little tyke.

Yes, but I don't believe my abstractions are divine, and I don't attempt to control society with them.

The problem with human rights is that there is no widely accepted, concrete definition of what they are; people are making new ones up daily, and in many cases they're simply a thinly veiled attempt at imposing a political agenda. e.g. the right to internet access, or the right to housing.

>> No.8859773

>get asked legitimate questions that require you defend your biases
>change the subject and encourage violence
Why are literally all leftists regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or nationality like this?

>> No.8859776

see >>8859752

>> No.8859779

> the right to internet access, or the right to housing.
Or the "right" to be addressed by your "preferred pronoun", which is now written into Canadian federal law.

It's an idea with good intentions, but very easy to abuse in the most sinister ways.

>> No.8859802

Because modern liberals no longer have any intellectual grounds to stand on. They know they can't win a debate, so they use threats, character assassination and witch hunts in order to bully society into accepting their narrative. THey are afraid of free speech and open dialogue because they are afraid of the truth getting out. Video related:


>> No.8859853

>The Rebel
What is a rebel?
A man who says cuck

>> No.8859883

I thought cuck was a stupid phrase until I realized how emotionally devastating it was to cucks. It hurts you because you know it's true

>> No.8860441

James Kalb-Against Inclusiveness and The Tyranny of Liberalism

>> No.8860452
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>> No.8860465

Because I haven't been published yet, desu

>> No.8860491

If there's no arbitrary restrictions imposed by society then I as an individual can impose my own restrictions on you. Without the human right to freedom from slavery I can capture you and lock you in my basement. So choose between the tyranny of the individual or the tyranny of human rights enforced by the state. I'll take the tyranny of human rights.

>> No.8860512

we wuz kangs 2: electric boogaboo

>> No.8861793

He is a leftist

>> No.8861845

>I don't attempt to control society with them
Because the opportunity hasn't been made available to you.
And I don't think anyone here is claiming human rights "exist" in the sense of being grounded in reality. But the main point you have to refute is that as concepts they're essential to any functional, virtuous society that one would want to live in. Bonus points for not falling into the right's pattern of saying "But modern society SUX" too.

>> No.8861847

No. Being far-right requires you to be a hyper-sensitive sperg

>> No.8861866


>sloterdijk is right

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8861871
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>Is there seriously no other literature?

Uh, excuse me?

>> No.8861884


>a pot smoking jewish vlogger who lives with his mom is far-right

>> No.8861889

What does this term even mean anymore? Left/right wing is such a muddled dichotomy.

>> No.8861894


If you want to understand the Far-Right/Alt-Right (no meaningful difference beyond the fact that the former is honest), then Sammy Heidegger's book is as close as you'll get. It condenses all of the memes/ideas that dominate their current collective conscience.

>> No.8861919


>If you want to understand the Far-Right/Alt-Right

we get it, you're buttmad that you're going to get turned into neuro-soup slaves by googlebalization

now what are you going to do about it faggot instead of posting ebin memes on twitter

you live lifestyles identical to that of your leftists counterparts, you buy the same cars, you get your antibiotics from Bayer, you use the same social networks, and you use the same backdoored chips on your computers, the "alt-right" has failed to differentiate itself, you're not far-anything, globalization is far-up-your-ass and you are too weak to actually do anything

>> No.8861967

Your own diary desu.

>> No.8861996


I like both of you.

Just because the Alt-right doesn't like apples, they think everyone should eat oranges.

The Alt-right should try a little solipsism, just long enough to see how little of all of what they worry about actually touches their life.

>> No.8862001


>classic liberal

you deserve to get made fun of

>> No.8862011
File: 843 KB, 819x637, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you deserve to get made fun of

>> No.8862014

This. The universal declaration of human rights is absolutely contentless. It was drafted 70 years ago, and has absolutely no ethical or logical basis.

Human rights are a social construct. They're our postmodern hellscape's ten commandments.

>> No.8862017

Jokes on you, I'm redpilled and white nationalist

>> No.8862024
File: 627 KB, 1000x750, fedora marxist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jokes on you, I'm redpilled and white nationalist
We all know that you are a dumb pinko

>> No.8862026


jokes on you i (>>8862001) am not a retarded faggot

>> No.8862035

>Because the opportunity hasn't been made available to you.
Ah, the tried and true liberal argument: "I can't stick to my principles so no one can!"

>But the main point you have to refute is that as concepts they're essential to any functional, virtuous society that one would want to live in
I only need to demonstrate that the concept (as it stands) when abused by authorities creates a less virtuous society than one without said concept.

This is currently in the process of being proven, at least in Canada, with our tyrannical Human Rights Tribunal, and Orwellian hate speech laws that actually force you to speak a certain way. You may find it interesting to note that we have a clause in our charter that says that our other rights can be arbitrarily ignored by the courts "when deemed necessary". In other words, our human are not only a baseless abstraction, but one that can be opted out of at any time, for reasons made up on the spot.

>> No.8862036

Left = trending towards egalitarianism

Right = anything other than the left

>> No.8862049

Huerta de Soto is interesting desu

>> No.8862199


>> No.8862240

Nicolas Gomez Davila
He wrote almost only aphorisms.


>> No.8862288


Because rightists are retarded and banal.

>> No.8862365


It means that when jurgen habermas calls you a fascist you're probably not on the left.

>Habermas, however, didn't care for Sloterdijk's use of Nazi-tainted words like Zuchtüng ("breeding") and Selektion ("selection"), his references to a "failure of humanism." Habermas saw a move to radical neoconservatism in Sloterdijk, the whiff of "fascism" and eugenics, "a hatred of democracy." Habermas's votaries in the German press tore into Sloterdijk, questioning whether he was of "sound mind."


>> No.8862367

Thanks for contributing your incredibly insightful views to this conversation.

>> No.8862410


Any time

>> No.8862469

How is far-left philosophy any different?

A sea of angry poor people/minorities

>> No.8862484

this exchange was very illuminating

you're fucking retarded

>> No.8862512
File: 27 KB, 400x400, bhr_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see this thread
>see anons arguing about human rights
>ctrl + f alain de benoist
let's fix that shall we



>> No.8862565
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>> No.8862579

>you're fucking retarded
hurrr durrrr hurrrrrr I'm a liberal

>> No.8862613
File: 14 KB, 293x264, alexjonescheers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT righties present rational arguments and lefties sperg out at people questioning their sacred beliefs

>> No.8862811

Honestly yes you can. Also pro ___ does not mean superior to ____

>> No.8862828

No! Apologize.

React against all the modern paradigms you hate without violating any sacred modern paradigms.

When I read your words I feel emotionally ill, that's an argument.

Explain to me quickly without being boring my brain is fried on porn and Netflix simulation and pot has killed my short term memory you have 30 seconds to present your case in a stimulating way that doesn't offend me.

>> No.8862846


this guy is very good at taking a long time to say nothing insightful or interesting lol

>> No.8862852


Habermas is not a leftist. He is an apologist for neoliberalism and globalism.

>> No.8862868

Wrecked that strawman bro

>> No.8863728

>our other rights can be arbitrarily ignored by the courts "when deemed necessary".

That doesn't sound like human rights to me.

>> No.8864611

There simply isn't much to write about.

With left wing philosophy, you have Marxists writing thousands of pages where they have to coin new terms and create large metaphysical systems to justify an idealogy that resulted in tens of millions of deaths when implemented. For right wing thinkers, it's simply, "here are the statistics, here are the scientific models explaining the statistics, here's the logical course of action."

It's called taking the red pill for a reason. Conservatism merely describes the reasonable position to take for someone who's seen the facts without being blinded by idealogy. That's why the big names in the movement are known more for their rhetorical skills than for any crazy ideas they come up with.

>> No.8864625

>i worship jordan peterson, stefan molyneux and various right-wing poet ideologue faggots

>> No.8864628

>far-right political philosophy so boring
>Nick Land and Mencius Moldbug
>angry white male

when did this board got infected?

>> No.8864675

Alain de Benoist and the Nouvelle Droite. Now go away

>> No.8864704


is de benoist really 'far-right' though? i know he can be pretty damn close to it, but he veers away from racism and rejected jm le pen


incredibly naive post, well done

>> No.8864722

>Without the human right to freedom from slavery I can capture you and lock you in my basement.
But you can do that even with an acknowledged human right, it happens all the time. And even in societies that do not acknowledge a blanket, universal human right to freedom from slavery, some or all of their citizens may be, in fact, free from slavery.

>So choose between the tyranny of the individual or the tyranny of human rights enforced by the state.
Or perhaps between those and the tyranny of judgment passed by experienced, community-acknowledged magistrates able to discern between cases without declaring any right necessary for all people at all times and all situations.

>> No.8864726

>now what are you going to do about it faggot
support rightists in elections s m h how ignorant of current events are you able to be while being on 4chan

>> No.8864729


Why are you saying this while you know it's not true? All leftist writers are highly educated.

>> No.8864732

How is a high level of education in any way incompatible with a sea of angry poor minorities?

>> No.8864749
File: 62 KB, 720x960, 38a1b3bc00fcbc4d008fed62e7d54550d30865b4bae68f570afe241548f90e49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I be progressive if I don't think I'm morally superior to men, whites, and sexually active people and don't think there's a straight white male plot to keep everyone down and kill all homos, blacks, arabs and Jews?

>> No.8865288

Hardt & Negri

>> No.8865321

So is every right-wing writer who is actually published

>> No.8865331
File: 78 KB, 398x608, 842EA1D7-84CC-443E-AC2D-F0084263E190-1679-000000D88D17E97D_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that contemporary, but Schmitt is probably the only bearable right wing political theorist