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8858514 No.8858514 [Reply] [Original]

I was wondering if anyone would be interest in this?

Just as an alternative to the War & Peace readthrough, or alongside if you are hardcore. I spoke to the W&P OP in a previous thread and he didn't seem to mind.

Can /lit/ hold two doorstopper readthroughs at once? I've chopped it into chapters and it would be about 50 pages a day.

Anyway let me know what you think. I'm going to be reading it myself anyway so I just thought I'd ask.

>> No.8858539

/r/books has a notorious hard on for this book so it may be worth trying there. Don't expect much from the conversation though

>> No.8858550

I'd rather just read it alone than do that.

>> No.8858570

>117 chapters
fucking Victorians

>> No.8858582

Is this a good book to deal with one's own revenge fantasies or will it just make them more potent?

>> No.8858628

Let's do it but start in January

>> No.8858642
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117 chapters

>> No.8858686

Each about 10 pages long

any other votes for a later starting date? I don't mind delaying my own reading if we can get a comfy group together.

>> No.8858788


Better start Anna Karenina.

>> No.8858828

I read it in 4 days. Great storytelling.

>> No.8858840


This is an extremely fast read - don't let the 117 chapters fool you. I won't be participating b/c I've read it, but yeah, any avid reader could blow through it in a few days - difficult to put down, at least from my experience.

>> No.8858847

Ah ok. Screw the whole thing. I'll just read it.

>> No.8859940

Yes, but I wouldn't guarantee it. There's a message for sure (won't spoil it) but there's no telling that you'll agree with it.

>> No.8860096

>written by a Frenchman

>> No.8860113

I will do it if start in January

>> No.8860132

I was going to pick it up after Christmas, so if the schedule begins then I'll be down for it

Already read W&P recently so I won't be participating in both at once or anything

>> No.8861839

Nevermind. Actually the schedule in OP is perfect for my winter break. Let's do it.

>> No.8861856

Ah, this book reads as fast as OP's mom drops her panties when she hears my voice.

>> No.8861898

I've been thinking about rereading it.

>> No.8862064
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I made an updated chart.
Made a compromise on the start date to just after Christmas. Based on the claims that it will be a quick read I have condensed the readthrough to about two weeks. If you read it quicker than the schedule it's fine as long as you keep your discussion to it.


>> No.8862110


I prefer the original one since I read multiple books at a time, that means I read less of each book per day. 8 chapters in a day might be too much for a lot of people to keep up with. This is definitely one of those books you want to take your time with and enjoy as well.

A minor issue I have with it is that in the original there's a more natural break in the narrative on December 28th and the 29th. I haven't looked it up to verify but I think chapter 26 is where the escape is done with and the narrative switches to Italy.

>> No.8862135

Why do these reading groups always start weeks before I was actually planning to read the book in question? Fuck.

>> No.8862172

I'm all for it
mostly because I'm reading it rn anyways

>> No.8862239
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I guess it is better to do a read where people are ahead than one where they are struggling to keep up.

Screw it lets just use this original chart then. With the updated 'feel free to read quicker' message. Gunna lock it in stone. People can just jump in whenever.

As long as there is a few of us we can probably have some nice threads. I'm excited. Been looking forward to reading this for a long time.

>> No.8862273

I'm in. I'll start before you do to try to fit the reading into my winter break.

>> No.8862815

Yeah I like the original chart better - fewer chapters means more time to think and talk about. I have time but I'm not a NEET you know.

Also with fewer chapters I can look into original French and maybe bring up something interesting. I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.8863481

Nice, I should be able to pick up a copy on Thursday and join in

>> No.8863533


I'll be looking forward to the threads OP.

>> No.8863560

I will be joining.

>> No.8863630

I'll join as well

>> No.8864091

im in OP

>> No.8864138

I'm in the W&P group. I might be joining, but that's a lot of sustained reading of just doorstops. Sorta want to be reading other things while I tackle a tome.

Is there anything to read to prepare for the readthrough? Maybe the introductions to some versions, assuming they don't have spoilers?

>> No.8864157

Here are the two versions. The OWC edition is revised by David Coward based on the anonymous translation.

Alexandre Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo [Transl Robin Buss] [PenguinClassic].epub

Alexandre Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo [Transl Robin Buss] [PenguinClassic].mobi

Alexandre Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo [Oxford World's Classics].mobi

>> No.8864166

you guys are in for a treat. i read this while incarcerated as a young man, and i must say, over the course of the two weeks it took me to read it, i was thoroughly transformed by it. it holds a very special place in my heart and i dearly hope you guys like it.

>> No.8864213

Nice, looks like there will be a few of us.
Top lad.
From what I know I can't think of a more appropriate place to read it.

>> No.8864218

Has any /lit/ reading group ever succeeded? If so, how did they do it?

I ask because someone in the W&P thread noted that previous attempts and Infinite Jest and Gravity's Rainbow both failed.

>> No.8864225

count me in, anon
it will be an interesting read i'm sure

>> No.8864238
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Won't be reading with you guys since I've read it twice, the second time within the past year, but if this is your first time with the book it'll be a blast. Hope you guys enjoy the hell out of it like I did.

>yfw one of the most based characters started with the Greeks
No spoilers or anything, just made me chuckle.

>> No.8864283

OP here. From advice in this thread I would think this is a much easier read than those two books.

I'll post the first thread Thursday at about 4pm GMT (+6hrs to US).

>> No.8864387

How good is the lesbianism?

>> No.8864389

thinking of switching?

>> No.8864409

What to read until then? Here is the Signet Classics edition introduction by Roger Celestin (2005).

It includes a biography of Dumas, a plot summary of "The Diamond and the Vengeance" which inspired The Count of Monte Cristo, and a bit of inspiration to get you reading.

I'm not sure how much the plot summary spoils of the book, so you might want to stop reading when you get to the part that mentions The Diamond and the Vengeance.


I will try to post some other introductions too.

>> No.8864433

Here is the unabridged audiobook read by John Lee (Blackstone Audiobooks, 2008). This reading is of the anonymous translation (e.g. the Oxford World's Classics edition), not the Penguin Classics Robin Buss translation.


I will probably read along to this.

>> No.8864439

Great stuff. I wanted to get the ball rolling but I might not be the best OP. I am fully committed and will make sure to keep up the threads, but if anyone else thinks they can do a better job just let me know. Someone who has read the book before might be better suited to running the discussion.

I've not read it but I've heard it just restored allusions to one character's lesbianism. No graphic scenes unfortunately. We can always use our imagination though.

>> No.8864454

No point doing another read through until the War and Peace one is finished. Most /lit/ read throughs don't even go all the way so having more than one is just asking for both to fail

>> No.8864490

Made a folder with the various ebooks and am uploading the John Lee audiobook too.


>> No.8864740

I don't think this one would affect the War and peace read through. It has already started. But yeah, we might fail due to lack of participation but oh well, we will see.

>> No.8865255

Count me in.

>> No.8865880

Heheh "count"

>> No.8865926

>lack of participation
I think that's the main argument against this. Most anons who are interested in reading old doorstoppers are currently in the W&P thread (I sure am).

Wait it out, then start this. I'll tag along.


>> No.8866445
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I just went to the library and they have only pic related edition. I know penguin translations are shit most of the time so what do you think about this one? Which edition is the best translation?

Also my library doesn't have French language edition. Please let me know if you find a good site for french version.

>> No.8866479

I just bought the Vintage edition, and have already read the first 10 chapters because my time is a bit short. So far, it is very simple and very good.

I'll try to participate in the next threads without giving spoilers.

If I recall correctly, this is a newer and more complete translation, so you're good to go. Mine has a few obsolete words, so it's probably the older one.

>> No.8866537

The Penguin Classics is the best translation, one by Robin Buss. It is a modern translation.

All the other translations out there are based on a really old anonymous one that is still well regarded, but most reviews I've seen prefer the Buss translation.

Both translations are available in the Mega.nz:
