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/lit/ - Literature

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8858186 No.8858186[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I realized to my horror that wasting too much time watching wrong youtube channels has magically made me sympathetic with white supremacists and racist nationalists in general. I feel like I was hypnotized by comfy and eloquent speakers that unconsciously managed to destroy my not giving a fuck about countries and ethnicities. How can I regain the hope, in spite of the rising of extremists from every side nowadays, of homo sapiens living all together and treating each other on the basis of their individual qualities?
What books will get me out of this?

>> No.8858196

Dude MDE isn't that serious.

>> No.8858198

The Good Book by A.C. Grayling

>> No.8858201

The Turner Diaries

>> No.8858202

>homo sapiens living all together and treating each other on the basis of their individual qualities?

wrong, read some Schmitt nigger and balance it out with Arendt

>> No.8858207


>> No.8858208
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the analects

>> No.8858216

If you were seduced to begin with, then there's not much hope for you.

Start posting frogs on /pol9k/

>> No.8858223 [DELETED] 

>dude why can't we just get along maaan?
Realize that humans are inherently tribal. Read some Freud and Nietzsche.

>> No.8858239

>Nietzsche supports tribalism
Fucking polfags man

>> No.8858241

You don't have to read anything, literally just being socially involved unwinds internet-indoctrination. Go to school, go to the bar, meet people

>> No.8858248
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Nietzsche would've browsed /pol/, retard. So would Schopenhauer to redpill people on women

>> No.8858262 [DELETED] 

>oh no I started believing things contrary to Master's programming! It's scary! Help me believe in the "right" things again! I can't deal with reality!
>lel mane u just gotta be normal because everyone I know thinks just like me! Yeah man lift, b urself, listen to trap, fuck bitches, shop at Urban Outfitters, browse Reddit, read Pitchfork, drink PBR, watch CNN, and be basic and bland just like me!

>> No.8858266

>Humans are inherently tribal
>read Nietzsche
pseuds cherry-picking Nietzsche is getting stale

>> No.8858272 [DELETED] 

>Nietzsche hated tribalism
>Nietzsche wanted everybody to live together in peace and shit
Why do libtards misinterpret Nietzsche so hard?

>> No.8858287

such a startlingly insightful examination of humanity, I'd like to hear more of your brilliant, and no doubt original, insights

>> No.8858296

The Open Conspiracy

>> No.8858297
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White conservative heterosexual men = good
Everyone else = inferior sub humans

>> No.8858303

well, maybe you're memeing, maybe you're serious. If you're memeing you are wasting your time pretending to be edgy, what makes you a stupid person. If you're serious then you're stupid AND edgy. So either way you're fucked, just get the fuck out of here and stop once and for all visiting this shithole for dumb cynical people.

>> No.8858308 [DELETED] 

XD epic satire my Redditor friend. XDDDD FUCK white men and alt right Nazis. I am not a cuck. Mind if I post your epic post on Reddit so that I can BTFO more virgins??? XD

>> No.8858314

>if it's not tribalism it's global harmony because my dumbass can't think outside of dualistic polarized extremes.
Maybe that works on /pol/ but here it's a good way to convince everyone you're an idiot not worth talking to

>> No.8858315

>kek m8, u have to be special, wasting your life with memes just so you can feel better about being trash in real life

>> No.8858318 [DELETED] 
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>this post
Am I on Reddit?

>> No.8858326 [DELETED] 

>basic normalfag pretends to be an intelligent free thinker
>>>/reddit/ is down the hall and to the left

>> No.8858328

this thread makes baby neetchee cry

>> No.8858330 [DELETED] 

>muh big bad /pol/ boogeyman
>Nietzsche hated tribalism so ur wrong! Nietzsche was acktually a feminist egalitarian liberal like me!

>> No.8858333

ezra pound loved them :^)

>> No.8858347

>all these libcuck redditors who don't think National Socialism is true

/pol/ isn't a bogeyman, it's the truth

>> No.8858350

>le red pilled thinks he's smarter just because he believes in edgy shit

No, you're on your smelly bedroom thinking you need to throw your piss bottles and change those sheets tainted with 1 year old sperm

>> No.8858358 [DELETED] 

>"enlightened" (read: conformist libshit) shits on others for having right wing views
>he has been thoroughly conditioned
>he blames the gaps in his logic and his obvious Reddit snarkiness on vigrins
>kill yourself! I hate raycists, why can't they just love everyone like me!
>please, MSM, make those meanies go away! They scare me!

>> No.8858361
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Ignore all the shit-posting.

The answer for you is 'To Rise Again at a Decent Hour' by Joshua Ferris.

Starts off cynical as you are, gets you to a good place.

>> No.8858364 [DELETED] 


>> No.8858394

>his views on politics and philosophy derive from memes, illiterates and cucks

>> No.8858405

You are literally supporting the argument against you that that anon just made.
Daily reminder that this board, all boards, and the world that we live in would be better places if all frogposters were hanged in public executions.

>> No.8858411

it clearly went over your head.

>> No.8858419 [DELETED] 

>his views on politics and philosophy come from school and CNN
What a progressive viewpoint! I agree, people who disagree with me are moral inferior and should be hanged. I mean, why bother considering other belief systems and not repeating the same tired maxims? Why do I have to defend my views? Why should I even bother integrating into 4chan culture?
Nice argument

>> No.8858432

Christianity. It's literally built to succeed where cultural boundaries fail us. If you join a local progressive church, then you will start to see where this light is taking life in our communities. If you have a hard time finding a progressive church in your local area, then do some research for progressive Christian communities online.

Start reading Relevant.

Whatever actions you take, anon, know that you are already on the right path. You have noticed the illness taking place in your life, and you want to actively get out of it.

Know that nationalism cannot and will not succeed. It has always been ultimately futile in every stage of human civilization.

>> No.8858440 [DELETED] 

>progressive church
I want normies to leave

>> No.8858445

Clinging to a guttering torch is never the answer.

Cast it aside and learn to see clearly in the dark.

>> No.8858447

>nationalism cannot and will not succeed
except that most political entities in the world are nation-states?

>It has always been ultimately futile in every stage of human civilization.
holy shit this is stupid

>> No.8858449

My views on fr*gposters stem not from political views or this thread at all but from your insatiable need to destroy every board you find. This is a personal hatred of mine, not a debate about ethics or philosophy. You lower the quality of 4chan and the world. You are human shitposts.

>> No.8858452 [DELETED] 

Your post reeks of newfaggotry. I'm going to kindly ask you to go to a site more your speed. Like Reddit or Facebook.

>> No.8858456
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>tfw the only joy I have in life is engaging in /pol/ and /r9k/ circlejerks about how superior I am to women and nonwhites

It's pretty satisfying, why would you want to change?

>> No.8858462 [DELETED] 
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Reminder that only plebbitors use this term

>> No.8858472

Turning on your brethren so soon? Typical whites, so easy to control.

>> No.8858817
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When do people realize that pol and r9k are quite opposite things allthough they have similiar understanding when it comes to women.

Other is sour about it and other is not(accepts facts as facts, nothing else), so even that is not similiar.

>> No.8858837

If you want to bait people into making racist remarks, go to /pol/.

This board is for people who have, statistically, read at least one book

>> No.8858905

anything by Celine

>> No.8858970
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So which one isn't sour and looks at the world objectively through facts? I'd love to hear you explain that

>> No.8858974


>> No.8858986

Same user base.

Saw a thread on /r9k/ about which other boards they frequented.

+200 replies, 90% mentioned /pol/.

2 /lit/ replies

>> No.8859109

Take what is valid from that little community (ie: racial realism, getting rid of universalist spooks) but learn to separate yourself from the pure retardation (95% of it is retardation).
Also, understand that intelligence/personality is partially genetic but also partially environmental, around 50/50. So the racist/supremacist element is purely retarded.

On reading recommendations, I suppose you should read Hannah Arendt.
Or read Spengler and learn that race, as posited by internet nazis, is the most retarded concept possible.

But then again I always recommend Spengler so...

>> No.8859153

When I found myself agreeing too much with /pol/ I ventured to /leftypol/. When the same thing happened but vice versa I reversed it by going back to /pol/. Keep doing this until you despise both sides and become an Enlightened Centrist.

>> No.8859168

>this how uncritical people think


>> No.8859172

It's 80/20

>> No.8859175


>> No.8859459

What a good refutation. Deus vult race war now

>> No.8859473

Just recognize that our beliefs are almost entirely the product of brainwashing. 'Critical thinking' in any honest fashion leads to paralyzing confusions and pseudo-psychotic detachments from reality, which won't in any case stop you from generally just brainwashing yourself with whatever you're reading or whatever you come up with.

The answer is to find the most socially advantageous set of beliefs and brainwash yourself with them so that your perspectives on the world don't cause you any trouble.

Even if you know you're doing this it will still work. Just repeat and repeat until it sinks in and you'll find you're incapable of viewing things outside of that framework.

>> No.8859483
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See these books I am holding? Yeah that's right you are to stupid to ever understand ANY of them.

Now get off my board.

>> No.8859504

>frogposter calls someone reddit
you're obviously not native to /lit/ so why are you here?

>> No.8859616

try the stirner de-spooking clinic

>> No.8859617

I've done exactly the same thing as you OP, except I'm not white. It's really done a number on me.

Strange things are happening in Europe. Best tell the truth always, but europeans shouldn't pull back too hard.

We need a new kind of liberalism.

>> No.8859762

stop aligning your life with politics/media.

>> No.8859767

this is actually good advice

>> No.8859780

Daily reminder saying people should be publicly hung makes you an idealouge retard

>> No.8859798

Not that guy btw

>> No.8859824

I'm drunk and don't care

>> No.8860375

Oh hey I watched this today. When she said she was gonna make a film was I the only one expecting a porno?
Also the villain's final plan seemed retarded

>> No.8860604

Spoiler: You can't. You cannot unsee. Welcome to your new world.

>> No.8860608

Spengler was still basically a white supremacist.

>> No.8860611

Read Man and Technics. He still believed in European superiorty, he just wasn't an autistic Nordicist/aryanist.

>> No.8860618


I recommend The Lightning and the Sun, by Savitri Devi.

>> No.8860629

The exact same thing happened to me a few years ago. I doubt an individual book would help you but what helped me was just trying to read shit posted by anti-racists and in anti-racist online communities. It is easy on the interent to get into habits of just exposing yourself to a single perspective and no matter how niche it is it becomes the norm becomes you see it so commonly. By exposing yourself to different ideologies it breaks the spell. good luck

>> No.8860634

>The Lightning and the Sun
The reviews on amazon say it was heavily condensed/edited -- is there a place I could get the unedited version?

>> No.8860640





>> No.8860646


>> No.8860661

You are doing it wrong.

Enlightmentcuck, you are doing it wrong.

>except that most political entities in the world are nation-states?
As of now. And the pretty much best or at least less bad political entity isn't a nation-state. It's a federation.

Nation-states is what makes EU suck.

>> No.8860664

>I regain the hope, in spite of the rising of extremists from every side nowadays, of homo sapiens living all together and treating each other on the basis of their individual qualities?


maybe you think that way, but most people don't. most people are tribal, and are going going to act in the interest of their group, in which case, they win and you lose.

>> No.8860674

Aka the cuckold institute

>> No.8860734

read "This Time, The World"

>> No.8860736

what if there aren't any candles?

how am i supposed to see and light the candle in the darkness, hmmmm smartass??

>> No.8860764


It's 14/88, actually.

>> No.8860766

"Treating each other on the basis of their individual qualities"

Like skin colour?

>> No.8860971
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Watch this guy and cheer up

>> No.8860978

>how do I spit up the red pill?

You can't.

Even if you do, you're already 'ruined' to the left.

>> No.8861506
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really made me think

>> No.8861558

Read Heidegger's 13 page "What is metaphysics" and then "on the essence of truth", realize that the statistics and stories those YouTube channels show you are incomplete snapshots of those people's lives designed to piss you off in order to farm clicks from you, realize that there are underlying factors which unite the extremists and things which set certain subsets of the extremists apart as more reasonable, read Nietzsche's "On the genealogy of morals", go "oh shit people who assert things autonomously tend to be less fuck up-y than people who either lap up what master moralists give them or lazily take positions opposite them", realize that we're doomed on all sides because alt right shills and SJWs think exactly the same (everyone is their race/sex/religion) and the media only exacerbates the imaginary divide, decide to end i

>> No.8861694
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How did this term turn from the original Matrix meaning of seeing through the illusions of reality/authority to the complete opposite, a delusional infantile racist women-hater frogposting retard?

>> No.8861749

You just need to be minimally aware that this era of unprecedented prosperity and safety was granted to you by bringing people together, from the world over.

Race, as posited by racial realists, is retarded as well

>> No.8861756

you sound like youve swallowed the blue pill

>> No.8861986

>How can I regain the hope, in spite of the rising of extremists from every side nowadays, of homo sapiens living all together and treating each other on the basis of their individual qualities?

Watch mainstream TV/news, read NY times best sellers...

>> No.8862007

>Also the villain's final plan seemed retarded
Seriously. How the fuck are you gonna kill every Jew anyway? They have kids too.

>> No.8862044

>You just need to be minimally aware that this era of unprecedented prosperity and safety was granted to you by bringing people together, from the world over.
The safest communities tend to be those that are populated exclusively by Europeans or Asians.
Just about every community with Africans has problems with violence and crime.

Economic cooperation and friendly relationships between nations do not imply free movement of people.

>> No.8862057

And what point are you trying to make here?

>> No.8862201

God I fucking hate retards

>Make baseless claim
>Someone makes basless refutation

Kill yourself immediately

>> No.8862224

It's not something you'll understand until you take the pill. Your brainwashing did not take place with the intention of you waking up.

Don't you ever wonder why you've been trained to be so hostile to certain ideas?

>> No.8862315

I wasn't trained to oppose these stupid views, I grew up surrounded by brain-dead idiots who possessed them, and they're the same as those who hold them while hiding behind pseudo-intellectualism and high words. I realized they were shit by being able to think critically.

>> No.8862324

source? I don't disbelieve you I just would like to read his opinion on them

>> No.8863175

but who clicke pos??????

>> No.8863235


>> No.8863279 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8863303

pluralistic heresy.

>> No.8863317


Become less of a fucking retard

>> No.8863319
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OP you need to join the Catholic Church.

The first, last, and best defense against the forces of darkness. They'll fill your soul with light and you'll learn that this fascist shit is the Devil's work.

>> No.8863324

This is true, but depending on how far gone you are, things may never be quite the same. As a teenager (after a breakup) I started going on /r9k/ along with the redpill subreddit. Didn't really take it seriously but you internalize that shit. Ended up thinking I had just pulled back the veil while watching an MDE sketch on DXM. As in I was experiencing reality objectively. Let me tell you it was a mortifying experience that I'm still recovering from years later. Difficult to not force observations into an alienated young white male NEET's schema even though I know it's irrational. This is a mental health issue.

>> No.8863345

opiate for the masses

>> No.8863360

>basic human connections are an opiate for the masses
if you're like most >redpilled 4chan users, talking to affable >normies is more than enough to correct the level of indoctrination /pol/ infographics and Stefan Molyneux can go you to. the tragedy or paradox here is that to even be >redpilled in the first place, you have to be incapable of connecting normally with other human beings

>> No.8863438
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only correct answer

>> No.8863508



Spread those asscheeks wide for enrichment.

>> No.8863821
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You progressives can keep denying reality as things fall apart around you all you want but that doesn't change the fact of it. When one follows your deluded ideology one ends up with unhappy women, an atomized society, a dead culture and racial masochism. For some reason you have not approached your promised utopia but instead made things worse and you need to ask yourself why.

>> No.8863844

This thread is such a mess. I can't tell who is memeing who anymore.

>> No.8863858
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>> No.8864935

But the EU nation states are a waay better place to live than the disgusting US

>> No.8864940

ay yo give me a book that say fuck having borders and laws and shiet

>> No.8864947



>> No.8865348


>goes outside to one of the many ghettos in the USA to make a connection with Daquan by getting sucker punched and robbed for being a white bitch

>Well done, my fellow human. I much had that one coming due to excessive privilege I've enjoyed. But need I remind you that I do enjoy hiphop now and again, so I do know the struggle!

>> No.8865921

Ezra pound also loved hitler :^)

>> No.8865929

What you need is nuance.
The new right wing movement isn't monolithic, neither are the left, Islam, Christiannity, marxism, Judaism or any other kind of ideology. You can agree with some Nationalist, just keep in mind that not everything is black or white, especially in politics.

>> No.8865939

you should probably try leaving your house outside of a greentext at some point
I've been living in pretty shitty areas up until about 3 years ago and you'll find decent people anywhere so long as you aren't a self-absorbed prick and are actually capable of human interaction

>> No.8865958

>star of david on the cover

>> No.8866208


yeah sure, some blacks are alright people, and even some of them are as smart as the average white person (only about 16%), but that doesn't mean i want to live around them for obvious reasons. not to mention me being far smarter than the average white person makes it quite hard to relate to blacks when such a small number of them could ever be considered on my plane of intelligence. you can pet a dog, but can you discuss at length the unique prose of james joyce? hmmph, didn't think so.

but yea since u had a chat with a black at a bar or something who you probably unconsciously went out of your way to revere for being able to even speak english in a way you can understand, this means that "RACE REALISTS" (people who acknowledge the race and IQ gap?? people who don't base their world view from things they learned in disney movies??) are just shut in NEETs who couldn't possibly fathom how enlightening it was to talk to a black guy one time and totally just chill like normal humans... like we're all in this together, man. black, white, yellow, it doesn't matter... just think of all the things we could do if we could UNITE as one man and the middle class pay 80% of their income to bolster up blacks to barely be acceptable in society by giving them everything for free, then we could do great things

>> No.8866228

Better to know truth and feel misery rather than believe lies and feel bliss or something along those lines

>> No.8866275


This, this, this.

Just getting away from the internet and dealing with people who are different than you face to face is a big step in deprogramming.

Besides that, as far as actual lit recs go
>Memoirs of an Anti-Semite, von Rezzori, fiction
>Humanity: A Moral History, Glover, non-fiction

to get started. These two books aren't the most pleasant reads, and they won't turn you into a 'love your neighbor' hippie overnight, but they should get you thinking about your fellow humans in a different light.

>> No.8866301

the amount of cringe i had reading this post is unreal

>> No.8866305

>spends his time watching videos on youtube and making shit threads on 4chan

fuck off, you literal fag

>> No.8866310

You nibbled on his hook, sonny-boy. Now you're caught, prepare to be reeled in and mounted as a prize on his wall

>> No.8866314


>the fail cringe is strong with this one... my butthole puckered from the cringe of this post!

if u wanna post that a better place to do it might be youtube or reddit where contentless template responses from meme-brained dipshits are fully welcome

>> No.8866318


>> No.8866424

>How can I regain the hope, in spite of the rising of extremists from every side nowadays, of homo sapiens living all together and treating each other on the basis of their individual qualities?

You don't, as clinging on to your teenage Utopian idealism will make you increasingly bitter and jaded as you get older and are continually disappointed. Try to understand and acknowledge the world as it stands, both the good and the bad. Revel in the good, and distance yourself from the bad. Try to live a virtuous life, and do what you can to improve it, but never make the Merkel mistake of forgetting that the world is full of opportunistic, predatory, ignorant savages and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.8866549

If only you had arguments to back that up. The opposite is true, this era of "coming together" was created as a result of previous economic prosperity, not because of it. Was the Industrial Revolution a result of the then highly diverse European population? The fact of the matter is, if you look at history, every single thing you take for granted today has been achieved mostly by Europeans, with little to no help from minorities. If racial diversity is the cause for this unprecedented prosperity, why are African and South American countries wallowing in filth, corruption and abject poverty? All this in spite of ages of European colonial rule. As far as the lovey dovey no race bullshit. One only needs to look at sub-saharan IQ levels, which are dwarfed by the IQ levels of gorillas. Six year old African children can't pass the mirror test, while whites pass at 2 or something, even birds, elephants and primates can pass.

>> No.8866689


>haha u think "black" is a race? lmao, seriously?? *shoots a disgusted smug look before he lays down a truth bomb and SLAMS you* i'll have you know genetic diversity of africa is so rich it results in a +-10 IQ point difference across the entire continent, with the highest being 75 (like almost two fucking standard deviations below whites). uhhh, can you say checkmate racists? this is r to the rachael maddow signing off after owning another racist

>> No.8866779

The easiest thing to do is just think about when in your real life you encounter the supposed horrors /pol/ talks about.

I'm guessing never, they exist only in people's minds and on the internet.

>> No.8866800

A lot of people in Berlin just experienced those horrors

>> No.8866810


I thought this wasn't a political discussion board?
Oh no wait, when you're a leftist, anything goes on this shit board.

>> No.8866821

You mean 12.

>> No.8866839

Because none of those 12 people had friends or families, none of the people who were there were traumatized, and the community as a whole isn't affected or anything.

>> No.8866841


troll or actual leftist?? only G-d knows

>> No.8866858

You're a fucking retard

The alt-right ideology is self contradictory, from what I am getting as their accepted representatives such as Richard Spencer

He claims that America has been so caught up on "democracy" "liberty" and "rule of law" that they forwent what it meant to be "American", when in reality the American dream and settler culture's success was DUE to the Western institutions surrounding it, not the "whiteness", and Spencer and his retarded Evola-masturbating friends want to abolish all these institutions and make the West like the rest