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File: 15 KB, 537x360, Albert_Camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8857243 No.8857243 [Reply] [Original]

I usually feel like I grow out of Philosophy ideologies after a time and move on up to better ones. I look down on the philosophy works I don't agree with anymore.

But have agreed with Albert Camus ideas for two years now. So my question is is there anything beyond Absurd-ism etc.

>> No.8857255


>> No.8857278


can this meme please die already

>> No.8857299

>i am still a teenager

>> No.8857309


>> No.8857381


>> No.8857393
File: 126 KB, 1224x636, 13781390433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Camus is not-even-a-philospher tier

At least read Sartre for your shit-tier special snowflake sophism.

>> No.8857401

this isnt a very dialectical approach

>> No.8857714

People say Camus is morbid, but I think it's beautiful!
:P snowflake sad angsty teen

>> No.8857809

I mean, read the people who wrote about Camus. You'll probably realize that you don't know as much about Camus as you thought you did or they at least disagree with your interpretation with good reason.

I have been in situations where I'm content in a philosopher and their Philosophies, but it is an almost unphilosophical state to be in. And you just need to find another philosopher you like and study their works. Or just write some stuff of your own, and you'll find philosophical problems that interest you again.

>> No.8857822

>But have agreed with Albert Camus ideas for two years now
>Have I finished the philosophy journey
Is this thread a joke?

>> No.8857843

Camus wouldn't have been taken half as seriously if he wasn't handsome as fuck.

I mean what did he really bring to the table that Nietzsche didn't?

>> No.8857847

this, read Hegel.

>> No.8857859

nothing much but you have to realize camus loathed the brand of "philosopher" and he never referred to himself as such. He was a writer, a great writer that could translate abstracter thoughts into easy to read and gripping prose and stories. Therein lies his merit. Sartre wasn't much of a thinker either tbqh, and a much worse writer.

>> No.8857878



>> No.8857978

He brought nothing new forward and did everything wrong. He anthropomorphizes something to blame existence on so you can live on in spite of it instead of just feeling spite towards existence itself and trying to end it, he renounces leaps of faiths as cowardly when we're all pretty much nihilists anyways if you're at the point he's at, his basis for all actions being arbitrary is literally "lol impermanence the stars don't care about you", and his ideology is completely contrary to living in the way that's necessary in modern society (working a monotonous job). Existentialism was all downhill after Kierkegaard.

>> No.8857997

>existentialism was all downhill after Kierkegaard
couldn't agree more

>> No.8858008

And that's why Sartre is usually found only in entry level courses and is rarely ever quoted.

Silly Sartre.

>> No.8858038 [DELETED] 
File: 271 KB, 1077x717, camus max stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly can't see any philosophy worth a damn beyond Max Stirner's Egoism and Camus' Absurdism.

>> No.8858046
File: 271 KB, 1077x717, camus max stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly can't see any philosophy worth a damn beyond Max Stirner's Egoism