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File: 18 KB, 245x139, sartre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8855317 No.8855317 [Reply] [Original]

more like shortre amirite

>> No.8855328

That was above average back then

>> No.8855347
File: 47 KB, 645x968, 1480774142206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he went on to fuck and seduce dozens of young women some of still teenagers and had threesomes with them and his wife
what the fuck

>> No.8855364

no it wasn't

>> No.8855425

yet camus slayed 100x more
yes his status as a great writer saved him
only a man who has neither intelligence nor looks is truly fucked

>> No.8855438
File: 82 KB, 843x843, 1479602168686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only a man who has neither intelligence nor looks is truly fucked

>> No.8855466

>pre-eminent philosopher of his day shopping for clothes in the kid's section
ah, it is l'appel du vide, non, monsieur?

>> No.8855469

looks doesn't matter

it only matters to dumb girls who arent worth your time

smart sexy girls like simone de beauvoir doesnt care about looks

>> No.8855482

Did you just call me dumb because I have standards?

>> No.8855495

This is not true. Even the cute girls that are into reading have some taste.

>> No.8855526

>this is what manlets truly believe

>> No.8855529


It was his wife's doing mostly. Anyone surprised? Bitch was one of the mothers of second modern feminism.

>> No.8855534

It was, the average height might have climbed to 5'5" today but back then it was significantly smaller

>> No.8855538

Are you including billions of China-men in the average? What's the point of that if we're not in China?
>manlet thinking

>> No.8855540

>simone de beauvoir
>simone de beauvoir

>> No.8855546


Most intelligent women are either ugly or have this boring 1960's/70's nostalgia style that makes me hurl.
I wish I was a dumb as fuck normalfaggot who wasn't into reading. But sadly enough this is the crowd of people I'm with.

>> No.8855550

I'm going by the real observable average, not the grossly exaggerated "studies"

>> No.8855552

>lazy eye
>has statutory raped more girls than I will ever even hold hands with

>> No.8855567

not if youre a guy

if youre a girl and you like guys cuz of their looks then you are dumb and those arent standards.......its just the opposite, a lack of standards

>> No.8855591

he got cucked left and right

she took him under her armpit cuz of the "WOW! Shes dating that monster?" and the status

she cucked him with Camus, behind his back

>> No.8855592

Camus was also a manlet though

>> No.8855601

How are intelligent women into periods known for unabashed hedonism? Are you talking about the natural hippie dippie tie die look? Or the conservative High pants thing. Honestly I'm a fan of simpler looks without flashy colors and an emphasis on shoes and hats so it doesn't bother me either way.

>> No.8855603 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.02 MB, 3495x2480, 1482024870304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur funny anon. and by funny I mean stupid

>> No.8855656

Just because you are an ugly gentleman who got a lot of knowledge and the girls doesn't like you back is not because they lack standard. Same with girls. Deal with it

>> No.8855698


No I'm talking about the girls who dress in big tasteless flower skirts.
The ones who post a lot of pre-colour TV screenshorts on their blogs.

>> No.8855733
File: 68 KB, 1134x737, 1470606871357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw know nothing about women and their various subcultures

>> No.8855739

sir you are hideously retarded

>> No.8855749

holy molly fuck aboly

honestly, I couldn't take serious any philosopher that is 5'0, he inevitably would have insane emotional problems and insecurities that would get in the way of objectivity

>> No.8855775

enjoy your increased chance of cancer lankets :)

>> No.8855784

5'6 is average for a frenchman

>> No.8856504

Don't forget he was ugly and cross eyed. And yet he got laid more than anyone itt and his literary legacy too will outlast them. Really galvanizes one 's cognition.

>> No.8856675


>> No.8856769

Nothing he said was wrong, intelligence is the supreme quality of a man after virtue

>> No.8856814

"shortre" would be pronounced "shot"

>> No.8856824

No it isn't

>> No.8857079
File: 30 KB, 576x206, Imanuel Kant is a manlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like Im-a-Manlet Kant.

>> No.8857082
File: 68 KB, 700x700, 1480265429392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8857094

pls be in australia

>> No.8857223


>> No.8857229

at least compared to sartre she was both

>> No.8857248
File: 79 KB, 630x630, 76270_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand why women reject me, I'm so virtuous!

>> No.8857276

if you're a woman, would you have had sex with nietzsche if you met him

i'm just asking because it seems like it's a thing among leftist women

>> No.8857394

You're all looking at this backwards. Their heights suggest that, despite tall men being slightly smarter on average, the men of extreme genius are short (much like how women are on average smarter than men, while men dominate the extremes). We shouldn't think less of these philosophers because they're short. Rather, we should abandon our prejudices about short men, realizing they're a superior race. This becomes especially evident when you consider the fact that the world is becoming worse as men are becoming taller. I'm 6'4, but I'm convinced I'd be happier at 5'4. Not only would my size be at odds with the prevailing ideal of masculine beauty, rendering my mere presence a symbol of my rejection of contemporary values, but I'd probably be more intelligent, and I'd almost certainly live a longer, healthier life, like the small men of Okinawa. Let's have the courage to face the fact that largeness is barbaric; smallness is civilized.

>> No.8857402

So I need to be ugly to be fully smart?

>> No.8857465

No, but you most likely need to be short. Once we learn to associate smallness with genius and good health, we'll recognize that it's more beautiful. Humans didn't get this far by dint of brute strength. Even the strongest of people are weak compared to some of the other animals. It's our intelligence that has given us the edge over the rest of the animal kingdom.

Aside from Kant, Mozart, Einstein, Goethe, Voltaire, Napoleon, Beethoven, Schubert, Nietzsche, Proust, Faulkner, Aristotle, Newton, and many many others were short. Face it: the 'manlets' are superior. Why does 4chan blindly accept mainstream standards of beauty while rejecting nearly every other popular ideal, recognizing the absurdity of them? Get with it, guys.

>> No.8857477
File: 67 KB, 642x301, the shy man looks down and he sees sartre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, I thought that's edited. How did he manage to grab so many pussy?

>> No.8857479

if any correlation were to be made, the shortness of extreme geniuses would likely be not a cause, but an effect of their brains sapping nutrients from the rest of the organism at an inhumanely high rate, in turn stunting their bodies' physical growth

in other words, if you really wanted to be a manlet, maybe you should've used that brain for something every once in a while

of course, citation is still pending that there is any inverse correlation between manletcy and brainletcy, seeing as I'm tall, and yet I'm pretty smart

>> No.8857532

>Their heights suggest that, despite tall men being slightly smarter on average, the men of extreme genius are short (much like how women are on average smarter than men, while men dominate the extremes).
no it suggests that short men are more likely to overcompensate/ don't have anything better to do
>nietzsche was 5' 8"
more like ubermenschlet lmao

>> No.8857540


Genius ain't a choice, pal. They're genetically superior, have nothing to compensate for, and couldn't if they tried. Genius can't be manufactured.

>> No.8857546

kafka was pretty tall for his time and pretty handsome as well. and yet his probably the most miserable writer in history. looks theory debunked

>> No.8857547

>They're genetically superior, have nothing to compensate for, and couldn't if they tried.
they're far less likely to get laid

>> No.8857552
File: 154 KB, 476x737, 2016-12-18 10.37.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about girls though?

>> No.8857571

you think a base thing like getting laid matters to a man of true genius who can endlessly revel in his own mind? only unaware plebs are slave to their biological programming.

>> No.8857581

>you think a base thing like getting laid matters to a man of true genius who can endlessly revel in his own mind?

>> No.8857589

then you've never met them senpai. I study math and most PHD students in pure math, who are legit very smart and often geniuses, couldn't give a single shit about getting laid. It's always the engineering plebs that are complaining

>> No.8857592

>I study math and most PHD students in pure math, who are legit very smart and often geniuses, couldn't give a single shit about getting laid.
the only genius of the 20th century was hitler
the only geniuses of the 19th century were napoleon, goethe and nietzsche

i doubt your STEMlords can hold a candle to them

>> No.8857602

I've met maths lads and they are pretty cool, doesn't worry about looks and are well charismatic

>> No.8857720

Not him but this post has to be an post-ironic attempt to amass as much cringe into one post as possible. If you believe what you've said I think it's best you remove yourself from the gene pool asap my friend.

>> No.8857732

milton friedmanlet BTFO

>> No.8857740

what's cringe about it

hitler and napoleon were the primary geniuses of their respective centuries

>> No.8857754

>he hasn't embraced based Sartre yet

Lol @ ur life

>> No.8857755 [DELETED] 


Simone was a top tier degenerate

Only a French whore could go for a cross eyed midget philosopher

>> No.8857777
File: 6 KB, 250x231, Eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Tfw 5'7"

>> No.8857786
File: 69 KB, 699x485, Hehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Tfw quads of 7

>> No.8857825

>we should abandon our prejudices about short men, realizing they're a superior race
>abandon prejudices
>superior race

You are a fucking idiot, but not because of your height.

First off, your claim that short men are smarter is entirely without proof. You post no links or anything. There were plenty of smart men who were short, and there were plenty of smart men who were tall.

Second, even if short men are smarter, this may not be inherent to their height, it could very well have something to do with how they're treated. I imagine shorter men not being as athletic, outgoing, or getting laid as often as taller men (these are also conjectures but at least I'm admitting it). Therefore, they might turn in greater numbers to more intellectual pursuits. The greater number of smart, short men may simply be due to the greater number of short men becoming interested in these fields.

>> No.8857827

>tells someone to kill themself then runs off like a little bitch

>> No.8857868


fucking manlet

>> No.8857955

That's true, women have bad animal values, they need to read more Aristotle

>> No.8857962

>Most intelligent women are either ugly or have this boring 1960's/70's nostalgia style that makes me hurl

I unironically love this aesthetic, didn't realize how universal it was until now. At least they let you know who they are at first glance, takes out the guess work

>> No.8858061
File: 3.79 MB, 495x335, laughing dr who.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8858067


>> No.8858122
File: 24 KB, 965x261, short.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8858410
File: 102 KB, 940x658, 1481755646284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ARE dumb as fuck. You just act like an elitist because you've been lurking on an Akkadian goat herding consortium for long enough to acquire their tastes.

>> No.8858479

i lik u

>> No.8859969

short people work harder because if they don't, they will never get laid. this raises the quality of their work, if only to be a means to an end.

t. manlet