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/lit/ - Literature

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8854577 No.8854577 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished reading Moby Dick. AMA.

>> No.8854580

why the long face?

>> No.8854583

Is there a better whale in fiction?

>> No.8854598

Why the noose? You sad because you're wasting your meaningless existence reading about whales?

>> No.8854611

Moby Dick... is a myth!

>> No.8854612

length and circumference?

>> No.8854615

Did he kill the whale in the end? I never found out.

>> No.8854648
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Because it was a brilliant story, and knowing that I finished reading it has saddened me. Also, the ending being, comfy as it was, was rather melancholy.

No, there isn't one. Moby Dick is the preeminent whale in all of literature. Though, this is not to say that it is the greatest whale story in all of history, in real life or fictitiously.

You sad because you're wasting your meaningless existence reading about whales?

Sounds like you're compensating for something, friend. Did a whale fuck your girl or something?

Pic related.

Well, they discern that its length is something absurd and dwarfs even the next largest sperm whale. It was an absolute behemoth, capable of destroying even the most formidable of whaling ships.

No, Moby Dick lives on. I think it's because the White Whale symbolizes God himself, which Man is inferior to, of course. Perhaps Melville intended Ahab's battle with Moby Dick to symbolize Man's battle with God or religion.

>> No.8854715

>reading about whales

What do YOU read about, faggot? Whales are /lit/ AF.

>> No.8854735

>posts picture of pepe with noose gets his panties in a twist when called on it.
Calm it senpai
Haven't read the dick I read whatever takes my fancy no point in relegating myself to reading some arbitrary thingamabob

>> No.8854814


What was your favorite part? Mine was The Fossil Whale.

>> No.8854888
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>What was your favorite part?

Definitely "The Town-Ho's Story", friend.

>> No.8854899

How did you get past the parts where melville copy and pastes sections from a dry nautical reference manual

>> No.8854942
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For one thing, I'm not a child who lacks the self discipline to read things that bore him.

>> No.8854951

is there a more /lit/ animal than whales?

I would imagine the most /lit/ animals are mostly flying or swimming creatures. Because they inhabit spaces that are foreign enough from us to be used as easy metaphors and sites of 'supernatural or inhuman' possibility.

>> No.8854958

I love the part with the nursing she-whales. The Grand Armada. DH Lawrence must have based Whales Weep Not on it. I won't accept that he didnt.

>> No.8854963

That's a singular chapter. This meme needs to die.

>> No.8855000

if by better you mean fatter, theres lena dunham

>> No.8855308

Would you also nail the ship's flag whilst sinking to your doom? I know I would

>> No.8855510

It depends. Hopefully I wouldn't be trapped in one of the quarters below deck. If I had a handgun, I'd probably blow my brains out so that I wouldn't have to die drowning, desu.

>> No.8856408

Does your first name start with an "N"?

>> No.8856421
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Nein, freund.

>> No.8856704

>suicidal guy who goes on the trip because fuck it is the only one spared by the whale

The most fucked up shit I ever read.