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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 70 KB, 500x335, ira-glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
885263 No.885263 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or do all intellectuals wear these glasses? I want to get some to look intellectual

inb4 pseudo-intellectual, hipster or troll, I'm completely serious.

>> No.885266

Not in my country

>> No.885269

Which country would that be?

>> No.885273

urban outfitters sell then with clear lenses , youngsters wear then as do the hip pop stars !!!!
you will not look clever op , just like everyone else

grow a huuuuuuuuuge beard and wear a turtle neck instead ; )

>> No.885281

Only wear glasses if you have a prescription. Nothing angers me more than people who wear clear lensed glasses. I have Astigmatism and wear glasses in a similar style to these because I don't like little thin framed glasses and like the big chunky style. It pisses me off when people ask if my glasses are real. I hate that people thing I'm wearing fake glasses. By wearing fake glasses, you're giving us real glasses wearers a bad name!

>> No.885287


>grow a huuuuuuuuuge beard and wear a turtle neck instead

I'm basically already doing these things, do I win?

>> No.885289

If you want to truly look intellectual, you'll also need:

White shirts
A collection of bland-looking ties
Thinning hair
A pocket protector
A beard (optional)

Sorry, but just wearing glasses doesn't cut it any more thanks to lolhipsters.

>> No.885297

What's the point? The only people who'll think you're an intellectual, purely because you wear glasses, are dumb asses. Dumb asses aren't hard to impress (I don't see why you'd want to anyway), so just drop some big words and they'll be swooning.

>> No.885299

I genuinely do wear glasses. I hate people who do that as well.

>> No.885303

>A beard


>> No.885306

No, hipsters who are fucking retarded wear those glasses. Seriously, when I see people wearing glasses like that I automatically assume that the wearer has slightly less than average intelligence.

I do think that many people who read books have poor eye sight, but most people get contact lenses now, so you can't really judge people based on whether they're wearing glasses or not. One of my friends told me that she thinks of people who seriously wear and need to wear glasses as poor, because they can't afford contacts.

>> No.885313

the kind that hold your trousers up over your bulging gut.

>> No.885314

i have -0.5 on one eye. till wear glasses. fuck yyeah, i look smart.

>> No.885332


I wear glasses. Fucking hate them. I have shortsightedness from reading too many books. Since I was like six I had to sit right up in front of the TV.

I want to get contacts. But I'm a lazy pothead so I keep forgetting to make an appointment.

>> No.885337

I don't think braces make you look intellectual past the age of 12

>> No.885340

I sport a wheelchair, for that Stephen Hawking-chic intellectual look. I even shit my pants and all. Get me mad pussy.

Also, the government pays me disability. Shits the cashest of cash, bro.

>> No.885341

True, having braces after like 14 maximum makes you look stupid for not sorting out your teeth earlier.

>> No.885343

Those glasses are the free pair they give you if you are on on medicare or something. My dad had a pair. But I like the thick frame glasses just because I can fall asleep on the couch and they won't fall off If I started tossing and turning.

>> No.885346

see >>885313

>> No.885347
File: 44 KB, 480x624, SuspendersA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe he's talking about suspenders (pic related). Really, if you're in your 20s, they just make you look like a hipster.

>> No.885351

those are suspenders

>> No.885353

Why do you care if your glasses fall off while you're asleep? Can't you see your dreams?

>> No.885354

Also known as braces.

>> No.885355

You're on /lit/. You of all people should be aware that England and America use different terms for certain things.

>> No.885356

I lol'd

>> No.885360


Incidentally, my vision is messed up in my dreams. Blurry, out of focus and shit.

>> No.885380

OP, you will look more like a hipster than an intellectual with those. Get glasses that aren't so stylish and people will assume you are more the bookish type.

>> No.885425

Stay away from plastic frames.

>> No.885440

I like squarish glasses. It's just a personal preference.

>> No.885462

Why would you ever wear glasses if you didn't need them?

I prefer glasses over contacts myself, but I've worn glasses since I was 4 and have too many ingrained habits to stop now.

We should have a post your glasses thread to see how fashionable /lit/ is.

>> No.885492

Not all, but a good number of avid readers are bound to after focusing on text for hours on end. Don't be a tool by getting glasses without any actual need for them, though.

In any case, even if somehow my astigmatism and subsequent vision deterioration were to correct itself and give me perfect vision, I'd still wear my glasses (without the prescription of course), mostly because I'm attached to them and I feel strangely off without them. I wouldn't get any of those thick-framed hipster glasses, however. I'd probably get round-framed ones.