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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 70 KB, 450x699, the_road1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
885224 No.885224 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/, I've just finished 100 years of solitude and now I have a choice between reading The Road, or Confederacy of Dunces. Which should I read first? (pic related)

>> No.885226

I would read The Road first, then Confederacy of Dunces to combat the soul-crushing depression

>> No.885231

Is the road really that sad? :X

>> No.885233

not at all

>> No.885234

The Road is by far the better book, though maybe have something more lighthearted like Watership Down or All Quiet on the Western Front ready to cheer you up when you finish.

>> No.885235

The Road to get it over with. It's not that great.

Not really. If you've spent any amount of time on /b/, you'll be immune to its subject matter.

>> No.885236


Only if you still have human emotions

>> No.885260

The Road just makes you feel hopeless. I enjoyed it.

>> No.885268

I found Watership Down more depressing than The Road... :S

>> No.885275
File: 34 KB, 500x389, 1258214535224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Road to get it over with

>> No.885316

id read the road first. not for any real reason. maybe because its shorter.

>> No.885428

I finished reading The Road yesterday. Reading that book was a pretty big bummer, but I enjoyed it because it was well written.

Still, it's a downer for sure. But different people have different thresholds for being emotionally affected by these kinds of things.

>> No.885494

Did you enjoy 100 years of solitude? I have it sitting on my bookshelf staring longingly at me

>> No.885504


I spent forever reading that one. I guess it depends on your patience, but I'd say it's worth it and the whole overarching thing is kind of moving. You might need to keep notes.

>> No.885507

Whether or not you'll be convinced by its quality, The Road is a good read. Start it in the morning and you'll smoke through it in a day. It definitely should be read all in one sitting, too. So if you've got a day to kill, go for that.

>> No.885534

You people are pussies. I only cried twice during The Road. Read The Road, it's short.

>> No.885542

Started this thread like 3 hours ago and it's still up :D

Lol you're not real OP, I am!

Umm, I did enjoy it but it was quite hard to follow at times. I kept waiting for something big to happen but it never really does, there's just lots of little events. Well... I dunno. Maybe the little events are actually big events but they're just not emphasised. A lot of stuff happens, that's for sure, but I think that because ursula is never really affected by what happens and just goes about her daily life it feels like the actions have no consequence. Either way, I do recommend it but it might take you a while to get through.